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A World Now Common of the Crazies

In The Name of El, The Almighty Being of Absolute Power, The Lord of The Thrones of Sovereignty, The Reality of the Unseen Angels, The Lord of The New Name Ahezaah, The Hidden Reality of The Truth, The Christ of The Divine Crusher, The Doer of Wrath In Being The Divine Destroyer, The Compassionate Savior, The Owner of Peace, The Dispenser of Love, We Recite.

Sunday, June 26, 2011
Blog # 79

In This Hour of The Day of Revelation, lunacy is being served under the numbers of the four and the two. In This Time of The Day of The Lord’s Retribution against mankind, it has become a fashionable thing for the common numbers of individuals among the masses to be lunatic servants of the devil Satan who is selling them signs of death and damnation under the Permission of The Lord El.

The devil is working behind the symbolized meaning for the numbers of the four and the two in forming all kinds of malicious trials in trying to have all of mankind to break their connection with each of their Cords of Life which attaches them to their souls. They want mankind to severe their connection with The Creator Who Is The Lord Most High, The Master, and The Sustainer of their lives, by shutting themselves off from their ability to communicate with El-Aah, The Holy Righteous Guide of their conscience Which Drives the beings existent of their lives from the height and place of their souls.

Satan and its dupes of fallen angels are manifesting from the unseen realms under the Permission of The Lord Most High in fulfilling a Sign of Prophecy from The Lord El in the Holy Book of Revelation which John, the disciple of Jesus, etched in Patmos, Greece, in words of The Holy Divine Lord El on the wall of a cave in which he was imprisoned.

While in prison, John sought to pass his time away by trying to escape his conditions of imprisonment in his consciousness by being involved mentally and spiritually with meditation and astral projection. He practiced transporting his mental and spiritual bodies of being into the higher realms of mentality, in his attempts to know the astral, the ethers, and the ethereal realms of his spiritual bodies of being. He was a Gifted Saint to whom We Gave Divinely Prophetic Visions and Writings for his raised mentality through which he wrote Words of The Lord El’s in Prophecy that were Revealed to him in visions concerning the First Hour of This Day of The Lord’s Divine Retribution against the vile ones of mankind and the devils of Satan’s fleets.

John’s Divine Visions and Holy Writings were Given unto him to be The Book of Revelation, which was meant to be Tightly Sealed until This Time in The Hour of The Day of The Lord’s Retribution when it would be Divinely Revealed by The Lord of The Throne, The Holy Author of it, through Its’ Messenger of The Day, in Its’ New Name of Holiness.

It is in the Book of Revelation to John itself that We Revealed what would be the Divine Role to be Lived by the Resurrected Lionhearted Prophet Samuel, the son of Elkanah and Hannah, who was born a Nazirite in being dedicated to a lifetime of service to The Lord El by his mother. While he was raised under the Priest Eli among the ancients of the Houses of Israel, it was Known by Us then that he was The Chosen One to be Divinely Resurrected in This Hour of The Day to Loosen the Divine Seals of the Holy Book of El’s New Holy Covenant, whereby the Book would be Opened and Read by The Lord Most High in Its’ New Holy Name of The Lord That would be Revealed through this Messenger in the Soul of Samuel with his mind in remembrance of himself being a Prophet, Seer, and Judge of Ancient Judah and being raised at Shiloh in the Temple under the tutelage of the Priest Eli. From the many Divine Visions that We Gave him throughout his Life in this day about his past time in the day of him leading Israel, he is now at rest in The Knowledge Confirmed by The Lord Most High to him about the troubling visions that he kept secret because of being accused of being mentally touched for everything he revealed about his inner being of mind in Spirituality that We Gave unto him since his time of birth into this world from the womb of his mother Laura this day. Things are now Divinely Clear for him and he is well prepared to operate in his service to El-Aah Hu Ptah Allaah Aten Amon Raa, The Christ Shiva, in The Name of Ahezaah.

In part for Our Assurance that its preservation would be kept intact, the Divine Book of Revelation was written by Us through John in a difficult type of Symbolic Language. In this We Made Certain that it would be an interesting but most difficult reading that was kept under an Impossible Code to be broken by mankind; therefore, no matter how many hundreds of thousands or multiples of millions there were among the scribes and scholars of mankind that attempted to unlock the Code and rewrite the Book since they discovered it in Patmos Greece, they could not do it. The Holy Book of Revelation was Sealed until This Hour of The Day when The Lord El Opened and Unsealed its Pages to be Read by Us through Its’ Divine Recitalist, This Holy Chosen One of El’s Messenger Prophet who resides in The Firmness of El Ahezaah in the Soul of Life that houses the existence of Samuel, the Holy Resurrected and Chosen One of El-Aah’s Promise.

It is Symbolically Written in Holy Prophecy that the devil would have its way in leading great multitudes of the people away from The Signs of The Truth for 42 months: meaning that the devil would reign, in its malevolence in the minds and hearts of mankind, in This Hour of The Great and Dreadful Day of The Lord; and the devil would be acting in its appointment under the symbolism of the number of death (4), with its dupes of angelic demons that are housed in the minds of the commoners among mankind, and with today’s political bogeymen who lead the people and their militias in their positions of power that are supported in being upheld by the most vile and powerful ones among the djinn that hide among them in all kinds of institutions of the anti-Christ. In being with The Almighty Lord’s Permission, they are also being with Signs of Its’ Power to do all that they are doing of wickedness under the number of the two (2) indicating being with The Lord El’s Authorization.

Verily, what is being done worldwide by the devil in the magnitude of what is being done through every means of the devil’s ways of evil could never be done without The Consent of The One All-Powerful, Wise, and All-Knowing Lord. In this matter of Hell being Produced by Us in Nature’s Elements on Earth in the Garden under The Commands of The Lord El, the devil is acting in accordance with Us under El’s Permission in leading the multitudes of the rejecters of The Lord’s Spirit of Faith in The Truth of El’s Power away from The Safety in The Security of The All-Powerful Lord.

The devil is being used as a part of The Divine Retribution of El in The Name of Ahezaah, against the worlds of mankind; a part that is now Made to be Signs of The Lord’s Curses and Damnation in Life before that which is to follow in Death for the great masses of the people in multiplied generations of humanity; and This Power and Authorization that is Given by The One All-Powerful Lord and Master of The Throne, a Power Given to exist with the devil, it will be Kept this way for an Assigned Period of time that is Known Alone by The Lord Most High.

Between the devil and its cursing and damning mankind under the Permission of The Lord on one side, and by The Hell that is being brought down by Us of The Holy Spirits of The Unseen in Wrath under The Holy Commands of The Christ of El, that which you see of mankind’s Destruction being done to them in from within by following the evil suggestions of the demonic part of their minds, and with Us in El’s Signs of Wrath through Nature being manifested as tremendous happenings of Destruction in their lives, it is through this that it is being shown that the people of religion are doomed with the common atheists among the rejecters of Faith. They are doomed for the ways they have turned to the devil in its service against The Way of The Righteous Who Is Retaliating against them through Us in Its’ Vengeance. The Lord of Wrath and Vengeance is showing that they who are now calling for El-Aah Hu The Christ Amen under all Its’ Names, merely for a show in sport and play, are doomed.

They among the disbelieving, hypocritical, showboating, rejecting charlatans among mankind who think that they have deceived El-Aah Hu Ahezaah by doing things like raising signs of the cross and wearing them on their person, dressing in religious apparel that they believe suggests and support that they are true to the Christ of Allaah when they are not, tattooing their bodies with signs of those whom they worship, forcing their calloused marks upon their foreheads to prove that their praise of Allaah is certain, calling out El-Aah’s Holy Names and the renown names of Its’ Servants like Jesus while they point skywards for greater affects for the view of great multitudes of onlookers in celebrations of their worldly achievements, disturbing the peace of people who do not believe as they believe by polluting the public airways that are shared by the citizens whose rights they offend and take away in the Name of the gods they call out to, they are doomed and will soon know the Retributions of The Almighty, All-Knowing, Just Judge of The All in the Life over mankind. They are all a part of the madness that is being displayed by the Crazies among the people who have destroyed all the parameters for The Orders of Righteousness among the Children of Adam.

At last the general population of mankind has done the ultimate in raising their gods up as equals to The One Alone and Real Supreme Being of El without fear of The Lord’s Reprisal through Us. By the words of their gods, openly, men are marrying men, women are marrying women, two men or two women are allowed by government and the religious orders in the lands to raise children in households that they believe are the normal healthy way of being for the ongoing Life of humanity, despite what We left them of the Signs of Divine Retribution that was done against the people of ancient Sodom and Gomorrah. It is a sign of mankind’s complete disrespect of The Unseen All-Powerful El, whereas, for following the evil suggestions of Satan, they have made themselves useless to Life in this world and menaces that live by spewing nothing but poison on all levels of their beings. For this, they are only worthy of being Divinely Destroyed by Us.

From The Highest of The Almighty Lord down to the lowest of the devil Satan, mankind is being leveled in their lunacy between The Holy and the unholy in Hell on Earth, in the same Garden of The Faithful (Eden), which is the same Garden of The Judge (Id-Daan) where mankind is Judged for right and wrong choices made between Ahezaah and Satan. It is the same world where the Wisdom of El was Provided Clearly for the father and mother of all humankind who went wrong in their trials by the fate empowered by El upon the same devil Satan, in the same Garden of The Faithful Judge that is Owned by The Same Holy Creator, Which is The Same Owner of Us who are manifesting Unseen with It in pinpoint accuracy at what We Aim for in The Divine Wrath of El Shiva, The Christ of El, in Us bringing complete havoc to Earth as a Judgment against mankind for their rejection of The Faith in El.

In their lunacy, the people in general with those among the elite refuse to acknowledge Us of the Warrior Angels of The Lord of all worlds, The Messenger of The Lord, The Lord Itself and Its’ Prophecies being in connection with what is seen and felt of the Divine Havoc that We are Creating through the Signs of Nature, and what is to be acknowledged of The Divine Words and materialized Guidance of The Lord that is shown in and about the being of This Messenger of El.

Despite his manifested actions for the past thirty-two years of Divinely Speaking with Us of The Unseen Who Speaks through him in conversations pertaining to the many worlds of El-Aah in the Path of the True Way of Mind in Spirituality, they refuse to acknowledge Our Messenger who is Soaking Wet from his act of spilling The Lord Wise’ Wisdom all over the worlds of their mental and spiritual beings as Holy Gifts in replenishment to help inspire them to strive towards having a death and rebirth in The Christ for a Divine Resurrection to occur in them. He is at work in Signs of El’s Mercy pouring the Waters of Life out in Gifts of El’s Compassion, flooding minds with insight to The True Way of The Righteous’ Guide in Guidance to achieve The True Success in Life Giving Realization for many of those suffocating from the affects of the Devil by their disintegrating flesh, dried bones, twisted brains, dehydrated hearts, and deadened minds; those who would believe among the living dead that still have enough Life left in them in being hopeful seekers among mankind that are striving in hopes of Living True in and beyond their trials in the hardship of this world in The Light of El-Aah Hu Aten Amon Raa Christ Allaah Al-Haaqq Ahezaah.

Among the great multitudes of people throughout the world, there are only a few in numbers that seek to believe Us about The Unseen Multifariously Manifesting Ever-Present Ubiquitous Lord Being Al-Nuun, The One Alone That Is to Be Recognized as The Real Thing and The Essential Reality of Life in Being The One All of All things That is in everything’s materialized makeup in creation. There are even fewer that understand Ahezaah as Being This Holy Multifariously Manifesting Lord That Is Ever-Present and Ubiquitous in Being The One Alone to Be Recognized as Al-Nuun, The Real Thing of Life That Is Alone The Holy Essential Reality of Mind That Is The One All of All in every created thing of All in creation; moreover, there are even less that come to Know The Absolutely Holy El As Being The One Real All in Complete Being of The One Whole Thing of All Creation, Being without any absence in the least from any place, time, or thing of Its’ Infinite, Eternal, Almighty, Omnipresent Essence of Mind Existing in Its’ Non-Materialized Unseen Elements in Essence of Mind for the Life of All things, and in Its’ Materialized Elements in Essence of the manifested creations that reflect Its’ Unseen Being in Manifestly Materialized worlds of things. This Messenger is One of the fewest that have Come To Know El in Reality By Divine Experiences of The Holy Supreme Master Creator That Minds the entire creation in Its’ Power and Units of Reality Which It Creates, Fashions, and Sustains for All things.

The Reality of the Crazies, the people that are now most common of this world that are characterizing their lives by the effects of the devil Satan that have been placed upon them in their acceptance of it, and the people that are born to be insane by what is passed on to them in the Divine Curses of El through their biological lineage, This Reality of theirs is still The Creator Itself, and it is not insane.

The Reality of them and all other things is not affected by what It Brings into Its’ effects upon mankind or any of Its’ other creatures including the devil Satan. However, Satan is insane, damned in limitations that it hates having, and is overwhelmed by its own insanity for wanting to be a Free Being In The Power That it knows Belongs to The One Real Free Thing of Infinite Mind, El, the devil’s Creator, Lord, and Master, and The Christ of Hell that Keeps the devil crushed down upon its lowest seat that is thrown down with the devil to be seated upon in a design opposite of The Gloriously Holy High Throne of El Ahezaah.

It is in The True Empowerment from Ahezaah El-Aah Hu Amon/Amen that is Given to Us and the devil Satan that mankind is being Punished by Natural causes of Nature’s Elements on one side, and by what the devil pushes them to do in their hearts and minds without conscientious objections, which has caused the great multitudes to go stark raving mad as a common happening today. Even their gods among the many stars that used to be untouchable are losing their composure as they are falling down fast and hard from the skies of their high positions in society, like poisoned flies with clipped wings. Without warning they are plummeting in every arena of their stardom, blown crazily off course from their flight pattern, as they are falling upon the mountains of men and djinn that can no longer help them for trying to help their own selves because, in The All-Powerful Commands of El Ahezaah, We are Also Flattening the great mountains of men and djinn into plains leveled down with the lowly ones among the people whom they are used to having slaved under them, therefore, they are crazily running to and fro, trying to find either a relief or a release from this world of pressure; and for numbers of them, suicide fulfills both desires, relief and release. However, it does not fulfill any desire to escape Us and The Judgments of El Ahezaah, The Lord and Master above and below in all worlds Which Will Be The Executing Christ Shiva Destroyer of them.

Lord Holy-Apostle-Deen Saleem, MPA


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