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1. Within The Spirit of These Named Attributes of Ahezaah, The Truth, The Source of light and life, The Master, Judge and Supreme Authority. We Send down These Words Of Truth in fifty-five Sayings Of Wisdom To Be Recited.

2. Verily of mankind, jinn of the spirit realm, jinn amongst mankind and all other life forms, Ahezaah is the Judge and Supreme Authority as is Ahezaah is the Source of every kind of light and life emanating from Its’ Reality of Being.

3. All things are from the Original Source of Life and to the Original Source of Life all things are evolved.

4. And from this Original Source of Life nothing escapes and nothing is ever truly left alone, free of Its’ Attention and Attentive Operation.

5. All things are completely dependent upon the Original Source of Life.

6. And It Alone Is Independent and Most High.

7. It Is Beyond your knowledge and considerations of being Almighty.

8. Anything you think you know of It, verily It Is Existing Beyond that point of your comprehension.

9. Amongst men and jinn there are those who say they are the All-Powerful One, the Creator and Sustainer of life in power and creative ability.

10. Verily, they are foolish and particularly blind.

11. They have physical eyes to see outer forms, in which much of their minds are captivated, but of the spiritual eye they are impaired.

12. There are many amongst you who profess to know Jesus and live in his spirit.

13. Verily, they are liars who have misconstrued the Divine Word Sent down.

14. They say forget the Supreme being and know Jesus alone.

15. Verily, We Say forget them and leave them to their ways of evil for Us to tend to them, unless they violate your being.

16. If they violate your being, pray to Ahezaah and ask for Guidance against them.

17. For they are beyond being lost sheep. They are lost people with the violence of a nature within them that sheep do not display in their character or nature of being.

18. Their speech is vulgar even though they use moral language to speak with a most crooked and divided tongue.

19. Surely, Ahezaah has led them astray for their disobedience and Judge them to be in grave error against the Divine Words Decreed by Ahezaah.

20. They swear that they are on a passage route to Paradise with Ahezaah and believe you to be far-gone astray towards Hell.

21. Surely, they are the ones far-gone and will be the fuel for the Fire of the Eternal Blaze along with their companion Satan.

22. They say, praise the lord Jesus in the name of the Father-God.

23. Thereafter in the same conversation they say you only need Jesus and not the Father-God.

24. Verily, they are a most vulgar people spreading falsehood for their forefathers’ slave-masters’ descendants.

25. Verily, they are truly enslaved within their minds and can’t find the Opened Way out.

26. Surely, the Opened Way is there for those that are truly in search of the Way of the Righteous.

27. Life stares them and those who maintain the power of mastery over them in the face and most of each group refuse to acknowledge the Presence of Our Supreme Lord’s Promised Coming of this Day.

28. The ruling force of power amongst their numbers continue to divide to conquer them and those of their people that they hold in low estimation. 

29. Any opportunity they come into, to create division, they plunge upon it and they consider their actions to be aspects of excellent politics for control of government.

30. Their attack upon Our Messenger is to put fear in their own people and any others that are in their charge against what We send down through ignorance.

31. They denounce this Divine Book of Recitation, when they have never recited it in search of True Understanding.

32. They denounce the Words of Truth thinking they are supported by the Greatest Power, when Ahezaah Alone is the Greatest Power.

33. They denounce Jesus when they denounce Jehovah, but they know not.

34. When they say you don’t need the Reality of Supreme Being to get to Paradise and all you need is Jesus, they say a thing Jesus himself would have never said out of fear of the Supreme Being that Was Present within Jesus’ being.

35. O ye, amongst those who believe, how sweet they attempt to portray the words of evil indignation they associate with Jesus.

36. Verily, Jesus will bear witness against them when they arrive at the Throne of Jehovah, Whose Name Allaah they hate to hear.

37. Say Allaah and say Jehovah, but say Ahezaah, as Ahezaah has Commanded of you.

38. As they have divided and attempted to divide the people who believe and those who would believe, We are dividing them.

39. And Our dividing of them is more than a difference of belief.

40. Our dividing of them is a Curse from Ahezaah, wherein madness shall continue to pursue each of them and their descendants who believe with them.

41. Politicking, praising and praying to Jesus and trying to force a change against Our Cursing will not at all help them this Day, after Our Messenger has come to them with this Divine Book of Recitation.

42. It is Clear by Divine Guidance, a comfort to those who believe, and admonition to those who don’t and a Divine Reminder of Ahezaah’s Truth and Promise.

43. Verily, We have already said in the Words Sent down; they will destroy themselves in every way from within, them and those who agree with them in fellowship.

44. Surely, those of you who are sincere will recognize that this Promise has already begun to take place with much more still to come.

45. O ye, of those who are awaiting the Coming of Our Lord’s Day, rejoice, for the Day is upon you now.

46. Stand firm in the ranks of the Righteous Who are in Watch Over you from a Place Unseen.

47. Stand forth and be counted and serve well under Our Messenger’s Guidance Within the Guidance of Ahezaah and fret not.

48. Fear not Death or life in the turmoil of trials because for you there is a Great Reward.

49. Gog and Magog and those of their following, that would include some from amongst your kith and kin, doubt that the Day has Truly Arrived and that you are capable.

50. Verily, Ahezaah is the Most Capable and We are Certainly Capable and those with Us Shall, by the Command of Ahezaah, prove capable under the Power of Ahezaah.

51. It is the most arrogant ones amongst their numbers that will stand fast against Us until it is too late for them.

52. It is they who will cry the hardest, fear the most and beg tremendously more than anyone else in the end.

53. It is then that they and those with them will know the Reality of True Scorn, Wrath and Ahezaah’s Displeasure.

54. Woe is unto them who come to know these Attributes of Ahezaah.

55. For in their knowing they are condemned to be of the Damned and in that there is no Way out.   Ameen


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