In The Names of Ahezaah, The Beneficent, The Merciful, The Eternal Reality, The Holy Amen Allaah Hu El-Aah, The One Infinite Being That Creates Mentalities, The All-Knowing El, The True Master of The Universes, The Incomprehensible Mind of The Absolute Being of Life, The Thing Without Measure, The Thing Without Boundaries, The Thing Encompassing what is known and unknown of Infinity and Eternity, The Thing That Cannot Be Encompassed, The Holy Essential One in All Its’ worlds of things, We Recite.
Blog # 105
Thursday, May 17, 2012
While great masses of the people prefer choosing the Divine Prophecy of El’s Words that they favor, many fail to realize that it is not their choice that will make a difference in what The Fulfiller of Prophecy, Which is, in Reality, El Itself, does to Its’ worlds.
Nevertheless, people publicly promote the Prophecy they most believe in, while they shun the others. Therefore, through the ages of mankind, most of the people have always been unprepared for the Coming of whatever The Holy El Says will come to be in Prophecy through Its’ Prophets of old, and they further their ignorance and crimes against the Divine and Universal Laws and Orders of El, by not holding value in what We Relate from Heaven to Earth for them through those whom We Raise in their times to be their Present Messengers, and by denying what We Send down to them of The Wise’ Wisdom in the bodies of mankind.
Furthermore, there are a great many people that take hold more to what they choose to hear and prefer to believe as being correct prophecies from people who were not Divinely Authorized to predict the future on behalf of El and thereby, they turn away from what is said to come into being by the True Holy Divined Prophets of El.
While we live in this moment of time when the Holy Prophecy of The Lord El is clearly being fulfilled in the signs of mankind and that of the Natural Order of Earth, which is now being taken out of the order of the norm and shown to be filled with uncommon events that are destroying great numbers in the multitudes of mankind on Earth, great numbers of people are purposely ignoring the signs of Truth while they wait, look for, and speak mostly about the Ancient Prophecies that they might be able to control or ward off, like those prophecies of the ancient past Mayan people who predicted the Universe would send a thing of total destruction to the Earth’s inhabitants.
While they should fear Ahezaah, The Lord in The Name of El’s Throne of Dominion, they fear the things that The Holy Master controls; and while looking for the greatest and most destructive threat to their lives to stay away from, they ignore that We of El’s Holy Angels and Its’ Holy Messenger Prophet is presenting to you all Words of The Truth about The Greatest and Truly Most Real Threat. They do not realize that The Greatest and Most Destructive Threat to their lives is not the thing that was promised to befall Earth; It Is The Thing That Controls what is to befall Earth. They fail to truly believe that It is The Lord’s Decision as to what catastrophe will injure the Earth and its occupants, or to believe that El is The Reality in Its’ Breath and Essence That Is The Virtuous Power and The Ruthless Power Commanding The Real Controls of Power in things that can either help or harm you; and in their mass confusion, they fail to realize that they are parts of what is making today’s Prophecy be fulfilled concerning the Apocalypse, for the ways in which they are following the scripts of the devil Satan and its dupes among the evilest men and djinn that leads them on Earth.
Be not like those fooled into believing that things of life in created things are independent in what only appears to be independence, things independent in their appearances of having control, appearing in the effects of things that show signs of power that is seemingly independent; and be not fooled to believe that something other than The Almighty El Really has Control of them. Despite the fact that your scientists will not believe anything that they cannot prove or calculate through their own imaginations, and despite the fact that most of you believe in their minds being of the greatest minds for unraveling things for realization, believe them not when they say that people, other worlds of things, and the many signs of universal and earthly catastrophes are independent powers of good or of wrathful happening in the worlds that feed off of other things for their existence. Nature itself, in all worlds, universally and earthly, is completely absolute in its dependence upon The Life Giving and Life sustaining Creator, El, in all phases and things of the natural worlds. Everything happening in all of creation is under the control of Ahezaah El-Aah-Hu Amen, The Holy Creator manifesting in The Names of El behind the scenes of Its’ Innumerable Actions Labeling Its’ Attributes.
Because El Is The One That Makes all things happen, and because El Is In Control of all orders of the worlds of creation in everything, Its’ Holy Prophecies that are Delivered through Its’ Divine Messenger Prophets are always right on time in their time, and exact in the preciseness of their occurrences. Because most of mankind seeks to overrule The Holy Guidance (Wisdom) of El-Aah, looking to guide themselves, most of mankind are ever being thrown away in losses from El, The Good of Life, when it comes to them being right in their time, and exact in their measurements regarding them having their lives balanced in Harmony with El by El, The Balancing Master of them and their lives.
Verily, the so-called religious people are the greatest holders in mind about the prophecies of yore, and the greatest professors concerning them, professing to be true believers; whether they are among those believing in the true or those believing in the false prophecies, they are the greatest and most fixed holders who are set upon what they believe to be true prophecy; However, the so-called religious people prove themselves in every age of mankind that they are the greatest deniers of The Divine Truth when it comes to them personally being in the Holy Spirit of Faith and True Belief, and being in Divine Order with The Holy Divined Laws of true and sincere obedience to The Lord Most High, which is a Command made to be as an advantage given to mankind for them to be accepted by The Almighty Lord of The Throne of Dominion over theirs and all other worlds, and also in order for them to be made safe from the negative side in the effects of Our Showings in Our Signs of Divine Wrath, which comes when We are Presenting to the worlds of things all that is Commanded of Us to Present as We Show or Hide in Our Acts of fulfilling The Almighty Lord’s Holy Prophecies.
For the evil in mankind, the so-called religious people are ever finding ways to agree with the people of the world who abuse the illusions of the power that they are given from Us as their trials of life, those that are ever destroying The Divine Words of Truth that are sent down from Heaven to Earth in Books to be Opened by The Lord Most High and in Words of The Lord that are Given to The Lord’s Holy Messengers to be Spoken as Signs of The Lord’s Mercy for mankind.
Historically, the religious people, the ones to whom We have Sent Our Lord’s Divine Messengers and The Holy Books of Life, have made agreements with the vilest men and djinn that serve the demon beasts of Satan; agreeing with them, and supporting them on the strength of the signs and effects of the illusions they hold in the belief of their powers, which they say are powers of this world, divine gifts that were given to them from the gods of the worlds; making them, among presidents, kings, queens, dictators, politicians and people among others living and ruling in the likeness thereof, to be like gods over others of mankind. The so-called religious People of The Lord’s Books of The Past, and those of the present, have allowed them to exist by agreements and have joined in cahoots with them in going about their many ways in the evil of them portraying those types of mentalities in seeing them as gods, even if they do not say it out loud to the subjects over whom they have been tried by with the illusions of having The True Power and The True Freedom of The Truth to use it freely.
Through the ages it has mostly been because of the so-called religious people who proclaim true belief in the Divine Prophecies the most, that the many generations of people have faltered and been Destroyed by Us; the same as it is at This Time in This Day when The Lord El has Come down to a most unruly people on Earth, as The Christ, in Its’ New Name of Ahezaah, Reminding mankind throughout the world about Its’ Other Holy Supreme Names Labeling Its’ Attributes of Power, about Its’ Most Hidden Presence Being with this Messenger, and about Its’ Promise, in The Book of Revelation to John, about Revealing Its’ New Name, Which would be Written Naturally upon This Messenger who would have stars in his right hand, and who would be Seated in El’s Strength Living In A Circle of Realization with It under Its’ Own Desire.
The Divine Prophecy concerning this, as having been sent to the ancients among the Hebrews, Jews, Christians, Romans and Greeks, should have been looked for and accepted by the so-called religious people in this time of the Apocalypse; and yet, again, El’s Prophecies being manifested for This Day, including Its’ Prophet bearing Its’ New Name and other Signs of El, are being less accepted than they should be by the so-called religious people who have yet again chosen their own ways for worship and their most favored predictions about life to accept.
Despite the fact that We have made the Messages of El’s Commands through this Messenger in The Name of Ahezaah clear, in preciseness with The Lord Most High, the so-called religious people of the Books before This Day stand their grounds in firm rejection of Us. Instead of them being of The Righteous (El Ahezaah), bowing in submission to It, they choose to follow the vilest people in the mindsets of setting up The Holy Names of El and Its’ Past Messengers as their shields, and their own crooked religious philosophies as their swords, in their ways of making blood shedding war against other people a sport, calling what they do their patriotic and religious duties.
North, East, South and West, of every continent, nations are practicing this way of affronting The Truth of El and, for this, the world of all humanity on Earth is now being filled with El Ahezaah’s Holy Divine Wrath of Vengeance, with a Final Recompense in Justice coming for most of mankind’s people on Earth; a Recompense, which is and which will continue, Destroying great numbers among the masses of mankind in This Day of Judgment.
Lord Holy-Apostle-Deen MMR Saleem, MPA
Lord Holy-Apostle-Deen MMR Saleem, MPA
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