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Showing posts from 2015


In The Name of The Christ Amen Shiva Allaah, The Holy El-Aah-Hu Ahezaah, The All-Powerful Master of the Mighty Angels of Wrath, The Deliverer of Prophecy in actions being fulfilled, We recite.   Forest fires burning out of control, thousands of miles in their diameters, crossing many parameters, as they unfold, burning down households; mountainous mudslides sliding away towns, crushing houses, bringing trees and other things down; earthquakes and volcanoes shaking the world upside down, all around, spitting out what they will, to kill, from the underground; poisonous gases killing off the masses, of creatures on the land, in the oceans, and the sky, killing them where they stand, or swim in motion and where they fly; bringing birds down from the heights of the clouds, to the ground where they are slammed in death as crowds, and the fools say, this has nothing to do with The Prophecy sent down from Heaven. It was said the other day, hundreds of birds were witnessed on their way, t...

The Light of Truth and Its’ Servants

With The Names of Ahezaah, The Beneficent, The Merciful, The Lord Wise in Its’ Guidance of all things, We relate these Words of Ahezaah’s to you. We Said there is none worthy of praise or worship except Allaah, The El-Aah-Hu of Amen-Raa, Ahezaah The Lord of The Throne of Sovereignty. We Said that It is El Ayn, The All-Seeing Creator of all things, Hu, The Essence in the matters of all creation, Aah, The Breath of Life Which It Breathed into the being of all existences, and Haa, The Guide of everything that It Makes exist. It is The Real of Reality That Makes all things exist, Being Amen, The One Real Power That Is The Infinite Living Almighty Mind That Creates, Moves and Manipulates all things in Its’ Absolute Fashioning of all things in Decreed Times, Spaces, and Distances, Mathematically. We intend to make these Words clear to you concerning The Light of Ahezaah Amen, The Christ and The Holy Al-Nuur, and Its’ Holy Raised Servants that were Annihilated and Given Rebirth by The Reality...

And The Fools Carry On

In El-Aah-Hu’s Name of Ahezaah, The Christ Vishnu Shiva That has come down to This Messenger, The Master of Angels That Commanded the Archangel Powered Gabriel to be Joined unto him with It as The Three-Fold Holy Union manifested by This Divinely Chosen One housing the soul being of the Prophet Samuel, the Divinely Resurrected manservant of El, We recite. For thirty-two years in Our service to Allaah El Ahezaah as a Unit of El, (Ahezaah El-Amen Allaah, This Messenger Holy-Apostle-Deen, and this Archangel Messenger Gabriel), We have heard all kinds of the unfounded rumors being whispered by fools among the people that have nothing more to do with their unresolved lives but to carry on in evil by the ways of foolishness they commit themselves to upon the paths of their ignorance. We Promised This Messenger to the world of mankind, and We Promised him, at his age of seven, that he would be This One of Us that he is and was born to be, The Holy Chosen Messenger of The Lord Most High of Man...

The One and The Three, Numbers Representing El On This Side of Life Manifesting Creation, Through Its’ Angels of The All, Of Every Kind

With The Name of The Eternal El, The Almighty Infinite Living Mind Amen, The All-Seeing Ayn Raa, The Christ in The Light of The Truth That has Come Down Most Gentle in Its’ Unseen Being of Power to Exist in Its’ Holy Union with the mind, body and soul of Its’ Chosen One for the worlds of mankind, We Recite Its’ Words regarding The Real and Most Essential News about This Day of Revelation as an Act of El’s Mercy which is Given unto you all in Its’ Name of Ahezaah, The Commanding Lord Wise of The Throne of Sovereignty. Hopefully, you who are sincere in your search for The Truth of Life, The Eternal Being of The Infinite Living Mind which is Amen, The Holy On Both Sides of Its’ Worlds of Manifestation, can understand the usage of Our language. You might identify it as one of the various dialects of the American English that was always spoken by the conquerors of these lands who taught the slaves and the Indigenous People of these United States of America how to speak it, which is now bein...

Satan is Aware of What The Christ of El is Truly About

In The Name of Ahezaah, The Almighty El Who is The Christ of El-Aah Who has come down to The Personal Realm of This Messenger This Day in Its’ Unit of The Unseen Supreme Being as The Judge and The Executioner of Its’ Judgments against the world of mankind, The Creator, Owner, and Sustainer of all in Life, and The One Alone Who is Aware and Knowing of all things, We recite these Words. While great multitudes of Christians, Catholics, and others associated with a belief of The Christ Coming back down to Earth to straighten out what has been made wrong in this world of Eden; while they are waiting, hoping, and trying to prepare themselves for Its’ Return with the Resurrected Lion of Judah who was promised to be the Holy Instrument used by The Christ for the opening of the Book with Seven Seals on the back of it; Seals of Orders, symbolizing people representing the previous and the present Covenant of The Lord El; while they joyfully sing in praises of the Past Divine Manservant Jesus wh...

Misguidance Concerning The Almighty Christ and Its’ Messengers

In The Name of Ahezaah, The Mighty El Who is Seated in Its’ New Name of The Lord of Lords as The Master of The Thrones of Angels that are Completely Subjected to It in Its’ Sovereignty; El-Ahezaah, The Mighty Christ of El Who has come down to The Personal Realm of This Messenger This Day in Its’ Unit of The Unseen Supreme Being as The Lord Wise That is All-Aware and All-Knowing of all things, The Creator, Owner, and Sustainer of Life, We recite these Words of Ahezaah El’s Message. There are billions of people that are continuously following the devil unseen in lines of life in this world today, leading to very negative and painful outcomes in the life of the world hereafter. They either ignore the True Divine Messengers of El or forget to believe in the Promises of The Truth. Instead of accepting Our Words from The Unseen Almighty El, they follow the dictates of the evil doers among the politicians and the clergy of the world religions that deliver false messages for Satan about The Ho...

Adhering The Commandments of The Unseen Almighty Lord of The Throne

In The Names of El, The Holy Lord of The Thrones of Sovereignty Who is Seated in Its’ New Name of Ahezaah, The Creator, Owner, and Master of all things, We recite these Words of Ahezaah El’s Message. It is Wisdom in the Commandments of The Lord Most High, and those that become of the Wisdom are Blessed within under The Favor of The Lord of The Throne of Sovereignty over all worlds. The world of mankind at-large has gone amuck. People in the spirit of madness now rule in all their signs of perversion. The devil’s servants among the powerful men and djinn of mankind are ahead of all others among the masses in their race for evil to be completely established, void of The Good of Ahezaah in Its’ Unseen Spirit for the people of their nations; and they have allowed the natural order of things among the human family to be turned upside down and inside out, to build upon the people’s desire and inclination towards being perverted. For them, it is like it has always been for those among mankind...

Self-Destruction, The Prophecy About Mankind Being Fulfilled

In The Names of El, The Holy Lord of The Throne of Sovereignty Seated in Its’ New Name of Ahezaah, The Creator, Owner, and Master of all things, We recite these Words of Ahezaah El’s Message. False prophets throughout these United States of America and the world in general ignorantly proclaim, in defiance of Us, of The Unseen, and in blatant disregard for the present Holy Messenger of El Ahezaah, their false words and positions of belief, despite what We Deliver as Divine Promise to them in regards to what will be for them a terrifying Meeting with Ahezaah El-Aah, The Lord of The Throne of Judgment. Another Promise is this: During their journey in the transition of Death, their minds will be awakened to a Greater Aspect of Life, when they are taken through the realms of Death into an unfamiliar Darkness of Unknowing, leading to The All-Knowing El Who will Be Seated as Ahezaah The Judge, in Its’ Unit of Supreme Being. They will be shocked to find themselves in an inescapable transition ...

As Prophesied through Jesus,The Stars Are Falling Down to the Earth, and Every Mountain and Island is Being Moved Away

With and In The Names of The Holy Almighty Lord El Ahezaah, The Author and Master of Its’ Divine Prophets and their Prophecy, We recite these Words that are Given in The Lord El Ahezaah’s Directions. The Holy Bible Book of Revelation similes from chapter 6 verse 13 through chapter 6 verse 17; 13: “And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs when she is shaken of a mighty wind. 14: And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places. 15: And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains; 16: And said to the mountains and rocks, fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb: 17: For the great day of his wrath is come, and who shall be able to stand? Verily,...

The Pens of The Lord El, and The Signs Upon Which The Lord El Writes

With and In The Names of Ahezaah, The Author and The Master of all worlds within the unseen realms of inner being and outside the inner worlds in the materially manifested being of Life, We recite these Words of El’s Divine Dictation. Holy are they that are the Children of Truth, Offspring minds of human beings that are Slain by The Christ and Reborn of It, mentally and spiritually in The Righteous Spirit of El, The Christ Amen; Holy are they that inherit The Quality of The Christ that is Given by El through the True Process of Divine Enlightenment; those that are Crushed, Seeded, and Nurtured in The Womb of El’s Most Holy High Unit of The Infinite Soul, wherein Life anew is Given to them in Essence of The Righteous Mind of El That Takes them unto Its’ Being and Manifests Its’ Infinite Existence of Mentalities as Being in Part of The Thing of Which they become; Holy are they that are drawn up into The Power of The Crusher, to suffer The Divine Crushing by The Hand of El-Aah’s Chr...