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Repost: The Question of Life; Science and Reality, Religion and Truth

In The Names of Ahezaah, The Merciful Allaahu, The Enlightening Christ, The All-Knowing El, The Wise Amen, The Eternal Provider of Life, The Commander of Death, The Holy Warner, The Fulfiller of Prophecy, The Provider of Respite, The Eternal Punisher, The Master of Hell, The Judge, The Finalizer of Judgment, The Perfect Creator, The Mind of Reality, We Recite.

Today, the leading people of power in the greater governments of the world allow the masses of the commoners in their societies to believe that the most powerful thinkers, whom they believe should be looked upon as being the most trusted and believed people, are the scientists that have made it an art to question the universal being of creation. Although it is a dark art of misused talents, they fire their art up with sensationalism to bring light of the world to it. That light of the world is only as great as each individual perceives it to be for themselves. 

The powerful leaders support the thoughts and actions of those selected people among their many kinds of educators and raise up the perception of them to the people that study them and their ways of thinking; celebrating them, concerning the qualities of their characters and their accomplishments in seducing the people at large, causing them to be widely accepted by the masses for their degrees in education that is accomplished through their school studies, and for their views of facts and their insinuations concerning the physically materialized manifestations of the universes. They are also accepted and believed because of their theatrics in presenting their evidences, which they convincingly bring to life, theatrically, as wonderful and powerful pictures about which they show and explain their positions of opinions to the world; pictures that are filled with their personal suggestions and their collectively agreed upon thoughts.

It is through those pictures of the universes and their verbal expressions through which they suggest that they have command of their knowledge that they give the most credence to, while they conveniently go about their ways of assassinating the questions of The Holy Lord’s Chosen ways of being in life (true religions) for mankind, putting away the questions of The Essential Being of The Unseen yet All-Powerful Lord of Reality, and throwing doubt and confusion at the questions concerning The Holy Truth of The Unseen Master of Creation That Shows Its’ Power to Make all that they see and see not of the Universal Being of Created Forms exist.

The powerful leaders among the men and djinn of mankind hide with the demon beasts of their satanic minds behind these classes of people whom they raise up as masters of science along with their hiding behind the selected religions of the world and the clergy of their choices in order to steer the masses of mankind away from the Real Issues of Life that are most essential to mankind. They fear those who might publicly question them more often about their validity and true positions in life as leaders for taking and keeping control of their lives in general. 

In their minds, most in the numbers of the most powerful leaders believe that they must stay ahead of the people’s investigations of them and the people’s perceptions of The True Lord of All worlds in staking their own worldly positions as being gods of sorts over mankind; therefore, they occupy the minds of great numbers of the commoners in the masses of your kind by keeping as many of you as they possibly can looking up into the skies of your worlds, and out into the universes where you can easily get lost in your wonderment about creation and unknown alien life forms.

For the support of the great masses whom they lead, they suggest that they are seeking out alien life to bring peace and understanding for mankind on Earth to the aliens of other worlds, and seeking to bring advantages back to the earthlings they master of this world from those alien worlds. For their mastery over the majority of you they gain your patriotic support while they corrupt and destroy their own national citizens, the alien neighbors of other nations, and the overall physical world of Earth itself. 

Historically proven, they want the great masses of you whom they represent to believe that they go and come in peace, in their ventures into other worlds of people in search for the known and the unknown treasures of those lands, when they perversely bring hell and all other kinds of corruption to what We unveil for them of the discovered worlds on this very planet upon which they live. They act like invading hordes, with the general body of them never giving thoughts or concerns about the backlashes of things coming back to you and your worlds in response to the affects of their negative explorations and what they do in your names, which affects of this have been inevitably shown behind the acts of their explorers, their clergy, their secret agents of various national agencies and etceteras throughout the history of all the world’s invaders. It is now that you look at your world having been turned upside down by the destruction of your thin walls (your world finances) that you have chosen over The Eternal Protector to safe keep and guard you; with multitudes of you now having more serious questions about The Truth of Life and the directions that you are now journeying through in its crumbling environments. You might still be of those that are hard-hearted, blind, deaf and dumb enough to ignore the fact We are now fulfilling one of many Divine Prophecies that you should pay attention to because of it being so obvious. We are Taking down from the skies of your delight, your brightest stars in all the many categories of your occupations; Taking down all of those whom Ahezaah El Amen Chooses to be Taken, by the numbers, and they each are being placed on a straight track to The Throne of The Lord’s Divine Judgment of them. Some of them will be Blessed with Bliss, while others of them will be Cursed and Damned to Hell; and then there are clusters of them that are yet to be Taken down, but wait and see, if you will, and hope it not be too late for you to surrender to El-Aah.
Many of you have questions about Life that you believe the men and djinn among your people can answer correctly through their assigned educators, because you trust them. However, the True Educators concerning Life and its particulars that lead back to The Originator of Life, by the historical facts of mankind in this world of Life, are often sought to be slain by the leaders of the world nations and their men, the same as yours today among the men and djinn that govern your bodies of nations. For the devils in them, they hate the Truly Divine Free (El-Aah-Hu-Aum) thinking individuals like Jesus and other Messengers of El who deliver True Words of The Free and All-Knowing Lord’s Knowledge about Life and all its particulars that mankind sorely needs to know, although they swear oaths about them to the greater masses who are usually ignorant of the truth about them. What is generally made obvious by Us to the masses, pertaining to the evil of the powerful people among their leaders, is that the masses generally set it aside for what is made as assurances in what the leaders profess about maintaining insurance for them; disbelieving that The Greatest and True Insurance is Given in Assurances by The Holy Governor of All in Life, and Its’ Words are Holy Divined and never made of false professing. 

Instead of the masses placing their trust in the True Divinely Enlightened Educators that are Sent and Spoken through by The Divine in Its’ Authority, they choose to follow people of the world that set science against Reality and turn religions of the world against The Truth as combatants of one another; and, they go further by taking sides with different denominations of their alleged same beliefs but different schools of religious thoughts, and thus go to blood shedding and other types of harmful wars against one another among strangers and family members in The Names of The Lord of The Throne of Dominion, without receiving Its’ True Authority for them to do so.

For mankind’s idiocy in taking positions against The True Owner and Real Knower of Life, the Angels of El’s Hell, those warring Divinely under the Orders of The Christ, have received Orders to meticulously destroy the guilty among you and your worlds within and outside of them; and, you are now being shown the Signs of this throughout the world, by the natural and the unnatural phenomenon of the world being in disarray, including the acts of Nature Itself. You might have thought or have been persuaded to believe that The Christ of El-Aah was Coming down to Earth with the Son of Truth to Deliver you; nevertheless, most of mankind has been misguided in this area of belief. Many of you have been tricked into a belief that Jesus was returning at This Day’s End in Power to Save and Restore you, despite Us Revealing that the Lion of Judah, and not the Lamb of El-Aah, would be Divinely Resurrected in his Soul by The Holy All-Powerful El-Aah, and that he would have Signs to reveal him being The Chosen One including what We Witness of his Knowledge and Delivery of The New Name of The Lord of The Throne, which is The Holy Ahezaah; Oh, but how ill most have been in judgments of him. 

The Holy Knower of Life is also The Holy Judge of all that is in Life and The One That Holds the Divine Scales for each of you in your weights of judgment. For you all there is an appointed time for you to meet at your appointment with This Holy Judge where you will discover either Mercy or Hell as a Divine Recompense for your actions aboard this planet, and shock for all of you when you realize how your limbs in every atom of your historical being in this lifetime will bear true witness for or against you at the Time of your Divine Trial. Then it will be no more questions about the Messengers of The Holy Unseen Owner of All in All worlds being deluded or not, and any of your thoughts of Our Messengers partaking in false concepts like conspiracy theories to insight you and the masses will hardly, if at all, be a whisper for your concern. It will Be The Holy Sign of The Reality of Life and you positioned before each other, and you will be in shock about your own self witnesses and your inability to quiet them. That will be your moment of mental concentration with concerns about your next life to come in the afterlife of death away from this world of Earth Eden.                     

Lord Holy-Apostle-Deen MMR Saleem, MPA
Lord Holy-Apostle-Deen MMR Saleem, MPA


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