In The Names of Ahezaah, The Beneficent, The Merciful, The Eternal Reality, The Holy Allaah Hu El-Aah, The One Infinite Being of Mentalities, The All-Knowing El, The True Prophet, The Incomprehensible Mind of The Absolute Being of Life, The Thing Without Measure, The Thing Without Boundaries, The Thing Encompassing Infinity and Eternity, The Thing That Cannot Be Encompassed, The Lord and Master of All, The Holy Essential One for All things, We Recite.
Blog # 103
Saturday, May 05, 2012
Conveniently people forget that The Eternal Reality of El, Which Creates with interest in the use of Its’ numbers, often does things in mathematical divisions of threes. Significantly, Its’ Name of The Eternal Creator touches upon a meaning indicating smaller units of things with a base number of three created by El(Et-Tern-Al [taken from French-Latin-Arabic mix of an American English term) –et -et.. Old French… small one; terni .. 14th century … group of three;< French terne < Latin terni (see ternary)]; al…Late 20th century Arabic al “the”
ter·na·ry [túrnəree] adj 1. threefold: consisting of three things or parts, or arranged in groups of three (formal)
ternary form 2. mathematics with base of 3: describes the number system, or a number belonging to it, that has 3 as its base
a ternary logarithm 3. mathematics with three variables: involving or having three variables
4. metallurgy with three components: describes an alloy that consists of three components
5. chemistry with three atoms or molecules: describes chemical compounds consisting of three active elements, e.g. three atoms, molecules, or radicals
[15th century. < Latin ternarius < terni "three at a time" < ter "three times"]
Encarta ® World English Dictionary © & (P) 1998-2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Great numbers of the people once identified as The Lost and Found People of Africa among the Afrimerican slave descendants were living in an existence of life that was said to be comparable to dead bones of a skeleton whose meat was eaten away by the demon beasts of the world; the living dead people that were decaying and wasting away in decadence under the heat of the sun (their ignorance), in the burning sands (their foolish mistakes) of a desert (their deprivation of intellectual, universal and true divine knowledge), before the Coming of Elijah with Us of The Unseen.
The enemies of mankind, especially the enemies of those servants who are Favored by Ahezaah El-Aah, have made lightly of the Divine Advent of Elijah’s Coming at the beginning of This Day. Nevertheless, Ahezaah Provided artistry in Its’ Wisdom and Way of presenting Elijah and the Lost and Found People of Africa. In the Holy Qur’aan of Muhaamid, Ahezaah El-Aah Allaah warned that It would create a New People to uphold Its’ Beauty (Grace) in Islaam (The Laam / The Religion of The All-Knowing). Today when it is being made fashionable to provide the history of people’s lineage, the latest created people have a very short record to be found about them; and because of financial issues with certain agencies of power in this nation, certain information pertaining to the relativity of Africans and Indigenous Native Americans is held in suspicion. The same opposing people are the ones investigating and reporting, and it is quite obvious that the Afrimerican people are less important for the show of this present day fashion.
Nevertheless, like an early morning arrival for The Day of Judgment, Elijah came under the rise of one whom We Chose to attract him; one whom We called a Master and Early Arriver (Fard). This was done as a Sign for those who sought directions to a Clear Return to The Truth of their personal and racially collective beings; seekers of The Lord of This Day of Judgment, and searchers of The Peace that was to be found in The Possession of The Lord.
No matter how much this is disbelieved, no one can change history, nor can anyone change The Truth (Ahezaah El-Aah-Hu Allaah). What occurred through the advent of Elijah is true history, and the Miracles that were Manifested in the beings of the most down trodden people whom We Raised in The Commands of Ahezaah under Its’ Name of Allaah was done by The Power of The Eternal Truth. In The Mercy of Ahezaah, We Provided Clear Signs of The Power of The Eternal Truth and Its’ Holy Unseen Being, and It Manifested Its’ Undeniable Spirits with members of the submitting ones that lived sincerely by the Spirits of Its’ Faith that It Gave unto them.
We were well aware of the mindset of the Afrimerican people; therefore, We Made it easy for them to accept what appeared to be a Caucasian Messenger. Coming in a light skin Caucasian appearance of a man, Fard was easily accepted by the Afrimericans who were basically an American Caucasian slave-minded people who were bent and broken in being turned to loving their oppressors. It is this kind of information that the descending oppressors of Afrimericans today want forgotten and buried by the Afrimerican People among many who seek to oblige and cooperate fully with them; albeit, unsympathetically at a cost of loss for their own people in undisclosed detriment. However, Ahezaah refuses to allow a burial in forgetfulness about this history, which is one that many people will be questioned about on The Day of Judgment for them personally.
The Holy Commands for Us to extend Elijah in service to the Afrimerican people as an Opening of The Way to their Salvation with Ahezaah was no minute thing in the Sight of The Holy El Ahezaah, despite the fact that Our offering was taken lightly with doubt, disbelieved, and looked upon as another small thing of the Afrimericans fashioning a fad, which was rejected by most of the people that We Aimed to Aid and bring back to Life Relative to The Most High. It is most obvious that they preferred and chose the lowliness of mind in the life of this world over the choice of Unity with The Christ El-Aah of The Real Light of Truth, which was to be gradually Presented and Given to them by Us.
While the Caucasian people among many of their men and djinn want a burial of this history to happen, they are toiling away at trying to see that it does. Along with their attempts at literally washing away the Blackness from the Darkened skin of the descendants of Adam among the Afrimericans, they are attempting to kill the atoms of the Afrimerican memory genes and keep the Afrimericans as higher developed intellectual slaves. While they are among a number of groups of people that refuse to forget any of the atrocities that has touched their race of people in the history of time, they heavily promote the religious philosophy of forgiving and forgetting to the Afrimerican people; especially when it comes to forgiving and forgetting things that they themselves do as an injustice to the Afrimericans, involving signs of the devil coming from them in attacks upon the Afrimerican cause for being.
The leading American Caucasian educators and anthropologists are aware that out of The Eternal Darkness of El came the lights of all kinds, and the creation and growth of mankind is similar in that same order of evolution. The Dark skinned Africans are found to be the eldest of all people on Earth, the fathers and mothers of humanity, and yet great numbers of them hate and want to annihilate the darkness of them completely; therefore, they go about their systematic way of mixing and matching in their movement of money and races to affect their desire to eliminate them, as they also attempt to eliminate knowledge of The Eternal Reality in connection with the Afrimerican People. They seek ways to open up The Secrets of The Holy Mysterious Being of The Reality That We witness as being The Eternal Thing of Power That Is Hidden In plain view of them in Its’ Holy Supreme and Indiscernible Invisibility. They seek ways for It to come out of Its’ Holy Black Supreme Mystery of Eternal Being to reveal Itself as a material being lit up in The Whitest Light of The Truth, believing that in this way It can be seen for them to do the most impossible thing, which is to encompass and defeat It in the sights of all mankind; maintaining that they still hold and cultivate within them the demon seed of Nimrod who believed that he could have a monument built to the heavens of the physical world, to reach The Lord El and give It his challenge in the sight of those over whom he ruled; and they want people to believe in the fallacy they suggest, implying that the modern day people among mankind is in no way in mind and heart like those of the ancient people.
The Creator of All in All things of Life is not of race, nor of color. It is Beyond All in All things that It creates of Life and Death in matters of essence in all hues. It is not affected by what It creates of these things, nor is It encompassed by any of them. Nevertheless, the most evil and most deceitful people of the world has historically associated The Holy Pure Creator with races and colors of people and things, which they have fashioned by their own hands to be worshiped as their gods and goddesses, even in this day and time. Therefore, by Us Producing Elijah and the religious philosophy that We Gave him, We Brought a Counter Force in attacks against those kinds of people to Save the lives of the Afrimerican People whom they held in mental bondage and enforced upon them those ideas; and thus, under The Lord El’s Commands, We Raised and Brought Forth The Chosen One, Samuel, the Divinely Resurrected Lion of the Ancient Hebrews, out of them; and now, in This Day, he is a Most Significant Sign of The Lord’s Mercy to you all, regardless of your races, creeds, and colors. Between this time of The Rise of Samuel, aka Holy-Apostle-Deen, and the passing of Elijah when many of you fell to the influence of others that were not Divinely Appointed to lead your people, you among the Afrimericans that were Raised by Us had your Second Level of Resurrection as a newly revived people. In answer to what We Offered in Our Doing of The Good for you, the majority of you have turned back on your heals, proving your hypocrisy and disbelief in choosing the material riches of the world over the spiritual riches of The Eternal Reality, being reminiscent of the Ancient Hebrews who were freed by Us through Moses from the diabolical clutches of the Ancient Egyptians.
You have shown that you prefer to be of the ways of yours and your forefather’s oppressors including by what you progressively show by your acts of arrogance and your oppression of others that you might hold in your hearts and minds as persons less than you, because of your illusions of power, which you assume having through what you gain of worldly positions of power, wealth and fame to be tried under by Us.
For Our Success in Giving Rise to Elijah and Samuel who are Seated in The Strength of The Lord El, the men and djinn of the powerful enemies that war secretly and openly against those among mankind, especially against those that bow in sincere submission to The True Lord of Power Supremely Manning The Throne of Dominion, are scurrying to and fro, back and forth, toiling to make themselves appear to the world of others among humanity as though they have turned to being fair and just to their descending slave-minded citizens, so that they will trust them as leaders and security agents for their kinds among mankind.
For this purpose, the great thinkers among them have influenced the effect and the acts that they present in the rise of interracial marriage, which is now being popularly promoted between their people and the Afrimericans, especially for those Afrimericans with success whom they have allowed to become financially wealthy, powerful, and famous stars among the heavens of the people’s minds. They are the standards, the examples, the celebrities that are now used in doing what they do for an ill reason, which is another perversion in their actions against The Holy El Ahezaah, The All-Knowing and All-Powerful Lord of The Throne. They have taken themselves through great pains to affect this deceit of acceptance and hide their true aims, their fears, and their supreme disdain for holding the Afrimerican people in fixed up appearances of living in equality with them, and worse, for having to follow behind a person or people they consider as being of an inferior and an impure race of people that many of them still hold as being less than human; and what they do now, in their acts of elimination, is something that has been done worldwide in other nations. Verily, there remains to be huge factions of them that the more powerful people among them have to keep under control, or they would run free and wild, like beasts, eliminating those of mankind whom they have misjudged in those ways of thinking. The most level-headed Afrimericans realize that for them, living in the belly of the beast is nothing like it is made to appear to be, as it is seen and thought to be for those looking from the outside of it.
As much as people want this history of Elijah, the Forerunning Messenger of El-Aah, and the Miracles that took place with the Original Nation of Islaam Organization forgotten, The Lord refuses to allow this to fade away as of yet; And The Rise of The Chosen People anew must be, because Ahezaah Said it would be, as far back as the time of Muhaamid when It Warned that It would Create a new people to uphold Its’ Words of Truth if the Muslims of Muhaamid’s people failed like the People of The Book that came before them.
Lord Holy-Apostle-Deen MMR Saleem, MPA
Lord Holy-Apostle-Deen MMR Saleem, MPA
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