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Divine Prophecy Sent Through Lord Holy-Apostle-Deen, Messenger Prophet of Ahezaah

Taken from The Divine Book of Recitation, Vol. IV Component # 61: Joining People And Communities By Marriage In Islaam

Within The Spirit Of These Named Attributes Of Ahezaah, The Merciful, The Wise, The Knower of all things, The Gatherer, The Sustainer of Life, We Send down These Words Of Truth in three hundred and forty-one Sayings Of Wisdom To Be Recited.
87. We Said aforetime that This Day Of Ahezaah’s Coming would be full of the signs of a people being Destroyed and the countenance of Our Messenger This Day would Be likened to the brightness of the Sun shining in his Strength. Verily, the Strength of Our Messenger Is Of The Holy Spirit, and The Power That Engulfs him for his Protection Is Purely Divine Of The Supreme Being. Verily, Ahezaah Is The First and The Last of everything for him; and he Is Our Beloved Companion whom because of Us the enemies of man should fear the Signs of his displeasure!

88. Ponder This Day; when mankind is able to speak to people from the United States of America to the farthest reaches of the earth as though they are a few feet away;

89. When they are able to leap across the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans in flight from North America to Central and South America, and all parts of Africa, Europe, Asia, Australia and the South Sea’s Islands in less than a days journey;

90. When they are able to dive into the sea at one end and resurface thousands of miles away at the other end of the same sea unscathed by the natural elements in the rigors of the ocean;

91. When they are able to stand upon Earth and look at clear pictures of Outer Space and the objects of life that were Created to be in existence beyond the normal sight of mankind;

92. When they are able to consistently break the barrier of Earth’s ionosphere between the atmosphere and immediate zone of Outer Space and look back into the Earth’s hemispheres and marvel at the appearance of their physical foundation of being;

93. When they are able to magnify the smallest of things and present a clear picture of them from Outer Space to people throughout the lands upon Earth;

94. When strangers and their offerings of all types are allowed in the private homes of people through many mediums and people feel safe against their physical absence but significant presence and many offenses in their offerings;

95. When mankind can travel about the land faster than birds can fly, settle in the seas at depths never before fathomed by them, and move through mountains and seas from one land to another through tunnels unmoved by the natural elements of air, earth, and water;

96. When bridges are made to appear as firm as pathways stationed on the lands and greater than mountains;

97. When mountains are split and made to appear equal to the plains because of their being flattened by the road-making machines of mankind, which make them appear less than great obstacles for man to cross;

98. When most beast of the land that have historically been feared by mankind are either tamed, cast from existence, or contained by the efforts of mankind;

99. When mankind makes war against people of lands from distant places and their weapons of destruction pursue their enemies in places where they cannot see their faces or the blood that is spilled from the bodies of innocent men, women, and children by them;

100. When the enemies of mankind’s weapons of destruction fall from the skies overhead scattering buildings of wood and stone and the flesh and bones of people and there is no enemy in the land to fight back against to stop the onslaught of destruction and mayhem;

101. When orphans, widows, and widowers of strange people in different lands are unjustifiably made by the decisions of people seated in rooms alienated far away from them and the general public of commoners amongst mankind;

102. When lawmakers of other lands impose upon the people of foreign lands, near and far, their ways of life that are opposed to that which We Send down Of Ahezaah’s Commandments, and the people of religion assist the gentiles and atheist against others of their same religion so that they can have part of the war booty and claims of power over the victims of war;

103. When mankind amongst the commoners whom are forced by the same decision makers to enter into harm’s way to fight, if necessary to preserve their lives, and make an assessment of their massacres of the innocent amongst the guilty of those that they warred against only so that they can hide their records of ill doing against people that they claim as unimportant casualties of war;

104. When the religionists forsake The Divine Prescription Of Ahezaah’s Chosen Religion, while they are aware of the differences in their choices, and take a firm grip on things that are desired of this world that are for uses other than worshiping Ahezaah, The Supreme Lord Being Of Many Names;

105. When the aim of the people professing Islaam, Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism and others of the unnamed factions of the True Faith gone astray take on the same faces of in purposes opposed to The Prescribed Way Of Truth Sent down;

106. When you see the elite amongst Muslims, Christians, and Jews kissing the hand of the symbol of anti-Christ, and exchanging their Books as a show of camaraderie to further deceive the billions of commoners that do not realize that they are of the jinn;

107. When you see them of the leaders of mankind raise the Books Of Ahezaah as symbols in their hands but not in their hearts, and when you hear them call out in vain the Many Names Of Ahezaah and names of Its’ Messengers only to beguile the people at-large, or to compensate the imbalances of their philosophical positions with their partners that represent other people of varying paths of faith around the world;

108. When you hear talk of world domination and world order being dominated by the one allegedly symbolizing Divine Acquaintance and Divine Leadership but describe precisely two thousand years aforetime by Our Messenger Prophet John in The Holy Bible’s Book Of Revelations as being the one adorned in scarlet and purple with gold and jewels of precious stones and pearls and having in hand the golden cup that is stained with the blood of True Saints whom they devoured in the minds of the people by their falsehood;

109. When you come to hear of the Unveiling of the Mystery Of Babylon, The Great Mother Of Harlots And Abomination Of The Earth – their great evil in their history of their murdering the newly born and unborn children and the upheaval of their hidden graves, the sodomy of priest and others of their elite membership, their molestation of children whom they had been given authority over, and their continued lies of being intercessors between man and The Supreme Lord;

110. When you see the Fall of Modern Babylon and the Fall of the Great City that is situated at the Eastern Seaboard of America whose governing body rules over the many kings of the Earth;

111. When you witness the Devastation of people and other earthly things, natural and manmade, in land, sea, air, and by the upheavals of fire from the Earth’s center Performed through Natural Phenomenon By the Mighty Angels Of Ahezaah Whom Have Been Foretold to Be Situated at the four corners of the Earth;

112. When plagues of varying types and other creatures, that were once thought of as insignificant beings or mere pests, carrying life threatening diseases strike terror in the people that once thought of themselves and their great nation as being indestructible;

113. When you hear scholarly men, imaams, ministers, priests, rabbis, evangelists and other types of religionists preachers proclaiming to know Words Of Truth and The Divine Balance Of Them beyond what Ahezaah Has Sent down, and when they solicit the people for the purpose of them revealing and making themselves open for the anti-Christ and its cohorts to rule over Ahezaah’s Kingdom within and about the being of all mankind;

114. When you see the world of mankind gone mad with freakishness, and Truth being rejected in the most common homes of the people suffering the most and the most in need of the Saving Grace Of Truth;

115. When you witness mankind attempting to recreate themselves and change the natural order of things, and when you see them trying to extend life beyond its Appointed Time To Meet Death;

116. When homosexuality is gone rampant and votes for or against sodomy is taken or considered to be taken in the houses that the people at-large assemble for worship of their proclaimed lords;

117. When the people that are Truly Of The Righteous are made a mock of for their Being Truly Of The Righteous or for seeking To Be Of The Righteous by commoners and public entertainers whom have replaced the court jesters of yore to entertain their rulers and the people for payment;

118. When you hear men, woman, and children making mockery of the Historical Records of the lives of Saints, Messenger Prophets, and their family members that were Favored By Ahezaah, and when you hear them berate Ahezaah as though they are equal or greater in measure and fear not Ahezaah on a grand scale in numbers;

119. When the signs of the common family order being destroyed are made manifest as being replaced by the ways of disorder wherein unwise women lead men, unwise men become as immature boys, and unwise boys and girls become unruly in their widespread abuse of parents throughout the land, be it their own or the parents of others;

120. When parents fear children and the greatest answers their leaders choose to combat their fears are not to surrender to The Prescription Of The Almighty Supreme Being Whom Has Sent down the Remedy for all their ills but to build more prisons to incarcerate as many of them as possible and employ more constables to be put on patrol to police those that are yet to be incarcerated;

121. When the educational system breaks down and children are lost from right guidance by parents that have gone astray so far from The Light Of Truth that they remember not the True Values of their ancient fore-parents that would reflect The Light Of Truth and gain for them Sight back to the Path of The One Right Way;

122. When the leaders amongst men and jinn motivate people towards the inclination of evil and present for them choices that are all built upon the foundations of evil, making the people’s choices be of the greater or lesser evils;

123. When the lesser officials of law enforcement run rampant with evil and the higher official over them can do but little or be exposed themselves for the great evil that they commit;

124. When law enforcement agencies and their policing agents hope for disorder to enhance their own selves in financial gains, and The Lawyers and judges that have in their possessions the approval of power over the people by the people judge routinely by the means of injustice;

125. When prayers for the death of Our Messenger are rung out throughout the lands in the United States of America and abroad for The Words Of Truth That he Delivers In his Acts As The Signs of Ahezaah’s Mercy;

126. When you witness The Spirit Of This Divine Book In Its’ Essence Of Being At One With Ahezaah, Alive With Clear Truth and Divine Explanations That Opens the Seven Seals Of Religion;

127. When those of you that are fortunate enough to walk and speak with The Holy Apostle Of Ahezaah, and bear witness to his descriptions that coincide with the Prophecy of old about him, such as his soft sheep wool-like hair that absorbs the Spirit and energy of The Divine Being as It Penetrates his being From Above, his darkened brown face and dark reddish brown body that was spoken of by The Prophet Muhaamid, his eyes that ever appear like flames of fire that are Divinely Penetrating their way into the inner beings of things by the Way Of Reality, his Words that flows from his mouth that Are Indeed Full Of Wisdom flowing like a two-edged sword that will not be denied at battle In The Hand Of The Almighty, his voice that when rough or soothing brings forth the sounds of many Flowing Waters Of Divine Knowledge In Understanding enough to Drown everything in sight, his right hand that has The Name Ahezaah and the Symbol Of Divine Acquaintance Clearly Inscribed upon it – amongst many Other Signs that are hidden from the common eye – and the Healing Affects of his hands when he place them upon those that he Touch In The Determination Of Ahezaah’s Power To Heal, and his feet that were transformed – to appear like fine brass burnt in a furnace flame – at the age of forty after the Announcement of his Being more than just one of the Elect Of Ahezaah but Divine Of Ahezaah’s Prophets as Another Sign for the benefit of those that witnessed the transformation and its fitting the description of what We Revealed to The Messenger Prophet John whom men call The Divine, his body that is ever aging is ever being Rejuvenated By Us In The Divine Charge Of Ahezaah’s Command, and Ahezaah Being Ever In Command Of Our Charge to Rejuvenate his being Commands The Holy Spirit Over him from within and about his being;

128. The Light Of The Supreme Spirit Shines Brightly From The Essence Of The Pure Within him as Ahezaah Manifests a Halo That Glows Around him as a Sign Which none amongst men or jinn can Produce by their own wills.

Posted by The Community of A.H.A.D.


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