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In the community of man’s kind today, the majority of people in general among all races, creeds, and colors, are in states of being mentally, spiritually, and morally imbalanced. And in their states of being imbalanced multitudes of them have made it known publicly that they are comfortable in their acceptance of their states of being imbalanced and yearn to be even further inclined of the greater states in the sickening effects of being imbalanced. Factions of people in all types of lifestyles that are ruled by these mentally imbalanced individuals, high and low in social status, are now being allowed to openly seize the world in their mad grips right before the eyes of humanity because the majority of those that rule at the top of governments in general are themselves involved as leaders in this world of imbalanced people. They are mostly responsible for the madness, which is now most prevalent, that is surely rearing its tail like a scorpion and stinging the life out of the world and its people. What has happened is that for the people’s disobedience against Ahezaah Allaah’s Laws and Orders That It Wrote in Its’ Holy Covenants That It Made in Agreement With Its’ Own Self in Its’ Wisdom for the people, which It Gave to many through The Guiding Law Bearing Messenger Prophets of each Chosen People before This Day, the world in general is now being filled up with The Divine Curses of The Almighty Lord Most High. This madness is so commonplace that people who have continued in their attempts to hold on to The True Covenant of Ahezaah Allaah Amen and the things of Good Reasoning, tend to question their own positions of sanity in wonderment about their own selves possibly being wrong in some way about what use to seem right to them.

You might want to ignore the Signs of Hell that is displayed in people, places and things that are affected by this madness, but ignorance will not change a thing nor make anything of The Lord’s Curses go away. And you might want to deny what you see of Ahezaah Allaah Amen's Curses, believing that they are not as I am Divinely Given the Command to proclaim them as being truly from Ahezaah Allaah Hu Amen, but that matters not either. For Ahezaah Allaah Hu Amen Ra’s Holy Promise in the Prophecy for This Day Is Authorized and Sealed in The Supreme Being’s Power to Do and Make Happen whatever It Desires to happen; and happening is what Its’ Curses upon the world of man’s kind is doing at this precise time of our lives.

The beasts among man’s kind, the devils’ advocates, those powerful people among the jinn that are ever hiding their true identities among the people in high or low places of the societies at large, the Dajjaal, the anti-Christ, and the descendants of Gog and Magog who descend in the jinn spirit of evil among others are the same people of the same evil spirits of the soulless people of the devil. They are the same people of evil who will never announce themselves to you who are not Truly Aware and not Complete in The Covenant That Perpetuates Divine Certainty and Divine Unity. And the most elite of them are the chiefs among those that have an unholy contract with the Devil that they are aware of; they are the ones that sit in the most high places wielding enough power to merely speak a word for or against you and change your entire life. They are those of the jinn that have waited for me for many years to make my presence known; those that hoped that they would be able to destroy me even in the womb of my mother long before This Day of Ahezaah Allaah’s Coming down In Its’ All Powerful Presence, but they are too late! And as Prophesied, they of the powerful jinn did in fact feed my mother off the land by their support of her and my family through social programs instead of destroying us. For it was in the Power of Ahezaah Allaah Hu Amen Ra that I was not discovered, just like it was in the Power of Ahezaah Allaah Hu Amen Ra that Moses was not discovered before The Coming down of The Lord Hu Aah Haa Amen Ra Allaah.

I am of The Divine Three-fold Unity Ahezaah Allaah and Gabri’el. We, of Ahezaah Allaah’s Angel and Manservant With Ahezaah Allaah are Very Serious, The Most Serious of any Union of beings on Earth today. And The Ahezaah Allaah Hu Amen Ra Is Alone Most Terrifying. Together as One We Call you unto The Holy Covenant for This Day of Ahezaah Allaah Hu Amen Ra. It is my Divine Duty to call you unto me and what The Almighty Lord Has Given me for the people of the world. I call you to receive it, accept it, and bow down in humbled humility before your Lord Most High and Unseen with me. Believe in The Reality of Being, The One That Is Bringing Wrath down upon this world, and try your best to submit yourselves in The Way of The Righteous Being Of It or suffer the greater consequences in Wrath That Is Certainly coming. Verily, the madness that you are witnessing among the people in general is very small in comparison to what is soon to come into being. At this moment the jinn is trying hard to keep their monsters under control. But soon the monsters are going to break completely free from the ranks of the people and the mental and physical institutions that the jinn have incarcerated them in. Soon the jinn will have nothing more or less to do than to attempt to kill the monsters themselves, monsters that they have produced to devour you. As it is in this period of time they move little against what they have produced of their evil in these monsters whom they force to be against each other of the monsters themselves and you through mental manipulation and the advertisements in evil that produce fear in you. But each time when these monsters of theirs reach beyond your communities into the homes and families of their communities through their children, fear strikes their people, and then they seek to utterly destroy those of the monsters whom they realize that they have lost from their control. Jails will not be enough because Ahezaah Allaah Hu Amen Ra’s Curse is reaching up to the seats of the Judges and those that run government, and in the same way women and men without morals have run rampageously out of control and only a few among the Divinely Saved People shall escape Ahezaah Allaah Hu Amen Ra’s Wrath in what It does through their evil against this world, which has fallen to evil under the spell of Satan. For your disbelief and rejection of The Righteous Side of Ahezaah Allaah Hu Amen Ra’s Being you shall surely be Cast on Its’ Side wherein Hell Is Commanded to Be.

Respectfully yours,

Lord Holy-Apostle-Deen Saleem,
Messenger Prophet of Ahezaah Allaah

Community of the A.H.A.D.
Newark, New Jersey, USA (The Chosen City of Divine Grace in The New Holy Covenant of Ahezaah Allaah’s Holy Word)

P.O. B ox 8795
Newark, NJ 07103-9997


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