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Life Is Truly a Test

In The Names of Ahezaah, El Amen, The All, Master of All Universes, The Guide of All things. The Aah of All in All’s Essence of Hu, The Reality of Life Being The Absolute Power, The Absolute Knower, The Provider of Light and Darkness throughout Its’ Education in the test of Life for all minds, We Recite.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Blog # 86

Life (The Holy Creator El) is Truly (The Real Thing) a Test (a living of testaments regarding the created illusions) of Life (El, The Eternal Reality).

O ye, of those who believe, think of The Infinite El as a Universe in which you live, work, play, pray and do of, by and to All (The All of El, Ahezaah Allaah). Think of All in all the other things that mankind generally does in life. Think of All that you do as you doing All (The All in Essence of your worlds): meaning, everything that you do is being done in and to The All by what you do regarding the things that are created of The All in Its’ Essence which gives every formless and form of things to The Life of All (El Itself) in Its’ Universes (Its’ Own Living and Breathing Being). Think of each place that you be in the countryside and cities of the world as the vast Universe-Cities (universities) of higher learning; and act as though you see The Holy Ahezaah El before you, standing at the head of your class of life, diligently performing as your educator, teaching you how to raise yourselves to the highest degrees in learning knowledge (living experiences) for your mind (life and worlds). Think of your learning knowledge as you understanding life (your worlds of minds in mental awareness) by the education and tests that are given to you by your educator. This is the way you should see yourselves in life and the way you should see The Holy Unseen El; being and acting as though you see It, because in Truth you do, but most minds of human-kinds are not aware as to what It (El) Is that they are looking at, nor how to understand It (El) by rationality; Therefore, confusion is what reigns in the hearts and minds of most of mankind.

Depending upon your relationship with your life educator (The Aah and The Hu of El Amen), depending upon your relationship with your classes of self, which are, to you, real or imagined in the worlds of yourself within (your individual units of self including the seven bodies of your makeup wherefrom you gain your character), your relationship with the other worlds (the other people, places, and things outside of your various bodies of forms), and your insight (the various degrees of acceptance of things in your mind and heart related as realization [things being viable to you], understanding [things being accepted as they are in your rationalization], and your own recognition of things [your ability to identify them]) will determine how well or how bad you do in the results of your life tests. The question is this; At the end of your life, will you look back and realize that you have been a testifier to The Truth, or will you look back and realize that you have been testy for disagreeing with what It (El) is that you did not understand, rationalize, or realize throughout your period of being schooled in Life’s Universe-Cities of Education? 

Can you not see the advantages of living a life in acting as though you see Ahezaah El Aah before you in everything, at every place, and everywhere? Can you not see the advantages in being studious in having and using what people refer to as “blind faith,” as a spiritual tool to accomplish your task of correctly learning in the school of Life? Does your grade of life mean anything to you? If not, it should because, at The End (Ahezaah El Allaah, The Judge of every student) of your Life in this realm, you will receive your report card, which will indicate where you will go from here in being promoted to The Higher Realm of Learning or expelled and dropped by The Educator (The Lord Most High of The Throne of Judgment) in Its’ rejection of you.

Simple or difficult! Much depends upon you and your approach to Life (The Unseen All Aah Hu of Ahezaah El) as to how It (El) will be (Exist in the illusions [created things] of Its’ Forms and Formless Being) with, for, and to you. 

Verily, through this kind of acting and insight, for your realization and your imagination, We Make It (El)  by Its’ Commands concerning what It wants known, simple for you to understand, rationalize, explain to yourselves [reason], recognize, and remember (to become, in parts, part of It by the ways of Its’ Acceptance and Unification of you with It and your souls, in mind, heart, and others bodies of your being, in Its’ Mercy). To remember El, for the commoners among mankind, is a rejoining of the mind in visions of what has come to pass; but for the Enlightened of El, remembrance involves an actual sense of coming back into a union with El as a member of Its’ Righteous Being, meaning; one being completely subservient to El in a Unified Relationship with It by Its’ Commands. Therefore, when We say remember Ahezaah much, We mean for you to join It in obedience to Its’ Commandments, submitting yourself completely to be Taken Up in a Relationship with It, by It.       

Take the lesson, and practice for the test. If you pass, you will never regret the experiences for understanding them.

Lord Holy-Apostle-Deen MMR Saleem, MPA
Lord Holy-Apostle-Deen MMR Saleem, MPA  


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