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The Greatest Nation

In The Names of Ahezaah El Amen, The Aah in The Essence of Hu, The Reality Being Master of All worlds of creation, The Absolute Power, The Provider of Light and Darkness,  The Great Imager of Life, We Recite.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Blog # 85

The leaders of great nations throughout the worlds often practice seducing their countrymen into a belief that each of them, for some reason, owns and lives in the greatest nation on Earth. To prove their issues they often point to things like their power, wealth, beauty of the land and etceteras. Some point to the fact that their national landscapes were once Chosen by The Lord Most High as Center Points of Holiness on Earth where It had Come down to Earth in The Holy Raised Beings of Its’ Holy Law Bearing Prophets; therefore, they believe that their nation must be the greatest. However, they are all wrong in their assumptions, because the greatest nation in all the worlds is Ahezaah’s Holy Imagination through which It Creates Eternally The All of Its’ Mental Views, Producing them as Illusions of Its’ Being in Breaths and Essences Reflecting Its’ Eternal Mind.

Imagine-Nation Created, Ruled, and Directed by The Holy Governor of Life; Images from The Creator that are manifested as Life, living, breathing, and dying by The Powers of Its’ Supreme Being.

Imagine-Nation: Even greater than world nations of people are the people’s own imaginations through which they form their worlds of nations within and outside of their minds, for better or worse.

It is by the imagination of beings that creatures are used to create and used to destroy their own worlds, their own beings, and the beings of others.

Ahezaah, The Holy El-Aah-Hu Amen-Ra told Its’ Prophet of Old, Solomon, to study the ant and become of The Wise. In other words The Holy El-Aah-Hu Amen-Ra was Telling Its’ Prophet to tell his people to look at the orders in the life of particular creatures that were apparently much smaller and seemingly less in mind than humankind and to use their imagination to understand how to be as a unit of people. 

The ants had ranks and order in their societies, working in ways that people had believed were only instinctive in nature. The common thinker could not see or imagine ants to be another kind of man (mind), another type of mankind (minds of their own kind); however, in the Prophets ability to magnify the life of the ants, using his imagination, he realized that although they were miniature creatures, they were equipped with minds through which they communicated, and they were living in submission to The Holy El-Aah-Hu Amen-Ra. By his knowledge in knowing that mind and man were rooted in the same meaning, meaning the same thing, he realized that The Aah and Hu (Breath and Essence) in his people of the human kind were actually related to the ants through The Same Giver of Life, The Holy El-Aah-Hu Amen-Ra.  He further imagined the truth about creation in whole, about it being One of The Creator in The Essence and The Breath of Its’ Power.  He imagined the ants bowing down in their submission to The Holy El-Aah-Hu Amen-Ra, and keeping order with It under Its’ Commands of Law and Order for their kinds of minds, regardless to their sizes of being. Therefore, by the application of his imagination, being used under The Guidance of The Holy El-Aah-Hu Amen-Ra, he became a Wise Prophet and a Great King of Israel, respectful of all kinds of minds in which other things lived, and brought order to the two nations that were ruled by his mother and father, Beth-Sheba and David, making them one in order under the protection of their great army. For his imagination, even the djinn among his people fell down in submission to his order.  

Imagine that! Two great nations of people rising as one under the imagination of one learning order from The Holy El-Aah-Hu Amen-Ra through ants.  

Imagine yourselves sincerely submitting to The Holy El-Aah-Hu Amen-Ra, and follow that course of your imagination. It might be that Ahezaah, The Holy El-Aah-Hu Amen-Ra, will guide you through the best of your imagination and Bring you To Itself In The Reality of The Christ, in Light of Its’ Mercy, and Give you new birth in the Holy Spirit of Its’ Righteousness. Then by Wisdom you will indeed know and understand that El’s Imagination is Natural and Life Giving in Natures to all things; The Greatest Nation.

Lord Holy-Apostle-Deen MMR Saleem, MPA                           
Lord Holy-Apostle-Deen MMR Saleem, MPA 


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