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The Fallacy of Unconditional Love

In The Spirits, Names, and Commands of The Almighty Loving Ahezaah, El, The Lord in Reality Being The Essence of True Love, We Recite Its’ Words.

Even the souls of man are set under conditions that are established by The Master of Creation, although those conditions might be beyond the understanding of those to whom the souls are attached.

When The Lord El created creation, in Its’ Pleasure It said Aahhhh; and, in Its’ Words of Aah came Its’ Breath in Its’ Essence of Life; with It Giving Life in Its’ Breath to all that It created, the same as It does continuously, ad infinitum (with no sign of stopping).

In the modern day way of thinking and believing about Love by many multitudes among mankind, it is this thing of unconditional Love that is now being made to sound right and best in the languages of their religions; a Love they profess to have, being without ends or limits, coming from the minds of people who are created with ends and limits to their being in every way including that of their hearts and minds which proclaim to master the illusion of having limitless love of their own.

If in their statements, opinions, and understandings about Love truly being The Essence of El that is beyond them and their control, then we can see what they say as being of The Truth, El; yet conversely, the multitudes are led to believe that this unconditional Love is theirs, true and owned by them, to give as they believe to whom they will.

Dabbling in its affects by going beyond the limits that are set under conditions, in letting the effects of love loose without following the rules that are created for Love’s engagement is equivalent to breaking the Laws and Orders created for the standards of Love. If Love is given by The Creator for mankind to live by without conditions, why is it that The Creator manifests as The Lord of Its’ Throne of Sovereignty in Heaven wherefrom It Judges the life of doings that are done by each and all of mankind, showing Its’ Love for mankind’s intentions of doing good, and Its’ Hatred for mankind’s intentions of doing evil?

Do right by Love (The Lord El) and Love (The Lord El) will do you blessings in happiness. Do wrong by Love (The Lord El) and Love (The Lord El) will manifest Its’ Displeasure against you for your acts of going beyond the limits that are set by It as conditions of Love. In terms of the results that are most likely achieved by someone trying to live by the rules of unconditional love, whereas all wrongs are supposedly overlooked, forgiven, and forgotten, one who forgets the traps of life that are set upon the road of life that he or she must travel each day, traps in which they are most likely to fall into repeatedly, it is the same as for the irresponsible act of ignoring wrongful deeds under the pretenses of unconditional love that is made to sound appealing by those whom preach the words of Set the wicked devil Satan who promotes its’ wicked being through its servants like those who promote the religious thoughts for you to love your enemies, to forgive and forget about them, disregarding True Wisdom (Divine Guidance) of El.

Lord Holy-Apostle-Deen Saleem, MPA
February 26, 2011
Blog # 2


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