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Debating Ahezaah

In The Names of Ahezaah, The Holy Allaah, The All-Knowing El Amen, The Eternal Provider of Life, Death, and Mercy, The Holy Warner and Keeper of Promise, The Provider of Respite, The Eternal Punisher, The Christ, The Master of Hell, The Judge, The Bringer of Conclusion in Judgment, The Infinitely Perfect Mind, We Recite.

Blog # 96
Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Knowingly, and while holding onto The Light of El that it was Assigned to bear, Lucifer the leading angel debated The All-Knowing Lord of All in All worlds about its indifferences to It Creating human existences in the forms of minds that would be housed in bodies that would strike the kind of Image Presented by The Infinitely Wise Creator as The Lord of The Throne.

Lucifer did not like the fact that The Lord Decided to Create the human minds in appearances of The Materialized Manifestation of The Lord Itself, Give them the Powerful ability to gain Its’ True Knowledge, and Allow them to Reach Nearer to It in Its’ Designed Ways for them, which would be in The Highest Place of Secrecy for those kinds of minds where The Lord Itself would Unionize them With Itself in Its’ Beauty, Power, Love, and Mercy. 

Lucifer hated the Lord’s Proclamation concerning humanity and proclaimed itself to be more worthy of the kinds of Favors The Lord Promised for mankind; therefore, Lucifer challenged The Lord by challenging what The Lord Created of Its’ Essence in the lesser Minds of humanity; and The Lord Accepted Lucifer’s challenge.

The Lord then told Lucifer that It would Create Greatness in the Minds of Its’ human beings and It would Give them a Knowledge that the Angels themselves did not possess at that time; and as a Part of The Great Favor that It would Produce for the lesser Minds of Its’ Kind, It would Raise them to the Highest Positions of responsibility as custodians of Earth Eden, to cultivate Life in the Gardens upon its lands. It would Command them to be the Vicegerents of The Lord in this life of the Lower Realms of Being upon Earth. And as a Part of The Greatest Favor that The Lord Promised to Give to mankind, It Said It would Elevate the Most Truly Faithful Believers among them to a Place of Knowledge where It would Show those minds The True Essence of their selves and Give to them various degrees of True Insight to Its’ Holy Power, as It Would Show them Signs of Its’ Own Holy Supreme Essence Commanding Its’ Own Eternal Units of Minds as The Real Power and The Essential Supreme Being That Must Be for All in All things to be. In this process of Elevation It would Give them a Holy Divine Rebirth in them becoming Its’ Prophets, Messengers, and Enlightened Apostles and Saints and Confirm them in being among the True Divine Witnesses of Its’ Unseen but Truly All-Powerful Being of Mind That Creates mentalities for the worlds of All things. The Holy El Promised that It would Give them Essence from The Light of Truth that Lucifer bore in Essence of The Almighty El’s Righteously Powerful Spirits That Commanded Lucifer. And when Lucifer realized that The Lord of The Throne was Determined to do as It Willed concerning this, Doing what It had Planned in the beginning, to Create Its’ Own Image in lesser beings and Drawing them Closer to Itself than It had Drawn the Angels, Lucifer fell further off into its madness of being unrealistic about The Holy Supreme Existence of El and became most haughty for which it raised The Lord’s Cause in Commanding Us, among Its’ Powers of Angels, to overthrow Lucifer and lock it down in a cell of Eternal perdition. 

After The Holy Creator Formed and Fashioned mankind, Lucifer challenged them about their Knowledge.  Lucifer wanted to prove that the Angels were more worthy of Being Most Favored by The Holy All-Powerful El than they, and The Holy El-Amen Surprised Lucifer and all the other Angels that were Arranged in Ranks as Witnesses when It Revealed that All things including the Angels only knew what It Gave them to know of Its’ Illusions at The Times of Its’ Moments for Giving them. None of them knew what they did not know or had Taken from them of their memory by The Holy El. None of them were aware before that time that they were only made privileged to the Knowledge of their needs to fulfill El’s Will for them at any given time concerning their involvements with events, although they had been Told by The All-Informing El, before that moment, that It Never Wastes a thing of Itself in Life, even on them.

It was then that The Holy All-Knowing El Questioned Lucifer about its name and the names of all the angels, and neither Lucifer nor any of the others could answer The Mighty El. Verily, there had never before been a need for the Angels to know their own names. What they had known before was only to hear and obey El as a Unit of Supreme Beings. To bear names meant that they would be individualized Units of Superior Beings causing them to look at themselves and single out each other, which was something they had never before been Called upon by The Holy Power to do. They had been Gloriously Powered by El’s Desires for them to be occupied in worlds to be Created in Its’ Essence through the use of what It Created of them, whereas they had not known any created beings that were greater in Power of any kind from El than what they had been Given. 

When the lesser kinds of minds answered The Holy El’s Questions in the presence of the Angelic witnesses regarding their names and attributes and the purpose of their beings, the Angels of The Good fell down in worship and Praise of El, while Lucifer and those of other angels that agreed with it cursed The Holy El and Its’ lesser Kinds of Minds, and all the fallen angels promised to follow Lucifer in its attempts to destroy mankind to reclaim what they mistakenly thought they owned of El-Aah’s Will for them. 

For their rejection of El’s Wisdom, The Holy All-Knowing Lord took up their challenges and gave them respite until the end of their time. It Changed their names and Informed the lesser kinds of minds about their new names and their vile intentions. 

The Holy El Justly and Mercifully Warned mankind before their births from the wombs of The Lord’s Higher Spiritual Life about Lucifer and its troops of demons that would be lying in the centers of the Gardens of their beings on Earth, which It Called Eden, The Gardens of Eden (Ed-Deen or The-Faith) where they would be Saved from the fallen angels by their acceptance and sincerity in becoming of Its’ True Spirits of Faith. The Lord El Warned them that they would have to have True Faith in El and submit not to the devils of their world; and they would have to contend with maintaining a Faithfully True busy-nest (business) with themselves to be Elevated (Ovate by El [ovation or celebrated by El] or reshaped like being placed in the form of an egg of Life to be reborn) by It, and saved from the clutches of Satan and its demon’s beastly deforming claws.  

For Lucifer’s debating against The Holy Ahezaah El-Amen, its Evolution was Stopped (Set-in) by The Power of El and the devil was Made to stay Set-in El (Satan of Hell),  as it was thrown into a punishment of Hell, an everlasting punishment in The Holy Ahezaah El-Aah’s Hell where it lives a death-life in an Eternal Life of Regression that many debating sinners among mankind will endure with the devil after The Lord El’s Verdicts comes to them at The Throne of their Judgment after their arrivals, in deaths, from this world. 

Debate not with Ahezaah, but submit in the ways of sincerity and faith. Be of Truth with your own selves and Our All-Knowing Lord Who will Make you safe from perdition as a Reward for your righteous conduct. And be aware of how easy it is for you to debate The Holy All-Wise and All-Knowing Ahezaah El Amen merely by your thoughts and actions. And most of all do not be like Lucifer was, a Bright Bearer of The Light of The Truth that became Set in El (Satan) as a dark force of evil that came as its reward for discounting The Holy Ahezaah El Amen Raa’s Wisdom and for taking Its’ Compassion for granted. Never judge Ahezaah!

Lord Holy-Apostle-Deen MMR Saleem, MPA
Lord Holy-Apostle-Deen MMR Saleem, MPA


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