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Purifying Yourself in Your Temple of Worship

In The Names of Ahezaah, The Holy Allaah El Amen, The Provider of Mercy, The Holy Warner and Keeper of Promise, The Provider of Respite, The Eternal Punisher, The Christ, The Master of Hell, The Judge, The Bringer of Conclusion in Judgment, and The Owner of this life and the next, We Recite.

Blog # 95
Sunday, April 22, 2012

In The Names of Ahezaah El-Amen El-Aah-Hu, The Beneficent, The Merciful, The Holy Lord of The Throne of The All of All Power Representing The Almighty El, The Originator of All in All things, and The Originator of The Lord of The Almighty Throne, purify yourselves in your temples of worship continuously, and remember Ahezaah El Amen much; Its’ Greatness is Holy Beyond Measure, and Its’ Being Is Incomparable and Beyond All that is known of a thing being supreme. 

Verily, Ahezaah is The One That Guides aright and The One That Leads astray, and It is The One of All in All Knowledge of Everything within everything of the worlds of creation, Being The One Real Thing That Is in Absolute Control of everything. 

Many religious members among mankind dress themselves up in religious garb and proclaim themselves to be of particular religions based upon their looks and ways of relating information about what It Is that they worship. Many among mankind enter their societal temples of worship in the communities of the world and proclaim true worship because they say words that sound relative to what the Holy Prophets of Ahezaah El-Aah-Hu-Aum expressed in The Words of The Most Holy El-Aah’s Guidance for them throughout the ages of time for humanity on Earth about worshipping It. Many among those same individuals of the world’s religions are unaware of themselves and others of their kind being lost from The True Directives of Ahezaah while being dressed for show in their religious garments and while being in the acts of performing the arts of their prayers in their temples. This is as such for a great number of them because they do not relate to the fact that the religious dress wear of the Prophets that were the Holy Messengers of El who were their examples of how to exist in worship of El was the dress wear of their Holy Divined insight of minds and hearts, and their manifested characteristics that were shown to the people of the world as their acts of life were their prayers of living in praise and worship of El in living forms of their actual lives.  They were Bonded to El in worship and praise of It by what they considered as normal for themselves in the actual routines of their daily involvements; living by their words of honor, to which they were Bonded to The Holy El. Their Holy Divine Temples that were Raised in Righteousness for worshipping El was in those same organs of their hearts and minds that they not only dressed up, but they as well purified them for The Presence of The Unseen Reality of their being to exist within them, in Its’ Appreciation of them.

Since the beginning in the times of the ancients among the children of Adam (Darkness), the families of humanity coming forth from the darkness (Adam) of not knowing into The Light (a Relationship with The Lord) of understanding to pave the pathways for all humanity to come after them, way before the times of Akhenaton when Egypt stood in The Light of Truth and Real Greatness from The Holy El Amen, We Advised the Divinely Favored communities of mankind, rightly guiding them by The Power and Commands of El-Aah-Hu in Its’ Righteous and Perfect Guidance. 

We Instructed the best of mankind to worship El-Aah-Hu Amen in All Its’ Holy Names, inside and outside of the temples of their own beings, which We Made them understand that the temple lies in their own minds. 

We Commanded them to purify the temples of their minds and to ever busy themselves in the occupation of preparing a seat in their hearts for The Most Holy Lord of The Throne, wherein It would Visit the best of them in True Faith. 

We advised them to be true custodians in purifying their temples and the pathways inside of themselves leading to their hearts, and to keep their hearts most clean for The Lord Alone; and for this, The Lord would Reward them from The Riches of Its’ Wisdom and other Favors in this world of The Good of Itself.

The Holy El Promised to Guide them Rightly, through Us, for doing good in regard to their temples of worship, and It Promised to Protect them from the confusions that they would come to encounter by the trials of them coming together as groups in the temples of the world that they would make of wood, stone, glass and the various kinds of metals, with The Lord Knowing Beforehand that they would hold those things of the physical world temples together as precious possessions, which they would give life to by their own imaginations and raise them as forms to be worshipped.

We Advised them that The Holy El-Aah-Hu-Aum, The Eternal Breath, Essence, and Ubiquitous Reality was The Thing Alone to Be Worshipped and It was not to be primarily sought out in those buildings. 

We Made it known that those places of worship were meant to be symbolic to the True Temples of Worship, being meant to be places for their social gatherings where righteous conversations pertaining only to the people’s remembrance of The Originator and All-Powerful Being of their lives were to be had for The Good (El’s Spirit of Righteousness) of all the worlds of Earth Eden. 
We Made it clear that the True Temples in those places would be the temples established in the minds of the True Believers of El who would visit those places in The Spirit of Faith in favor of helping others to accurately remember The Most Holy and Almighty Merciful El. 

By the Permission of The Holy All-Powerful and All-Knowing Lord Wise (El, The Holy Ahura-Mazda), Who is Alone One and The Same El-Aah Allaah Amen Raa All-Knowing and Eternally Guiding Mind of all things, and as a Divine Sign concerning The Divine Promises for This Day of the Apocalypse, this world of Earth Eden has fallen into the hands of the demon beasts of the old Lucifer (Light Bearer) who became Set in Evil (Satan) and Given Respite by The Lord of The Mighty Throne until the devils ultimate end was decided.

The Lord’s Allowances for the devil and the devil’s troops of demons living in the presence of mankind, hiding and conniving continuously in their attempts at undoing The Holy El-Aah’s Divine Favor for all mankind does not, in the least, take away aught from The Holy El-Aah’s True Control of them and all other things. El is The Great Conductor of Tests for all mankind and The Great Creator That Creates on both, the positive and the negative sides of life, such as The Most Holy Lord of The Throne, and the vilest subject of life (Satan) that is seated upon the lowest seat of All in Life. 

El, The Holy Creator and Manager of Life, Keeps Balance with The All of Itself in All things that It Creates with Its’ Desires for them to be of things maintained in Its’ Balance of Life or crooked with evil. Even this upturning of the worlds of mankind today, where the evil of Satan seems to be conquering and destroying The Good of El-Ahezaah is an overall test for humanity. For in Truth, all things of this world are created of El’s Illusions including the power of the devil. 
Most all of the houses (temples) of worship throughout the world, east, west, north, and south of Earth Eden,  have been turned upside down and inside out in the perverted spirits of the devil’s advocates. They have become centers for the unholy that feign faith and for conducting social networking that is misleading by them not truly leading people to a true remembrance of The All-Knowing Holy El. Inside of those houses of worship, you might here preaching and lower world teachings that are filled with The Names of The Holy Amen; however, in most of those cases today, the preaching and teachings are filled with pompous pride. 

It has become an accepted fad in ill fashioning that the leaders of those many houses of worship have gone global through mediums like the internet and are being touted for their greatness in their performances of delivering their words and understandings about religions that were meant to be geared alone towards the remembrance of El.

It is evident that The Holy El has become the second, the third, or fourth in the line of praise and worship to the Prophets whose names that many ministers of their religions and their congregations call; to the ministers themselves among the civil apostles; and to the things of worldliness they proclaim to have received as Blessings from The Holy because of their services performed in their houses of worship. They have been turned, by the devil servants, into perfectionists of wickedness dressed in slyness and ignorance at the highest levels leading their congregations by desires in the darkness of their auras towards the attainment of worldliness over the attainment of the True and Unadulterated Unity With The Most Holy Christ in The Heavenly Light of Truth Leading to a Settlement With The Righteous El-Aah wherein they can be reborn of The Holy Mind of The Righteous El. Additionally, they have perfected splitting up The Holy Words of El, further splitting up the community of mankind from them being whole of one body and mind of people descending Adam, splitting up the truth about The Holy Reality of El-Aah, Allaah, Hu, Amen, Raa, Aten, Brahma, Ahura-Mazda, Ya-Hu-wa-Ha (Jehovah / YHWH) Being The All of El That Is One and The Same El That Manifests Its’ Powers of Supreme Being in Units of Its’ Eternally Infinite Mind, splitting up the Holy Books of Life sent down from Heaven from The Lord of The Throne as a Sign of The Holy Lord’s Mercy, splitting up in denominations of their houses of worship and their schools of thoughts while proclaiming to be the same of one thing, splitting up their aims of religion, segregating their religious orders under racism, turning their religious orders into powers for nationalistic patriotism, devising ways and means for their schemes of destroying others in the names of their religions for the men and djinn of power, compromising with non-religious men of power in order to gain positions of power for their individual selves, forming secret groups of elite people that hide from the general public to affect their national values by the power of religion through evil schemes they plot against others, using the religion’s outposts (Temples of Worship) against each other as headquarters for their war maneuverings, and etceteras.

The list of today’s religionists’ wickedness goes on and on; nevertheless, many of the unaware good hearted people that vie, support, and assemble with them under their leaders are most often spiritually blind, deaf, and dumb, believing otherwise about themselves. They have commonly made such a simple thing that they were called to by Us of El’s Angelic Messengers and Its’ Human Messengers, which is the remembrance of El in All Its’ Grace, Mercy, and Glory, to a most incomprehensive and complicated path of their own crookedness, which is them making their remembrance of every other thing come before their remembrance of The Holy El. 

You, of those who believe and strive to be maintained in The Faith of El’s Power by Spirit, should not trust their dark magic! 

You should not trust their ways of breaking down and splitting up, such as cutting and pasting, El’s Holy Words of Truth that comes from The Higher Heights of Heaven out of The Holy El’s One Eternal Book of Infinite Wisdom that is Housed under the Greatest Protection of the Holy Seat of The Holy Throne of Ahezaah. 

You should not trust their ignorance and unawareness of El being A Thing That Is Hidden as The Lord and Master of All worlds Unseen, even for Its’ Angels when It is Seated as The Supreme Being of The Throne from Where It Masters Within Its’ Sign of being The One Holy Supreme Being of The Holy Throne of Dominion, with them believing that Ahezaah Amen Raa Allaah Hu Is fixed Upon Its’ Throne like Satan is fixed in Hell, Seeing through Its’ Angels, when Ahezaah El Allaah is The Only Thing That Is Free of everything including Its’ Supreme Being of The Throne, Its’ Angels, and being set or fixed without having movement from Its’ Eternal Almighty Throne. It Is Ubiquitous and Beyond All Comprehension in Its’ Own Reality. 

You should not trust their refusal to believe that Ahezaah El-Aah Allaah is Amen, The Holy One Ubiquitous Thing in Being All Reality at all places in all times at every moment of being for all things Giving Life, Death, and All that is needed of Breath, Essence, and Mind from Its’ Self that goes into Balancing Life in all things. 

You should not trust their broken and redesigned speech as they jump from one part of a Leaf from the Books of The Divine to another, to fill up their intended sermons. No matter how fancy, beautiful, or powerful they sound calling the Various Names of The Holy Multifarious Being of The Lord, trust them not! 

Whether or not they are aware, most of them are the leading servants of Satan on Earth among human beings; and by their own tongues, for what they say in their misuse of The Lord’s Names in leading the multitudes of humanity further and further astray from The Holy El, they are the greatest law breakers in the worlds of mankind; the greatest breakers of Divine Laws and Orders, which We Witness being Sent down to Earth from The Hand of The Almighty Lord of The Holy Throne of Dominion. 

Believers, purify your temple of minds and keep your hearts cleansed for Ahezaah, because it is Mandated by The Holy El Ahezaah that It Is inside of you, where you can alone find what is to be discovered about It, By It, in your True Worship, True Faith, and True Belief of It, coming as a Divine Gift to you From The Lord Most High; and make not your worldly temples be your first and most essential house of worship in your belief, but make them be an extension of your True understanding about the Houses of Worship that are built, maintained, and protected inside of you, keeping them cleansed as best as you can, with purification in your attempts from heart and mind, in honor of The Holy Ahezaah El-Aah, so that your Soul with El will be pleased and at Peace with you in The Balance of Ahezaah.  

Lord Holy-Apostle-Deen MMR Saleem, MPA
Lord Holy-Apostle-Deen MMR Saleem, MPA


  1. Great post however I was wondering if you could write a litte more on this topic? I'd be very grateful if you could elaborate a little bit further. Cheers!

  2. Dear Anonymous which part of the "Purifying Yourself in Your Temple of Worship" blog would you like to be further expounded on. Let me know and Lord Willing it can further be elaborated on. Looking forward to your response.


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