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Why not god?

Within The Spirit of These Named Attributes of Hu Ahura-Mazda Aum El-Aah Ptah Amen Ra Ahezaah Allaah Hu Elohim Ruh Aum Aleph, The Beneficent, The Merciful, The Wise, The All-Knowing Guide, We Recite In The Spirit of Ruh Ahezaah Allaah.

In Our Recital, We Testify in Truth that every kind of praise—with all praises being due for the glory of all things—is due to El Ruh Hu Ahezaah Allaah Ptah Aum Aleph Amen Ra Asar-Re Brahma Elohim Aah Ahura-Mazda, The One All-Knowing Lord That Is Ever The Most High Being of Life, Is The All in all, The Responder, The Hearer, The Seer, The Guide, and The Spender of all things in creation.

There is none of the intellectual creatures and nothing of the other forms of creation that are Complete in their being, yet every thing that is in each of their being is like some particle of The Perfect Ahezaah Allaah’s Expression of Itself, but none is Perfect and Absolutely Complete in the particle of beings that they are, Like What Is Perfect OF The Complete Eternal Infinite Holy Being That Is The Foundation of The Infinitude of things, Which is Beyond all gods of man’s kind [things that are worshipped], which are created each as parts of the trials in this life for each of man’s kind and all of the other created things.

Speaking in the appearance of hypothesis, but speaking about what is in fact of Truth Which is, in Light of this subject matter, a Thing that can only be investigated by an investigator that completes the Holy Journey in The Path of The Way of Getting To The Lord in The Highest Sense of Arriving, We Say to you Within the Command and Support of Our All-Knowing Master, that It, The Eternal Being of The Reality of All, Said for Us to tell you that, throughout and up into this day, It has never Called Itself by the name God or any other of man’s kind contrived inventions of names that can be associated with created beings like them and other things.

There are no True Holy Books, in man-kind’s records, wherein The Lord of Sovereignty Sent down Its’ Words to Its’ Holy Law Bearing Lord Prophets that said It is to be called God. By It Saying that It Is The One and Only One That Is to Be worshipped, and By It Saying that It was not to be associated with any other thing in worship, such as what people say and do in relations to things that they choose as gods for themselves and others of man’s kind, there should not be any terminologies that associates worship with anything except The Eternal El-Aah. Although It Said that It Is Above all gods of man’s kind, It Is Not Limited to Being Above just that, but It Is as well Above the very perception that it Gives concerning Itself to the Angels, Man, and every other creature that Witnesses It In The Supreme Glory and Power of The All in The Way That It Chooses to Be Witnessed, such as how It Is Witnessed In The Image That It Manifests of Its’ Supreme Being That Is Seated As The Being of The Lord of The Almighty Throne of all worlds. IT Is, Of Its’ Own Self, Above every kind of manifestation of being that It Shows in It Associating them With Itself, such as The Lord of The Throne, The Creator, The Judge, The True Guide, and The Executor of Judgment of Whom man’s kind has been Given in their minds to be aware of. The Infinite and Eternal El-Aah Is, In Truth, Beyond the reasonableness of every intellectual creature that exists; because at the point of Beyond for the minds of each of them, after reaching the limits of their comprehension, With El-Aah Still Being Self-Sustained and Completely Maintained In Its’ All and Forever Perfect Being, the intellectual creatures of minds must then know in Certainty The Intimacy, The Compassion, and The Real Support of El-Aah to Be Saved from insanity; for El-Aah Is Unfathomable In Its’ Mental Being, and It Is Too Great to be Fully Explained by any of Its’ creatures including the highest of them among the Heavenly Most Supreme Archangels. In Light of El-Aah’s Mercy, with regards to how lowly the masses associate The Supreme Being with lesser beings in their ways for It to be addressed by them as Being a God Thing to Be worshipped, It Has Shown Great Forgiveness for them in much of their ignorance. El-Aah Is The Thing That Is The Holy Supreme Lord of The Lords of whom It Creates and Sends down to Earth as Its’ True Holy Lords and Its’ True Holy High Priests, Its’ Lowly Lords of men and Its’ Angels of whom are Made In Holiness to be of It as Messengers of varying Attributes. The Lord El-Aah’s Holy Messengers are Given as Signs through whom El-Aah Hu Continues to Give Awareness and Guidance for man’s kind; and these Signs are The Ones that Point the believers among the men and the djinn of man’s kind Back To El-Aah In Truth, Which Is The Thing That all of man’s kind are Brought Back To, either in the midst of this life by the Holy Archangel Messengers of Life, or at the very end of this life by the Holy Archangel Messengers of Death. For the people that are Blessed to be Brought Back To It in the midst of this life for The Holy Enlightenment, it is they that will know in Kindness The Awe Inspiring Lord of all worlds in Certain Measures; and in the life hereafter, they will know the Great Pleasures of Its’ Paradise. For the people that are Cursed to be Brought Back To It unfulfilled at the very end of their lives in this world, those that are to be Brought Back in the ways of The Lord’s Damnation of them in the Call of Death, they will know The Awful Executioner of all worlds in Certain Measures; and in the life hereafter, they will know the Great Annoyance of The Most Awful Dread in Its’ Terror-filled Hell. Verily, each of man’s kind will know at some point of their lifetime, either in this life or in the coming to the life hereafter at The Throne of El-Aah, that The Lord Most High Is Supremely Just and Ever All-Knowing in Its’ Judgments of them. It is only the denouncing rejecters and the haters of the Holy Covenant of Ahezaah Allaah that will hate being Brought Back To El-Aah for the cause of them to Be Judged By It; for all people are to Be Judged By It for what they become and for what they cause others to become by their influence of them, in the Good and the Bad of their lives in this lower world, every single person in every single generation of the families of humankind on earth.

The scholars, preachers, priests, ministers, and all levels of public speakers that represent the institution of the anti-Christ understand their personal use of the term god. They are aware that any of their gods can be worshipped, and they are aware that none other than The Eternal Master In Reality can do what is done at each moment in The Complete Existence of Life in all worlds, seen and unseen. None but The Master of all things can Teach Ultimate Truth, Give Complete Understanding, Create life for earthlings from Itself and manifest each of them to this world without the use of Its’ Systems of Laws that are made By El-Aah to be a must for every thing to follow, except Itself, in the giving of birth to produce the life living creatures like what was done in the process of the birth of Jesus, the same as was done for Adam and the entirety of worlds within this life of creation at the initial point in each of their beginnings. None but The Master of all worlds can cause a thing of the earthen materials to cease being in this world to live in another, and then be returned to this world to live in light of how they were before, or to change the body of a thing and give it the same mind of soul and spirit that it had in a past lifetime. Only El-Aah can Be El-Aah, The Unchangeable Being That was never born to die, never died to be reborn, was never begotten for a thing to proclaim in any way over It, and never beget offspring of any kind for another thing of any kind to be able to proclaim that It needed a partner of any sort to produce or to bring something from another source of being to It or had to give something from It for a conception of birth. In other words, El-Aah Is Much More than a god, because a god is a thing that is not only worshipped by people, but is made by people; and this god thing of man’s kind, and the devils of the unseen, can be any thing that is made to be worshipped by man’s kind, or any other being that is exalted in the minds and the hearts of people; things such as the land and material things of properties that are possessed by man’s kind on a daily basis, things such as people of power, fame, and fortune that are raised by people above their own selves and others of humanity and, in many cases, raised above The Lord of The Almighty Throne of Sovereignty as well, in their minds; things like idols that are made of wood, stone, and other earthen materials, and things that are made of the mental matter of man-kind’s imagination. Being that The Lord Of Eternal Wisdom Is All-Wise, and being that It Gives Blessings in the Favor that It Has for Its’ Servants, It Keeps things clear about It and Its’ Holy Covenant for them, things such like in It Saying, associate It not as a god that is to be compared to other gods in the accounts of man’s kind wherein men choose to raise one god over other gods to be worshipped. In El-Aah’s Saying this, It Is Referring to things that are not to be held as gods with man’s kind in their judgment of measuring them up in any likeness or semblance of El-Aah, or making them be as equated beings to El-Aah’s Reality which in fact would tie these things of existence that are actually of lesser being into being equal to El-Aah; an act of things like what the anti-Christ has done with the personage of Jesus, calling him The Christ when in fact El-Aah Alone Is The Christ, and whereas they have made Jesus appear to be worthy of worship for the Miraculous things of Holiness that We Produced in the sight of men through him RIGHTEOUSLY IN AND THROUGH THE DIRECT COMMAND OF EL-AAH’S DOING ITS’ WILL OF THOSE THINGS THROUGH US; and, like what they have also done against the True Holy Personage of Jesus, by their most sacrileges act of falsely qualifying Jesus in ways that are fully accepted in the hearts and minds of the people that believe in the Christians’ religious scholasticism, much that are doctrines that are given for a false belief that was given birth by the propagation of falsehood, that was given birth by the propagation of falsehood, that the anti-Christ, of whom the great multitude of Christians in general cannot identify, and do not realize that they are following legions of the anti-Christ demons in religion by their acts of making false proclamations in support of them, saying that Our Servant Jesus, a Holy Exalted Man that was created of the materials of the earth that were held in water which was contained by flesh with bones and the blood of human beings, was to actually inherit The Power and Glory of El-Aah. Wherein Jesus lived and breathed the air and knew gravity as he lived and breathed the air and knew gravity as he vied in and against the human spirit with mind and soul before he knew The Rest in the Seventh Stage [“Seventh Day” of The Lord] that he was Given as a Loan, from The Supreme Being, when his time of being Raised in Our Holy Three-fold Union of Oneness came, causing him to then know The Lord of Reality through this Station of The Lord’s Holiness wherein Jesus was also Given Ability to Have and Show Insight and Relativity in The Awakened Mind and Spirit of The Lord and Master El-Aah, and tell of the Archangel Gabri’-El and Divine Union wherein Jesus was the least of Us, they claim knowingly and unknowingly for the devil, that Jesus was to inherit The Power to Rule Heaven and Earth as though The Lord El-Aah had died, or is going to die, without them giving a thought to the mere fact of the impossibility of El-Aah ever, in the least of all things, dying; and what they so fervently commit themselves to for this unseen, sly, slick, and most wicked devil are acts for which multitudes in the generations of people have been felled and are continuing to be felled by El-Aah for their grave disobedience and ignorance in worshipping Jesus and other things of their religion. This Lordly Station of Holiness that Jesus was Given Rise In was the Same Station In The Light of Holiness That This Incumbent Holy Servant, and every other Holy Lord Messenger Prophet that is Reborn in this life of The Righteous Spirit of El-Aah Is Raised In. Our Lordly Servant Jesus, of whom in this whole scheme of the Eternal Life and the time of the personal existence for humankind on earth was no more special to El-Aah, Of Whom Is Beyond question The Father and The Mother of all creation; There were many that were Raised in the Holy Evidence of The Lord Hu El-Aah’s Miracles being in connection with them, many that followed in their admiration of them after their deaths in ways that they should have followed in admiration of them during the time of their living in flesh; and there are many more to come in the times to come for the human family on earth that will be reflective of the Holy Lord Prophets like Jesus, Enoch, Moses, Muhaamid, Siddhartha, Joseph, David, Daniel, and others of whom were marvels of Holiness for the people.

In This Time of The Hour of The Lord’s Divine Revelation where El-Shiva Is Now Making Its’ Holy Commands for Our Destruction of the inner and outer worlds of man’s kind to be recognized and no longer ignored, there will be a darkness that comes over the hearts, minds, and the habited lands of the great masses of people that live in opposition to Us throughout the world. Hurt and pain shall mark the faces and hearts of the multitudes, and only a few of the people will want to acknowledge that El-Aah is against them; for in this time of The Hour, most of the people are hardhearted in their being of indifference to the Messages that Comes from Hu El-Aah Amen Ahezaah Allaah Ptah, The Real Holy Truth, which in effect will cause multitudes of them to follow the people of the Book of The Lord’s Covenants that came before them, by the ways that they will curse and pray for Our Beloved Holy Messenger’s death, believing that this is a correct formula for stopping Us and hurting him. But they in no way can stop Us, and they cannot hurt him in the bringing of death, for his Return is already Planned, and it Will Be a Joyous Occasion for Us and him; but if they that are the ones that will come to know hurt, a hurt that, if they were to know by insight beforehand they would certainly do everything possible, now in this life, to avoid their existence of being in it, which Is Hell! But We Call you among the faithful who believe in The Holy Covenant of El-Aah’s to be aware that The Reality of Being Alone Is El-Aah, The One and Only Independent Being of Life, The One and Only Eternal and Infinite Being of Reality, The One and Only One Whom begets not and was never begotten, The One and Only One That Is Never In Need, The One That Is Never at a Loss for anything, Never Asleep, Never Exhausted, Never Confused, Never Inspired by any other thing, Never Not Knowing, Never Not Alive In The Realization of All That Is of creation and Of Itself, Never Encompassed, Never Escaped by anything, Never Not All Present at all times in all places, Never Not Hearing, Never Not Seeing, Never Seen In The Absoluteness of Its’ Being because of It Being The Eternal and Infinite Reality, and Never Knowing any other thing that would make It not Be The One and The Only Thing That Is Ever Worthy of Being Worshipped Alone; therefore, It Is Ever Dispensing Its’ Punishment upon man’s kind for what they do in their evil acts of worshipping any of the other things that they call gods, such as what they do in their calling of other people to the worship of them, and the calling of themselves to other things that they worship of man-kind’s deviations.

Readers, We could easily ask you, and demand an answer, about when the day will come that man’s kind in general will realize in certainty that Ptah Ahezaah Allaah Hu El Aah Ruh Amen Ra Aleph Aum Asar Brahma Ahura-Mazda Haa Elohim, Its’ Holy Words, and Its’ Divinely Exalted Lord Messenger Prophets are above all the devils of the unseen realm of spirits and the people’s designs of things that were made by man’s kind and the demons of Satan to be worshipped; but We are fully aware that man’s kind of this evil world, among those that are taken by the devil Set, are never to be able to answer this kind of reasonable question in exactness with True Authority of The Wise El-Aah because of the force in the evil of man’s kind being that is used by the devils to seduce man’s kind away from The Wholeness of Being, which is only found in their being in a complete dilutive State of Being in The Real Union of El-Aah, which they are ever most absent from.

May The Peace of El-Aah Be within and about your presence.

Lord Holy-Apostle-Deen Saleem,
Messenger Prophet of El-Aah Allaah Hu Ptah Amen
AHAD Inc. (written in 2004)
P. O. Box 8795
Newark, NJ 07103-9997


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