In The Names of Ahezaah, The Holy All-Knowing El Amen, The Provider of Mercy, The Holy Warner and Keeper of Promises, The Provider of Respite, The Eternal Punisher, The Christ, The Master of Hell, The Judge, and The Bringer of Conclusion in Judgment, We Recite.
Blog # 92
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
For the spoken and unspoken threats that you sense against your lives, most of you among the commoners of mankind, throughout the world, surrender to patriotism under the calls of your nation’s governments among the politicians, their militias, and the leaders among your religious orders, despite the signs of evil that prevail in the governments of each of them. You prove to fear, honor, and respect them more than you fear, honor and respect The Reality of your Being which Provides existence and sustenance in Its’ Mercy for you.
In The Sight of The Holy El Ahezaah, the world involving each of those kinds of governments has become overrun by lawlessness, whereas The Holy Divine Laws and Orders of The Lord that were Sent down to be sincerely submitted to are mostly ignored and put aside as things that are not as essential for your lives than the legalized laws and orders of your civil societies, and the manmade constructions of all your religions worldwide.
Civil or uncivil, it matters not! In The Sight of The Holy Master El Ahezaah, the Capitalists societies are no better than the Dictatorial societies; while the Uncivil Forest societies that are plundered and raped by the Modernists societies that exploit the riches of their lands of Earth while holding them in low estimation for being uncivil, create the least of problems for the world societies at large.
It is clearly evident that the worlds’ Democratic System societies have apparently become the greatest deceivers of all societies in their false promotions and false shows of equality, which is nonexistent for great numbers of their low life citizens who are systematically kept down low in societal ranks and poverty like the lowly people of the Caste society systems, although this goes mostly unsaid in the Democratic societies for it being a politically incorrect issue to be pointed out as a fact.
With the use of El’s Holy Names and the Good Names of Its’ Holy Servants of the past, like the Holy Prophets Jesus and Muhaamid, many wars of wickedness are waged and societies of evil are developed, enhanced, and kept by people who are tried with power. Terrorism is the main contrivance used by both the great organizations of governments and the less more disorganized people of the world societies; however, the organizational governments that are greater in power, and possessing more control of the media for making war against The Good of Our Lord and against others of mankind through communications and the physical wars in the world that they wage in the skies, seas and the land, pretend in their deception of their own people that what they do as a threat and actual harm in the names of all your nations is not terroristic. They cannot cover from Us the fact that what they do in the seas, lands and overhead in the skies of other nations that are lesser in power are not acts of terrorism, as they make shows of their might by the use of war machines, terrorizing the general populations including the innocent people of those nations, deliberately and indiscriminately.
For disobedience, Ahezaah is Now Angered with the world of mankind on Earth in general. It is not lost from the fact that It set precedence for Its’ Divine Laws and Orders, which It Demanded to be followed, supported, and lived by in the communities of mankind; however, the billions of people on Earth have collectively earned confusion for their disobedience and hell for allowing their leadership to be mastered over them under the rules of the demon beasts of Satan. Their wars, which are waged in the names of their gods and demigods and in the Holy Names of Our True Lord and Its’ Messengers, are not merely waged against strangers. They are unjustifiably waged against their own relatives and neighbors in their own communities; waged against people of all different races and religions whom they do not like for them choosing to be different in their search for success in finding The Peace in Life, and waged against The Holy All-Powerful Supreme Being which is Hidden and Mastering them from within, in The Id of their own being.
As a cause for the Punishment of mankind being Justifiably Meted Out by The Hands of The Lord Most High, great amounts of time in respite has been given to the world bodies of people in order for them to straighten out their acts, and to turn back from their ways of evil to Ahezaah El Aah. For the ignorance, greed, and negative desires of mankind, multitudes have been Cursed by The Holy Ahezaah El-Aah-Hu with the greatest confusion for non-compliance.
One part of The Lord’s Curse upon mankind, which causes humanity to pile up weight for their scales of Judgment--piling up error upon error for their confusion, is this: The things that are truly evil are now made to seem most fair to the great masses of people that practice capitalizing against others. The rich in general now show their disdain for the poor more openly, causing the people of lesser power to resort to accomplishing survival by whatever means they believe are necessary, regardless to the Holy Divine Laws and Orders of The Lord of The Throne that they eschew. Mostly all of them have joined in the evil philosophies of lawlessness, putting their faith and belief, which is supposed to be had and kept in The Holy Lord of The Throne, in evil under the illusions of power that is held by mankind among the leaders in their neighborhoods and of their religious, political, and military governments. The good of those governments among those that try to do rightly are overrun by the bad, and the houses of power in those governments are divided, one against another, at the opposite ends of their foundations.
The responsibility for the wars and hell that is being meted out against people and their societies throughout the worlds of mankind by your governments rests with you all. You must answer for the rich and powerful, with the rich and powerful for the acts of the rich and powerful that you have supported and allowed to have their ways of ruling be first in your lives. You must answer for ignoring the fact that their acts are mostly based in pride and arrogance, as they have ruined the world at large under your allowance and support, and for ignoring what they do to others who are less in power because their hearts have grown too hard for any softening for good to be done by them for the general population.
In Its’ Name of Ahezaah, The Almighty El, The Holy Christ El Aah Hu Amen Brahma Shiva Allaah has Made Its’ Determinations concerning you and your war mongering leaders. This is why you now experience the mayhem that is being brought down upon you all by what you can only attribute to Nature turning against the worlds of humanity under The Forces of The Unseen that your media and your leaders refuse to clearly acknowledge for the sake of the people. This is why We of The Unseen Warrior Angels of El’s Hell are Destroying your worlds by the numbers, systematically worldwide, with you in them, despite what is hidden by your governments and their medias. Greater than you know or are informed by them, We are Coming Down upon you, mathematically destroying you with natural and unnatural disasters. We are turning lands, seas, the atmosphere and the creatures living in them against you, along with the fire from the skies through which We light up and smoke out your worlds.
Do not think that Ahezaah approves of your misuse of Its’ Holy Powerful and Beautiful Names as presentations for your unruly wars and deceptions of all kinds. Do not think that Ahezaah is not Watching, Seeing, and Hearing you all in Its’ Knowledge of everything and Being The Judge concerning what you do. Do not think that the rich and powerful among the men and djinn who have led the multitudes in the ruination of Earth will remain untouched by Us of The Unseen in The Holy Commands of Ahezaah El Aah. Surely, as they stand as great mountains and rocks firmly planted in the earth, they will be flattened and scattered about like dust by Us. What We have been Commanded to do against those among the guilty, rich and poor, cannot be done by any of you among mankind including Our Messenger.
Regarding Our Messenger, We are Aware of you and your machinations that are being planned against him; nevertheless, he will be Continued by Us as Promised. You waste your time trying to find him being disloyal to The Lord of The Throne or planning what you would like of him to plan of bloodletting war so that you can appear to justify your acts against him. However, not by any means does he plan any physical or bloodletting war against you and your governments. His duty with Us is Under Our Lord’s Commands, and that duty is only for him to act for The Good of all mankind. It is for him to confidently deliver the Messages that are Revealed to him by Our Lord El Ahezaah. Your problem is not with him. It is with Us; and as you see, it is a most great problem for you as We Come Unseen in the Forces of Nature throughout your world in Our Acts of Wrath; The Wrath of El brought down in Hell, which will be heightened through Our Forces of Being, as time goes on. We Plan with Ahezaah, The All-Powerful Planner, Who Plans to bow you willingly or unwillingly before Its’ Throne of The Lord Most High; bowing you in respect for The All-Powerful El Ahezaah, and preparing you for the life of the next world to come for each of you; a life of El’s Peace for the good of you, and a life of El’s Fiery Hell for the guilty, which will be manifested as your Reality.
Lord Holy-Apostle-Deen MMR Saleem, MPA
Lord Holy-Apostle-Deen MMR Saleem, MPA
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