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Showing posts from April, 2012

Debating Ahezaah

In The Names of Ahezaah, The Holy Allaah, The All-Knowing El Amen, The Eternal Provider of Life, Death, and Mercy, The Holy Warner and Keeper of Promise, The Provider of Respite, The Eternal Punisher, The Christ, The Master of Hell, The Judge, The Bringer of Conclusion in Judgment, The Infinitely Perfect Mind, We Recite. Blog # 96 Wednesday, April 25, 2012 Knowingly, and while holding onto The Light of El that it was Assigned to bear, Lucifer the leading angel debated The All-Knowing Lord of All in All worlds about its indifferences to It Creating human existences in the forms of minds that would be housed in bodies that would strike the kind of Image Presented by The Infinitely Wise Creator as The Lord of The Throne. Lucifer did not like the fact that The Lord Decided to Create the human minds in appearances of The Materialized Manifestation of The Lord Itself, Give them the Powerful ability to gain Its’ True Knowledge, and Allow them to Reach Nearer to It in Its’ De...

Purifying Yourself in Your Temple of Worship

In The Names of Ahezaah, The Holy Allaah El Amen, The Provider of Mercy, The Holy Warner and Keeper of Promise, The Provider of Respite, The Eternal Punisher, The Christ, The Master of Hell, The Judge, The Bringer of Conclusion in Judgment, and The Owner of this life and the next, We Recite. Blog # 95 Sunday, April 22, 2012 In The Names of Ahezaah El-Amen El-Aah-Hu, The Beneficent, The Merciful, The Holy Lord of The Throne of The All of All Power Representing The Almighty El, The Originator of All in All things, and The Originator of The Lord of The Almighty Throne, purify yourselves in your temples of worship continuously, and remember Ahezaah El Amen much; Its’ Greatness is Holy Beyond Measure, and Its’ Being Is Incomparable and Beyond All that is known of a thing being supreme.  Verily, Ahezaah is The One That Guides aright and The One That Leads astray, and It is The One of All in All Knowledge of Everything within everything of the worlds of creation, Being T...

Surface Investigations

In The Names of Ahezaah, The Holy Allaah El Amen, The Provider of Mercy, The Holy Warner and Keeper of Promise, The Provider of Respite, The Eternal Punisher, The Christ, The Master of Hell, The Judge, The Bringer of Conclusion in Judgment, and The Owner of this life and the next, We Recite. Saturday, April 21, 2012 Blog # 94 If you are one of the multitudes of people that prefer staying close to the surface in your thinking when it comes to you analyzing your life situations, then you are one of those common thinking people that usually ignore, for your disbelief, or simply forget to project a mental picture in making an analysis in your heart and mind for the situations to come of your life with Us in the life hereafter. In general, regular thinkers do not connect the causes and effects of what they do in this life to any results they might find in the next life of the hereafter, although it is given at the basis of life for mankind that each individual will achieve a Fin...

Warring Against the Devil

In The Names of Ahezaah, The Holy El Amen, The Provider of Mercy, The Holy Warner, The  Keeper of Promise, The Provider of Respite, The Eternal Punisher, The Christ, The Master of Hell, The Judge, The Bringer of Conclusion in Judgment, and The Owner of All things, We Recite. Friday, April 20, 2012 Blog # 93 The Fallen One is the one who was the first great Light Bearer among the Holy Supreme Archangels of The One Holy Real El of El-Aah-Hu-Aum/Elohim (The-Breath-Essence-Ubiquitously Eternal Mind of Infinity).  The Fallen One is the one who carried The Light of Truth in created forms throughout the infinite expanses of the Dark Universes,  the one that was Favored by El, first and foremost, and was Given The Divine Charge of leading all of the Angels in all kinds of Light in The Names of El, Under El’s Commands throughout the worlds,  the one who had been Chosen to be the Divinely Appointed Chief of Angels before it was Cursed by The Almighty...

Religious and Political War Mongers

In The Names of Ahezaah, The Holy All-Knowing El Amen, The Provider of Mercy, The Holy Warner and Keeper of Promises, The Provider of Respite, The Eternal Punisher, The Christ, The Master of Hell, The Judge, and The Bringer of Conclusion in Judgment, We Recite. Blog # 92 Tuesday, April 17, 2012 For the spoken and unspoken threats that you sense against your lives, most of you among the commoners of mankind, throughout the world, surrender to patriotism under the calls of your nation’s governments among the politicians, their militias, and the leaders among your religious orders, despite the signs of evil that prevail in the governments of each of them. You prove to fear, honor, and respect them more than you fear, honor and respect The Reality of your Being which Provides existence and sustenance in Its’ Mercy for you. In The Sight of The Holy El Ahezaah, the world involving each of those kinds of governments has become overrun by lawlessness, whereas The Holy Divine La...

The Tyrants of Religion and Politics

With and In The Names of Ahezaah, The Holy El Amen, The Giver of Mercy and Warnings, The Provider of Time, The Eternal Punisher, The Christ, The Producer of Hell, The Lender of Life, The Bringer of Conclusion in Judgment, We Recite. Blog # 91 Monday, April 16, 2012 O people of the world at large, you might believe that Ahezaah is not Aware of the tyranny in the world all over, especially that of the tyranny that lives in some of your hearts and minds, but you are truly incorrect to think or believe that The Watcher, Seer, Hearer, and Knower of all things is not Absolute in Its’ Awareness and Knowledge of every single affair from the greatest down to the minutest details of all mankind.  Everything about you, your worlds, and all other beings in the universes is Known by El Who is Seated in The Most Holy Sign, Symbolizing Its’ Holy Supreme Being, which is The Lord Seated Upon The Heavenly Throne of Mastery Over all worlds This Day, in Its’ Name of Ahezaah.  ...