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Magnifying Your Reflection of the Unseen Reality

In The Names of Ahezaah, The Holy El Amen, The All of The Eternal Mind, The Master Guide of All things, The Merciful Aah of The All in All’s Beneficent Reality in Its’ Essence of Hu, The Provider of Love in Its’ Love for humanity, The Independent Existent Being of Everywhere, We Recite.

Thursday, April 12, 2012
Blog # 87

Ahezaah El, The Eternal Breath and The Eternal Essence of Mind Which Breaths Its’ Essences of Mind as Essential Beings of Its’ Life Giving Properties, Breathing into The All of Itself in The All of the Infinitely and multifarious Life forms that It Creates of things, is The Perfect and The One All-Knowing Eternal Mind of Infinite Mentalities which are born of El’s Imaginative Being; things of the created forms, Formed by Its’ One All (everything inclusive of creation) Perfect Being as The All of The (El’s) worlds.  

The Eternal (El) is an Infinite Mind That is Never Absent of anything, Being The All-Knowing One of every created thing in Being as The True Life Hidden within all things Itself; Being The True Life Living through all things as Its’ Reflections which It Holds as Opposites of Its’ Real Being, which is shown in and as All’s other things or everything else. 

Although, El is The Most Confusing Thing of Life for mankind, because of the ways that It Covers up the realizations (The Absolute Real Views) of Its’ created minds in All Its’ creatures of minds by the illusions of Its’ Infinitely Illusive Being of Which It Shows in meticulous phases or shown in mathematical stages of development for the minds of mankind, It is The Real Thing of Everything with nothing else to be Real like It nor justifiably to be compared to It. 

El is The One (The Own) or The Only (The One-ly… with -ly being the recurring acts of It Creating reflections of Itself), and The Owner (The One-er… with -er being something that performs or undergoes a particular action, such as endlessly creating), Being The One Owner of Itself and The One Owner Owning everything else which is reflected of The All of Itself in Its’ Creations. I repeat; El Is The One and Only Owner of Itself and all of creation.

It is known that El, The Eternal One, shows signs of Life through manifesting most often in Its’ forms of threes, whereas this trait of Its’ Act of creating in threes is suggested in Its’ Name of The Eternal One; Et-Tern-Al. Et (the first part of Eternal): meaning essential tremor; an essential tremor, or the essential act of shaking/vibrating things of Life in Giving them Life from Itself. Everything in creation is Vibrated or Shaken by the Powers of The Creator; 

Tern (the center or foremost part of Eternal): meaning; a group of three, such as 1. The Creator (The Father/ being The First) of Creation, 2. The Created Things of the creation (the Natural or Nature giving birth to and through Mother /Son/Children/Things of creation/ with them being the obvious of The Foremost of what is known in coming to be), and 3. The Holy Unseen Mediums (the Holy Ghost/Angels/Powers) that are manifested between The Creator and All of The other things of The Reflected in creation by The Powers of El; 

Al, the last part of Eternal: taken from the ancients descending the Egyptians of Africa, and The Semitic People among the Arabs and the Hebrews, the brethren children descending the Prophet Abraham, initially mothered by Abraham’s wives, the Egyptian Hagar who was first his slave, and the Hebrew Sarah, his first wife; Al meaning The and El (The, of The Defining Real Thing of Life) expressed in those languages that were handed down in history through the Holy Scriptural and the general languages of those people. 

With El Being The Infinite, Eternal, Endless, Immeasurable, Inestimable, Timeless, Unchanging, Ever-Enduring, Fathomless Being of Mind That Is Knowing and Being in All Its’ Acts upon Life from The Least, going into The Invisible, to The Greatest, going out to The Boundless, it is best for you to use the tools of your mind under obedience to El and Its’ Messengers to magnify It from The Points of Its’ Lesser (Minutest) Reflections than it is for you to go outside the limits of your rationality (of mind) into The Endless Being of El Containing what you rationalize as the outer spaces of the Universes surrounding you and Earth and all other things in trying to discover an end of El for the purpose of encapsulating It in order for you to do what can never be done, which is to look from outside of It, which is an impossible place of an idea to be in existence, because of its nonexistence, or to Master It.  Because nothing else besides The Holy El is Actually Real other than things being The Real’s Illusions (created things), El can only Be Master Alone (All-One), All by Itself, no matter how great the mathematical development of minds are made by El for Its’ creatures to be.  

No matter how great and/or how powerful the illusions of Life are or appear to be, they are nothing but illusions; meaning, they are nothing without El. Even though they might be most frightening or most seductive, without El there is no Power for them or anything else to be or to do what they do as existence, in the least. This is why you need to face the devil of your own self and submit to El as the devil of you and others are defeated for you. This is why it is imperative for you that you magnify El in everything of Life by realizing that It Is El Doing Everything or Being Done of Everything from behind the Cover of Its’ Illusions which It Places in front of your eyes in blocking your senses of realization and recognition unless It Favors you to do otherwise. This is why it is necessary for you to understand and believe with the Spirit of Ahezaah El’s Faith that It Alone (All One By Itself) Is The Real Power and The True Owner of everything created about you and all other things, wherein you should magnify It for your learning and for being steadfast on the path of the way to El in obedience.  

Lord Holy-Apostle-Deen MMR Saleem, MPA
Lord Holy-Apostle-Deen MMR Saleem, MPA 


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