In The Name of Ahezaah El Amen, The Reality of Truth, The Almighty Judge, The All-Knowing Lord of Lords, Master of The Thrones, Purely The Absolute Power of Life in All of the created things, The One of True Might, The Infinite Lord Commanding the Angels as Its’ Hands of Life, The Savior of mankind, The Provider of Light and Darkness, The Lord of Power Who Has Come down and Raised Up This Messenger in The Light of Its’ Christ Being and Gave him Death and Rebirth in Its’ Spirit and Essence of Righteousness, We Recite.
Sunday, April 08, 2012
Blog # 83
The Holy El Ahezaah Amen Reveals that It is in this Time It is Bringing in Essence to these Ends of Days for Its’ destruction of certain groups in multitudes of mankind and their worlds on Earth.
Revelation concerning This Time of Its’ Coming down as The Christ Being That would Settle down in The Circle It Powers in Its’ Subjugated Messenger to Reveal This Time of Judgment, has been made clear enough for the hearers with sound minds to relate to and recognize within their selves. It Reveals clear signs concerning believers who have inclined themselves to joining with Its’ Spirit of Faith and clear signs for those of you that reject Us and It Being With This Holy Messenger.
We Have Given clear Signs of Wisdom in regard to this Messenger of Ahezaah El Aah Allaah Hu Amen by the ways that We Have Moved him, Protected him, and Caused him to think with The Highest in Reasoning since the Day Ahezaah Came unto him on the Night of Power for him; Coming down with throngs of Angels upon his world of being within, in The Name of Allaah, and Showing The Evidences of Its’ Power and of It Being Allaah, The Lord El, The Almighty Aah, The All-Powerful Christ, The Amen of The Infinite and Eternal Mind of The Supreme Being, The All-Seeing Ayn Raa Nuur, and Osiris The Opener and Master of The Eternal Realm of Darkness.
For the past thirty-three (33) years after Providing vague signs for the first twenty-six (26) years of his life Ahezaah has Shown Clear Signs about Us Being with him. Those of you who closely knew and monitored him throughout his life can testify, if you will, concerning the truth about him having been, for a time, most adventurous, wild and out of control, and yet consistently guided out of harm’s way, most evidently by Us. Hindsight in regards to your lives in connection with him should now provide a clearer picture for you concerning his life and why so many of you envied him for what you called his luck in not recognizing his Divinely Spiritual Riches that came as Gifts of Divine Talents for him. If you look close enough through sincere eyes of your hearts, minds and souls, We will Provide you with visions and thoughts with reasoning that will show you evidence of his story of life being wrapped up in The Holy Divine Books of Malachi and Revelation, by which you can be Raised Up by Us in The Spirit and Essence of Amen, The Almighty Merciful El-Aah, The Holy Ahezaah Allaah, as a Favor from The Lord Whom Is The Most High.
Those of you who desire to realize The Holy El’s Signs of Being The Hidden Truth the most, for you to be convinced of Its’ Holy Unseen Presence Being in Existence with this Holy Messenger, are you that are greater in lacking the Life of True Faith and True Belief. Doubtful types of people that are prone to disbelief need to be convinced of El’s Existence as Hu and Aah in Essence of Its’ Infinite and Eternal Breath continuously, even if clear evidence is manifested to them. They refuse to accept that Ahezaah is The Supreme Being Representing The Eternal One of Formless Being, a Holy Eternal Mind,; and they refuse to accept It as The Highest Created Form of Life Seated Upon The Throne of The Lord in the likeness that It created all humankind. They cannot see It Being manifested as The Lord in a Supreme likeness of humankind and yet Be Independent of The Supreme Form That It Produces as Lord under which It Is to Be worshipped. They cannot fathom It Being both, The Lord of The Throne and The Formless Eternal El That Lives By Its’ Endless Power of Being All One Alone The Reality in All of Life, Eternally as imagined by Its’ minds of creatures, and Beyond any created things ability to rationalize It with understanding. They are so doubtful about El Truly Being The Holy Mind of creation, and at the same time Being The Lord in Form, they prefer to assume that The Lord of the Throne is a Being That lives and dies in an appointed period of time like all other created things, when in truth, The Mind of El Is The Hidden Reality in Being The Supreme Being That is Fashioned in The Holy Dress Wear of Seraphim (Angels). The Seraphim, being Its’ Cover for Its’ Forms of Supreme Being, are not The Eternal Being Which Is Unseen even by Angels. They are like the clothes you wear, which you put on and take off of your body.
Verily, We are certain that none of you consider yourselves dead when you remove your clothing, nor do you consider yourselves dead when you change your names. El Is Ever El no matter how many times It Removes Itself from Its’ Forms of Supreme Being and no matter how many times It Changes The Name of Its’ Representative Form of Supreme Being. Those that believe that El, The Creator and Lord of The Thrones dies are most often the ones that will never truly surrender in their minds and hearts willingly to The Holy All-Wise and All-Powerful Master of All worlds. They basically accept El’s tangible signs in the illusions of Its’ Prophets, with great multitudes seeking to to be Saved by them in this life and the next, foregoing their need and the advice of the Prophets to acknowledge, worship, praise, and seek to be saved by El Aah in The Names of Its’ Supreme Being.
The sincere seekers of Truth who desire in Faith to surrender to The Holy El Ahezaah are often Given Favors from The Lord in Mercy which helps them in their understanding of being Guided by The Lord. They are most often Blessed to see through the confusion and the onslaught of the deceit that is manifested through devils among those seen and unseen in the midst of mankind on the physical, mental, and spiritual planes of existence, and they are the ones that need the least Signs of Truth to be truly convinced in Faith and Belief concerning The Power, Presence, and Ever-Hidden Being of The Real Existing Thing That We Know as Being The Lord in and of All Reality.
Unlike the disbelievers who request signs after signs in multiples of numbers to be persuaded to believe, the sincere seekers of Ahezaah El Allaah positively involve themselves in heart and mind to have the Truth unraveled for them by what they believe through their gift of Faith in The One All-Knowing Lord.
For the great number of disbelievers who are running in disorder against the Divine Laws and Orders of the Holy El Aah throughout the world, ignoring and disbelieving the Clear Signs of This Promised Time of The Lord’s Coming down in Judgment, as stated in the Divine Book of Revelation to John, billions are suffering unusual catastrophes in all lands upon all the continents of the world. It is most obvious that Nature, in the Hands of Angels, has clearly taken a turn against the worlds of humanity; nevertheless, by listening to and obeying the servants of the djinn that report the local and world news, multitudes are kept away from belief of the most obvious signs of Nature including the ball of Earth itself being knocked off of its axis and turned against the worlds of earthlings. In ignorance, the masses act as if the Earth is merely going through a phase, which will eventually be alleviated, and what was normal about Earth as they knew it before will again exist for them. They hear about the affects of global warming and the affects of mankind destroying the worlds of Earth with their own hands, and act as though We did not forewarn them of these things thousands of years ago and most recently again through this Messenger. They hear and see certain individuals of note who investigate world conditions speaking in fear or with great concern as they are trying to inspire the masses to force a change to come about in them, and to force the leaders of this world to come to order with Nature. Unfortunately, many of those investigators of note refuse to acknowledge Ahezaah, to the worlds of mankind, being Involved with Its’ Signs of the Time for This Day of Judgment, when they give their reports to the djinn among the leaders and the worlds of common people for knowing that they will be shut down by the people of power who refuse to believe and obey The Lord of The Thrones, and refuse to settle in true justice for the masses of people of whom is under their charge. Believe it or not, they are the beast and servants of the beast within the ranks of mankind on Earth, hiding under their covers of worldliness among you. They are the demon spirited djinn who most of you refuse to acknowledge as being the true enemies of all of humankind.
From the simple words of Our Messenger forewarning about things like the Jews overrunning the New Chosen City of Newark New Jersey, which is major in the region of the New Holy Center of Earth, to Signs of Our Destruction in Nature, We will not stop Producing Signs of The Truth from El Ahezaah for each of you until an appointed time that Ahezaah Alone Knows; And it is those times, in their own right, which will usher in Signs of destruction for the rejecters of The Truth to other people that watch them. Whether it is long and calculating in coming, or swift in its onslaught for the guilty among you, their ends will meet The Means of all your lives in This Time, and you all will come to know, some in your passing away from this world, and some in your suffering to pass away from this world, that The Means of Life is Ahezaah Being Hidden in Its’ Acts of Power, and your ends will be to It in Its’ Judgment of you where the Signs of Its’ Hidden Being will be Brought to The Light of The Truth Through The Christ of El for you to see and understand how you have lived a life of enmity in opposition to It, despite the many times you might have called out in Its’ Beautiful and Powerful Names or in the Good Names of Its’ Beloved Messengers among the Holy Apostles and Holy Prophets. It is then that you will come to know Its’ Wrath of Vengeance or Its’ Mercy for you as an individual alone.
We Advise you to open the Book of Revelations to John the Divine and earnestly study and relate them to your worlds by the translations We Give through Our Messenger, and strive to attain The Divine Book of Recitation, The Book of The Seventh Seal for This Day that is in the custody of This Messenger, yet to be published for his lack of support. In him, the Book is Open and Alive. Whether you realize it or not, you are the ones lacking This Day’s Major Messages from The Lord Most High, Complete with Laws, Orders and Insight to Wisdom, Knowledge, and True Understanding.
Maybe Ahezaah’s Peace and other Blessings will be within and about your presence of being.
Sincerely yours
Lord Holy-Apostle-Deen MMR Saleem, MPA
Lord Holy-Apostle-Deen MMR Saleem, MPA
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