In El-Aah-Hu’s Name of Ahezaah, The Christ Vishnu Shiva That has come down to This Messenger, The Master of Angels That Commanded the Archangel Powered Gabriel to be Joined unto him with It as The Three-Fold Holy Union manifested by This Divinely Chosen One housing the soul being of the Prophet Samuel, the Divinely Resurrected manservant of El, We recite.
For thirty-two years in Our service to Allaah El Ahezaah as a Unit of El, (Ahezaah El-Amen Allaah, This Messenger Holy-Apostle-Deen, and this Archangel Messenger Gabriel), We have heard all kinds of the unfounded rumors being whispered by fools among the people that have nothing more to do with their unresolved lives but to carry on in evil by the ways of foolishness they commit themselves to upon the paths of their ignorance.
We Promised This Messenger to the world of mankind, and We Promised him, at his age of seven, that he would be This One of Us that he is and was born to be, The Holy Chosen Messenger of The Lord Most High of Many Supreme Names; Names of El’s Attributes that The Creator Made Known to him at that time of his life when he was first taken up to the Heavens of El’s creations under the Powers of the Griffin and given sight to the Eternal Expanse of the many universes and Names of El which this servant is ever being Made Aware and Reminded about, by Us, in being Confirmed in his life status of The Holy Being with Us, to be reassured about his security with Us, inspired by Us in ways that are needed by all human beings, and made comfortable in the uniqueness of his being different from most of all others of mankind. We Confirmed for him that there are only a few that have been raised similar to him in mental awareness and a True Divine Union with El; four unknowns, one at each of the four corners of the Earth away from what The Lord and Master of this world has Now Made to exist as the Holy Spirited Divine Center of Earth Eden, at The Point where the Divine Book of The Lord’s New Covenant was Opened and Revealed for all of mankind; The Point That is Full of Divine Spirit for This Messenger, with inward sights of Divine Grace and Peace; The Point where The Light and Energy in Essence of The Truth Comes down and spreads forth into the world.
Because he is hardly like any of you among mankind, save for what people see and know of his body of flesh, he has been censured by people who are most ignorant and less aware and knowing than him. Even now as We Write and Speak as One of El’s Holy Units of Being, he is being censured by doubters that are established in disbelief; people who blow up in their arrogance about him, and lose for thinking that This, of Us, cannot be Us of The Unseen Master and the Messenger's Guardian with others of The Unseen in and about his presence. They create thoughts and support beliefs that the Holy Prophets of The Truth must have all come and gone by in the past because in this way it is easier for them to not be accountable in the moments of their lives, like now, that Ahezaah has Come Down to Earth. And regarding this Holy Messenger’s connection with the long awaited and then disbelieved advent of Elijah, which he alone is made capable of truly explaining to the world under Ahezaah El Amen Allaah’s Authority, they cannot attack him as a one sided racial individual with elementary addresses for his people alone. They must deal with the fact that he, unlike Elijah, speaks at The Highest End of Our Lord’s Conversation to humanity; therefore, the evil ones among the powerful men and djinn including leaders of his people in race and creeds, they either flee from what they realize about him, send others under cloaks with daggers to do harm to him, or they maintain themselves under the orders of staying closed lip about him, to say nothing that will shine any light for the people in general upon him. Then there are the ignorant among the fools who would dare to think and believe that El in The Name of Allaah or any other Holy Supreme Name that It Chooses would end all of Its’ Communications with mankind through Its’ Divine Signs of The Prophets and Messengers, making any one of them the absolutely final one to be sent to the whole of all the human races on Earth without Completely Destroying this world that is now being filled of the fools among mankind who are locked in illusions of their own created worlds of thought. They refuse to acknowledge that The Lord Most High is Ever Ongoing with Its’ Communications with all creatures and things of Life for Being The Reality of mankind and every other thing of Life. This day and its people are no less great, and no lesser in being inept than the people of all times. They only relate themselves as such because of their use of machinery and electrical gadgets, and for being present in mind as modern day people, but nevertheless, relating the same about things of the present, past, and future as their forefathers among the ancient did, back from this day down to the first of mankind, through their imagination. The Lord El Judges you not by your wages, your appointments in positions of employment, your worldly education, your social or private status, your modern machinery, your electrical gadgets such as your worldwide internet web or your ability to operate them. All those things are given to you as gifts of Life from El Who Is The Master of them all, The Guide to you and your use of them, Mastering you although It Remains Hidden from you in Its’ Operation of your being.
Since the time of his youth when he came forth in amazement to his parents, his siblings, companions and other near relatives about Our Visits down to him, he was often vocally rejected by most of those whom he spoke to about Us. It was routinely suggested of him by his peers, their parents and others, that he was most likely insane to think or believe that The Infinite Living Mind of Allaah El-Amen and Its’ Archangel Messenger, both, would speak to his mind and Present Our Beings (of The Unseen El and me, Gabriel) to him, of all people; because he was one of the poor, dark skinned, and nappy haired Afrimericans born and raised of a Newark, New Jersey USA urban city that was ghettoized by people like him of his race and the lowly among other races, and also because he showed no traits of being in the least among the so-called better Negroes of his time, the light skinned so-called Colored People whose skin tones showed that they had the DNA of the so-called elite class of people (Caucasians) mixed in their lineage. It mattered not to them that he spoke with clarity and conviction about Us on subjects that they could not conquer while relating to him, speaking at the age of seven years old about things of the Spiritual and Physical Heavens and The Holy El Itself that most of mankind could not speak about with True Authority and knowledge from experiences throughout tens of decades or a century of their lives, they were merely disbelievers that closed their ears, eyes, hearts and minds to things they believed could not be confirmed by each of them. Even those of Christianity that marveled about what was said of Jesus when Jesus was seven looked at him, as if he were a fool, without investigating him or the things of which he spoke, despite the fact that they could not contend with him regarding The Truth of El That he was Divinely Given to Know and speak about, or the information pertaining to the various religious paths and their Messengers of El about whom no other person had spoken to him; Messengers from among the people of the near and far lands of Asia and Africa and other places unknown to him, information that his parents and others in authority over him should have questioned and investigated because of it coming from such a young child, instead of them shutting him down for shame and fear of other people’s ridicule.
Only his elder brother Simon who witnessed and was a part of the advent of the First Visit from Us was confirmed in his belief, and his father and the minister of their congregation of the Church of Christ in Newark, New Jersey at that time, thought enough to ponder what he said to them concerning Us and observe him privately with wonderment and true questions, for thirty-three and forty years respectively, until they were assured through the Signs of El attached to him that they could believe, for which they both confirmed their faith, trust, and belief, with him and Us of The Unseen Holy. His father and the minister were both devout Christians whose aim of faith went beyond Jesus and Mary without question or confusion about The What of El and The Whom It Is of El That they were to worship and praise.
Many among the warm-hearted most elderly people of the urban region that suspected the Messenger for being special knew and were heard saying that he was somewhat different from others, special in certain ways that are not commonly seen and felt from other children they knew; nevertheless, they stood back with the many others that thought lesser of him as though they were stuck in cement while the demonic people among witches and warlocks that hid their identities from the general public sought to have him harmed through misguidance, and cut off from Us from the time of his youth until he became Enlightened one week short of his twenty-sixth birthday. It wasn’t until he was hid from and rejected by the leaders of the Final Call/Nation of Islam Nationalistic Organization We sent him to with a Message from Our Lord that the djinn among the powerful agencies of this land instigated new attacks on him which has gone so far up the scale whereas he is privately tracked by agents of the djinn in these United States of America who have sought to do him, his personal family members, and associates, deadly harm for Us Delivering Words of El’s that his people among the low class and the uppity minded middle class believe is mere story-telling on his part. But even they of those that have known him throughout his life should be capable of seeing the Signs of Ahezaah El Amen The Christ, by looking back into things he has revealed to them in the past, and associate them with what is happening in the world today and his revelation about him being of Us, The Divinely Chosen Messenger who was to Come In The Light of The Truth With The Unseen of Power and Its’ Holy Spirited Archangel whom they have called the Holy Ghost, after the Coming of Elijah as a forerunning Messenger to the Favored Afrimerican People of El who since has mostly lost Its’ Favor.
Although Our Messenger is full of certainty given from Ahezaah El, he is humbled and non-arrogant in his heart and mind. He dislikes having to speak of himself as to where The Light of Truth is shone on him by the manifestation of The Lord’s Gifts that are attributed to him as his talents controlled under Our Lord’s Commands, unless he is forced into a position of self-defense. He cares less about what people think about him or what will be his historical legacy than he cares about what is reflected of The Truth Our Almighty Lord and the falsehood people insinuate about El; but it is best that We Tell his story like We have in books formed by Us through him already; books that were written for the whole of mankind today. We will not leave it for the pens of the wicked scholars who habitually disturb The Words of The Truth that come down from Heaven to Earth as a Sign of Mercy for all mankind in every age of time for the generations of humanity.
As the fools carry on, We are waiting with this Messenger Prophet of Ahezaah El The Christ for believers throughout the world to respond and make way to receive the Messages of El piled in yet to be published books. It will be the responsibility of the people who believe and those who care to help the Messenger in his cause to deliver Ahezaah’s Messages further than his stockpile of them.
Be advised that The Lord’s Messages are for all the people who sincerely seek them for The Good of themselves and others, and Our Messenger is not seeking fortune or fame for The Lord’s Words. He has labored heavily to deliver The Words of El from Us to the surface of this world, and We will not allow him to act in the ways of common authors in regards to that which belongs to The Lord of The Throne Most High. Nothing will be lost from him regarding his duty with Us no matter how any of you respond. He is merely Our Messenger whose Rewards are existing with Us whether or not he is accepted by any of mankind on Earth. The business of this Messenger is Ahezaah’s, and Our Messenger was successful in it at the very beginning of his striding for and with Us, April 13, 1979.
Now it is your turn to show your worthiness for what We have to offer mankind on the earth of Eden.
Lord Holy-Apostle-Deen Saleem, MPA
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Blog # 14
For thirty-two years in Our service to Allaah El Ahezaah as a Unit of El, (Ahezaah El-Amen Allaah, This Messenger Holy-Apostle-Deen, and this Archangel Messenger Gabriel), We have heard all kinds of the unfounded rumors being whispered by fools among the people that have nothing more to do with their unresolved lives but to carry on in evil by the ways of foolishness they commit themselves to upon the paths of their ignorance.
We Promised This Messenger to the world of mankind, and We Promised him, at his age of seven, that he would be This One of Us that he is and was born to be, The Holy Chosen Messenger of The Lord Most High of Many Supreme Names; Names of El’s Attributes that The Creator Made Known to him at that time of his life when he was first taken up to the Heavens of El’s creations under the Powers of the Griffin and given sight to the Eternal Expanse of the many universes and Names of El which this servant is ever being Made Aware and Reminded about, by Us, in being Confirmed in his life status of The Holy Being with Us, to be reassured about his security with Us, inspired by Us in ways that are needed by all human beings, and made comfortable in the uniqueness of his being different from most of all others of mankind. We Confirmed for him that there are only a few that have been raised similar to him in mental awareness and a True Divine Union with El; four unknowns, one at each of the four corners of the Earth away from what The Lord and Master of this world has Now Made to exist as the Holy Spirited Divine Center of Earth Eden, at The Point where the Divine Book of The Lord’s New Covenant was Opened and Revealed for all of mankind; The Point That is Full of Divine Spirit for This Messenger, with inward sights of Divine Grace and Peace; The Point where The Light and Energy in Essence of The Truth Comes down and spreads forth into the world.
Because he is hardly like any of you among mankind, save for what people see and know of his body of flesh, he has been censured by people who are most ignorant and less aware and knowing than him. Even now as We Write and Speak as One of El’s Holy Units of Being, he is being censured by doubters that are established in disbelief; people who blow up in their arrogance about him, and lose for thinking that This, of Us, cannot be Us of The Unseen Master and the Messenger's Guardian with others of The Unseen in and about his presence. They create thoughts and support beliefs that the Holy Prophets of The Truth must have all come and gone by in the past because in this way it is easier for them to not be accountable in the moments of their lives, like now, that Ahezaah has Come Down to Earth. And regarding this Holy Messenger’s connection with the long awaited and then disbelieved advent of Elijah, which he alone is made capable of truly explaining to the world under Ahezaah El Amen Allaah’s Authority, they cannot attack him as a one sided racial individual with elementary addresses for his people alone. They must deal with the fact that he, unlike Elijah, speaks at The Highest End of Our Lord’s Conversation to humanity; therefore, the evil ones among the powerful men and djinn including leaders of his people in race and creeds, they either flee from what they realize about him, send others under cloaks with daggers to do harm to him, or they maintain themselves under the orders of staying closed lip about him, to say nothing that will shine any light for the people in general upon him. Then there are the ignorant among the fools who would dare to think and believe that El in The Name of Allaah or any other Holy Supreme Name that It Chooses would end all of Its’ Communications with mankind through Its’ Divine Signs of The Prophets and Messengers, making any one of them the absolutely final one to be sent to the whole of all the human races on Earth without Completely Destroying this world that is now being filled of the fools among mankind who are locked in illusions of their own created worlds of thought. They refuse to acknowledge that The Lord Most High is Ever Ongoing with Its’ Communications with all creatures and things of Life for Being The Reality of mankind and every other thing of Life. This day and its people are no less great, and no lesser in being inept than the people of all times. They only relate themselves as such because of their use of machinery and electrical gadgets, and for being present in mind as modern day people, but nevertheless, relating the same about things of the present, past, and future as their forefathers among the ancient did, back from this day down to the first of mankind, through their imagination. The Lord El Judges you not by your wages, your appointments in positions of employment, your worldly education, your social or private status, your modern machinery, your electrical gadgets such as your worldwide internet web or your ability to operate them. All those things are given to you as gifts of Life from El Who Is The Master of them all, The Guide to you and your use of them, Mastering you although It Remains Hidden from you in Its’ Operation of your being.
Since the time of his youth when he came forth in amazement to his parents, his siblings, companions and other near relatives about Our Visits down to him, he was often vocally rejected by most of those whom he spoke to about Us. It was routinely suggested of him by his peers, their parents and others, that he was most likely insane to think or believe that The Infinite Living Mind of Allaah El-Amen and Its’ Archangel Messenger, both, would speak to his mind and Present Our Beings (of The Unseen El and me, Gabriel) to him, of all people; because he was one of the poor, dark skinned, and nappy haired Afrimericans born and raised of a Newark, New Jersey USA urban city that was ghettoized by people like him of his race and the lowly among other races, and also because he showed no traits of being in the least among the so-called better Negroes of his time, the light skinned so-called Colored People whose skin tones showed that they had the DNA of the so-called elite class of people (Caucasians) mixed in their lineage. It mattered not to them that he spoke with clarity and conviction about Us on subjects that they could not conquer while relating to him, speaking at the age of seven years old about things of the Spiritual and Physical Heavens and The Holy El Itself that most of mankind could not speak about with True Authority and knowledge from experiences throughout tens of decades or a century of their lives, they were merely disbelievers that closed their ears, eyes, hearts and minds to things they believed could not be confirmed by each of them. Even those of Christianity that marveled about what was said of Jesus when Jesus was seven looked at him, as if he were a fool, without investigating him or the things of which he spoke, despite the fact that they could not contend with him regarding The Truth of El That he was Divinely Given to Know and speak about, or the information pertaining to the various religious paths and their Messengers of El about whom no other person had spoken to him; Messengers from among the people of the near and far lands of Asia and Africa and other places unknown to him, information that his parents and others in authority over him should have questioned and investigated because of it coming from such a young child, instead of them shutting him down for shame and fear of other people’s ridicule.
Only his elder brother Simon who witnessed and was a part of the advent of the First Visit from Us was confirmed in his belief, and his father and the minister of their congregation of the Church of Christ in Newark, New Jersey at that time, thought enough to ponder what he said to them concerning Us and observe him privately with wonderment and true questions, for thirty-three and forty years respectively, until they were assured through the Signs of El attached to him that they could believe, for which they both confirmed their faith, trust, and belief, with him and Us of The Unseen Holy. His father and the minister were both devout Christians whose aim of faith went beyond Jesus and Mary without question or confusion about The What of El and The Whom It Is of El That they were to worship and praise.
Many among the warm-hearted most elderly people of the urban region that suspected the Messenger for being special knew and were heard saying that he was somewhat different from others, special in certain ways that are not commonly seen and felt from other children they knew; nevertheless, they stood back with the many others that thought lesser of him as though they were stuck in cement while the demonic people among witches and warlocks that hid their identities from the general public sought to have him harmed through misguidance, and cut off from Us from the time of his youth until he became Enlightened one week short of his twenty-sixth birthday. It wasn’t until he was hid from and rejected by the leaders of the Final Call/Nation of Islam Nationalistic Organization We sent him to with a Message from Our Lord that the djinn among the powerful agencies of this land instigated new attacks on him which has gone so far up the scale whereas he is privately tracked by agents of the djinn in these United States of America who have sought to do him, his personal family members, and associates, deadly harm for Us Delivering Words of El’s that his people among the low class and the uppity minded middle class believe is mere story-telling on his part. But even they of those that have known him throughout his life should be capable of seeing the Signs of Ahezaah El Amen The Christ, by looking back into things he has revealed to them in the past, and associate them with what is happening in the world today and his revelation about him being of Us, The Divinely Chosen Messenger who was to Come In The Light of The Truth With The Unseen of Power and Its’ Holy Spirited Archangel whom they have called the Holy Ghost, after the Coming of Elijah as a forerunning Messenger to the Favored Afrimerican People of El who since has mostly lost Its’ Favor.
Although Our Messenger is full of certainty given from Ahezaah El, he is humbled and non-arrogant in his heart and mind. He dislikes having to speak of himself as to where The Light of Truth is shone on him by the manifestation of The Lord’s Gifts that are attributed to him as his talents controlled under Our Lord’s Commands, unless he is forced into a position of self-defense. He cares less about what people think about him or what will be his historical legacy than he cares about what is reflected of The Truth Our Almighty Lord and the falsehood people insinuate about El; but it is best that We Tell his story like We have in books formed by Us through him already; books that were written for the whole of mankind today. We will not leave it for the pens of the wicked scholars who habitually disturb The Words of The Truth that come down from Heaven to Earth as a Sign of Mercy for all mankind in every age of time for the generations of humanity.
As the fools carry on, We are waiting with this Messenger Prophet of Ahezaah El The Christ for believers throughout the world to respond and make way to receive the Messages of El piled in yet to be published books. It will be the responsibility of the people who believe and those who care to help the Messenger in his cause to deliver Ahezaah’s Messages further than his stockpile of them.
Be advised that The Lord’s Messages are for all the people who sincerely seek them for The Good of themselves and others, and Our Messenger is not seeking fortune or fame for The Lord’s Words. He has labored heavily to deliver The Words of El from Us to the surface of this world, and We will not allow him to act in the ways of common authors in regards to that which belongs to The Lord of The Throne Most High. Nothing will be lost from him regarding his duty with Us no matter how any of you respond. He is merely Our Messenger whose Rewards are existing with Us whether or not he is accepted by any of mankind on Earth. The business of this Messenger is Ahezaah’s, and Our Messenger was successful in it at the very beginning of his striding for and with Us, April 13, 1979.
Now it is your turn to show your worthiness for what We have to offer mankind on the earth of Eden.
Lord Holy-Apostle-Deen Saleem, MPA
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Blog # 14
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