In The Names of Ahezaah, The Beneficent, The Merciful, The Eternal Reality, The Holy Allaah Hu El-Aah, The One Infinite Being of Mentalities, The All-Knowing El, The True Prophet, The Incomprehensible Mind of The Absolute Being of Life, The Thing Without Measure, The Thing Without Boundaries, The Thing Encompassing Infinity and Eternity, The Thing That Cannot Be Encompassed, The Lord and Master of All, The Holy Essential One for All things, We Recite.
Blog # 102
Friday, May 04, 2012
In The Names of Allaah, The Glorious El, The Holy Amen, Master of The Almighty Throne, The Reality of Eternal Dominion, The Evolver of Life,
El Has Changed The Name of Its’ Supreme Being from Allaah to Ahezaah for This Current Day of Its’ Divine Recompense for the worlds of mankind.
It is Keeping Its’ Divine Promises to mankind that were Given in Its’ Holy Prophecy through a number of Its’ Holy Messenger Prophets of yore.
It has Cleared Up the age old question about who was the True Elijah to come unto what New Divinely Most Favored race of people, as Prophesied in the Holy Book of Malachi, when It Commanded Us to Raise Elijah Poole Muhaamid to be a most significant leader and teacher of them under Our Commands.
Miraculously El-Aah Raised and Rejoined the lowest and most lost ones among the Afrimerican People of these United States of America, through what We Did with Elijah, and brought them back in hearts and minds to a love and respect for their fathers, mothers, forefathers, and their own selves; Showing Our Lord’s Miracles of bringing them back from the Signs of being Dead, and captured under the foot of the Devil, to the Signs of Being Alive with The Holy and Free El.
Miraculously, Ahezaah had them come out from the nightmarish life they were forced into by the hands of the people of power that ruled the Americas, by Taking those of them that surrendered to Us away from the effects of the inhumane atrocities they suffered upon their physical bodies and their hearts and minds since the time of their forefathers and mothers having been captured in Africa and forced into the most brutal slavery known in the worlds of mankind, which took place on the Continents and Islands of the Americas.
In The Sacred Names of Allaah and Under Allaah’s Command, We Provided for them a Path in the Way of The Merciful Lord of The Throne, Bringing them back to dignity and intelligence that was sound enough for them to experience and cope with the effects of Ahezaah’s Divine Resurrection of them, whereas they were Made Capable of meeting head to head, mind to mind, heart to heart, and soul to soul intellectually and intelligently with the rest of the human races of the Earth to express the humanity of the Afrimerican People; meeting with all kinds of people, including the enemies of humanity among the men and djinn of mankind and the demon beasts of Satan whom they were Made Capable of seeing and identifying as a perverted people that meant them nothing but Hell.
Miraculously Ahezaah has Taken them from the levels of being degenerated and hated slaves to being some of the more respectable dignitaries for the Unions of this Great Nation of the United States of America; with them given trusts for meeting nationally and internationally with others in the business of this nation, and even becoming leaders of the United States war machine at sensitive positions, which includes its military, paramilitary, national security agencies, and others among the known and the unknown secret divisions of their war machine including the ones that have covertly sought war against Our Messengers and the common seekers of justice among the civil rights warriors in these times.
Thereafter the passing of Elijah, Ahezaah Came down to Earth again in Its’ Name of Allaah and Proved Itself of Being The All in All Power of Life including It Manifesting as The Christ of The Holy El-Aah, like It Did with Jesus; however, El Resurrected the Soul and Mind of Samuel, The Lion of the ancient Hebrews that turned to calling themselves Judaists, and Unified him in This Day with Itself as Promised in the Apocalyptic Prophecy to Jesus, which is recorded in the caves of Patmos Greece, as Revelation to John.
In This Time of This Day of judgment, The Lord Came down in The Holy Divined Mind of This Divine Messenger that was Raised by It in Its’ Holy Name of Allaah. In Its’ Holy Favor, It Gives him The Upholding in Its’ Power for him to Be Of It, United as One Unit of a Holy Divined and Beloved Human Being Living in Complete Service to The Lord of The Throne under Its’ Truly Complete Authority.
It Has Taken Samuel Unto Itself in Its’ Various Units of Power That Are Attributed to Its’ Holy All-Powerful Realities of Its’ Eternal Being, such as The Christ, The Wise, The Righteous, The Author of Life, The Giver of Authority, The All-Knowing Guide, and Has Made him Divinely Aware as It Is Continually Showing, Teaching, and Giving him Living Knowledge to Experience of Its’ Eternal and All-Wise Being.
While billions of you among the Christians, Catholics, and proclaimers of being witnesses to El in the Name that mankind fashioned for El-Aah, being that of Ya Hu wa Haa / Jehovah / YHWH / Oh Hu and Ha), The Almighty Unseen Lord of Power Who Approached Moses and Caused him to say I awe of It, “Oh Eternal Essence and Guide”, (Ya Hu wa Haa) at the Divine Scene of the Burning Bush on Mount Sinai, a phrase that mankind among the Jews and Hebrews turned into a worshipped Name (Jehovah) of The Eternal Essence and Infinite Guide of Life in The Name of Hu (Essence) and Haa (Guide), which was accepted by many of theirs and the Roman’s offspring among the Christians…….
............while billions of you cry, pray, beg, hope, and believe in The Coming Of The Christ, with many of you believing wrongfully that The Christ of El is Jesus, The Christ of The Eternal Being of El has already Come down to Earth in This Garden of Eden (Its’ Holy Manservant), with It having Been down since April 13, 1979 in The Divinely Raised Being of This Messenger that came on time, in time, with the time of the current Prophecy about his coming with The Lord of Power after the Divine advent of Elijah.
Unfortunately, masses in the body of you all reject This Messenger of The Christ because he is not under your control, because he does not agree with you upon the basis of your main issues of religion, because he is not of the race with the most accepted color of body, and is without other features of being that you wished for, because he speaks The Highest Language of The Truth among mankind, which brings you fear, confusion, and an affront to your languages of religion, because he does not compromise with you against The Eternal Reality of Truth That Empowers him In Its’ Authority to act, speak, and be of It, because he does not address himself under your terms of being for the modern day’s Muslims, Christians, Catholics, Hindus, Buddhists, Taoists, Jews, nor under any other terms aside from what Ahezaah Gives of him to announce and to be recognized; such as him being an Ahad Believer, a Believer of The Ahad (The One [Ahezaah The One Eternal El-Aah-Hu);
And unfortunately for the lost Nation of Islaam that was initially formed under Elijah and thus taken, after his passing away from this life, in divisions by others that proclaimed themselves, without The Authority of The Lord and Judge of them, to be worthy leaders; unfortunately for them, the fulfillment of the Prophecy in the Holy Book of Malachi has been accomplished, and as Foreseen by Us, This Messenger who came under the descriptions about him that were provided for them in the Holy Book of Malachi, which Elijah identified as pertaining to them, was sorely rejected by the leaders and their people among followers in Newark, Chicago, and other cities that were made aware of Us Coming to the Temples of Elijah. Some of them witnessed Our Coming with him through clear eyes and concerns, but could not bow themselves down in humility before him and Us of The Unseen, to believe. Therefore, what was given to them from Us in their preparation for This Day was lost from them; and, for this, great numbers of them have again amassed great weight in evil upon their scales of Judgment to be presented At The Throne of Judgment in the coming of their lives hereafter. It is then that they will be most certain about whom, what, and why they should have believed Us in what We Say and have Said through Our Messengers in This Time.
Because of your rejection of This Resurrected Lion of the Ancient Hebrews and Us (of El and El’s Angels) you are being disfavored by The Lord of Power and Mercy. Your rejection of Us is truly of ignorance that is based upon your inability to fulfill your desire to control what The Holy El-Aah-Hu Does in regard to you and your institutions of religion. For this, great multitudes of you have suffered, and greater numbers of you will continue to suffer; even by the Hands of Nature, you will suffer great losses, which will be much greater than those of which you have been made aware by Our Signs of which We Refuse to let you be unaware. For your rejection of Us, you will suffer a suffering that will be extended into the Life Hereafter where you will be widely awake and alive in the bodies of your minds.
Through This Messenger of El Ahezaah, great numbers of you are still being given Mercy from Ahezaah in Time and the Signs of The Wise in Wisdom that you should consider as being most essential for you to recognize and follow, if you hope to be accepted by The Holy Judge of All in this Life and the next.
You should consider your deeds and the recompense of El that is owed to you, in considering what is to come of you in the next Life, and how you should attend to your debt in this life.
You should consider This Sign of The Lord’s Mercy for you and stop letting others who have the power to block your sights of This Messenger deter you from investigating the information that We Have Provided for you through him, and other information concerning The Righteous that you received previous to This Day of Recompense.
You should consider it and accept it with a heart full of sincerity because The Holy Producer, Sustainer, Guide and Annihilator of Life Who Comes down to Earth Eden as The Holy Christ Almighty will not change Its’ Will that was Planned for This Day to fit any of your agendas.
You should face your own demons and the demons of others, take a stand for The Holy Real Truth of The Unseen All-Powerful El in The Names under which you worship It, and stop living a life of lies and hypocrisy.
Humble yourselves down before Ahezaah, The Unseen Reality of Power That Is With This Holy Messenger Prophet of Ahezaah El-Aah……
……. and remember that The Holy El-Aah, The Lord and Master of The Supreme Mystery of The Darkest Black Infinitely Mysterious Expanse of Eternity from which came All Kinds of Light including The Pristine Light of The Christ, Works in Mysterious Ways, and not in ways to appease you.
This Messenger Prophet is The One Seated in The Strength of El. He was born under the Name of The Strength of El (Sam’ u- El) and Titled by The Holy El-Aah under a name representing The Holy El Ahezaah for Whom he publicly proclaims, Holy-Apostle-Deen Muslim Mujaahid Rashaad Saleem (A Complete Proclaimer of The Faith who is One that is Submitted Completely in service to The Lord of Reality, One who battles Righteously in the Holy War of The Good against evil with Reasoning and Integrity in his conduct in a Peaceful manner:
This is A Title of Honor that was Given to him Directly From The Real Author of Power That Is With him; the title of Holy-Apostle-Deen, a Holy public proclaimer that is a submitted one who battles for Truth with reason and integrity in a Peaceful manner. This is The One whom We have Raised and Sustains as a Merciful Sign for you, and this is The One who was sought to be killed by the men and djinn among the demon minds of Satanic people during the middle years of the past century leading up into this time. This is The One with your Real True Savior, The Christ of Ahezaah Amen, Delivering Its’ Words; and, believe it or not, this is The One about whom you will be strictly questioned on The Day of your Judgment at The Throne of El.
Like it or not, this is The Chosen One, Samuel, the one who was Chosen and Raised in The Divinity of Holiness for This Time of Apocalypse when The Lord of The Almighty Throne has come down to Give Recompense regarding mankind on Earth; and although you might reject him and Us of The Unseen in the greatest of your numbers, things of Life materialized as The Signs of The Time reject Us not; and, they are with Us in Power, to bring effects to The Lord’s Will of Recompense upon every rejecter of The Truly Faithful El Ahezaah Amen; effects that are being seen, and felt, in being manifested as expressions from The Holy Master of Life, for what they are; The Signs of Divine Destruction!
Lord Holy-Apostle-Deen MMR Saleem, MPA
Lord Holy-Apostle-Deen MMR Saleem, MPA
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