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Within The Spirit of These Named Attributes of Ahezaah, The Supreme Lord of all beings, The Creator of all things, The Masterful Guide, of all Divinely Sent Prophets, The One That Determines the beginning and end of all things, The Merciful Forgiver, The Punishing Deliverer of Wrath, The Eternal One That Knows all things, The Allaah Amen of Reality, The Reality of The Allaah Amen, I submit these Divinely Given Words for your benefit.

May Ahezaah’s Peace and Other Heavenly Blessings Be within and about your being and may you be so Blessed to have Ahezaah Allaah Amen Reside in you in The Way of you being consciously aware of It Being The Lord and Master of your seven bodies of being.


First of all and most importantly it should be remembered that Allaah Hu Amen Ra, The Lord of Lords, Is The Masterful Supreme Lord of The Divine Lord Prophet Muhaamid and all other Divine Lord Prophets like Jesus, Moses, Abraham, and myself, Holy-Apostle-Deen.

There were times before the Lord Prophet Muhaamid when Allaah Amen Gave Divine Outward Vision and Divine Insight with Vision for Its’ Lord Prophets of old concerning today, this day in which we now live in the year 2003 of the Christians' calendar. In regard to their Divinely Manifested Visions they Prophesied about the Day of Allaah Amen’s Coming down to Be in the Divinely Exalted Presence of Its’ Chosen Servant, a son of man. It is a fact that from here in the Western Hemisphere of America among the Native American Indians to the Far Eastern Hemisphere of Asia among the Chinese and Far East India Prophets’ Prophecy is known among those people concerning This Day of Allaah Amen’s Coming down for those of The Truly Aware in the presence of man. The leading priests, ministers, imams, and others among the hidden circles of power in Social Politics of the Leading Nations, historians, scientists of religion, and theologians among descendants of the original Muslims of Islaam, Hindus, Buddhists, descendants of the Original Semitic Hebrew Israelites and the original Aryan Semitic Judaized Israelites and their descendants that became of those among the Christians and Catholics that are spread among the people throughout the world, and other unnamed religious parties were aware of The Coming of This Day and The Divine Promise concerning it. The Prophets of yore had been made aware at least since the times of the Divine Recordings that were made among the ancient people of the Mahabharata over five thousand years ago regarding This Day, and so too was Muhaamid made aware of Allaah and Its’ Promise of Coming in This Day, (The Day That is Written about in The Holy Qur’aan), although he knew not the exact Time for The Coming of Allaah in This Great Event, but he was aware of The Book of the Seven Seals and The Prophets Allaah Sent down Words about in The Holy Books of Malachi and Revelation. A very personal and important fact for me is something that directly involves the American Indians but, to what degree of involvement they shall have, I am not made exactly aware by Allaah at this time. But it is told to me by Allaah that Native American Indian Prophets were Sent by It to inform the American Indian people in general of This Day about the Signs of The Time when This Great Event was to occur, which would in fact involve the Native American Indians and the Afrimericans with each people participating in their appointed roles to benefit the worlds of man’s kind. Allaah Has Made Certain that I am aware and filled up in the Spirit, Soul, Knowledge by the spiritual exaltation in experience of other bodies of my being that Allaah Gives through my sensory perception of them concerning my ancestral being among the Native Americans. In Allaah Command Words That Are Spoken Directly to me It Says, as for me being an Afrimerican of African and American Indian descent, through the path of my mother and father’s lineage I am more in blood, spirit, and soul being of the Native American Indians than I am of the Africans although I was raised in the way of my parents and their parents who were raised as one Afrimerican People that were mostly silent but did speak quietly among our family members about their true lineage in connection with Indians who no doubt fought against the injustices that were put forth against our people by the forefathers of the Caucasian people of this society of Americans that played a great part in having them forced from their lands of Africa to be put in the European American's brutal life of slavery. But Allaah also informed me that my forefathers in the strain of my blood lineage of my mother and father escaped from the captivity of the Europeans before they met with the acts of being raped and impregnated by the European slave masters and joined the Seminole Indians among the Cree, Iroquois, and others that were then based in the region of South Carolina and later migrated through the cause of war to the vicinities of the lower boundaries of Georgia that meet with Florida where still today the area of Tallahassee Florida is still looked upon as home base for the bulk of my family. For the Cause of Allaah Hu Amen Ra my family in general escaped being of the Caucasian blood strain, which by the Prophecy of the Native American Indian Prophets I am true of both them and the Africans of yore and of the Divinely Chosen Afrimerican People who for the first time in their history have been Appointed to guard the Sanctity of A Divine Covenant that is Given Directly for them. Verily, many among the Afrimerican Muslims and Christians who have been brain washed into beliefs that they should not trust another Son of Man that comes unto them as A Divine Messenger Prophet Speaking in The Same Way and Under The Same Authority of Jesus and Muhaamid for The Same Cause and Effect of Allaah by their old European slave masters’ children among the Caucasians and their newly adopted Arab slave masters among those of Aryan descent are mentally trapped by the chief one of evil. They were prepared long before these times by the devil, as I am sure others among all people living in this time are now prepared, to reject me in my truly Divine Proclamation and the very thought of my actual existence although they see it written as a Promised Prophecy. Many of the blind unaware people are trapped by the passions of their own egos whereas in their rejection of Allaah’s Will in Prophecy for This Day the Muslims say they end with the Lord Prophet Muhaamid, the Christians say they end with Lord Messiah Jesus, the Jews display that they only believe in more power for the Jews, the atheists say they hold belief in none of the above and believe in nobody but their own selves, the materially rich show that they only want more ways to more wealth, the politicians display a greater appetite in their lust for more power, more material wealth, more land, more homes, and more vacation havens, and most of the living dead among the lowly commoners play in the garden where more death is earned, but few among all the people collectively say or show that they desire more in The Essence of Truth, Which is more of Allaah’s Reality of Being for more awareness of The Real Self; And of my people’s account, a great majority of them apparently desire to be more like the lightest colored skin Caucasians and other well recognized types of Aryan mixed people of the lighter skin tone.


Being that it is not written in the Holy Qur’aan that Allaah, The True Author Sent down to Muhaamid, and being that Allaah’s Beloved Prophet, Muhaamid, never himself said that he was the final Prophet to be Divinely Sent to his people or the people of the world to come after him, why would those that descend him in The Path of The Way of Islaam say that he was the last and final? Do they not realize that they might be cursed individually because of their defiance against Allaah’s Wisdom? Do they not realize their sin in that simple act which has caused the loss of life and guidance for billions of believing people since the time of Muhaamid? What excuse do you believe is right for you take to Allaah at The Throne of Judgment to be accepted as a justifiable cause for any of you ignoring the fact that by Allaah Amen Never Sending that down to Muhaamid to be neither spoken nor written in The Holy Qur’aan, nor had it written in The Holy Torah or any other Holy Book that It Sent down as Parts of Its’ Covenant to be known as a thing Divinely Endorsed in Its’ Signs of Mercy from Heaven to Earth. Surely you who act mean against Allaah’s Messengers on Earth and do not repent of your sins shall be broken down and shattered in the world of your mind, heart, and spirit of the seven bodies of your being. As a matter of fact it would do you good to realize that Muhaamid referred to This Day as The Last Day and The Day of Judgment for a people whom he referred to as the descendants of Gog and Magog being of the Dajjaal or the One-eyed anti-Christ. He said it would be a Great but Dreadful Day for those and others of the people in general who would join along with the multitudes of his own people who would have by This Day joined forces with the people of evil herein named. He made distinct references to a people who would be known by their blue eyes (descendants of the people Gog and Magog that came from the Nordic Regions and other areas of Europe) that would lead on the side of the people whom Allaah Would Destroy in the Holy War of The Last Day, saying it would be flattened by the causes of Holy War throughout Earth, mountains that deceit artists among the Muslim scholars and their spiritual leaders presume and seek for their followers to believe are mountains and a day in the Life Hereafter. They imply this although they most certainly would have little if any Real True and Clear Knowledge from any significant amount of Divine Experience in the Life Hereafter or in any Divine Communion With Allaah Amen; for those with True Divine Experience know to fear Allaah with the greatest fear, to respect Allaah with the utmost respect, and to truly love Allaah for all the right reasons and they would never speak out of turn or off course from The Wisdom in the Commandments of The Ultimate Lord and Source of Truth. As a matter of fact, most of the Muslims whom I have personally spoke to regarding spirituality over the past twenty five years have to express little belief in the Unseen, the actual being of angelic manifestation, and an ability to Really Know Allaah by Experience to Really Love and fear It in a righteous manner. Most of them practice saying that they believe but it has been proven to me in my observation of them that they believe in about as much as the depth of the True Wisdom that they display, which is nil for the most part. Nowadays the general population of Muslims that I have come in close contact with practice saying only what they are programmed to say by their newly accepted slave masters of their minds among the Aryan Arabs and other Aryan Europeans, Asians, and other types of foreigners who come unto them cloaked in their false guises of spirituality. Allaah Says that they are leaders with schemes of another cause other than seeing another ill-fated generation of self-hating, self-distrusting, insecure, and modern day slave minded people of mine who are in great need of Allaah’s Perfect Guidance that is Expressed in Allaah’s Arabic Holy Qur’aan in Allaah’s and Muhaamid’s Agreement, which they do not uphold to the exact letter of The Divine Contract. Just like those that wrote the false words that were added to Muhaamid’s Last Sermon, and like those that are aware yet still support the lie of those false words, they purposely mislead people like mine to a station of being subservient to them whenever the opportunity arises for them to do so. Many of them have proven to be no better than others that prey on the fear, softness, ignorance, self-hatred, stupidity, and all around gullibility of the Afrimericans that fall victim to this malady. It is the same trick that has been pulled on people by many of the false spiritualists that rise in this country among the Indo-Aryans and other races that come from the lands of Central and Far-East Asia to America solely for the purpose of gaining a better life through the means of lining their pockets with money for their mimicking and parroting Words of Real Spiritual Value mixed with their own false interpretations and additions. Verily, their gains are many times seen in lights of worldly glorification, which Allaah Hates. For the way things appear they might as well be co-conspirators of a secret contract with the historical enemies of my Afrimerican people to keep us down as slave-minded as they possibly can—those of us who have tried to rise through Allaah’s True Grace in Islaam. And while many of them among my people and the Arabs have promoted Arabs as having the greatest minds because of the Arab’s false tale of their ability to put the Holy Qur’aan to memory greater than any other people in the world although many Arabs today might not own a Holy Qur’aan to put to memory, and despite much that was said by Our Messenger Prophet Muhaamid, for the great errors of his people, great factions of Muslims have been divided for over fourteen hundred years with some of them having hid much and fought much against each other for many reasons. One of those reasons being is that some factions of them have wanted what Muhaamid revealed clearly in its totality, to be kept away from the true understanding of the common folk as well as Islaamic factions of them have actually attempted without fear to keep some of the most significant information that Allaah Sent down for the Jews, Christians, and Muslims completely concealed. Messenger Prophet Muhaamid was Divinely Given a full package to reveal in the Circle of Spirituality that multitudes among the believers and non-believers fail to identify with. They have lost sight to such a degree that they actually relate to Islaam as more of a Physical than Spiritual Religion; and what a great loss that is! They have sought to hide the true revealing of Allaah that includes Allaah Saying that It Is The Supreme Being That Is The Same Hu or Reality of Existence in Its’ Supreme Essence That Spoke to Moses from The Unseen Realm of Its’ Hidden Presence within The Burning Bush on Mount Sinai. They speak against Allaah’s Words, saying that the continuity of Divine Prophets and their Prophesying being made manifest In The Command of Allaah Amen has been discontinued since Muhaamid. They have also conspired against the people whom they were aware that Allaah would Choose and have in fact Chosen to receive This Day’s Covenant, Which has Come in The Holy Spirit of Allaah’s Scepter of Holy Grace in Orange, a suburb city of this Newark area of New Jersey, USA of the Western Hemisphere. As certain as multitudes of them are aware that Ghulam Ahmad of India was Sent to reveal Allaah’s Calling of the Muslims back to the Strict Way of Muhaamid’s, multitudes of them were and still remain being as surely aware of Allaah’s Revealing that Its’ Sun of The Light of Truth whom would be a Son of Man who would be Divinely Reborn in Its’ Highest Holiness, Which is Held Secure in Its’ Most High Spirit of Its’ Righteous Being to be The Divinely Resurrected Lord Prophet Samu’El who was known as The Lion-hearted Prophet of the Hebrew Israelites and the Root of Lord Prophet David (for the role he played in David’s life), the one who would come in The Holy Symbolic Representation of The West Rising Sun of The Righteous being manifested In The Light of The Supreme Truth through Its’ Wisdom, and also known simply as The Son of Man, The Chosen One, The One to come and loosen the Wisdom of The Book or open the Divinely Sealed Information that would again be Divinely Received Unsealed By Allaah Amen in a Divinely Received Holy Book that would have Seven Divinely Significant Seals on the back cover of it, and The Chosen and Only One to Become Enlightened In The Divine Three-fold Unity With Allaah Amen Ra The Eternal and The Supreme Archangel Messenger Gabri’el That Is Holy Of Allaah Hu Amen Ra to be a Part of the Sign of This Day’s Savior for all those that are to be Truly Saved in this life and the next.


Take a very serious look at the world today to the East, West, North, and South of you from wherever you stand, and be true in making your own assessment about the states of minds that perpetuate the acts in the many ill-advised and ill-conceived determinations of the people in general. Can you not see a great need for Allaah Amen to Send forth Its’ Personal Guidance again to the world of man’s kind in This Day to Save the people in general who are greatly astray in every way in their following the beasts that are hidden in the flesh of man’s kind? Can you not see how the people in general either do not believe and/or care not about the Curse of Allaah that is on the beasts and those that join in their parties of evil? Can you not see how the average person does not believe in the existence of the beasts for real; how Satan has been very successful over the great multitude of people throughout the world whereas the people in general have turned to the beasts as their source of salvation because they do not recognize them as being the Divinely and Eternally Cursed ones; the naturally evil ones that are in line to be utterly Destroyed By Allaah’s Command of Wrath? Can you not see how the religious people that claim to follow the Strict Course of each Holy Covenant that was made between each of their Holy Law Bearing Lords of The Most Holy Covenants and The Supreme Lord Who is The True Lord That Commands each of their Holy Lords have taken it upon themselves to judge as being astray in their act of wrongfully passing Judgment that belongs to The Supreme and Only True Judge, Allaah Amen? Can you not see how the representatives of religion in general have become business men and women making the religion a means of buying and selling for the cause of the devil and their own selves and not for The Supreme Cause of The Lord Most High Whom they no longer Truly Remember in awareness of It Being Connected with them through their seven bodies of being from soul to flesh? Can you not see how ugly and how very mean spirited some of them are while they attempt to shield their true selves from the real humble people by the use of their false religious attire and words to cloak their unreasonableness in support of evil, while on the other side of their party others of them practice false humbleness in a show of softness to hide their diabolical treachery? Can you not see how each of them use The Supreme Names of The Lord Most High and/or The Exalted Holy Names of the Lords of their professed Covenants in the mixing of their acts to gain by not using them whether or not they use Them at times in The Way of Truth or the ways of evil in their most connived schemes in falsehood? Can you not see how blatantly multitudes of them have turned to the evil of equating The Lord Prophets, like Jesus to The Eternal All Aah Hu Amen Allaah without fear in the same way that the Cursed people of Ancient Egypt equated Horus with Allaah Amen In The Supreme Name of Osiris? Can you not see how one religious group denounce to dishonor the True Holiness of the Holy Prophets of other people that descend in the Other Names of Allaah Amen and Its’ other Ancient Covenants? Can you not see how their desire for senseless death rivals the Saving Grace of Allaah and how they have made it common in the experience of people to have a desire to be free of The Supreme Being and Its’ Laws and Orders? Can you not see how it is from the top to the bottom of society that man’s kind have fallen to error and the causes in the effects of Satan and how the young people want to kill what should be the Lord’s World Order of governments that has been already killed by the old people, and how the old people have little regard for a truly Divine Future of Truth being set up for the young people? Look at the allowances of the government of older people who allow the people to be destroyed by electronic devices of the world? The appointed government leaders throughout the world who are appointed in the trust of the people world wide; and those of the beasts that lead in these United States of America, those that hide from the better ones of their rank and file, believe that Allaah is being deceived by their foolish acts of pretending to honor equality. They practice more today in how to seduce you into a belief that I have no true purpose for being here today, or that I am a foolish trouble-maker who is going to spoil what they are now setting up to be ways to a better future for the lowly people. Well you of those who are taken in by their seductions are going to be shocked when the time comes that you realize it is too late, much too late for them to turn back from Destruction that is already in Signs that they, better than any of you among the common people, overhead. And you of the religious people—can you not see how you, especially you, need to assess your own minds? So many of you have fallen deep into the belief that you can make your own godly laws that Allaah will accept that you cannot see that your laws and orders are the very thing that shall cause you to fall to a very deep station in Hell in the next life; a life that by your laws, orders, and beliefs you have already claimed for yourselves. Well, despite your belief, your claims are false and the only true thing that shall be associated with them are that they Shall Truly Be Rejected At The Almighty Throne On High! Look at how you have actually traded The True Guidance of The Lord of Lords for the error that you have made to appear equal and most appealing in the sight of your own selves while you condemn, by your own actions and words, other people because they do not walk, talk, stand, kneel, sit, lay, and/or prostrate in prayer with you in praise of The Lords of your Holy Covenants while you are at the same time being hateful towards the Holy Good Names and Spirits of the Lords of others' Holy Covenants. Look at how some of you abominably act and speak as though The Lords of your Holy Covenants were independent of The Lord of Lords That Created and Commanded The Lords of your Holy Covenants. Look at how you and your forefathers have allowed the devils and their languages to overcome you and the Holy Language That The One Eternal Being Who Wrote and Commanded each Holy Covenant and Provided for each people of each Holy Covenant The Holy Language that It Manifests in the tongue of worldly languages for the Chosen People, which would keep them in understanding of Its’ Holy Covenant and the Signs in The Holy Prophets as being Signs of The Eternal Being’s Supreme Mercy. For those of you who desire to investigate the subject matter of these things, just starting your investigations with so-called religious people and their diabolical leaders should be more than enough for you to realize that if The Lord Most High Is The Merciful Lord That It Proclaims to Be, then It would not abandon the people of the world in the time of their greatest need for It. Now, look at the world from an international standpoint of view. Look at how the spilling of blood matters little to the common folk who do not stand to personally gain the ill gotten booty from the wars and mayhem that is purposely created by the beasts among man’s kind on both sides of the world so that the devil’s advocates can gain material benefits that they take for their personal and non-personal use to support the continuity of their private and public institutions of evil. Do you think that the United States Government was really asleep when the Japanese were coming in planes over the central Pacific Ocean to bring war against Pearl Harbor or during the time that the Arabs planned and pulled off their plan to bring down the World Trade Center Buildings in planes that flew widely off course over these well protected lands of the mainland of the United States of America? Do you think that in somebody’s awareness the possible number of those slain citizens were not previously taken into account or consideration in the way that the military personnel are already taken into account or a consideration regarding the possible numbers of personnel they were prepared to lose, whereas some of the beasts among man’s kind decided that those numbers were not too much to sacrifice to reach what they considered to be the greater good for their cause, making those people out to be mere casualties of war, like government issues(GIs)? Do you think that it was actually coincidental that over four thousand people of the same party just decided to take off from their work places in the World Trade Center Buildings that dreadful day of September 11, 2001 and were never questioned by the Military Chief of Staff, the National Security Administration, the Central Intelligence Agency, the Federal Bureau of Investigations, or any other publicly known agencies that are established to protect the people and lands of these United States of America? Do you not ponder the thought of needing The Master of all worlds to Give you Protection from a people who would look into the privacy of your home entering your bedroom and other most personal places and track you each day of your life through electronic detection devices that they put on your televisions, vehicles, credit cards, and other items but then turn around and seek to convince you that they were not aware of the blatant threats that people of other nations have posed against us United States citizens? Surely, if you can see through into what I am saying and further indicating then you and others like you should be able to come to the conclusion that The Lord Most High Has Not Abandoned those of us that seek to maintain ourselves within the Strict Guidelines of Its’ True Agreement That Goes Beyond the words that we read and speak into the actual being of our instinctive natures, personalities, and our manifested and hidden characters.

Within all the mayhem that has become life in general for many people right here in the cities, towns, and rural areas of these United States of America that is reported, there is much more that is not reported. And much of what is held back from being reported, some of it is purposely held back under the control of the hidden people of power in agencies of the United States Secret Circles of Government. 

Now take this little bit of information that I have presented for your thoughts and multiply this by the number of cities and states in this and all the other countries that exists and you might be able to draw a mental picture that might convince you beyond what you or others that you know might have thought and put yourselves against the idea of Allaah Sending another Law Bearing Messenger Prophet with Its’ Holy and Newly Reformed Covenant, a Most Important Agreement That is Sealed in Allaah Hu Amen Ra’s Compassion and Mercy. And if that is not enough then think for a moment about how much, how many, and about whom you have known to change and/or misrepresent the Holy Words of The Lord Most High regardless to their religious beliefs and then apply your multiplication to that end or misrepresent the Holy Words of The Lord Most High regardless to their religious beliefs and then apply your multiplication to that end and imagine just how much we need to be kept Safe by Allaah on The Straight Path of The True Holy Covenants, especially the one that is most active and most definitely meant for us personally as individuals.

Remember, for every people The Lord Most High Sends down an Agreement. And in the line of lineage for each people every people, except for the Afrimerican People, have been Graced by Allaah Amen in being Given a Holy Book with a Holy Covenant that was Designed In Pure Wisdom. By and In Allaah’s Grace we, today among the Afrimerican People, have been Given The Divine Gift and Responsibility to uphold the Newly Formed and Delivered Divine Agreement that Allaah Amen Now Sends down for us as a leading people. It is a very great responsibility that we as a people should desire to invite every people to join with us in righteously upholding it. This Holy Covenant confirms the Afrimerican People that are Divinely and historically Recognized. Only a fool would not be so honored to recognize and then reject The Honor of Allaah Hu Amen Ra; they would be the ones most worthy of Hellfire! We should not be fooled by the people of the jinn who now decide to overflow some of the non-aware Afrimericans and others of the lowly people with gifts of position and power in these United States of America which should have been really given in pureness long before this Time. We should not be so fooled by the attainment of power and control that is given to the people in the ways of illusions; surely the beasts still controls what they give, and they only give now to make me appear unnecessary. 

That which is Written and Preserved by Allaah Amen’s command concerning me in The Holy Book of Revelation is true. Allaah has only allowed the dupes of Satan unseen to be seduced by the devil so that they could come before and during my time to call the disobedient people who have ignored The Holy Covenant that foreran me for This Day and take them in droves in the course that leads to Hell. They shall not be able to bring forth Divine Proofs to support their claims in The Way that I am capable of doing. They just have words, words, and more words, but no Real Essence In The Firm and Holy Spirit of Allaah Amen that shall Support them. Verily, a donkey can carry books and a parrot can repeat what it has heard, but man’s kind can read, relate, imitate, deceive, and prognosticate, and that is where the trial for you who listen to the false prophets of the world come in; when they imitate and manifest deceit that only appears to be true of The Righteous Allaah Amen for those that are not truly aware. And they all shall be taken down in the Scourge of Hell for their falsehood. I am Allaah’s Holy Messenger Prophet who in time and The Signs of Allaah Amen Shall be Proven to be true. 

These words form a short list of some of the reasons why Prophet Muhaamid should not be looked upon as being Allaah’s Final Holy Law Bearing Warning Messenger Prophet; not even by those who have made him to be as such for their own selves in being ignorant towards The Most Holy Allaah Amen.

Holy-Apostle-Deen Saleem,
Messenger Prophet of Ahezaah Allaah


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