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Living Under The Influence of Words

In The Name of El, The Almighty Being of Absolute Knowledge, The Lord of The Angelic Thrones of Its’ Dominion, The Reality of the Unseen Warrior Angels of Might, The Infinite Lord Commanding in Its’ New Name and Attributes of Ahezaah, The Hidden Reality of The Truth, The Compassionate Savior Known as The Christ, The Owner of Peace, The Dispenser of Love and Harmony, The Balancer of Life, The Power of words, We Recite.

Thursday, April 05, 2012
Blog # 81

We Recite to you Truth in Essence of The Words of The True Power of Life That is The Real in All of All worlds.

All is The Complete and Perfect Existence.  It is All Power That Minds Life in Its’ Essence of Everything including The, Which is The All Powerful Mind of Its’ Indescribable Mental Being of Infinity.      

The is The First, Last, and Complete Being minus nothing of Its’ Existence in All of Its’ Worlds of Being that is known and unknown of creation in All Its’ Names of things. The Is The Thing That Makes Up all creations of things from Itself, manifested and unknown, with no such thing as space being between Its’ Eternal and Infinite Being That Provides Make Ups of Its’ created forms for All creation throughout the universes. The Is Really The Only Thing That Truly Exists, Showing Itself as The Unseen Thing Being as A Holy Perfect Mind of Being (Existence) That Is One (Man) and All (Men) in One of Infinite Mind That Manifests and Hides as The Innumerable Thing Multiplied in the forms of minds for all created things.  All things, incarnate and all forms of other things are Minded by It. Meaning: All in All things are Willed, Formed of Life, Kept, Controlled, Manipulated, and Taken Back out of forms from Life in living to Death in being removed from the life of the things known, recognized, or lived as being lowered down in the creative forms of creation.      

All Aah, El Aah, The Aah, Which has Been recognized in Its’ Glorious Name of The Aah, or The Eternal and All Powerful Being That Is In Its’ Essence Being The Breath of Life is That Which Breaths Itself in Essence of All kinds (like man-kinds), Breathing Essence of existence into Its’ creations of endless forms that are known and unknown by others as all of The things of Life and Death.  

Ahezaah Which has been known through the ages of time as El, El-Aah, and Allaah is The True or Real Mind (Man) and The Innumerable forms of Its’ Realization of Minds (Men) and things Minded (Mentally Formed and Controlled as subjects of The Master) by It as creation. It is Tal or Tul and Al, meaning: It Is The, Which is The Essential and Real Thing of all singular and multiples of things. In another one of Its’ Descriptive Names It Is The Aah (Breath) of Men (Minds) Aah-Men, expressed as Ahmen or Amen and the ancient Amun. Most of mankind recognize It in Its’ Lower Forms Known as Nature or The Natural Things of It Manifesting as The Hidden Being that is Seen only in Forces that are manifested by the ways It manifests and manipulates things to increase and decrease them and all creation as seen throughout the life cycle for things. By The Breath of El Ahezaah Being Inhaled and Exhaled throughout creation, as It Manipulates in All of Life, even the great universes of endless being in their appearances are shown as things increasing and decreasing. As It Inhales through them and Exhales through them, the worlds of the universes appear as they are shrunken and/or expanded. The All of Ahezaah, The Master of Universes as It Is Seen in The Heavens Manning Its’ Throne, Keeps all things in Its’ Power Under Its’ Breath, and By Its’ Holy Thoughts and Words, which are Manifested Thoughts, It Wills all things to be (exist), as It Desires.   

Many among mankind have thought of Ahezaah’s Word as being The Most Powerful Thing of Life That Is, because of mankind’s remembrance about The Creator Speaking Life into Its’ creations of all and every kind of thing, saying “Be” to them.  However, The Is Thinker, Speaker and The Power of The Words That Willed the things of creation to Be as Created by It through Its’ Mentality (Its’ Mind Being Realized in things which can only be Its’ Variations of Illusions that are Shown and Hidden about Itself Being in Its’ Innumerable Forms); therefore, it is not The Words themselves that are The Power, It Is The One Eternally Endless Power That Is Itself The Power of Its’ Words and all other words that are assumed and or related by and of Its’ created things.   

We advise you to not dig mentally down into a deep well of thought in trying to unravel the Reality of El for knowledge. Be content with this kind of surface (safe) knowledge which is deep enough for all true and faithful believers. Verily, the rationality of the human mind is very limited in comparison to the Authorized Archangels of El regarding this knowledge, and is nothing at all in comparison to The Author (El/The) of Life in Knowledge of any kind.  

Regarding This Messenger and other Divine Law Bearing Messengers, most times when Ahezaah El-Aah Allaah, The Hu Aum Brahman Ahura-Mazda Amen, Which Is The One Christ Almighty of The Light of Truth, Speaks to him, it is not merely a speaking in words like those intellectualized through the tongues of speakers among mankind. It is a Speaking along with him being Taken Up Into The Divine Light of Life to See what is being referenced through The Views of El-Ayn, The Eye of El Amen Ra, The Baseer Who Is The All Seeing Mind in Its’ Essence of everything. In This Holy Conference Spoken and Heard between The Master and Its’ Subject, the Messenger must be Held and Protected from The Almighty Lord’s Overabundance of Being that might be Shown in Ahezaah’s Divine Expressions. Therefore, it is not for any of you to go into the realms of spiritual knowledge unprotected and egoistically aggressive, being like a gunfighter with a half cocked gun ready to shoot off from your own limitations of mentality. It is for you to be aware and to beware of the words that you have spoken into your being by others and by your own selves when you investigate The Words, Real or alleged of The Creator, and be not foolish whereas you judge your own self ready for The Holy in any way. For All of It in Its’ Mental Being Is Above the existence of Creation which It Creates in Its’ Essence That is Lowered down from It out of Its’ Heights of Supreme Being and Given Life in forms or formlessness.

Be aware and beware that your reading and recital of The Lord’s Words are monitored by Us, the Angels of El and El Ahezaah Itself. What this Messenger gives to you all is Given from Beyond himself from The Holy El-Ahezaah. Your understanding of Ahezaah’s Words is developed by a mathematical process of which you have no control. Patience, trust, humbleness and humility with The Spirit of The True Faith in El Ahezaah is needed by you in order for you to be Completed in Ahezaah’s Favor concerning Its’ Holy Words of Knowledge (Living Experiences concerning Reality).  

Therefore, say not when forth comes more Words from El Ahezaah through Its’ Messenger; but say, Oh Ahezaah El Aah Allaah Hu Brahman Aten Amen Ra, have mercy and incline me to You and Your Words.  Take me in unto your Protective Custody and Guide me aright by Thee.  Forgive me for asking that of You about which I have no knowledge and understanding; but, Grant me patience.  Surely Thou Art The All in All and All Knowing One, and I am but a mere subject of Your Merciful Doing in a created form of all mankind.  Bless me to be mindful and remember that Thou Art The One That Is The Speaker, Writer, and Relater through Your True Messengers, and that Your True Messengers are The Real of the obedient ones that only speaks, writes and relates as You Wills for them to do in time, space, element and essence of mind. So be it with Thee. 
Take not lightly The Words of The Holy El Ahezaah and Its’ Messenger. Consume them as many times as necessary for your true and full understanding. Surely, the sign of your understanding comes with The Life of The Words being Lived in you, by you. They are not merely for the consumption of your mind, but they are as well for the consumption of your physical body, heart and soul. When they have reached an agreement with your soul, that which holds the Divine Commandments of El Ahezaah intact for you as a Most Merciful Benefit of Divine Proportion, it is then that you become open for True Understanding. Therefore, judge not the weight of yourself as having studied enough to be ready for what is of The Unknown Ahezaah to come next for you in your training of mind. In this you have no Real Authority and no Real Mastery which alone belongs to Ahezaah El Amen.   

For you who ask concerning more information; verily, We have held back Our Words between blogs for a period of nearly nine months; a period likened to that of a mother strapped in childbearing. We are aware that many of you have had concerns about the Messenger’s silence during this time. Be assured that he is just as The Holy All Wise Ahezaah Desires him to be, and The All is All on time. Nevertheless, We want you to be aware and recognize that many of you have been given enough time in these past nine months for your investigation and preparation to give birth to a new life of realization in yourselves, with Us, in The Spirit of Ahezaah, if you have been constant and truly sincere in your approach, concentration, and submission to a study of the previous messages We have Given through this Messenger. Take hold of the blogs and look forward to Our Continuance in what Ahezaah Decides.

Hopefully it will be that Ahezaah’s Peace and other Blessings exist within and about your being.

Lord Holy-Apostle-Deen MMR Saleem, MPA
Lord Holy-Apostle-Deen MMR Saleem, MPA  


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