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In The Name of Ahezaah, El, The Almighty Being in Infinite Essence of Absolute Knowledge, Lord of The Thrones, The Real Power of Dominion, The Reality of True Might, The Infinite Lord Commanding all things concerning mankind in Its’ New Name and Attributes of Ahezaah for This Day and beyond of time, The Hidden Lover That is Ever-Present in Its’ Reality of The Truth, The Compassionate Savior That Is The Christ Unseen in Its’ Power and The Manifested Light of It, Ahezaah As-Salaam, The Owner of Peace, The Dispenser of Love and Harmony, and The Balancer of Life, We Recite.

Saturday, April 07, 2012
Blog # 82

It is Ahezaah That Speaks The Holy Truth, Reveals what is Divinely Hidden, and Guides Its’ Beloved Messengers as It Commands them to be the Holy Apostles of their Faith in El-Aah among mankind.

Verily, of all the Afrimerican people in mind that were brought to all the main lands and islands of the American continents as captive slaves, through Our Messenger Elijah Muhaamid, We called your attention to the importance of the newly created people among the Afrimericans of these United States of America, and most of you including some of Elijah’s children and others of his biological relatives hated and rejected him for Our Revelation of this which he related. 
It is through this Messenger of Ahezaah El-Aah that We would not let the Words of Truth that came in parts to Elijah for your attention to die; therefore, We have Related the fact that the European-Caucasian-Americans who have been the most powerful ones seated as powers in the government of this nation, and all other races of people that came forth as immigrants from other nations who intermingled sexually with the Afrimerican slaves and their descendants ever since they arrived as slaves upon the American shores, either by force or by their approval, collectively are the forefathers and mothers in part of this new race of people.  As a matter of fact, in their effort to place a shadow of doubt and disbelief over the importance of this Messenger of El Aah, it is now being publicized, by the approval of the djinn that allow these revelations to come forth through those that now scientifically investigate in the field of study concerning the human DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) and the historical paper trail of historical records to reveal that not only are the Americans among the African descendants of the various shaded hues Afrimericans, but numbers of the lightest complexioned people descending European Caucasian proclaiming their lineage as Caucasians are also Afrimericans. This is a fact in the so-called Black and White races in these United States of America which has been hidden by the powerful people among the Caucasian men, women, and children including the djinn about which they have secretly hated and have doggedly punished the dark hued undeniable Afrimericans.  Similar to Hitler hating his relatives among the Semitic people, they have hated their relatives among the Slave Descending dark hued African-Americans, and if many in great numbers of them were allowed to go further in their punishment of the Afrimericans, complete annihilation of them might well become the result of their hatred and anger.  Just as Hitler knew the truth about himself, they have known the truth about their selves, however, Hitler was a force within himself that had no one to keep him under control in the ways that they do.   

Ever since this Messenger was uncovered for them by his failed attempts to meet with the infamous Louis Farrakhan approximately seventeen years ago, certain leaders and followers among the djinn and numbers of the false supporters of this Messenger have slyly worked hard to ensure that Our Lord’s Messages concerning the Book of The Seventh Seal and other works of The Divine was interfered with by being smothered and kept back by the hands of their controls among the media in use of their electronic apparatus and their refusal to report his words which were sent to some of them.  The powerful men among the djinn and their subordinates have routinely created false pictures for theater with regards to him in order to place him in the gray area of your minds to promote confusion and distrust; and, they keep watch of him, by persons and through their technology to monitor his affect upon the masses, with hopes that he strays into error whereas they can punish him under some of their laws of disloyalty to this nation under their anti-trust systems that are applied to traitors. However, he is a lover of this nation among its land and its people, and he is Our Messenger whose duty is to report by speech and by writings of that which he is Divinely Commanded to report by Ahezaah El-Aah.  

Despite the fact that he has been most hated by the religionists among the local Muslims and Christians in the surrounding areas of Newark NJ who have been aware of him, and despite what effective works of holding odds against him that have and still are being performed against him by the people among the hidden djinn that stay in power, We still have Reached Out through this Messenger, Protecting him and thus connecting him with people in all parts of the world; and as We have Watched every detail in the reactions of the great masses among the multitudes of people that have eaten the Food of Truth from The Wise in Wisdom out of the hands of this Messenger, and yet sought to pay back little if anything to their debt owed to The Lord of All in all worlds for This Sign of The Lord’s Mercy, We have given you all time to agree and surrender to Us in The Commands of Ahezaah. In fact, for the ways that many of you have stood back in keeping away from him, you have in part been used as a fulfillment of Prophecy concerning him with regards to the name of Jesus. 

Although the slaves of Satan have slighted the Hand of Truth in saying that We would Resurrect Jesus for This Day of Judgment, We Said that We would Send one that would be like Jesus, but he would be the Lion of the Ancient Hebrews, Samuel, the Prophet, Judge, High Priest and War Master who was born unto the tribes of Israel, led them in war being a lionhearted leader, fighter, and relater of The Lord El’s  Words which earned him the title of being the Lion of Judah (the Hebrews). He was the one that became instrumental in the life of the Prophet and King David, the son of Jesse, and father of Solomon and one of Jesus’ forefathers.  

The masses among you have made this Messenger of Ahezaah be like Jesus, whereas he is agreed with secretly by many of you who have feared to testify openly because of the opposition you realize you will have to contend with, and for this he is kept estranged openly by many of you; and then there are those of you who have cursed and doubted him in both ways because of your disapproval of him in things like the simplicity of his lowliness, the sharpness of his blades and the Fire of Our Lord’s Light of Truth that he is Divinely Gifted to have, with which We Guide him in cutting down and incinerating falsehood, and many of them have disliked him for his refusal to bow down in deceptions with them, and for not accepting other people’s deceptive ways as hoped for by many, merely to gain an audience and more support.  We refuse to Allow or Command him to bring forth deceit as a façade in replace of Ahezaah’s Divine Words of Truth, and he is not Allowed to speak from creations of his own mind whereas imagination would be a power that breaks the Holy Divined Link between him and Our Almighty Lord.

You all should be aware and accept the fact that it is a habit and a fashion of the djinn to allow the common people to accept the people of Truth after those people have departed in Death from the life of this world.  They allow the rising up of the common people under the names of those people in ways that might appear that they have submitted to The Truth of The Truthful, when they are only deceiving those among the weak and blind commoners who would be deceived for their trust of them. The djinn among the powerful people who hide the beast within them are vile in their deceit and clearly aware as to when it is safe for them to appear to agree with Our various kinds of Messengers, in order to further deceive and control the people among the masses who are willingly inclined to believing in them and their leadership and being subordinate to them because of their fortune, fame and positions of power. 

Verily, Jesus’ name gained billions of sincere believers, hundreds and thousands of years after his passing from this world, leading up unto this day wherein his name is still gaining faithful believers, although they are being served the food of deceit in Jesus’ good name from the vilest of Our enemies who hide behind the good of his name and reputation to do their evil.  They use powerful words of Truth mixed with falsehood to increase their hold on people, like suggesting that they believe that Jesus is The Christ with Power Over them.  Even until This Day of Revelation they have billions of people waiting for a Jesus that was never Promised to be returned by El-Aah in This Day of Judgment.  

Although he has passed from this life before you since 1975AD, this kind of trick mentioned above could not be used against the people in the good name of Elijah Muhaamid because he was only a part of the Holy Trilogy in Prophecy that involved the raising and the calling of the chosen people among the Afrimericans in these United States of America.  Because we have yet to complete this Holy Mission with Samuel aka Holy-Apostle-Deen, for all their intents and purposes, it is as though Elijah still lives. Therefore, despite that the main issue concerning Elijah was to hear and respond properly to what We Sent down unto you through him, every alleged or true fault that could be brought up and publicized as a crime of life against him has been done slyly and masterfully in evil by the djinn and those appointed for that mission in their attempts at bringing Elijah and the hundreds of thousands of those who believed in his message down in disgrace; a mission which included his most famous and willing son, Wallace aka Waarith Deen Mohammad, and his student Malcolm X aka Maalik Shabazz.  

Elijah’s student, Malcolm X, knew much about what was imagined by his self and others and knew what was manifested in his life with Elijah by knowledge that was materialized before him; however, Malcolm knew nothing about Our Lord’s Secrets with Elijah nor did he know why We chose the types of Messages that were given down to the Afrimerican people and the world over through Elijah in order to drive the Afrimerican fathers, mothers and children back to a love they had completely lost from one another. Neither Elijah’s son Wallace, nor Elijah’s students Malcolm X, Louis Farrakhan, or any of the other contenders were Appointed by The Holy El Ahezaah Allaah to replace or to best Elijah in their work, although each of them were favored by many unknowing people among their parties who thought that they too knew better than Elijah.  None of them clearly saw and believed in Our Signs of Miraculously healing the mass multitudes of Afrimericans through Our Use of Elijah, for looking at the little meek and humbled man Elijah was, instead of looking and seeing beyond Elijah to Us and Our Almighty Lord.  

For the mixing of races and the degrading of the Afrimericans in this process of mixing and making them slaves and a subordinate minded race of people, which most of them remain being up unto this day, the Afrimericans could not see or believe themselves to truly be brothers and sisters of one another.  They were estranged relatives that were set upon destroying their personal selves and one another, the same as many of them have returned to doing ever since the passing of Elijah.  

Verily, We were The Forces that were United with The Lord Unseen Behind Elijah’s miracle happenings, and the Same Ones that frowned upon those above mentioned contenders in Our scorning them in this life for their acts of abandonment, and waiting for their days of Settlements in The Lord’s Judgment of them.  A clear and relative sign about Our Positions with them is this; although We Gave them multitudes of others that turned away from Us with them to be led by them, they had no Divine Signs to prove that Ahezaah, in Its’ Name of Allaah, Agreed with them, and neither of them brought one person nearer to Allaah under their tutelage. While Malcolm turned people to intellectual advances in worldliness, Wallace turned his followers to the goal of business in seeking financial heaven on Earth, and Louis has delighted in turning people to him in his sly and confusing way of glorifying himself.  

Through Elijah, with his brand of elementary teachings and the Spirit of Truth, We Raised a great many people among the multitudes who were lost and dead to themselves and the world; resurrecting them and bringing them into a remembrance, love, faith, submission and nearness to The Lord of Grace and Mercy, and We Turned them back to a love of one another by which We actually Blessed the people as a whole of these United States of America including the Caucasian people among many that refuse to let go of their racism and hidden hatred for the dark skin people and their obvious relatives among the many hues of Afrimericans.
It is clearly written in the Book of Malachi and Revelation to John the Divine that it would be another one coming in The Strength of El, Samuel, the Old Lion of Judah Resurrected, the one that has come with The Holy Unseen Reality of Power, the one through whom We have Opened the Book of Seals.  Never was there a mention of either of Elijah’s sons, those two leading students, nor any other among those proclaiming to be right to be seated in This Messengers Seat with Ahezaah El Aah Allaah Hu upon Its’ Throne as the Promised One to come. 

Verily, We have manifested Signs for you concerning the above three individuals and one of their wives who stood firmly against Us and feared not the Promise of El’s Fire to come for those who dare to stand against The Holy Truth in this life.  Determining that they were better to be the representatives of what the Chosen people needed to hear and believe than Our lowly humbled Messenger Elijah, none of them were aware of the Secrets that were held between Elijah and The Holy El Aah, and none of them understood Our Lord’s Commands of him, although they each testified that Allaah Hu Amen Works in strange ways; therefore, with Louis still being amongst the living as of this date, April 7, 2012, none of them has yet to have been prepared for Death to overcome them, like this Messenger of Ahezaah is Made to be by The Lord Most High Itself.  Nevertheless, it has been somewhat the same for this Holy Beloved Messenger of Ahezaah El Allaah Hu Amen as it was for Elijah and Jesus, first with his biological relatives among his siblings and others including some of his offspring standing in opposition and rejection of him and Our Lord’s Holy Divined Message, with people among the religionists Muslims threatening him with bodily harm, known Christians cursing and preaching against him, the djinn and their politicians working secretly and openly against him, and others among the religionists watching secretly and attentively as they prepare and work against him, not realizing nor believing that they are preparing and working against Us, the Source of sustenance for their minds and their material being of life in this world. 

Verily, We gave those people that disbelieve and seek for harm to come unto Our Messenger an invitation to bring their Divine literature and prove him to be wrong over the past thirteen years or more, and We have yet to receive a taker of this invitation; Nevertheless, curses and threats had lingered locally for a number of years until most of the detractors realized their folly.  However, no one has been courageous enough to come forth to apologize for their behavior in attacking Our Messenger, nor to openly accept the Truth and support him. Nonetheless, what is past is past, and the Messenger has peacefully moved on with his duty in Our Work.  All the same, although Our Messenger has forgiven them, there is still the matter of Judgment with Ahezaah.  The Scales of Judgment concerning these things will stay monitoring each individual and this is really something about which the guilty should be concerned.  Everything you do, have done, and will do is kept in record by Us, and each record will be brought to bear upon your accounts on The Final Day of Judgment concerning this life for you.

The truth of what We speak concerning the Caucasian-Americans actually being biological relatives of Afrimericans is known by those that have become sympathetic with the Afrimerican people.  Many of them are slandered and disliked by other Caucasian-Americans who identify them as Caucasians with guilty complexes, although they all were given what they know as their common education concerning theirs and other people’s true history which was never given in a common education for learning to the Afrimericans.  When you look at this situation with open eyes, you might ask yourselves, how arrogant and hypocritical are they to take up the positions of being world peacekeepers to every other nation and race of people on earth, when they have been and continue to be such terrible parents to their Afrimerican descendants and their native Afrimerican relatives whom they refuse to truly educate and liberate by the Words of The Truth concerning both parties of them and their histories.                 

Lord Holy-Apostle-Deen MMR Saleem, MPA
Lord Holy-Apostle-Deen MMR Saleem, MPA


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