With and In The Names of Ahezaah, The Holy El Amen, The Giver of Mercy and Warnings, The Provider of Time, The Eternal Punisher, The Christ, The Producer of Hell, The Lender of Life, The Bringer of Conclusion in Judgment, We Recite.
Blog # 91
Monday, April 16, 2012
O people of the world at large, you might believe that Ahezaah is not Aware of the tyranny in the world all over, especially that of the tyranny that lives in some of your hearts and minds, but you are truly incorrect to think or believe that The Watcher, Seer, Hearer, and Knower of all things is not Absolute in Its’ Awareness and Knowledge of every single affair from the greatest down to the minutest details of all mankind.
Everything about you, your worlds, and all other beings in the universes is Known by El Who is Seated in The Most Holy Sign, Symbolizing Its’ Holy Supreme Being, which is The Lord Seated Upon The Heavenly Throne of Mastery Over all worlds This Day, in Its’ Name of Ahezaah.
It Is Truly El, The Holy Hidden One That is The Absolute Doer of all things That Is Hidden In The Sign of The Holy Ahezaah, Doing all in Its’ Control from within the Unseen Forces of Life; and It Is Always The Essential Being for everything, with It Being The Necessary One in Giving Action to Its’ Powers (Angels), for anything and everything to exist and be done.
El-Aah, In Its’ Name of Ahezaah This Day, is Ever Still The Perfect Guide, Wise in all things, Merciful in Its’ Doings, and Compassionate to mankind. However, El-Aah is Still The One of Vengeance, The Judge of Life, The Crushing Christ Who has Come down in Its’ Judgment to Reward the world of mankind with their just due rewards, and The Christ of El Ahezaah’s Light Who Has Come down in Its’ Powers Unseen to Be Unified in Body with Its’ Chosen Servant, Lord Holy-Apostle-Deen, who was born under the name of Samuel, Sam’u-El; meaning, The Strength of El. Regarding his names, he is still Samuel; however, It was Ahezaah Allaah Who Commanded the change of his name for the public to fit the title of his rank and duty among mankind, and to take him out of presenting himself under the Caucasian European-American slave owner’s name of Wilson, with the change indicating the fact that he is one of the Freed men (Freed minds) of El’s servants who is subjected to El In Divine Service.
It is important not only for the Afrimerican People of these United States of America, but for all people of the world, to understand the significance of the Prophecy concerning the two Divine Prophets and The Lord El Coming to this nation as The Hidden Power of The Christ in This Day. It is important for you all to know and identify the true enemies of both, The Righteous El-Aah and the generations of mankind; important for you all to realize that they are the same enemies that have stood and acted at the front and center of things in ruining the mental, spiritual, and physical worlds of all mankind, and that they are stationed at the point ahead of those who are to be Destroyed by The Crushing Christ of El-Aah in this life and the next. It is important for you to understand that they have purposely misled the world at large including their own kind regarding the Divine Prophecy for This Day, and they have been Leant Power by El for their illusions of being in control of themselves and you of the weaker people in their worlds as a trial for you and them. In most of you alls’ failure, you have submitted to a belief of them being the most fearsome of all beings in life, becoming of those who submit themselves to their mastery in chicanery and those turning away from The Lord Most High and Its’ Divine Commandments.
It is important for you to understand and relate to the apocalyptic prophecy concerning The Last Day as prophesied through a number of El’s Prophets of yore, and to relate This Last Day, which is upon you, to the last Holy Books of the Bible’s Testaments that are held by the Christians and others, the Divine Book of Malachi, and the Divine Book of Revelation.
It is in those two Books of Divine Connection that This Day, This Time of The Divine Coming, these people of The Ahad (The One) of Islaam (Is-Laam/The All-Knowing) among the Chosen Ones for This Day, and all others are related, and it is of the Knowledge pertaining to those two Books that the Prophet Muhaamid referred to in the Holy Qur’aan regarding The Great and Dreadful Day of The Lord, calling it “The Last Day” and relating believers as believing in what was to come with Allaah in the events of it. It is important for you all to believe, understand, and realize that Muhaamid believed in The Divine Book of Revelation as Given in Visions to John the Divine in the Patmos Caves of Greece after the Revelations were Given by Command of El to Jesus for all their people.
In The Book of Malachi, We Said that We would send Elijah before the Great and Dreadful Day (This Day) of The Lord. We Said elsewhere that We would resurrect a Chosen One that would be “like Jesus”. In The Book of Revelation, We Said that he would be “The Lion of Judah”, the Judaized Hebrew people, Samuel the son of Elkanah and Hannah who was raised in the Temple at Shiloh by the Priest Eli.
We never said that We would resurrect “The Lamb” (Jesus) of those people for This Day. That erroneous statement concerning Jesus “The Lamb” overshadowing what We Said in Truth about Samuel “The Lion, and him being The One that would be Seated in The Strength of El”, as stated in the Book of Revelation, was twisted into a lie by the enemies of mankind between the times of Prophet Jesus and Prophet Muhaamid who came as a Sign of Allaah’s Mercy Seven Hundred Years after Jesus. The tyrannizing religious and the political leaders of old from the Middle East and Europe were the culprits that twisted The Words of The Truth about Jesus and have misled the masses of people down the winding roads of wickedness ever since; generations of them from way back then were bearers of the evil seeds of Satan, the same as they are the bearers of evil now. They descend the evil-doers; still twisting The Words of Truth, still standing firm in enmity against The Holy El and The Holy Messengers of El, and still determined to be accepted as the powers of gods in this life, in their stations of power under ignorance and arrogance.
This Day of The Lion is not a Day of The Lamb; and This Day of The Lion included Elijah, the Divine Forerunner of This Messenger Prophet of El who was Divinely Commissioned to do what he did as a Messenger of El in The Name of Allaah for the most beleaguered Afrimerican People who were the most lost people in these United States of America before his coming with Us of The Unseen El-Aah-Hu-Aum (Elohim).
Verily, We are not concerned for any of you regarding the lies that has been applied to The Words of El’s Prophecies that were Made through Its’ Prophets of Old; words of falsehood that great numbers of mankind accept in defiance of El, and We are not concerned as to whether or not you believe that Elijah Muhaamid was or was not of Us. Our true concerns are about The Here and The Now with This Messenger Prophet of Ahezaah, and about what it is that We as Warrior Angels are doing and are to do against the disbelieving rejecters of The Holy Ahezaah’s Spirits of Faith, Truth, Trust, and Belief. Our Duty is to Protect This Messenger and to Fulfill what was Written and Spoken before This Day by The Holy Pens and Voices of El, and what is now being Written and Spoken by This Holy Pen and Divine Instrument that Sounds The Voice of El, in The Name of Ahezaah.
Most of you all, among the world masses, have allowed the beasts among the men and djinn of power, leading each of your people, to take away from you and your weaker needy people The Words of Truth that came in The Divine Books of Holiness with The Balance of El. Most of you have allowed your own selves and kind, with determination, to disbelieve Us in preference to you believing them in their wickedness; and they have slyly led you to not believe in them as being of the djinn and the beast among them, and furthest of all, to disbelieve in the existence of the devil Satan and its cohorts among the demons of fallen angels. While they have refused to set any of you free of them and their control of you, they have led great numbers of you among the spiritually blind, deaf, dumb, and ignorant into believing that you have a power of being that is independent of El; leading you to believe that they and Jesus can protect you against Us, as they go about their sly and slinking ways of trying to annihilate Our Lord’s Divine Messengers, the same as they would try to do to Jesus if he was present, and they practice deceiving you into a belief that you can be whatever you want to be aside from what The Holy Ahezaah El Aah Hu Amen Demands of you, as long as they approve things for you.
For the masses’ belief of the powerful men and djinn having True Power, many of the great multitudes of the past have unexpectedly ended in Hell, after their final day of Judgment, the same as where a great number in masses today will, surprisingly, find their ending rewards that will be Given to them out of The Hands of El Ahezaah; And The Holy El Ahezaah Says, on those days of your time in Judgment, It will Mention this Prophet to you all by his Honored Names, questioning you about your responses to him, and while you are consumed with the shock of those moments, each of you will be witness bearers against your own selves, testifying clearly in your own words of truth.
Lord Holy-Apostle-Deen MMR Saleem, MPA
Lord Holy-Apostle-Deen MMR Saleem, MPA
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