In The Names of Ahezaah, The Holy El Amen, The Warner, The Eternal Mind of The Crusher, The Producer of Hell, The Provider of Time, The Giver of Mercy, The Bringer of Conclusion, The Creator of Words and Meanings, The Lender of Life, We Recite.
Blog # 90
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Verily, El is The; and The First of All El is in Being The, It is The Truth; The Holy One and Alone, The Absolute Truth in The Eternal Being of Its’ All One and Alone Self.
In This Being The Eternal Being of Its’ Eternally Alone Self, El is All and Alone The One Real Thing of The Complete Darkness of It Being The Absolute Mystery and The Real Thing of The Lights of Truth Emanating From Its’ Being of Complete Darkness.
Secondly, El is All One Being, Existing as The One Reality of The Infinite Eternity of Its’ Being Which, Alone, Contains All of Everything in Life in All the universal worlds of being, and The One Real Essential Being of All creations in every aspect of their beings, inside and out of them.
Thirdly, Being All That Really Is of The Entire Thing of Life Eternally, in All Its’ Innumerable and Multifarious ways of Making Itself Known by Its’ Artistry of creation, El is The Holy Complete Reality of everything that comes into being created, with all beings coming from The Secret Being of Its’ Nothingness Which Is Pure Power in The Mystery of Its’ Absolute Being That Is Hidden in Its’ Darkness of All Kinds and Its’ Lights of All Kinds, Which It Produces from Generations of Its’ Mental Projections of them in Its’ Creative Expressions.
Although It Stays as a Mind Unseen Except by Its’ Actions upon the things It Creates, El is The Ultimate Being of Essentiality and Alone The Perfect Creator and The Real Power of Life That Powers All That Is of things. It is All One Alone The Merciful Master That Manifests Mercy in the minds of Its’ creatures by The Peace It Gives with The Balance of Life to be recognized as It’s Self Being Alive in Units of Its’ Power, Demonstrating to Its’ Mental creatures that It is The Unseen Force of Being Acting in Living Signs of The Attributes of Its’ Indispensable Being.
The First Name of El that was Spoken to creation in The Creator’s Expressions in regard to Its’ Attributes of Mastery Over creation was that of Be; meaning Exist.
‘Be’ or ‘Exist’ was Said by The Holy Creator for creations of All kinds to come to Life from The Imaging of Its’ Mind to exist as Its’ slave subjects Fashioned in created forms of being.
The Second Name of El that was Spoken by The Creator was Its’ Eternal Name of Identification, Its’ Name of Action which implies that El is The One of Action in and throughout All of every creation’s activities. Its’ Eternal Name of Being and Action is, I Am The. It is The Same Name That The Aah Spoke in Identifying Its’ Unseen Being to Moses in answer to Moses’ questions about what It was in Its’ Power Behind Its’ Hidden Being Which Produced Its’ Voice for him in the light of the burning bush on Mount Sinai, for him to tell his people.
El Said to Moses, ‘I Am The, of That, in All That I Am; and All That Is, I Am.’ In Saying; In All That, of What It Is, El was Referring to Its’ Infinite Being in which It Contains All that Moses could see or fathom of the Universes by his physical sight and imagination.
By The Power of El’s Answer, and for the shock of what Moses was then shown of the many worlds that were then being Opened to him by The Powers of El, in awe, Moses fell down to his knees and his hair turned white.
Moses knew then that The Holy Supreme Language of The Truth, Which is Alone El Speaking by Manifesting what It Wills to be in Its’ Essence of Life, was unlike any language spoken by mankind. He realized that The Language of The Lord Encompassed enough Pure Eternal Power of The Truth to unveil entire worlds of creation, and those Words of El’s were Alive with The Essence of Its’ Powers, Being as Living Entities of The Creator’s Mind which were Truly Beyond his level of being created as mankind.
Moses knew, as you should know, that El is The Supreme and Absolute Darkness, The Supreme and Absolute Keeper of Itself in The Secrets of Its’ Most Mysterious Being, and El Is The Holy Word of Its’ Own Self.
El’s Words of Its’ Self, Its’ Names, and Its’ Languages of The Truth are All One in The Same Being of The Infinitely Eternal Mind That Generates Power for All in and of Its’ Universes. It is Its’ Words, Names, Attributes, and Languages; however, It is also Beyond Its’ Words, Names, Attributes, and Languages of The Truth about Itself. Not even these All-Powerful Things of El’s Being in Its’ Forces can Contain El, Which Is A Limitless Unknown Being That can only be said to be Absolutely Beyond All things.
Christ Is The Language that is Spoken by El, as It Speaks Out from Its’ Position of Invincibility and Invisibility to things as The Crusher and The Pure Annihilating Light of The Truth. Truth Is Its’ Language, and In Its’ Multifarious Dialects Spoken to All of Its’ creations of things, It Only Relates to The Relative Truths of Its’ Own Being that is Known in them, Removing all conflicts between them and Itself, as It Crushes and Annihilates every false entity that becomes foreign to The Absolute Truth of It by their loss of Purity that had been Provided by It as a Source of Life for them.
Unlike mankind who generally speaks to and at other things, The Speech of El is a Speaking into Its’ subjects. It is a Speaking of The Truth that Reaches beyond the periphery of the physical forms of the hearts and minds of individuals or groups, with El Speaking up and into their souls. As The Christ Is Being Spoken into the subjects of El, The Burning of the false entities by The Holy Pristine Fire Fueling The Pure Light of The Truth is Naturally Being done by El. It is an unbiased burning of El’s subjects that might seem most cruel and harsh or most merciful and loving, depending upon the positions that are taken between sincerity rooted in true submission by them, and insincerity rooted in true arrogance behind falsehood; and, this Burning by The Pure Flames of The Light of Truth, is Conducted by El in Its’ Name and Being of The Christ as a Purifying Process to Cleanse all that is worthless matters in essence of falsehoods from Its’ subjects beings, in order for them to best serve It.
For all humankind, like Jesus and all other Prophets of El, The Christ Unit of El’s Being, when It is Made Known as Being Seen in The Spiritual Heights of Perfection, is Used by The Creator as The Eternal Womb of Mind (Wo-Man/Woman), the Feminine Side of The All-Powerful Reality of The Dark Secret Being of The Most Mysterious El Which Conceals The Masculine Side of The Eternal Lord of mankind that Is Only Represented by The Supreme Being of The Thrones in Heaven. It Gives New Birth to every subject that is Reborn of Life in Truth in The Circle of The Holy Unadulterated Righteous El; Giving them a Holy Rebirth into The Positivity of The Holy Righteous Spirit of El’s Being, by what is taken pure of them from The Darkness in their existences in negativity and unreal beings of awareness to The Unification With El, through The Positive Processing of The Light and Fires of The Christ, in Awareness of The Real of The Reality of Truth.
Billions of people multiplied in numbers have made the mistake of believing the false depiction of Jesus being independent of El’s Power, being an offspring of El’s with a separate reality; or himself being a reality because of the above related procedure being misconstrued about one being Reborn of The Christ and The Righteous through The Darkness and The Light of The Holy Mystery, Which is The Holy Truth. They’ve listened to the enemies of The True Man (True Eternal Mind of Life) misdirecting them, and for the ease of being incorrect, they have agreed with their most irrational rationalizing of the Rebirth of Jesus; saying that Jesus had become a shareholder in The Power and The Reality of The Christ, for being Reborn of this Holy Divined Process, which is an impossibility. In order for Jesus to exist now or before in his time, the same as it is for all things of creation; he must have been and would still need to be Constantly Made to exist by The Powers of The Holy El, The Only Power of Existence for all things.
Without El (The Power of Existence) Powering every aspect in every particle of every beings’ existence, whatever thing of interest it is that you think exists independent and powerful on its own, believing it of them to exist in powers aside from El, must be things of falsehood spoken and related to you by that of your own imagination. Although billions of mankind have taken Jesus as a God of True Power, and a Hero of mankind, Jesus, like every other thing, was and is one part of the innumerable parts of creation; being unreal and one of all human-kinds, although he was Imaged and Loved by The Real and Great El, The Great Imager of Life That Made Jesus be.
In the languages of Truth versus falsehood, Truth is Eternal and Infinite, while falsehood is fleeting and finite in its time given by El in the creations of life.
Lord Holy-Apostle-Deen MMR Saleem, MPA
Lord Holy-Apostle-Deen MMR Saleem, MPA
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