Within The Spirit of These Named Attributes of Ahezaah, The Supreme Lord of all beings, The Creator of all things, The Masterful Guide, of all Divinely Sent Prophets, The One That Determines the beginning and end of all things, The Merciful Forgiver, The Punishing Deliverer of Wrath, The Eternal One That Knows all things, The Allaah Amen of Reality, The Reality of The Allaah Amen, I submit these Divinely Given Words for your benefit. May Ahezaah’s Peace and Other Heavenly Blessings Be within and about your being and may you be so Blessed to have Ahezaah Allaah Amen Reside in you in The Way of you being consciously aware of It Being The Lord and Master of your seven bodies of being. SIMPLE REASONS WHY MUHAAMID WAS NOT THE FINAL PROPHET OF THE SUPREME BEING First of all and most importantly it should be remembered that Allaah Hu Amen Ra, The Lord of Lords, Is The Masterful Supreme Lord of The Divine Lord Prophet Muhaamid and all other Divine Lord Prophets like Jesus...
NOTE: Respected readers: These messages are sent through Lord Holy-Apostle-Deen, Messenger Prophet of Ahezaah. Contact The Community of A.H.A.D. at Thirdhousse@yahoo.com