In The Names of Ahezaah, The Holy Allaah El Amen, The Provider of Mercy, The Holy Warner and Keeper of Promise, The Provider of Respite, The Eternal Punisher, The Christ, The Master of Hell, The Judge, The Bringer of Conclusion in Judgment, and The Owner of this life and the next, We Recite.
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Blog # 94
If you are one of the multitudes of people that prefer staying close to the surface in your thinking when it comes to you analyzing your life situations, then you are one of those common thinking people that usually ignore, for your disbelief, or simply forget to project a mental picture in making an analysis in your heart and mind for the situations to come of your life with Us in the life hereafter. In general, regular thinkers do not connect the causes and effects of what they do in this life to any results they might find in the next life of the hereafter, although it is given at the basis of life for mankind that each individual will achieve a Final Grade (Judgment) at The Throne of El Ahezaah at The End (In The Presence of The Lord of The Throne) of this test of Life.
You should really consider the fact that this world is not a place that needs you for its existence in the least, and everything you receive as life in this world is a thing of Mercy and Generosity born of The Lord’s Love or Hatred; and as The Lord Says in Its’ Holy Qur’aan through Its’ Prophet Muhaamid, there may be a thing that you love which is no good for you, and a thing of which you hate that is right and best for you. In thinking deeper than the common surfaces of your levels of realization, you might learn to understand and value what is Given in The Power of El Ahezaah’s Positive and Negative Giving, and you might learn to appreciate and thank El for all things of Its’ Wise Giving for Life.
For you, from the highest to the lowest levels of knowledge, this world is purely a learning ground; it is a school of education for you to study The Holy El-Aah in all Its’ Multifarious Beings of Illusions that you may come to realize, and the place to be Graded for the next level of life that you may receive by The Lord’s Resurrection of you in soul and mind. This world of Earth and the Universes are All together (Units of El-Aah) being a grand test for you where you are tried by The Good of The Originator, and the evil of the created worlds; and because this world is created of evil, for it not being Perfect of The Holy, your tests in it begins for you immediately at the time of you being conceived in the womb of your mothers as embryos wherein you are tested by how you are nurtured by the deliverer of you with the food of thought for your mental being, and the food of Earth for your physical being, in which you will be a mind housed in the flesh of mankind that is built upon the waters and clays of this Earth.
To most people, being common is believed to be the best way to go in life; believing that being accepted by others among the majority is the best way to find and hold on to peace and a smooth way through life, however, overlooking or forgetting the intrinsic knowledge that is sensed at The Inmost Being of your individual selves, which connects an essential line of life from yours and All of creations’ Originator of Life; it is a connection coming down in Mercy and Generosity for you from your Soul, wherein lies The Lord’s Secrets and Its’ Commandments concerning you as an individual, to your Id, the inmost of your being wherein lies The Secrets of your Lord and Its’ Commandments that reflects what is Established in your Soul from The Top of Life Wrapped in The Mystery of El concerning your primordial being through which you are ever accompanied, mastered, and governed through the principles (set laws) of your instinctive nature.
On the surface, it might very well seem true that it is best for you to stay with the norm when it comes to your lives; however, when you look deeper and add up that common denominator as a philosophy of life, it adds up to nothing more than you being on an average level of thinking, like others, concerning the standards of life that merely groups one individual with a greater number of others. It says nothing about the values of any of you being right or wrong individually or collectively in the equations of your mathematics, which involves you adding yourselves up in The Equations of The Judge of Life Who Makes Demands for all of you to be of Its’ Chosen Ways of Righteousness that It Chooses for you each of you as individuals and communities of mankind.
This common thinking, of being like everyone else, is merely about you being accepted and possibly being allowed to have a smoother transition in negotiating your ways through your environment and the circles of other situations of people. Somewhere down the timeline of your lives you need to elevate your thinking and ask yourselves, before it becomes too late for you to achieve the True Success in this world, how do you come back to The Real Thing of Life That Manifests in the Realm of True Realization that you knew as The Reality of the minds of all mankind; That, of The Truth, which you knew in spirits before you were born into this physical world of Earth Eden.
For those of you that relate to life in the ways of the common thinking people; practicing a life of placing your trust and belief in the worldly characteristics of most others among the commoners’ ways of being, you should stop, look and listen to the reflections of life that bears witness to The Holy Hidden Originating Master That Powers Life. You should sincerely take a deeper look at your own selves and the history of mankind on Earth, and sincerely investigate why there have been many nations of manifold people that have routinely been destroyed by Us of El’s Angels in The Commands of The Creator, The Destroyer, and The Judge of Life, for taking up the acts of being common as a religion among the masses of surface thinking people.
Although being common might be comfortable and easier for you to live by as a code of your life, being common does not mean being best, true, or right. Being common is merely being one that is relative in mind to the great number of the majority; and, it is the great number of the majority today that We are Destroying in Fulfillment of The Divine Prophecy of the Apocalypse. You should not trust placing the most essential judgments of your lives in the hands of other’s authority, like what the commoners of both the civil and uncivil societies have done historically; because those whom you appoint to think for you among the masses in general, commonly do surface investigations about you and your life and the life of your communities by what they see as important for the collective societies, and those of you who leave yourselves to be guided by the powerful men and djinn that lead the society, they are the ones that give you guidance in general by what they make up of their own rules and regulations as civil laws for you to follow so that they can take and keep control of you. They are the ones that live a most calamitous life in hypocrisy that is often hidden from the general population of the people; lives wherein they become disconnected from their Soul’s Conscience and thus lose True Favor from The Holy El-Aah, and thereby they become cold-hearted and callus, with them being empty of Divine Grace and having no empathy from within them for the people they rule over. For this, they have no fear or disturbance about how they create wars for their societies and send great numbers of their citizens, of whom they have no real connections with, to die or be maimed in many of their senseless wars of which they themselves stay far away from. For being a common thinker, you might apply goodness and greatness to your thoughts about them and their actions, for not seeing deeper into the truth of them, and not realizing their deception of you and the immense number of human beings they deceive to do things in sacrificing them for their causes; like their practice of sending off enormous numbers of people, whom they know not, to die or be maimed for the duration of their lives, for a common sense of misguided pride and patriotism. As leaders over multitudes of common surface thinkers, it is easy for one of mankind to have a grudge for one other person or a group of others, and for that one individual’s cause, he or she might bring into an effect, hundreds of thousands or tens of millions of violent and unnecessary deaths to the worlds of mankind among others and their own.
The powerful men and djinn of the demon beasts, those that rule you and your worlds as leaders, and those of others that operate in powerful positions where they are affective enough in their influential power to affect your worlds both positively and negatively, they are aware and have studied the fact that the common thinking people, which are most people in the world societies, are basically surface thinkers and can easily be moved like cattle; therefore, they supply the general population with thoughts to think and behaviors to follow, and they employ lower levels of government officials to ensure that the people making up the general population rigorously follow the strict courses that they have plotted for them to live by. Their worst fears are in having any number of Free Thinkers (people that are Truly Submitted in Service to El) living among the common thinkers (people truly submitted in service to them and associate beings other than El). While a Free and Higher, or Deeper Thinking individual might be one that is a true caller for The Peace of The Holy El Ahezaah to be served and lived by the people, for the demon beasts that hide in the minds of the powerful men and djinn, those calls are considered calls and causes for war; therefore, by looking deeper into the general happenings of life than the surface, you should easily see why and how certain people of power can find rage and a means for bringing threats and signs of death into this world for The Holy Servants of El-Aah and others of mankind that put forth sincere efforts to live in True Peace and True Harmony with The Holy El Ahezaah and all others of mankind.
Lord Holy-Apostle-Deen MMR Saleem, MPA
Lord Holy-Apostle-Deen MMR Saleem, MPA
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