Within The Spirit Of These Named Attributes Of Ahezaah, The Supreme Exalter, The Reality, The Being That Is Ever Out Of Reach, The Being That Is Ever Within Reach, The Innermost, The Outermost, The Hidden, The Manifested, The Seen, The Unseen, The Master, The Supreme Gatherer, The One, We Send down These Words Of Truth in one hundred and thirty-two Sayings Of Wisdom To Be Recited.
Ahezaah Is The Supreme Exalter Of Itself and all other things that It Desires to Exalt not only in Its’ Knowledge, Understanding, or Wisdom, but It Exalts creatures by the nature It Assigns to them, and It Exalts Itself in the perceptions of things that It Creates.
Ahezaah Is The Reality That Is Infinitely Beyond all things in The Absoluteness Of Its’ Eternal Being.
Ahezaah Is The Supreme Being That Is Ever Out Of The Reach of all Created things in Each Moment Of Its’ Choosing and By Each Means That It Chooses.
Ahezaah Is The Supreme Being That Is Ever In Reach of all Created things by the way of their perception Whenever It Desires To Make Itself Known to any of them By Its’ Presence or By The Undeniable Support That It Sends down Upon them.
Ahezaah Is The Innermost Reality Of Eternally Active Being for all things living and dead by animation and what is perceived to be inanimate although the still appearance of inanimate things or deterioration of the dead might not be understood as being Actively Evolved By The Command Of Ahezaah.
Ahezaah Is The Outermost Reality That Is Beyond all Created things save for those that It Draws Back Up Unto Itself To Open For them The Reality Of Its’ Being Connected with them and all of creation.
Ahezaah Is The Hidden Power That Affects The Laws and Orders Of The Divine and Universal Actions Over all Created things.
Ahezaah Is The Manifested Being That Appears Dispersed By What Is Apparent In The Divisions Of Its’ Attributes in Operation and Their Effects Upon creation.
Ahezaah Is The Seen One in all the active and inactive manifestations in the illusions Of The Reality That Gives The Power Of Life That Is Seen in the lives of all living things although most of mankind cannot identify Ahezaah In Its’ Innumerable Forms of Creativity in things.
Ahezaah Is The Unseen Power and Glory That Is Ever Producing Evidence Of Its’ Supreme Existence By Reality for the Enlightened Ones and illusions for all others amongst mankind.
Ahezaah Is The Master Of All in creation That Is Of All, Which Is in every Created thing.
Ahezaah Is The Supreme Gatherer That Gathers Its’ Desires and Says Be to all things Of Its’ Desire so that they Will Become Of The Living Through Its’ Infinite Number Of Attributes.
Ahezaah Is The One Power That Is The Supreme Unit Ever Composing Its’ Almighty Power That Unites all things By Its’ Attributes, Which Creates, Sustains, Evolves, Destroys, and Recreates creation.
Ahezaah, In the minds of mankind, Is The Most Reasonable nonetheless The Most Irrational Thing to be contemplated. It Presents Itself Beyond the rationality of the human mind but Makes Open The Way To Its’ Supreme Reasoning for the minds that are completely submissive in worshipping It.
Ahezaah Is Truly The Only Thing to be feared in creation but most of mankind don’t understand this. They fear creatures that Only Ahezaah Gives life in mind and purpose to; things that cannot act beyond the Power Of Ahezaah but appears to the ignorant as being independent of Ahezaah.
Ahezaah Is The Complete Essence of all things, Eternal and Infinite, beside Whom there is no other thing in existence that exists under any power of its own; and therefore, nothing else is worthy of worship or worthy of being feared. The True Danger Is Ahezaah’s Wrath Being Manifested in the actions of things or by Ahezaah’s Protection Being Absent from any of Its’ creatures.
In all that you do, it should be done to please The One Being Who Can Do all and anything that It Desires for or against any and all of you, separately or together.
It Is The One Whom no one and nothing are free of, and nothing can be helped against It; and It Is The Real Power In The Actions of all things.
O ye that believe, store up the good of things for a time to come and be mindful of your duty to Ahezaah, and fear Ahezaah much. Ahezaah Is Quite Aware of all that you do in every manner of your doing things.
Be not like unto those who are unmindful of Ahezaah and in turn Ahezaah removes from their minds The Blessings of remembering their own Real Self-interests.
Surely, Ahezaah has the Overwhelming Power to cast terror in your minds and make you destroy your own selves and your own property completely!
You cannot oppose Ahezaah and The Messenger and thereafter escape unfazed by the evils that you commit yourselves to doing.
Whosoever opposes Ahezaah will meet their destiny with a Severe Retribution From Ahezaah, The All Powerful One Of Vengeance.
The people who appear to be in control of the forces of power over nations these days are like the people who peopled the lands of many great nations before.
When they surrendered to the call of Satan, they believed themselves to be glorious until the Moment When Ahezaah Presented Itself to them and Satan swiftly abandoned their claims.
As a consequence to their evil disobedience to Ahezaah and The Messengers, Ahezaah Threw all of them into the Fires That Are Deep In The Measureless Pit Of Hell.
It is them that are the inmates of the Fire! And it is them that remain to be like those of the past that are rebellious This Day.
There are fools amongst mankind who call themselves Ahezaah, The Lord Supreme. They make all types of claims to beguile the minds of humanity because they cannot accept The Reality That Exists Independent of their minds. Their minds are Infiltrated and Encompassed By Ahezaah but they do not encompass their own imagination or infiltrate The Divine Offering Of Wisdom although the Path Of The Way Is Offered to Be Clear for them.
O ye misguided ones of humanity, follow not in the footsteps of the devils no matter how angry or dismayed you become; for the devils are only makers of trouble that are ever inclined to being doers of evil.
There is no mother ship that will deliver you from this planet Earth. Your Salvation is only in Ahezaah’s Giving upon this planet that Ahezaah Created you upon and Nourishes you through.
Those stories are nothing more than tales of the misguiding ones amongst you that haven’t any Authority in True Knowledge, nor do they have the Power to Bring you Into Nearness To Ahezaah.
They are soothsayers of the worst kind, those of them that tell tales to overwhelm you as opposed to those that are sincere although in their sincerity they are misguiding.
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