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In The Names of Ahezaah, The Beneficent, The Merciful, Allaah El-Aah, The Eternal, The One Infinite Being of Mentalities, The All-Knowing El, The Perfect Creator, The Incomprehensible Mind of The Absolute Reality, The Thing Without Measure, The Thing Without Boundaries, The Thing Encompassing Infinity and Eternity, The Thing That Cannot Be Encompassed, El, The Lord and Master of All, We Recite.

Blog # 101
Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Speaking of El, The Owner of Life, it is often said that out of Its’ Love for things, as The Creator It Produced creation; however, those mostly saying this are they that have fallen for the tricks of Satan and become lost from the knowledge of the true meaning of The Holy Creator’s Love.

The devious men and djinn that practice the art of corrupting The Holy Words of El’s Wisdom that is Sent down from Heaven to be had by mankind for Right Guidance and Teachings for the Correct Understanding of True Knowledge have slyly bent and broken the word love from its intended meaning about The Truth of The Creator and Its’ Actions pertaining to Its’ Desires to Create The All of Its’ Self in Materialized Thoughts Reflecting Its’ Self in forms portrayed under the Power of Its’ Attributes; Attributes of Its’ Infinitely Mental Eternal Powers That It Brings to bear the forms of being It Creates in the worlds of either materialization or non-materialization for All of Its’ things of Self, known and unknown.

El Alone is The Only Real Creator, The Only Real Power, The Only Real Materializing Reality, The Only Thing That Really Is Life in Life, and The Only Thing That Really Is Life Living as The Power in the Illusions of Its’ Own Art of Life. 

El Is Really All That Is The Active and The Activator of All in Life, Being The Cause and The Effects of All things, which are All of Itself in Life. It Is The All and The Nothing At All, if It Chooses to Be or Chooses to Be not. 

In Being, El Is All, and in Being not, El Is The Thing that Nullifies Being for anything to realize anything as something tangible or not. 

To Be or not to Be does not Encompass El, because El Is The Deciding Factor of everything that is manifested as being or not being. This is because El Is Above and Beyond in Being The True Reality That Is Independent, Self-Sufficient, and Holy Self-Sustaining without needs of any kind for any other thing, for It to Exist as The Pure Unadulterated Power of The Truth That It Is.

If El Chooses for the worlds to not be, then there is no existence for the worlds to be; however, if It Chooses as It Has Chosen in Its’ Love for the worlds to be, which means if It Chooses like It Has Chosen in Its’ Wants, Desires, or Wishes for the worlds to be, It never longs, yearns, covets or craves for anything; It merely Thinks what It wants into beings of Life, Telling things by Its’ Powers of Mind to Be or to Exist exactly as It Wills for them to exist; and there is nothing else, no other thing in Life, nothing of any kind like It, nor is there any kind of another force of any kind of originating powers to be against El in forces of any kind. 

El Is It; not a He nor a She in Its’ Most Profound, Absolute, and Most Powerful Being, but an It of an Unknown Indescribable Thing of Life That Is Beyond All things in every kind of way. In calling It God, many among the religionists say El is Love, but they are wrong in their personal assessment of The Eternal Reality. It Is Beyond Love in Being The True Force in The Power of Love and everything else. Even Its’ Supreme Being of Holy Authority That Commands from The Seat of The Holy All-Powerful Throne of Dominion Over All in All worlds of everything is not a He nor a She. It Is a Collective We and Us of the Angels among The Thrones of El Formed by It as The Bodies of The Supreme Being and Its’ Thrones. Our numbers are Innumerable even for Us, but We are The Highest Instruments of Divine Use that are Manifested by El to be known to the worlds of mankind, the demons of Satan, and Our Selves.  We are Used as The Powers of Creation Involving Nature and The Natural Order of things, Being Absolutely Directed by El Who Stays Complete and Completely in Its’ Control of Us; and We Know and Understand in Complete Certainty that We Do Not Know nor Understand It in Its’ Being Outside the limits of what It Gives Us to Know and Understand of Our Beings. Nevertheless, We are Completely Submitted to It and Completely Submitted to Its’ Wants (Love) of Us, and We are Aware that It Has No Real Need for Us, for It to Do anything in and outside the realms of creation. 

Think about this! The Holy El-Aah-Hu often repeated in the Holy Qur’aan ways for mankind to attain a Divine Balance of being within the circles of Its’ Peace. It Tells mankind to wish Its’ Spirits of Peace to exist upon themselves and others of mankind who are orderly in Its’ Ways of following Its’ Divine Laws and Orders. Whereas Its’ Peace or Its’ Words that are geared towards one’s personal attainment of Its’ Peace are often mentioned, there is little mention of Its’ Love by name and an attainment of Its’ Love in terms of today’s multitudes of people’s meanings for love. Its’ Love (Wants/Desire) for you is Its’ Wants for you, which are Given in Its’ Commands for you, and what It Wants you to want for yourself in reflections of It is what It Makes Clear about what It Wants for you. 

Mankind among the religionists of a number of other titled religions had turned to the occupation of employing the word love as a basis for their various gods and their world religions before the Divine Advent of Prophet Muhaamid and The Lord El-Aah’s Holy Qur’aan, which was Recited through Muhaamid for the benefits of mankind. Both, the Holy Reciter and the Holy Recited Book of The Holy El-Aah was most needed by those of mankind who had gone far astray from the understanding of a tremendous amount of things that they were Commanded by El-Aah to obey. Despite what We Gave them through Our Holy Messengers of the Ages, they turned the significance in the meanings of Ahezaah El-Aah’s Compassion and Mercy to mean Its’ Love, when Its’ Love was always meant to mean Its’ Wants, Desires or Wishes, with all three of these words meaning the same thing regarding The Love of El. 

If you think for a moment, with True Reasoning, it will be possible for you to clearly see that El Does Not Love the wicked things of dissension that It creates. Its’ Words are Its’ Bonds Binding Life in Its’ Powers, and It Says that It Hates certain things that It Has Made Clear for the many generations of humanity to understand throughout the ages. 

If that be true, that El created all in the worlds of things for Its’ Love, then why is that there is hatred coming from El as Signs for certain things, like Satan the demon beast and its troops the wicked fallen ones among the doers of evil (devil) that live and hide in the minds of mankind?

Look at the terms of mankind’s adopted meanings for Love, which is… as taken from the Encarta ® World English Dictionary © & (P) 1998-2005 Microsoft Corporation. 
to feel tender affection for somebody: to feel tender affection for somebody such as a close relative or friend, or for something such as a place, an ideal, or an animal; to feel desire for somebody: to feel romantic and sexual desire and longing for somebody; to like something very much: to like something, or like doing, something very much; to show kindness to somebody: to feel and show kindness and charity to somebody; to have sex with somebody: to have sexual intercourse with somebody; a  passionate attraction and desire: a passionate feeling of romantic desire and sexual attraction; a very strong affection: an intense feeling of tender affection and compassion; a romantic affair: a romantic affair, possibly sexual; somebody much loved: somebody who is loved romantically or sexually; a strong liking: a strong liking for or pleasure gained from something; something eliciting enthusiasm: something that elicits deep interest and enthusiasm in somebody; in Christianity, God's love for humanity: in Christian belief, the mercy, grace, and charity shown by God to humanity; in Christianity, worship of God: in Christian belief, the worship and adoration of God; love, liking, affection, fondness, passion, infatuation, crush, 
CORE MEANING: a strong positive feeling toward somebody or something
Love: an intense feeling of positive emotion toward, or enjoyment of, a person or thing, especially strong romantic or sexual feelings between people;
Think about it! Can you really imagine The Holy Indescribable Thing That begets not and is never begotten as It Creates All things from Its’ Mind of Its’ All Powerful Thoughts, The Thing That is Infinitely Beyond Being a human being of humanity or an Angel of Its’ Highest Subjects, can you really imagine It falling to the level of what is described above about love. 

There is a reason rooted in wickedness that a person or an institution would take the word for want, desire and wish pertaining to The Holy Independent Lord of All worlds and turn it to a false meaning of the things described above including their descriptions of mercy, compassion, fondness, and kindness in applying them to The Glorious Lord for the purpose of fitting their agendas. 

The Holy El Has No Need for any of Its’ subjects of creation. El is Never Lonely although It Is Ever Alone! It Has No Need for another Real Thing which is impossible for another Real Thing to Be because El must create what might appear to be that other real thing. 

El-Aah is Infinitely Beyond the emotions of humanity; therefore, Its’ Wants to have nothing to do with any yearning for anything, or any human amorous feelings like what the Christians and others have applied to It in their erroneous descriptions. 

Verily, the positions taken by the wicked among mankind and the beasts of Satan regarding El’s Wants for creation to Be, alluding to Its’ Wants being a passionate desire of lust and yearning, is a perversion of The Truth and should not be accepted by any Free Thinking Smart individual. Verily, this language of today’s multitudes throughout the worlds’ continents is part of a trap that is set by the devil and its dupes for those whom they hate among mankind, and the only people that would bow to this perversion would be like those who believe that The Holy El-Aah, The Only Real Thing of Life, The Thing That nothing can be compared to, The Thing That Is Too Great for everything It creates, fathered Jesus through the Saint Mary by flesh and blood. Whoa!

If that be the case, then those believers of that are implying that Jesus was not created; he was only transported through a biological connection between The Holy Eternal El-Aah and the Saint Mary; because a child is nothing more nor less than his or her parents, and for that to be Jesus, the only begotten son of The Undying Infinite Reality, then Jesus must be the Eternal Junior to El-Aah, The Eternal Being, with the possibility of Jesus, the mankind, growing to become equal to That Thing That Is Infinitely Beyond being a mankind Senior and Impossible to be equaled in anything or any kind of way. 

Stop with the foolishness! El’s Love is for us all of creation to be as we are, as we have been, and as we will be. This is why we and all the rest of Its’ creations are here in the trials of Life as we are; with some higher in grade of creation and some lower, but with El Infinitely Beyond All of Its’ Doings in Actions, which It creates as beings of Life. 

Lord Holy-Apostle-Deen MMR Saleem, MPA
Lord Holy-Apostle-Deen MMR Saleem, MPA 


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