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The 99 Attributes of The Aah

In The Names of Ahezaah, The Beneficent, The Merciful, Allaah El-Aah, The Eternal, The One Infinite Being of Mentalities, The All-Knowing El, The Perfect Creator, The Incomprehensible Mind of The Absolute Reality, The Thing Without Measure, The Thing Without Boundaries, The Thing Encompassing Infinity and Eternity, The Thing That Cannot Be Encompassed, El, The Lord and Master of All, We Recite.

Blog # 99
Saturday, April 28, 2012

Who, but the devil had the audacity to limit The Aah to Ninety-Nine things that It Powers as creation that It Attributes to Life in The All of Its’ Boundless Self, Which Contains More than you think you know of Infinity and Eternity Within Its’ Endless Mind of Limitless Attributes. El is The Aah and The All of everything attributing to life in All the worlds of your mind and in All of El’s other things.  

If you believe in The Aah being equipped with only Ninety-Nine Attributes then count The All’s impossible number of things in El’s creations of Its’ All Existing Being in The Whole of Itself Being All in Its’ Worlds of Life that you see in manifestations of All Its’ multifarious kinds of life beings. Then cut off everything that you deduce, attributing their parts of life in action to the worlds of El in All Its’ creations beyond your numbers of ninety-nine, and give answer; to whom is the attributer of All in those other things, if it be not The Aah?  You cannot do it! The Aah is The Reality of All in All things, even if you call It by Its’ Many Powerful and Beautiful Names, like Amen, The Merciful, Raa, Aten, The Bountiful, Aum, Allaah, Brahman, Elohim, Christ, and Ahezaah.  

We, of The Aah’s Powerful Angels, bear True Witness to That Impossible Number of The Aah’s Units of Being that It Attributes as Individual Powers in living beings as The Aah’s All in All Kinds of Endless Numbers of Its’ Units of Power that are Its’ Manifestations of that which It Attributes to Life in The All of Its’ things that are Contained in Its’ Infinite Self.  

99! That’s less than 100! Without respect of El, multitudes of you have grown to realize your adulthood and have learned to count beyond the trillions in numbers of things in your own best interests, and yet you still hold The Aah to less than your abilities to count those numbers of things that you find interest in! 

Where is your awareness? Is it stuck at common where you cannot see past the understanding of the masses that hoop out in mass ignorance? Did you lose it completely at the shock of birth, or even before birth when you were in your mother’s womb still relating to The Aah? Or is it that you are too blind with ignorance and too deaf with arrogance to see and hear the signs of Our Calls for you to turn your greatest attention back to The Aah, back to The Unseen Reality That Masters Power in All things? 

From positions, beyond your microscopic observations, to positions, beyond your telescopic sightings, The Aah Is El, The One Holy Reality of the innumerable number of created things that you see and see not. It Alone Is All One Alone Being The Essence of All that is materialized in Its’ creations of All things. Truly, there is nothing other than El, The Creator of Aah, Manifesting what It Attributes to the matter of created things in All their parts of being what they are. Even though It is Invisible and can Manifest Itself Beyond the senses and sensations of things, It Is Most Visible and Most Manifest but, It Is Too Great in Endless Range to Be Seen as The Whole of The All That It Is by the untrained eye that has yet to be Settled In Being Enlightened In Its’ Personalized Possession and Purified by The Light of Its’ Unit of The Christ. It is Most Difficult to be Realized as Being Ahezaah in any way by those of Its’ creatures of mind who are yet to be Exalted or have been Taken down, like Satan, from Being Unified with El Ahezaah in The Holy Knowledge of Reality by The Righteous All-Seeing Ayn (Eye) of The Eternal Mind and The Spiritual Aah of Its’ Infinite Being.    

How small your minds must be to have allowed the irony of this to set in you; that which was seeded in you by Set, the devil Satan, a setting that was established to lure you into a false belief that you promote as you being True Believers of The Most Gloriously Unimaginable Power of The Aah, and yet you so incongruously promote and think of The Holy Incomparable Aah with It having limitations that you have set up in your hearts and minds for being with the serpent in the Garden; setting yourselves up against your own souls, as you go about the garden of your own selves and others like some mindless beast of the fields, eating the fruits of the Forbidden Tree with the devil, and dropping the undigested seeds of wickedness behind you as you go about your way throughout the fields of life in your worlds planting evil. You have allowed the fruit of the Forbidden Tree to become a part of you, because you are what you eat, whether or not you are consciously aware of what you eat; and it has become deep-rooted in your beliefs, and your foremost preference to be used for consumption as your food for thoughts. 

Woes may very well be awaiting you for holding Ahezaah El-Aah, The Holy Aah of Allaah, so low in your estimations of It; saying that It Is Holy The Great, Holy The Greater, and Holy The Greatest, while you limit It to a measly ninety-nine attributing powers of Life that you weigh by the most measly scales of your measly rationalization; and woes may very well be waiting for you because you further your evil  by taking El-Aah’s All Due Praise away from your beliefs and thoughts of It, and erroneously give parts of El’s Praise to the Past Holy Prophet of The Aah like Muhaamid and Jesus; lying in your deceit of saying things like all you need is Jesus, and Jesus is Christ your Lord and Savior, and he is the one that will inherit the Kingdom of El’s Heavens as though The Eternal El will die, and saying Muhaamid is one that is worthy of Praise; The Aah’s Praise, which is All Due to The Holy El-Aah Alone!

Know this! As you are educating your minds by things that are forbidden by The Aah for you, you are taking hands with the devil of your minds that serve as troopers of Satan’s army. Your battle in the Holy War of Truth against falsehood, Right against wrong, Good against evil, begins and ends inside of you, although it is very clear that the Holy War of Truth against falsehood is extended beyond your personal bodies of being. Both sides of the Holy War of Truth being against falsehood, the inside greater war and the outer world war is the responsibility of each individual regardless to what you call yourselves pertaining to religion, and regardless to how many battles you are tried by to prove yourselves to be worthy of Knowing your own souls and The Holy Master of them. 

The way to conquer your own vile self is to be Right with The Aah. By being Right with The Aah, It will conquer Its’ worlds of things for you, inside and outside of you including Satan. To believe that you can conquer your own self or conquer Satan by your own power and ingenuity is a most foolish belief that the devil feeds all fools that defy The Aah and eat of the fruit (passion) from the Forbidden Tree (worldly obsession) at the Center (your own central area in and beneath your heart where you bear commotions for lust … or the body of your solar plexus where emotional battles take place against you for your desire to have Faith in The Aah) of the Garden of Eden (your entire being of body, mind, and heart).  

You are the Garden of The Owner of Faith that you have been lowered into from the heights of your life before your birth into this world. 

The devils of Satan reside in you, ever snaking their way down from the back of your brain to the center of your tracks of being, going through your appendages, seeking to overwhelm your organs with its passionate provisions of lust. Each beasts of the devil are low things, the most beastly things of life that wants you to be low and beastly with them. Their major aim is to get you to limit The Aah in your misbelief and misunderstanding of It, and raise your own being in a belief of falsehood, to think that you can be independent of The Aah, and that you should join forces with them and others among mankind that think and believe in their ways. 

If you understand the Righteous True Language of The Holy Aah, if you can hear the whispers of your souls speaking the Righteous True Language into your hearts and minds through your spirits, if you are blessed to have the Righteous True Language of The Holy Aah translated from other tongues of language out of the ancient dialect to The Language of The Holy Truth of The Aah of today, to relate by what We Say through this Messenger of Ahezaah The Aah, you will find it easier to understand that Allaah is Elah, Eloah, El-Aah and The Aah, which is a term used as Its’ Name of The Eternal (El, The First, The Final, and The Foremost of All things) and Its’ Breath of Life (Aah, which is Breathed into All created things for them to be Given Life); on the other hand, if you refuse to speak Truth by the clearest dialect possible, and if you refuse to stand firm in the Spirit of Truth regarding It, then you play the game of chance in arrogance and deceit in the trials of life that are Given to you by The Aah.

We Advise you who will hear, and Warn you who refuse to hear, speak the best language, which is the clearest language of your heart, mind, and soul, and relate your thoughts clear and most sincerely in seeking to understand in the same manner. In this way, with your faith being in El Ahezaah as your trust from your heart and mind, you will have the best chance to clear up your own Garden of Eden and eat of The Best Fruits that are Produced for you by The Aah.   

Lord Holy-Apostle-Deen MMR Saleem, MPA
Lord Holy-Apostle-Deen MMR Saleem, MPA


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