In the community of man’s kind today, the majority of people in general among all races, creeds, and colors, are in states of being mentally, spiritually, and morally imbalanced. And in their states of being imbalanced multitudes of them have made it known publicly that they are comfortable in their acceptance of their states of being imbalanced and yearn to be even further inclined of the greater states in the sickening effects of being imbalanced. Factions of people in all types of lifestyles that are ruled by these mentally imbalanced individuals, high and low in social status, are now being allowed to openly seize the world in their mad grips right before the eyes of humanity because the majority of those that rule at the top of governments in general are themselves involved as leaders in this world of imbalanced people. They are mostly responsible for the madness, which is now most prevalent, that is surely rearing its tail like a scorpion and stinging the life out of the world a...
NOTE: Respected readers: These messages are sent through Lord Holy-Apostle-Deen, Messenger Prophet of Ahezaah. Contact The Community of A.H.A.D. at