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Really Realizing The Real Reality For Real

In The Names of Ahezaah, The Beneficent, The Merciful, The Eternal Reality, The Holy Allaah Hu El-Aah, The One Infinite Being of Mentalities, The All-Knowing El, The Master of The Universes, The Incomprehensible Mind of The Absolute Being of Life, The Thing Without Measure, The Thing Without Boundaries, The Thing Encompassing Infinity and Eternity, The Thing That Cannot Be Encompassed, The Holy Essential One for All things, We Recite.

Blog # 104
Tuesday, May 08, 2012

The Holy Ahezaah, The Holy El-Aah-Hu Amen, The Easing (Ez/Ease) Force of Reality That  Balances things between Its’ Fury (Ah) of Life and Its’ Peace (Aah) of Life, which Is The (El’s) Eternal Breath (Aah) and Essence (Hu) of The Infinitely Eternal Mind (Amen), It is The Great Mystery of Life that Manifests in The Most Mysterious ways.

The Holy Ahezaah El-Aah-Hu Amen manifests in mysterious ways because It Is The Absolute Mystery of Life and Death and All that comes between the transitions of Those Things of Itself that It creates of Life and Death in All of what is Known and Unknown of Its’ Doing of things before, after, and in between the before and after of them.  

El, The Holy Ahezaah El-Aah-Hu Amen, Is Itself The Masterful Reality of Life That is Forever Mastering Its’ Own Eternally Alone Existence of Being in Mysteriousness; Alone Being Real, and Existing as The One Holy Master of All things within Its’ Own Infinitely Most Strange Self, Which is Absolutely Mysterious and Self-Knowing Alone in Really Being The Reality of The All of Everything, in and beyond All created things, and beyond All other things’ comprehension of Its’ Truest Definition of Being.

The Holy El-Aah is Really Alone The Real Reality of Life to Be Realized for Real; and Being Real Is Itself, meaning: The Holy El-Aah is Absolutely The Real Power That Gives Life Holy from The Being of Its’ Own Unfathomable Self to Its’ innumerable units of creations; Giving from The All of Itself illusive things of Its’ Being that exists as life from the immeasurable to the infinitesimal, from the great to the small; things that include worlds of minds, in themselves, to be lived in a knowing or unknowing realization of It. 

It matters not whether El is understood or misunderstood by those subjects of Its’ created forms of minds in the mental worlds of those created forms, El Is Still Forever Being The Holy Thing to Be Realized for What It Is in Being The Hidden Doer of Life, Which Is The One Master That Operates All of Its’ Selves (the individualized illusions of Its’ creations that are formed as life beings of other things); Being The Holy Master of All others, Operating  through the illusions of All others, and never being diminished in The Reality of It being More Than The All others of creation that are created by It to be realized as Life in The All of Its’ Self. Including in Its’ life and death evolving of Its’ All in other things, whereas El Gives Resurrections of new births in All That It Wills of things in Its’ Settling them in states and stations of existence, El is Never Changed by what it does.

The things making up the worlds of creations are each absolutely less than The Creator of them, The Holy All El, with All things being like bits and pieces amassed with other entities of things that Ahezaah El Empowers and Sustains in them being formed as units of collectives and whole created beings including things like the universal dust of stars and other galactic things and the so-called “Big Bang Theory” of mankind’s version of belief about creation. All the universes combined, with all the great stars and suns of planets are less in Power and The Life of El. It is those things of creation that are only reflections of the Dark Thoughts of El that are Brought to Light by El for things of The All in others with the sense of sight to see for realization.

Nothing of Life exclusively exists, singular and alone, without any other thing except for The Whole of El in It Being The All of The Independent Reality of The Real, Which Is The Real in Power Hidden in The All of All things; Being The One Holy and Truly Indescribable Thing That cannot be detailed in descriptions by any other thing, and The One Thing in Which everything is created, and contained, and The One Thing by Which everything created including The Supreme Being of The Creator can be described.

Mankind allows the enemies of humanity to confuse them about El and Its’ Supreme Being.  They cause people to believe that The Supreme Being of The Lord of The Thrones is The Ultimate of El, and Beyond That there is nothing. Verily, Beyond The Holy Supreme Being of The Thrones there is nothing known by the minds of mankind, not even by the Prophets of El. 

The Holy Supreme Being, in All Its’ Grandeur, Is Still  Inside of El Being Part of The Whole Scheme of Life created by That Which Is Absolutely Greater and Most Real. Everything aside from The Holy Reality of Power That Is Mastered from within The Holy All of El is small (itty-bitty/itsy-bitsy), being less and incomparable to The Endless Being That Is Beyond Without Boundaries and beyond any rational explanations for It. 

The Reality (Re/Illuminator.. Al/The.. Itty/lesser created things) Is That Which Casts Its’ Lights of all kinds in The Power of Realization upon the Life of creations of all kinds, manifesting Its’ Attributes of It Being The Holy All-Powerful Illuminator of creation; The Pure Eternal Power of Fires and Lights, of All kinds.

Although the subjects of creation in every form of their beings are completely connected in being subjected to The One Real Thing in The Reality (The Truth / The Real-itty / The Reality) of The Itty (things of lesser capacities in the illusions, which are still The Real of the itty [the smaller things]), The Real of The Reality manifests and hides Itself as Being Really All of Everything in The Absolute Power of The Real and Imaginary Life of them, the subjects of Life cannot master the knowledge nor the understanding about The Master of All in The Power Coming from This Holy Mystery That We Know as Being The Holy El, no matter how Small or Great El Appears to Be in The Illusive Forms of Its’ Creations of Its’ All Existence in Being All manifested as The Universes.

The Real’s smaller divisions of creations (people, places and things) are ever connected to El for The Real Power of their lives; and they are also connected by all other things of the lesser parts in the illusions of Life, making up the greater parts in the illusions of Life that are looked upon as whole units of individual things that are deceiving by their appearances of being independent in their forces, which make them appear as being active (alive) on their own independent powers. Although the many universes of creation are too great for the minds of mankind to fathom with True Understanding, each being of mankind is a part of the whole of The All’s Imaginations, like each particle in the atoms of mankind’s flesh body is part of the whole of each person’s bodies of being, which makes up an individual personality of mankind.
El Appears in whatever ways It Desires, and El Is Itself, Never Diminished by what It Appears to Be in Its’ Forms of Illusions. Its’ Power that is Given in the smallest of things is no different to It than Its’ Power that is Given in the greatest of things. From the minutest of All creatures in Its’ microscopical worlds, to the greatest stars in Its’ galactic universes, in El’s Giving of Power, It is not in the least diminished nor is It ever stressed by what It Gives. To El, Power is Power, which is not even comparable to a mere thought or less in the minds of human beings, as El Powers Its’ Mental Movements of Its’ Mind, Which Operates All of creation as The Hidden Reality.

For this Messenger of El Ahezaah, We Witness that there is hardly a person in the world that has yet to prove in his presence that they have taken a positively balanced position in regard to him, for this Knowledge of El. For the people’s varying degrees of fear, disbelief, selfishness, and the opposition they have held against him and Us, The Ease (Ez) of Ahezaah has escaped most of them that he has made personal contacts with in the deliveries of El Ahezaah’s Truly Divine and regular worldly Messages. His plight in being different, in the people’s opinions, comes because of the ways of his use of Our Divine Words, which has made him estranged from most of the people who prefer to either control him, or to hold themselves as being equal or greater than him and the Divine Knowledge, which he surrenders through the signs of his life and his informative words of Divine Expressions. It is difficult for most of them to believe and to submit to the fact that this Messenger of Ahezaah El is Divinely Educated by The Holy Master of Us, The Master of The Unseen, and that he has been Favored by It over them, regardless to The Signs of The Holy Wise El Being realized or not Being realized as Being With him, because Our Lord and Master will not give them equal knowledge in Experiences of Its’ Hidden Existence to what It Gives him in True Realization of The Unseen Reality as Evidence of Its’ Hidden Being That Is Loving and Caring of him, despite what they believe. No one but El can take away from this Messenger what El Wills for him to have of It in Evidence of Its’ Indescribable Being That Is Beyond All of All created things, and Its’ Gloriously Manifested Supreme Being That Seats The Thrones of Dominion. He is one that is Divinely Gifted to Really Realize The Real of Reality for Real.

Lord Holy-Apostle-Deen MMR Saleem, MPA
Lord Holy-Apostle-Deen MMR Saleem, MPA


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