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Showing posts from June, 2011

A World Now Common of the Crazies

In The Name of El, The Almighty Being of Absolute Power, The Lord of The Thrones of Sovereignty, The Reality of the Unseen Angels, The Lord of The New Name Ahezaah, The Hidden Reality of The Truth, The Christ of The Divine Crusher, The Doer of Wrath In Being The Divine Destroyer, The Compassionate Savior, The Owner of Peace, The Dispenser of Love, We Recite. Sunday, June 26, 2011 Blog # 79 In This Hour of The Day of Revelation, lunacy is being served under the numbers of the four and the two. In This Time of The Day of The Lord’s Retribution against mankind, it has become a fashionable thing for the common numbers of individuals among the masses to be lunatic servants of the devil Satan who is selling them signs of death and damnation under the Permission of The Lord El. The devil is working behind the symbolized meaning for the numbers of the four and the two in forming all kinds of malicious trials in trying to have all of mankind to break their connection with each of their...

A Real Leap In The Faith of El

In The Name of El, The Almighty Being of Absolute Power, The Lord of The Thrones of Sovereignty, The Reality of the Unseen Angels, The Lord of The New Name Ahezaah, The Hidden Reality of The Truth, The Christ of The Divine, The Crusher, The Doer of Wrath In Being The Divine Destroyer, The Compassionate Savior, The Owner of Peace, and The Dispenser of Love, We Recite. Tuesday, June 21, 2011 Blog # 78 Faith, Belief, Trust, Admiration, Love, Fear, Respect, Patience, Knowledge, Understanding, Tolerance, and Acceptance of Fate are twelve of the foremost qualities that are needed by seekers who are searching for The Right Way to be of The Faith of El in Christ, The Purifying Crusher, The Obliterator, and The New Life Giving Master of Resurrections in Its’ Unit of Being in The Light of Reality. They are qualities which the seekers need to acquire to achieve the Gift of Holiness in Being of The Righteous in Unity With The Lord of The Throne of Sovereignty Who Is Now Mastering in Its’ Ne...

The Wisdom of Ahezaah, The Lord Wise of All

In The Name of El, The Almighty Being of Absolute Power, The Lord of The Thrones of Sovereignty, The Reality of the Unseen Angels, The Lord of The New Name Ahezaah, The Hidden Reality of The Truth, The Christ of The Divine, The Crusher, The Doer of Wrath In Being The Divine Destroyer, The Compassionate Savior, The Owner of Peace, and The Dispenser of Love, We Recite. Thursday, June 17, 2011 Blog # 77 Often, many Words of The Truth that were Originally Handed down from Heaven to Earth Eden into the Divinely Raised Beings of The Lord’s human Holy Messengers as Statements for mankind to believe and obey as having been Given in The Merciful Breath of Our Lord Wise were swiftly rejected by the people at large. Great masses of the people have generally accepted what was initially The True Holy Scriptures of El only after The Divine Messengers of them had passed away from this world, and after Those Words of The Wise El-Aah had been misconstrued by the erroneously guided interpreters ...

The False Accusers Who Stand in Ignorance of Christ, The Crusher

In The Name of El, The Almighty Being of Absolute Power, The Lord of The Thrones of Sovereignty, The Infinite Master of the Angels, The Lord Seated in Its’ New Name of Ahezaah, The Hidden Reality of The Truth, The Crushing Christ, The Doer of Wrath In Being The Divine Destroyer, The Compassionate Savior, and The Owner of Peace, We Recite. Thursday, June 16, 2011 Blog # 76 In confusion, great multitudes of people among the Christians throughout Earth are waiting for Christ The Savior to come in Jesus to Save them, when in fact, for their sins in being most willfully led in evil by the unholy djinn of the devil Satan, and for rejecting This Messenger, Samuel The Divinely Resurrected Lion of Judah who now lives in his name of Holy-Apostle-Deen, Christ The Crusher has Come Down to Earth in Its’ Unseen Presence of Almightiness to Be With This Messenger Prophet and Its’ Divinely Powered Archangel Messenger Gabriel, Being as Promised of Its’ Divine Three-Fold Union of Holiness, a Divi...

Gods, Gods, and More Gods

In The Name of The Creator El, The One Almighty Being of Power Over All of All things, The Lord of The Thrones of Sovereignty Over All in All Angels, The Lord of Dominion Seated in Its’ New Name of Ahezaah, The Hidden Reality of The Truth That Powers The Crushing Christ and All in Its’ Attributes of Infinite Being, The Source, The Essence, and The Doer of Wrath In Being The Divine Destroyer, and The True Holy Savior, We Recite. Thursday, June 9, 2011 Blog # 75 “In God We Trust” is what the people of these United States of America have written on that which the majority of them worship of their money. What are gods? Beyond people’s Imagination, what or who is the god about which they are referring? Some say it is Jesus, others say it is the money with pictures of dead presidents on them, while some say that they themselves are their gods; therefore, it is in the people believing themselves to be the gods whom they trust. Throughout the history of humanity, mankind has fashi...

Christ Has Come Down To Earth Eden

In The Names of El’s Almighty Beings of Power Over All of All things, In Its’ Names of The Lord of The Throne of Sovereignty Over All in Angels, The Holy Ahezaah, The Lord of Dominion, The Hidden Reality, The Truth, The All-Knowing Guide, The Crushing Christ, The Source, Essence, and Doer of Wrath, The Divine Destroyer and The True Holy Savior, We Recite. Tuesday, June 7, 2011 Blog # 74 No matter what happens, The Holy Covenanting Messenger of El Ahezaah Ptah Amon-Raa At-Taa-Haa An-Nuun El-Aah An-Nuur Al-Haaqq, The Holy Qaaf Alif Laam Haa of Hu, is The Chosen One that We Promised would be like Jesus coming unto the worlds of mankind; And like Jesus he is, but he is one that has four of the relative Spirits in the Divine Talents of four sons born of the lineage of Abraham that were Given to Our Divine Messengers, which was Joseph, Moses, Jesus, and Muhaamid, flowing through his Human Being in his existence with Us; and of this, he is Blessed in Divine Powers Provided, Operated, an...

Living In Denial Concerning The Wrath of The Christ

In The Names of El’s Almighty Beings, The Holy Ahezaah, The Lord of Dominion, The Hidden Reality, The Truth, The Giver of Faith, The All-Knowing Guide, Christ The Pure of Light, The Source of Wrath, The Divine Destroyer, The True Holy Savior, The Guide of All in All, We Recite. Saturday, June 4, 2011 Blog # 73 If these United States of America are collectively a True Christian Nation with the majority of people believing in Jesus and The Christ, with Jews as well in power over great multitudes, then where is the voice of the ruling bodies of the Christian clergymen, the Catholic Priests, and the Rabbis in the midst of the craziness that is taking place as a general lifestyle for great masses of these United States of American people? Why is it that there are no True Christian, Catholic, or Jewish voices strongly sounding off, equaling the voices of evil, against the evil agents of the Devil that clearly defies, in their presence, The Christ Whom Jesus was of in his Holiness,...

Finding Ahezaah El Amon Raa Ptah, The Christ

In The Names of El’s Almighty Beings, The Holy Ahezaah, The Lord of Dominion, The Hidden Reality, The Truth, The Giver of Faith, The All-Knowing Guide, Christ The Pure of Light, The Source of Wrath, The Divine Destroyer, The True Holy Savior, The Guide of All in All, We Recite. Thursday, June 2, 2011 Blog # 72 In the quest of seekers looking to find The Lord Most High, it is necessary for them to first take up the occupation of finding out about The Lord Most High. The occupations of finding out about The Lord Most High is truly acquired by the seekers sincerely committing themselves to finding, recognizing, knowing, respecting, and reacting righteously to the evidence of The Lord Most High’s Spirit of Faith, and then place their trust in this Faith of The Holy Unseen Lord’s Security. In this occupation of discovering The Lord Most High, it is necessary that the seekers uncover themselves from their own ignorance, fear, and disbelief in what they sense either subtly or gross a...