In The Name of El, The Almighty Being of Absolute Power, The Lord of The Thrones of Sovereignty, The Reality of the Unseen Angels, The Lord of The New Name Ahezaah, The Hidden Reality of The Truth, The Christ of The Divine, The Crusher, The Doer of Wrath In Being The Divine Destroyer, The Compassionate Savior, The Owner of Peace, and The Dispenser of Love, We Recite.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Blog # 78
Faith, Belief, Trust, Admiration, Love, Fear, Respect, Patience, Knowledge, Understanding, Tolerance, and Acceptance of Fate are twelve of the foremost qualities that are needed by seekers who are searching for The Right Way to be of The Faith of El in Christ, The Purifying Crusher, The Obliterator, and The New Life Giving Master of Resurrections in Its’ Unit of Being in The Light of Reality.
They are qualities which the seekers need to acquire to achieve the Gift of Holiness in Being of The Righteous in Unity With The Lord of The Throne of Sovereignty Who Is Now Mastering in Its’ New Holy Name of Ahezaah, The Almighty Lord in Truth Over The All of Itself in Its’ Illusions of All worlds. The above are twelve qualities that are gained in stages of being in The Lord’s Favor which the seekers need to have instilled in their hearts, minds, and spirits of being throughout their bodies for True Benefits that are given through their souls from The Holy Creator That Is The Infinite Master Existing as The Truth.
As experienced in El-Aah Hu Aten Ptah Amon Raa Osiris by This Messenger Prophet of Ahezaah, to gain Entry Into The Holy Divined Relationship of Being In Holy Unity With The Most Holy El, the final trial that came as a Leap in Faith for him, came when he was introduced to the Awesome Ledge at the Edge of this Realm of Life in rationality and reasoning which was a Divinely Awesome Experience in a situation of him being confronted by The Holy Unseen Reality of Being at the Highest Summit of Life That Met and Communicated Its’ Commands for him to jump off the edge at The Top of this world in Spirituality beyond the senses that are placed under the controls of mankind by their minds.
That Place is at a Station of End in Life where one must be Taken in by Complete Faith, Belief, and Trust of The Unseen Almighty Lord El-Aah; Taken in by the heart attached in greater realization of the soul in complete wonderment of one’s mind which wonders in their Fear, Trust, and Faith of El-Aah at the point of being at the Highest Edge on an Outer Ledge in complete astonishment for then Knowing this Aspect of Life in the Spirit Realm. It is an experience of The Divine at an end of the human’s rationality of the mind, as one sees from above the clouds at This Tremendous Height in the Holy Spiritual Realms of Heaven, looking down over The Great Divide of The Holy Valley of Endless Depth, seeing no end to the Endlessness of what is between this side and that side of The Life Above and The Life Below of the High and Low Realms of Life Commanded by Ahezaah El-Aah-Hu-Aum for humanity.
It is At This Point, which is a Point Indicating an end of Being for what is known as common knowledge to the minds of human beings, a Point where rationality and the reasoning of one’s mental being is no longer helpful, where control of things is no longer possible, where self-importance is no more a concern of the individual seeker, and where one is Taken from the Highest Base of the Lower Realms of Life in Being Divinely Transported to the Higher Realms of Reality. It is a Place where rationality and reasoning cannot be used to sum up The Realness of what is a Divine Happening, from The Beginning to The End of This Most Awesome Experience of The Christ; a Place from where one is Taken Over The Unseen Bridge of The Infinite Being Into The Pure Light and Soothing Fire of This Holy Christ of Ahezaah in Its’ Crushing, Burning, Obliterating, Exploding, Life Taking Powers That Also Resurrects Newly Created Beings of Mind in the Unified Servants who are Made Holy of El Ahezaah in The Christ. It is in this Holy High Process of Being Divinely Reborn like Jesus, that so many pretenders that pretend to have True Faith and True Enlightenment of The Christ, profess in falsehood to have been.
In this Holy Process of Being Divinely Reborn of The Christ in Righteousness one must go through being Emptied of the mind of the past lowly and blameful human mentality of being and then Refilled with the Holy Recreated Mind of a Divinely Blameless human being of Divine Mentality; one that is Made to Be Aware of The Truth and Truly Aware of being absolutely Owned and Operated by The Lord Most High of The Creator That Owns them. In This Way, they are Purified and Refashioned into Being Holy of The Righteous El-Aah Hu Amon Raa Osiris The Christ of El-Ahezaah, Lord of The Immaculate Throne of Dominion, and they are The Ones that The Lord Refers to when It Says that only few among mankind are Given True Wisdom. They become the few of those among humanity that are Raised into The Possession of The All Wise El and are continuously nurtured in Its’ Wisdom which they share with the people chosen by The Lord in the worlds of mankind.
It is at this Place on the Edge from where one is Taken Across The Unseen Bridge of Reality Over the Endless Divide By The Holy Hands of The Holy Almighty Soul Keeper, where and when it is shown that what they had received of The Good’s Qualities of Love, Fear, Respect, Patience, Faith, Belief, Trust, Admiration, Tolerance, and Acceptance of Fate that were Established in them by The Good of All in All worlds were benefits and great blessings that supported the cause of them making it safely to This Point, in Divine Place on Time Made Specifically for them.
In This Holy Experience, The Goodness of El’s Giving is shown by how one is Taken By Immaculate Hands from The Holy Heaven of The Most Holy El-Aah Hu That are Formed in Holy Perfection of Its’ Peace to Comfort the awe-inspired frightened ones of Faith that pass this Final Trial of Faith by doing what The Lord El Commands of him or her to do, which is to leap off the breathtaking mountainous ledge in The Faith of It.
This Messenger did not hesitate when The Lord Commanded him to jump down from the edge of the summit of this mountainous range in an act that was beyond his rational and reasonable being, as he most willingly leaped into the Endless Divide of The Unknown. In Love and Faith he gave no thoughts to trust or distrust, while giving up all his concerns about himself and the aspects of his Life in this world, proving that he was willing to die in Faith to meet with The Lord Most High Who was Commanding The Great Sign of Death that was there before him in his leaping in his Spirit of Faith that he knew was Given to him from The Lord.
Surrendering his heart, mind, body of emotions and all other aspects of his self completely to Ahezaah El in Its’ Holy Name of Allaah, he took the Final Leap in The Faith of El from above the clouds of The Most Awesome Divide made visible beneath the ledge at the edge of summits cliff upon The Most High Site for his view under Heaven. He leaped out and down into the Divide that was Manifested as a Position in a Condition that produced complete uncertainty for the Messenger who had no Real idea or True sense of what was to happen between and at the end of the drop into Realms of The Unknown in The Awesome Site of The Endless Divide.
This Awesome Happening for him, which was followed by a number of More Awesome Happenings, was at the beginning of This Messenger’s experience of the end for the common life he had known, where his Leap in Faith had to be proven before he was entered into The Sublimely White Light of Amon Raa, The Supremely Black Pure Darkness of El Osiris, and The Terrifying Most Remarkable Void of The All One and Absolutely Alone El-Aah that was Made Known to him while he was being Held in The Holy Hands of The Almighty Christ, and at the same time going through the Holy Process of being Divinely Annihilated and Divinely Resurrected in a Mind Being of The Holy in Divine Union.
It was after the Seventh Part of This Immaculate Experience that This Messenger was then Taken down from The Heights of The Christ, down through The Heavens of El’s Holy High Essence where the Seat of The Throne, The Crown of Creation, The Book of Life, and the Waters of Creation are Situated with El’s Other Holy High Things that are Manifested of Its’ Creative Being, Taken down into twelve levels of Hell for an experience to Know Hell, before being Taken back up into twelve levels of Paradise and Given a glimpse of a thirteenth Paradise with a Promise from The Lord Most High concerning it and his personal relationship to it.
It was in these places that this Holy Enlightened Messenger was given the True Realization of The Holy Powerful Christ of El Being The Crusher, The Purifier, The Obliterator, The Commander of All kinds of Light and All kinds of Fires in Heaven, Hell, Paradise, and Earth’s Garden of The Faithful. The Lord El Showed him that It Is The Christ Unit of Its’ Infinite Being of Mind Itself, Being like It is in all the other Attributes of Its’ Creative Being that are Manifested as Nature or in what is seen of the Natural Order of things universally. It Showed him that It Is The Master of both The Pure and The Obscured Lights of Paradise and Hell, The Comforting and Maddening Fires of Its’ Essence Given for Purification and Destruction, and Showed that It is The Almighty, Ubiquitous, and Multifariously Manifesting Creator, Ever Acting Out Life from The Highest to The Lowest Realms of The Infinite Ptah Aten Amen Raa Osiris’ Mental Worlds of The Universally Eternal Being. It Proved to him that It Manifests Its’ Self in the Reflections of Its’ Mental Illusions in Its’ Infinite Reality of El, in Breath, Essence, and The Unseen Matter of Its’ Almighty Mind. The Lord of Dominion Made Itself Clear for his Understanding in Divine Knowledge that It Is One El that people call God; One Being of All Power, and The One Manifesting as The Many in The All-Powerful Units of Its’ Essential Being of Life, Attributing Everything that is to Life as The All in All of All that exists in creation. For this Knowledge, Understanding and Holy Wisdom of El, people including his siblings have called him an occultist and insane while, verily, they refuse to try what We Have Given unto him by study in mind or by practice in social living.
Many people have made the error in saying and believing that fear is the true beginning of knowledge in their attempts at quoting the Divine Prophets of El without placing their quotes in proper perspectives; However, fear can be remembered as being one of the beginning points where mankind begins to pay his or her attention in dues to what is to be gained by experiences in the knowledge of events that become or had become happenings to them. This Messenger is Reminded that he was first Taught in the womb of his mother, Laura Mae Bush of Newark New Jersey by way of Saint Petersburg Florida, taught by The Most Holy El-Aah in Its’ Love of him. Education in Love, Taught by The Most Holy All-Knowing Lord El-Aah, was this Messenger’s first Sign of Knowledge; a Knowledge from Within which he had in the womb of his mother before his actual birth into this physical world, followed by signs of Fear which came to him behind his thought of losing his Love in his Knowledge of Ahezaah once he was released into this world from his mother’s womb. His fear of losing touch in relationship with The Creator he knew as Being The Master of his human Life Being gripped his infantile heart and mind in which he was aware of El Being his Loving Master of Companionship, Living Inside with him, as he was being Nurtured by It in the world of his mother’s womb; The Master of his Life Whom he Loved in that world, and Loved in the world before that world of his mother’s womb, fearing that he would not have It to Love in this world of the materialized Earth Eden, because he was not yet aware that It was of All worlds.
Because of his fear of losing touch with Ahezaah, birth from the realm of his mother’s womb came dramatically hard unto him. However, from the beginning of his Life in this world, Ahezaah Showed him Its’ Love and Power to Comfort him by Removing his fear and doubts and Filling him up immediately by The Comforting Affects of Certainty That Proved To Be Most Beautiful and Kind. Ahezaah Showed him in Its’ Mercy, by Giving him True Recognition in Realization of It Being in this world like It was in the world before this world, and It Assured him that he would find It in this world Waiting for him to grow unto Its’ Being in This Life. As Promised, Ahezaah Received him like he had been Holy Received in the Mental and Spiritual Bondage of Life in The Union he had been in with Ahezaah El-Aah Hu Amon Raa Osiris before this Life of his physical birth. He is now Living in this world of Earth Eden with El-Aah in Its’ Attributes of Hu Being Hidden as The Source of Law and Order, and he is in Perfect Agreement With The Righteous to Whom he is bowed in submission under Its’ Guidance for him and those of others who are willing to obey what is Divinely Commanded of them by Our Lord The Most High and All-Knowing Unseen One in the Garden (Wisdom) of The Faithful (Eden/Id-Deen).
Through this Divine Treatise We Make it Clear that Education in Love which was followed by a healthy sense of Fear and True Recognition in Realization of The Creator that brought Comfort and a Return to The Peace in Love to him, came in the order of this Messenger’s beginning of knowledge in this world, which was followed by his actual mission in this aspect of Life where he has grown to become what he was ultimately meant to be; The Messenger Prophet of the New Covenant of The Holy El-Aah-Hu Amen, The Holy Divined Covenanted Messenger Prophet of El Ahezaah who was Promised to come and be like The Lord Jesus with the Divine Talents of Joseph, Moses, Jesus, and Muhaamid, for the benefit of those who believed and sincerely surrendered unto Ahezaah, The Lord of The New Holy Name of Power Who Is The Same Allaah, Brahman, Ahura-Mazda, Hunab-Ku, Amon-Raa, Ptah, Osiris, Aten, and The Eternal Being of Infinite Mind That is Alone in All of everything, Being everywhere, One in All at all times in all thoughts and every movement in the universal motions of Real Power. Through this Treatise and by him being an example for mankind, We Give this and him to you to trust that The Way of Ahezaah’s Raising him, by Its’ Words of Truth, is the Path of the Way for you to be Raised unto Ahezaah; and, there is no other way for you to make be your way to Ahezaah, to succeed against what It sends down to you from Heaven Under The Seat of Its’ Throne as Pure Guidance for you. Whatever Ahezaah Wills to be the beginning of knowledge for you is that beginning, and nothing can change what Ahezaah Wills to be.
Lord Holy-Apostle-Deen Saleem, MPA
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Blog # 78
Faith, Belief, Trust, Admiration, Love, Fear, Respect, Patience, Knowledge, Understanding, Tolerance, and Acceptance of Fate are twelve of the foremost qualities that are needed by seekers who are searching for The Right Way to be of The Faith of El in Christ, The Purifying Crusher, The Obliterator, and The New Life Giving Master of Resurrections in Its’ Unit of Being in The Light of Reality.
They are qualities which the seekers need to acquire to achieve the Gift of Holiness in Being of The Righteous in Unity With The Lord of The Throne of Sovereignty Who Is Now Mastering in Its’ New Holy Name of Ahezaah, The Almighty Lord in Truth Over The All of Itself in Its’ Illusions of All worlds. The above are twelve qualities that are gained in stages of being in The Lord’s Favor which the seekers need to have instilled in their hearts, minds, and spirits of being throughout their bodies for True Benefits that are given through their souls from The Holy Creator That Is The Infinite Master Existing as The Truth.
As experienced in El-Aah Hu Aten Ptah Amon Raa Osiris by This Messenger Prophet of Ahezaah, to gain Entry Into The Holy Divined Relationship of Being In Holy Unity With The Most Holy El, the final trial that came as a Leap in Faith for him, came when he was introduced to the Awesome Ledge at the Edge of this Realm of Life in rationality and reasoning which was a Divinely Awesome Experience in a situation of him being confronted by The Holy Unseen Reality of Being at the Highest Summit of Life That Met and Communicated Its’ Commands for him to jump off the edge at The Top of this world in Spirituality beyond the senses that are placed under the controls of mankind by their minds.
That Place is at a Station of End in Life where one must be Taken in by Complete Faith, Belief, and Trust of The Unseen Almighty Lord El-Aah; Taken in by the heart attached in greater realization of the soul in complete wonderment of one’s mind which wonders in their Fear, Trust, and Faith of El-Aah at the point of being at the Highest Edge on an Outer Ledge in complete astonishment for then Knowing this Aspect of Life in the Spirit Realm. It is an experience of The Divine at an end of the human’s rationality of the mind, as one sees from above the clouds at This Tremendous Height in the Holy Spiritual Realms of Heaven, looking down over The Great Divide of The Holy Valley of Endless Depth, seeing no end to the Endlessness of what is between this side and that side of The Life Above and The Life Below of the High and Low Realms of Life Commanded by Ahezaah El-Aah-Hu-Aum for humanity.
It is At This Point, which is a Point Indicating an end of Being for what is known as common knowledge to the minds of human beings, a Point where rationality and the reasoning of one’s mental being is no longer helpful, where control of things is no longer possible, where self-importance is no more a concern of the individual seeker, and where one is Taken from the Highest Base of the Lower Realms of Life in Being Divinely Transported to the Higher Realms of Reality. It is a Place where rationality and reasoning cannot be used to sum up The Realness of what is a Divine Happening, from The Beginning to The End of This Most Awesome Experience of The Christ; a Place from where one is Taken Over The Unseen Bridge of The Infinite Being Into The Pure Light and Soothing Fire of This Holy Christ of Ahezaah in Its’ Crushing, Burning, Obliterating, Exploding, Life Taking Powers That Also Resurrects Newly Created Beings of Mind in the Unified Servants who are Made Holy of El Ahezaah in The Christ. It is in this Holy High Process of Being Divinely Reborn like Jesus, that so many pretenders that pretend to have True Faith and True Enlightenment of The Christ, profess in falsehood to have been.
In this Holy Process of Being Divinely Reborn of The Christ in Righteousness one must go through being Emptied of the mind of the past lowly and blameful human mentality of being and then Refilled with the Holy Recreated Mind of a Divinely Blameless human being of Divine Mentality; one that is Made to Be Aware of The Truth and Truly Aware of being absolutely Owned and Operated by The Lord Most High of The Creator That Owns them. In This Way, they are Purified and Refashioned into Being Holy of The Righteous El-Aah Hu Amon Raa Osiris The Christ of El-Ahezaah, Lord of The Immaculate Throne of Dominion, and they are The Ones that The Lord Refers to when It Says that only few among mankind are Given True Wisdom. They become the few of those among humanity that are Raised into The Possession of The All Wise El and are continuously nurtured in Its’ Wisdom which they share with the people chosen by The Lord in the worlds of mankind.
It is at this Place on the Edge from where one is Taken Across The Unseen Bridge of Reality Over the Endless Divide By The Holy Hands of The Holy Almighty Soul Keeper, where and when it is shown that what they had received of The Good’s Qualities of Love, Fear, Respect, Patience, Faith, Belief, Trust, Admiration, Tolerance, and Acceptance of Fate that were Established in them by The Good of All in All worlds were benefits and great blessings that supported the cause of them making it safely to This Point, in Divine Place on Time Made Specifically for them.
In This Holy Experience, The Goodness of El’s Giving is shown by how one is Taken By Immaculate Hands from The Holy Heaven of The Most Holy El-Aah Hu That are Formed in Holy Perfection of Its’ Peace to Comfort the awe-inspired frightened ones of Faith that pass this Final Trial of Faith by doing what The Lord El Commands of him or her to do, which is to leap off the breathtaking mountainous ledge in The Faith of It.
This Messenger did not hesitate when The Lord Commanded him to jump down from the edge of the summit of this mountainous range in an act that was beyond his rational and reasonable being, as he most willingly leaped into the Endless Divide of The Unknown. In Love and Faith he gave no thoughts to trust or distrust, while giving up all his concerns about himself and the aspects of his Life in this world, proving that he was willing to die in Faith to meet with The Lord Most High Who was Commanding The Great Sign of Death that was there before him in his leaping in his Spirit of Faith that he knew was Given to him from The Lord.
Surrendering his heart, mind, body of emotions and all other aspects of his self completely to Ahezaah El in Its’ Holy Name of Allaah, he took the Final Leap in The Faith of El from above the clouds of The Most Awesome Divide made visible beneath the ledge at the edge of summits cliff upon The Most High Site for his view under Heaven. He leaped out and down into the Divide that was Manifested as a Position in a Condition that produced complete uncertainty for the Messenger who had no Real idea or True sense of what was to happen between and at the end of the drop into Realms of The Unknown in The Awesome Site of The Endless Divide.
This Awesome Happening for him, which was followed by a number of More Awesome Happenings, was at the beginning of This Messenger’s experience of the end for the common life he had known, where his Leap in Faith had to be proven before he was entered into The Sublimely White Light of Amon Raa, The Supremely Black Pure Darkness of El Osiris, and The Terrifying Most Remarkable Void of The All One and Absolutely Alone El-Aah that was Made Known to him while he was being Held in The Holy Hands of The Almighty Christ, and at the same time going through the Holy Process of being Divinely Annihilated and Divinely Resurrected in a Mind Being of The Holy in Divine Union.
It was after the Seventh Part of This Immaculate Experience that This Messenger was then Taken down from The Heights of The Christ, down through The Heavens of El’s Holy High Essence where the Seat of The Throne, The Crown of Creation, The Book of Life, and the Waters of Creation are Situated with El’s Other Holy High Things that are Manifested of Its’ Creative Being, Taken down into twelve levels of Hell for an experience to Know Hell, before being Taken back up into twelve levels of Paradise and Given a glimpse of a thirteenth Paradise with a Promise from The Lord Most High concerning it and his personal relationship to it.
It was in these places that this Holy Enlightened Messenger was given the True Realization of The Holy Powerful Christ of El Being The Crusher, The Purifier, The Obliterator, The Commander of All kinds of Light and All kinds of Fires in Heaven, Hell, Paradise, and Earth’s Garden of The Faithful. The Lord El Showed him that It Is The Christ Unit of Its’ Infinite Being of Mind Itself, Being like It is in all the other Attributes of Its’ Creative Being that are Manifested as Nature or in what is seen of the Natural Order of things universally. It Showed him that It Is The Master of both The Pure and The Obscured Lights of Paradise and Hell, The Comforting and Maddening Fires of Its’ Essence Given for Purification and Destruction, and Showed that It is The Almighty, Ubiquitous, and Multifariously Manifesting Creator, Ever Acting Out Life from The Highest to The Lowest Realms of The Infinite Ptah Aten Amen Raa Osiris’ Mental Worlds of The Universally Eternal Being. It Proved to him that It Manifests Its’ Self in the Reflections of Its’ Mental Illusions in Its’ Infinite Reality of El, in Breath, Essence, and The Unseen Matter of Its’ Almighty Mind. The Lord of Dominion Made Itself Clear for his Understanding in Divine Knowledge that It Is One El that people call God; One Being of All Power, and The One Manifesting as The Many in The All-Powerful Units of Its’ Essential Being of Life, Attributing Everything that is to Life as The All in All of All that exists in creation. For this Knowledge, Understanding and Holy Wisdom of El, people including his siblings have called him an occultist and insane while, verily, they refuse to try what We Have Given unto him by study in mind or by practice in social living.
Many people have made the error in saying and believing that fear is the true beginning of knowledge in their attempts at quoting the Divine Prophets of El without placing their quotes in proper perspectives; However, fear can be remembered as being one of the beginning points where mankind begins to pay his or her attention in dues to what is to be gained by experiences in the knowledge of events that become or had become happenings to them. This Messenger is Reminded that he was first Taught in the womb of his mother, Laura Mae Bush of Newark New Jersey by way of Saint Petersburg Florida, taught by The Most Holy El-Aah in Its’ Love of him. Education in Love, Taught by The Most Holy All-Knowing Lord El-Aah, was this Messenger’s first Sign of Knowledge; a Knowledge from Within which he had in the womb of his mother before his actual birth into this physical world, followed by signs of Fear which came to him behind his thought of losing his Love in his Knowledge of Ahezaah once he was released into this world from his mother’s womb. His fear of losing touch in relationship with The Creator he knew as Being The Master of his human Life Being gripped his infantile heart and mind in which he was aware of El Being his Loving Master of Companionship, Living Inside with him, as he was being Nurtured by It in the world of his mother’s womb; The Master of his Life Whom he Loved in that world, and Loved in the world before that world of his mother’s womb, fearing that he would not have It to Love in this world of the materialized Earth Eden, because he was not yet aware that It was of All worlds.
Because of his fear of losing touch with Ahezaah, birth from the realm of his mother’s womb came dramatically hard unto him. However, from the beginning of his Life in this world, Ahezaah Showed him Its’ Love and Power to Comfort him by Removing his fear and doubts and Filling him up immediately by The Comforting Affects of Certainty That Proved To Be Most Beautiful and Kind. Ahezaah Showed him in Its’ Mercy, by Giving him True Recognition in Realization of It Being in this world like It was in the world before this world, and It Assured him that he would find It in this world Waiting for him to grow unto Its’ Being in This Life. As Promised, Ahezaah Received him like he had been Holy Received in the Mental and Spiritual Bondage of Life in The Union he had been in with Ahezaah El-Aah Hu Amon Raa Osiris before this Life of his physical birth. He is now Living in this world of Earth Eden with El-Aah in Its’ Attributes of Hu Being Hidden as The Source of Law and Order, and he is in Perfect Agreement With The Righteous to Whom he is bowed in submission under Its’ Guidance for him and those of others who are willing to obey what is Divinely Commanded of them by Our Lord The Most High and All-Knowing Unseen One in the Garden (Wisdom) of The Faithful (Eden/Id-Deen).
Through this Divine Treatise We Make it Clear that Education in Love which was followed by a healthy sense of Fear and True Recognition in Realization of The Creator that brought Comfort and a Return to The Peace in Love to him, came in the order of this Messenger’s beginning of knowledge in this world, which was followed by his actual mission in this aspect of Life where he has grown to become what he was ultimately meant to be; The Messenger Prophet of the New Covenant of The Holy El-Aah-Hu Amen, The Holy Divined Covenanted Messenger Prophet of El Ahezaah who was Promised to come and be like The Lord Jesus with the Divine Talents of Joseph, Moses, Jesus, and Muhaamid, for the benefit of those who believed and sincerely surrendered unto Ahezaah, The Lord of The New Holy Name of Power Who Is The Same Allaah, Brahman, Ahura-Mazda, Hunab-Ku, Amon-Raa, Ptah, Osiris, Aten, and The Eternal Being of Infinite Mind That is Alone in All of everything, Being everywhere, One in All at all times in all thoughts and every movement in the universal motions of Real Power. Through this Treatise and by him being an example for mankind, We Give this and him to you to trust that The Way of Ahezaah’s Raising him, by Its’ Words of Truth, is the Path of the Way for you to be Raised unto Ahezaah; and, there is no other way for you to make be your way to Ahezaah, to succeed against what It sends down to you from Heaven Under The Seat of Its’ Throne as Pure Guidance for you. Whatever Ahezaah Wills to be the beginning of knowledge for you is that beginning, and nothing can change what Ahezaah Wills to be.
Lord Holy-Apostle-Deen Saleem, MPA
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