Within The Holy Spirit of These
Descriptive Named Attributes of Ahezaah Allaah, The Whole of Holiness, The
Complete of Completeness, The All of Everything, The Eternal One of Eternity,
The Perfect Giver of Perfection, The Knower of Every Experience, The Essence of
Every Existence, The Absolute Source of All Life, The Evolver of Evolution, The
Cause in The Effect of All Things, The Effecter in Effect of All Things, The
True Reality in Effect of All Things, The Real Cause of All Beings, The
Ultimate Goal in Life, The True Life in The Ultimate Goal in Life, The Beginner
For All, The Beginning For All, The One Who Itself Has No Beginning, The Ender
For All, The End For All, The One Who Itself Has No End, The Initiator of
Whatever Is and Comes To Be, The Demolisher of Whatever Was and Came to The
Past of Being, The Keeper of Promised Prophecy, The True Prophet That Prophesies
and The True Writer of The Book That Writes through the use of Its’ Divine
Prophets, Which It Uses them as Its’ Divine Pens and Its’ Holy Voices of
Supreme Reason, I write.
May you search and find in your
search for Ahezaah Allaah Hu Amen Ra – and remain after finding your way to
Ahezaah Allaah Hu Amen Ra – the Holy Supreme Light in the Understanding of
As a word of advice I offer these
words: To be helped in your most honorable search for Truth so that you will be
helped in The Right Way of Truly Living Safe in Ahezaah Allaah’s Fullness of
Truth, Study The Supreme Attributes of Ahezaah Allaah Hu Amen Ra’s Holiness and
what The Lord Ahezaah Allaah Hu Amen Ra Manifests before you in each and every
possible direction and way behind you, within, and all about your being in life
that Ahezaah Allaah Amen Gives for your sensory perceptive awareness.
that your ability to actually be aware and become more aware was Given to you
by The Allaah Hu Amen Ra solely for the purpose of you being a recipient of
Ahezaah Allaah’s that is Given life and time enough to find The Way Back to It
in Death, The Way that you—man’s kind—become lost from because of our
journeying away from It after our births wherein we have come into this world
of life to experience this Middle Realm of being in this physical world that is
beneath the Realms of the Holy Heaven Unseen for the Blessed people and above
the Realms of Holy Hell Unseen for the Cursed people (the realms of fire,
scourge, and terror that exist in complete opposite of the Realms of The Holy
Heavens Unseen). The Spiritual Realms On High of the Holy Heaven and the
Spiritual Realms Created down of the Holy Hell in their Purest Forms Exist
within dimensions of the Physically Seen realms of this world; they are not up
or down in the way that most commoners among man’s kind are given by Satan and
its advocates in their hopes for us all to believe in their cause for us to be
led astray from Truth. All these worlds, above, between, and below, are in The
Lord Ahezaah Allaah Hu Amen Ra’s Dominion, which you are a part. And the same
as it is with Ahezaah Allaah’s Realms of Holy Heaven not being up in the
physical outer space of the universe and Its’ Holy Hell is not down within or
beneath the earth that we stand upon, Ahezaah Allaah Is Not up there in a
specific location that is away from us and this planet. Look at this planet and
study the galaxy in the outer space.
It has been proven long before today that
this planet is not flat but is circular, and not laid flat upon any other
surface. No matter what position this planet is in when you look up
perpendicular to your body from feet to head, your up is truly out. This
planet, being like a ball in the sky, is actually in the sky, or within a space
of the galaxy with what we call the sky completely engulfing it. If you look at
sundown or sunrise at the horizon of an ocean your sky is now seen from a
horizontal position. So where is this Heaven that you are taught to believe is
up when you are on top of the planet and the sky is on the down side of your
view? So where is up if it is not out? In this life, through your ability to be
aware, you can sense and realize in your life the offspring of Heaven and/or
Hell by the ways you live or choose to exist in the seven bodies or stations of
your being that are directly affected by the activity of your mind, heart, and
soul. It is all the choices that you make in The Turning of The Key of Life for
this life that determines from your average standpoints of view which door (or
opening to a path of life) to which room or house you will enter to reside
(place where you make yourself comfortable in a sociable or private manner
spiritually, mentally, physically, emotionally, and otherwise). Ahezaah Allaah
Hu Amen Ra Is The Manifestation of Reality. It Is The Key of Life in all worlds
of all life. And as we human beings know and relate to it as nature, Life
through Reality’s Command Gives birth and nourishment.
By this the most aware people
can see that Ahezaah Allaah Hu Amen Ra Is The True Essence and The True Source
of All That Is In Its’ Being The Absolute True Reality of Life. Ahezaah Allaah
Amen Is Right in all things and Is Ever before you, above you, behind you,
beneath and all around you in every way imaginable and unimaginable. Ahezaah
Allaah Hu Amen Is Always Right in every way there is to be; and It Is within
you Permeating your entire being minus nothing. Actually you exist within
Ahezaah Allaah Hu Amen Ra as does Ahezaah Allaah Hu Amen Ra Exists in you,
somewhat like a fish being immersed in water and water being immersed in the
space of life itself as you know it, but Ahezaah Allaah Hu Amen Ra Is More So
Perfect in Its’ Complete Being of you and Its’ Causing you to Be Aware, in your
existence, of Being Completely Of It. Study Life in the mindset of It
Being Ahezaah Allaah Hu Amen Ra in your entire observation of It, and take
nothing for granted because Ahezaah Allaah Amen goes Eternally Beyond you and
all created things as you are aware of them in each of your seven bodies of
being from the lowest to the highest, which are the physical, emotional,
mental, spiritual, astral, ether, and ethereal; but be most mindful in your
studying and your searching. Remember, Ahezaah Allaah Hu Amen Ra Is The One
Thing That Is Eternally Beyond your rational being of mind; therefore, lose not
your mind in your in being overzealous and going beyond what is permissible.
Never attempt to master Ahezaah Allaah in your seeking the Knowledge (Experience)
of Ahezaah Allaah. And never turn the Good of Ahezaah Allaah Hu Amen Ra against
people in an evil scheme. There is no room in The House of The Lord Almighty
for the selfish, the ignorant, and the rejecters, or any other people who
become fools for the devil Satan.
For you who believe in Ahezaah Allaah and The
Unseen, Its’ Books, Its’ Prophets, Its’ Angels, and This Period of Time Being
The Hour of The Last Day, I say as Ahezaah Allaah Commands of me to say:
Remember the Promise in Prophecy for This Day and do not fall victim to the
false prophets that stand before the people of the world and proclaim a thing
that they have no Divine Authority to proclaim nor any real proofs.
Respectfully yours,
Lord Holy-Apostle-Deen Saleem,
Messenger Prophet of Ahezaah
Community of the A.H.A.D.
Newark, New Jersey, USA (The
Chosen City of Divine Grace in The New Holy Covenant of Ahezaah Allaah’s Holy
P.O. Box 8795
Newark, NJ 07103-9997
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