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Component #49: THE WAY OF ISLAAM

Within The Spirit Of These Named Attributes Of Ahezaah, The Compassionate, The Merciful, The Only True Knower, The Eternally Rich, The Guide to The Path In The Way Of Islaam, We Send down These Words Of Truth in three hundred and sixty-one Sayings Of Wisdom To Be Recited.

All praise is due to Ahezaah, The Benefactor, The Gracious, The Ever Present, The Way to The Peace Of Itself.

Verily, Ahezaah Is The Light, The Way, and The Creator of the trials upon the Path of Its’ Created worlds for mankind.

It Is the One That Knows every obstacle that is in the Path of The Way, for It Is The Creator of the obstacles that are set forth for the trials of life in all worlds.

It Is Ahezaah That Is The Guide to The Right Of Itself and The One That Leads Its’ disobedient servants astray through the Opening and the Path of Darkness. 

Life is but a plethora of trials for humanity and all others of creation: trials that are overcome only by the Help Of Ahezaah, The Comforter, The Guide and Protector of Its’ creations.

For mankind, Satan and its legions of evil doers were Created and are Sustained By Ahezaah as beings that evolve in chaos to commit disorder in the life of mankind.  Their sole commitment is set in their desires to deter mankind from its course – the Course of True Islaam – that leads to The Paradise Of The Peace Within Ahezaah.

None of mankind can defeat Satan in its cause for disaster in their inner and outer worlds of this life, and none of mankind can overcome its seductions without the Help Of Ahezaah, The Supreme Being. 

Through every available means, Satan seduces individuals amongst mankind into believing that by their own personal wills and desires they can defeat the Fallen Angel through prayer and other acts of worship when in fact Satan can only be defeated or held back by Us Through the Commands Of Ahezaah.

The Cross, Symbol of the Christians, does not defeat Satan!  And it is not a symbol Sanctified by Us. The Cross is a tool of Satan’s own design the same as the so-called symbol of peace that displays the Cross in a circle with the horizontal pole broken downwards on each side of the vertical pole.

Ahezaah Is the Peace, and the only Signs of Ahezaah’s Peace Are Its’ Messengers that Are Contained In It and Manifested to the world of mankind as Signs Of Ahezaah’s Mercy.    

All of you believers amongst the company of Our Present Messenger, and those of you that come after him, say to those who believe and follow the Straight Path in the Way to the Peace of Ahezaah’s Endowment: “May Ahezaah’s Peace Be known within and about your being”; 

Or say: “May the Peace Of Ahezaah Be within and about your being”; And when someone greets you with salutations in remembrance and prayers for Ahezaah in praise of Its’ Names, return your greetings equal or better in kind.  Be not as the fools be, those that have turned away from this Command Of Ahezaah Sent down before.       

And pray for the abundance in the Essence of the Good Of Our Lord and Master Alone Be Given unto them who truly believe.

Pray that they travel successfully in the Way of Islaam Within the Essence Of The Truth That Is Our Lord and Master Alone.  

Surely, Ahezaah, The Good and The Truth, Is Truly of you and all creations; and It Is Our Lord and Master Alone.

Show kindness unto each other in your continued trials of life as you move forward in a fashion pleasing to Ahezaah.

In your prayers, seek the Good Of Ahezaah’s Attributes alone for yourselves that you may be Guided Aright By Ahezaah, and beware of asking for the material goods of the lower realm of life.

Be certain that you do not fall into perdition by confusing your own mind and making what is Made Clear to you by Us a secondary thing in preferring the goods of the lower realm to the Good Of Ahezaah.  

Make Ahezaah’s Spirit be acknowledged as the First and Overall Force Initiating your conscious and unconscious acts of being, and make It The Thing To Be remembered as the Sustaining Force of your life.

Surely, if thou trust in Ahezaah’s Guidance, Ahezaah will Provide in abundance all that you need and more beyond your expectations.  It Will Guide you and Grant you the Holiness Of Its’ Breath in the atmosphere that you breathe and Sustain you upon the Path of Proper Breathing so that you might live a fuller life in good health and obedience to It.

Beyond what you might understand of the breaths that you breathe, the Essence Of Ahezaah’s Goodness Is Contained therein and Directed By the Command Of Ahezaah to the ends of those Chosen to receive the Essence Of Purity and Natural Nutrients to Upgrade and/or Sustain them. 

Be kind to yourselves and each other by not forming expectations of one another beyond reason and say, “as Ahezaah Wills” and “it has been as Willed By Ahezaah,” in the truthful things that you do.

Beware not to fall victim to the ways of Satan like those before you, and be kind to all humanity that is kind to you.

Greet all humanity in an excellent exchange of greetings, equal to or better than one another do, even if the greeters are of the disbelievers.  

Ahezaah Is Watcher Over them and you, and Ahezaah does not hold in disdain a sincere and honest greeting from anyone.

Be thoughtful not to become of those without Authority that are, in the Sight Of Ahezaah, ill willed and perverted by incorrect self-judgment and the unfounded judge of others in their own minds.  That is a thing Held in distaste By Ahezaah.

Ahezaah Is The Only True Judge, and the Messenger Prophet Chosen This Day Of Reckoning Is the Only Divinely Chosen Judge that Speaks In The Supreme Court Of Ahezaah for or against you mankind amongst men and jinn.  Anyone of you traversing the path of judging others stand in the ways of chances to injure them and increase ill against yourselves through the Laws of karma.

Accrue not an evil return against yourselves by being dishonest and disobedient before the Word Of Ahezaah and the Messenger.  Ahezaah Has Opened you up to the Clear Vision of the Messenger with Divine Explanations in Wisdom.

It is only those of you that stand in the ways of arrogance, disobedience, disbelief, and other acts of foolishness against the Commands of Ahezaah that turn away from that which Ahezaah Has Made Clear for you to make easy in obedience unto It.  

To the Messenger Of Ahezaah you are as an open book to be read whenever Ahezaah Wills it to be, but the Messenger is humble and full of humility for the ignorant and fearful believers that are slow in growth towards confidence in Truth.

It Is Ahezaah that you need to be concerned with in your disobedience, ignorance, and dishonesty with the Messenger and the True believers.  

Worse than a blind man who cannot see the Truth is a blind man that does not know he cannot see the Truth but deludes himself into thinking that he does, and even worse still is the one that knows for certain he doesn’t but pretends that he does.

Some amongst mankind would foolishly approach Our Messenger with no Real Substance Of The Mind In True Awareness to bring debate against him.

They are of the disbelievers that are aware of The Truth and certain of Its’ Knowledge but not in understanding of It or Its’ Knowledge.

They are the ones Veiled By The Veiling One because of their disbelief in Our Messenger Being Ahezaah’s Sign Of Its’ Mercy, a Warner, a Guide, a Judge, a Comforting Manservant, and Prophet among other things.     

Gamble not against the Commandments Ahezaah Has Prescribed for the betterment of humanity in True Islaam and seek out a good and healthy environment to exist in within your being and outside of that through obedience to Ahezaah and Its’ Messenger.

Do not seek a way against the Messenger and do not seek to enjoin him upon the pathways of iniquity.  If Our Messenger follows you in anything, know that It Is Ahezaah That Has Decreed that he does so By Its’ Command.

Nothing that he does By the Command Of Ahezaah Shall be Charged against him whether in agreement with your opinion, belief, or disbelief.   It is you that are in harm’s way before the Presence Of Ahezaah for your acts of enticement against Ahezaah’s Messenger.  

If you are unable to better your outer or inner environments, then abandon them for what is better and seek that which is reasonably within your reach. 

Do not invite believers that are in the Spirit Of Good to any evil that you are enjoined upon, in hopes of gaining their companionship in the pathways of your evil or merely to make your evil to appear right. 

Even though it might be that you cause your evil and that of others to appear seemingly fair in the eyes of the unaware, Ahezaah Is All Seeing and All Knowing.


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