Within The Spirits of These Holy Named Attributes of Ahezaah Allaah, The Descending Master of creation, The Elevating Guide of man, The Unseen Supreme Being, The All and Ever Present Reality, The Conqueror, The Judge, The Eternal Mind of All That Really Is, I am Divinely Used as a Sign of Ahezaah Allaah’s Mercy as one of The Real’s benefits for you that are Favored to be of Its’ Spirit of Righteousness. To each of you who believe and submit in The Holy Spirit of Truth, may Ahezaah Allaah Bless you with great abundance in Its’ True Wealth in this life and the life to come hereafter.
Although the devil beasts that are on Earth and in the Spirit Realm shall ultimately fail, their schemes of evil that they now employ to keep the people in general throughout the world from realizing that This Is The Hour of The Day of Judgment on Earth that is referred to by many as Armageddon are working in excellent form against the people of the world. Because of the fact that most of man’s kind do not believe in the existence of the devil beasts that lurk hidden in the being of man’s kind and those that roam the Spirit Realm that is involved with the material life of this world, man’s kind are easily seduced by the advocates of Satan. The people are neither aware of the demon beasts being the greatest enemies of man’s kind nor that they take over in command of people like themselves whom Ahezaah Allaah allows them to have power over because of their rejection of Ahezaah Allaah.
I am but a man of African and Native American Indian descent who has most often been thought of as being African/American, Black, Colored, Negro, Nigger, etcetera, and now most honorably by The Word of Ahezaah Allaah an Afrimerican. I make no claims of being anything other than a man who has been Exalted from being in the mindset of man’s kind groping as one lost in the darkness of ignorance and rejection of The One Supreme Being to the state and station of being a self found true minded man in the Supreme Pure Light of Harmony and Control by Ahezaah Allaah In Its’ Exaltation of me. Despite the doubt, rejection, and disbelief of some of you that are yet to find yourselves truly aware in The Light and Understanding of Truth, I am Used by Ahezaah Allaah as being one of Its’ Divine Messengers that is Its’ Divinely Commanded Prophet, Warner, Guide, Apostle, Pen, Voice, Writer, Speaker, Pole of Holiness that is manifested as a Servant for the cause of the Most Positive side of life, Ark of The Holy Covenant for This Day, Scale in The Balance by which you all shall be weighed at The Throne of Divine Judgment in your passing from this life, and a True Witness to It Being Ahezaah Allaah and Actually Being Present, Most Observant, Judging and Being Merciful and Beneficent in Its’ Judging, and Displaying Its’ Almighty Self in the many worlds of the seen and unseen through Its’ visible and invisible Acts upon every creation. And being that I am merely a man who has human desires of all sorts, passion that is displayed positively and negatively, likes and dislikes of many kinds, and all the other normal personality traits of a human being, I go up and down in my ways of being positive and negative in action for or against and by my reactions to people, places, and things. Ahezaah Allaah Said unto me that other Divine Menservants or Prophets were hardly any different than I in their outward character and less different inwardly depending upon their needs in being of Its’ Righteous Being for their particular service. Of course their customs of life which include things like their dress, means of travel, modes of communication, and other things in general were different; But their inner realization and submission to Ahezaah Allaah was as Complete as Ahezaah Allaah Desired for It To Be for each of them. Also for the sake of insight I add this. Regardless to what people might believe, including the likes of Jesus, Hermes, and others whom the people of the world try to make seem as though they were more than what they actually were while they lived on Earth and thereafter in the afterlife, each Holy Messenger Prophet was and shall forever be equally dependent upon The Supreme Reality of Being in Its’ Form of Being Ahezaah Allaah, The Lord and Master of The Almighty Throne and all worlds. We Are Completely In Its’ Command of us as Are The Holy Angels On Ahezaah Allaah’s Highness of Heaven; therefore, for all that is said and done on The Perfection of Life, all praise is due to Ahezaah Allaah, The Supreme Reality of Being.
Do I get angry, dismayed, frustrated, impatient, overly aggressive, curt, and display other negative ways of being human? Yes! Do I need Ahezaah Allaah to Guide and Balance me and Show me Its’ Mercy and Compassion in all that I do including the minutest things? Yes! Am I a sacrifice for the benefit of you and all people of the world in the sense that I’ve no such sense of having a free will to do other than what I have completely offered myself up to Ahezaah Allaah in to be of Its’ Will in Divine Service? Yes! Do I have a Personal Agreement for myself With Ahezaah Allaah? Yes! Am I Commanded By Ahezaah Allaah and In This Command Being Held in Check with This Agreement? Yes! Do I have a Personal Agreement that Ahezaah Allaah Has Given that is within me and written out for you of all people of the world? Yes! Do I want you to receive it? Yes! Am I willing to force it upon you or go beyond the Call of Duty to have you receive it? No! Do I want to lead you in the Way to Ahezaah Allaah despite your incessant rejection of me in your understanding and misunderstanding of Ahezaah Allaah? No I do not! No! And I do not want you to ever think that I do! Verily, I believe in Ahezaah Allaah and Whatever Ahezaah Allaah Commands of me to believe; and in that, I am firm against disbelievers and rejecters of The True Faith, Which Is Only Given By Ahezaah Allaah, and I am easy in my way towards those that are of The Righteous and those that truly seek to be of The Righteous, Which Alone Is Ahezaah Allaah The Supreme Being. As Commanded By Ahezaah Allaah Amen, I do not pray for Ahezaah’s enemies, and I do not wish them well. And in the least I do not desire to go beyond Ahezaah Allaah’s Command for me to do anything. Verily, I pray to stay within the boundaries of Ahezaah Allaah’s Guidance in whatever it is that I am Commanded By Ahezaah Allaah to do; neither doing less nor doing more; but existing in The Complete Harmony of doing as Ahezaah Allaah Wills.
Verily, it should be understood that you do not know Jesus, Muhaamid, Moses, Abraham, Lao-Tse, Guatama, Vyasa, Idris, Joseph, nor Israel, or any of the other Exalted Holy Prophets of Ahezaah Allaah that you might fancy knowing in your illusions of life. And if you lived among them in their times, the only knowing of them that you would have had would have truly been limited to the levels of what The Supreme Being gave you of your outward experiences involving them. A Real Prophet of Ahezaah Allaah is truly a stranger to his own people that believe they are completely in the knowledge of him or her because of their personal relationship with the Prophet and the Prophet’s outward acts; and that would include the Prophet’s own parents of birth, siblings, and nearest companions. Now to close your debate on this before you start it, think of this if you believe in the True Words That Were Spoken By Allaah Hu Amen through Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Mary, and take into consideration that knowledge is experience and not hearsay or the mere compilation of information:
He or she who desires to truly know him or herself must truly know The Lord Amen That Is Most High; and he or she that knows The Lord Amen Who Is Most High shall most certainly know him or herself in the Completeness or The All of The Self That Is The Reality Of Existence That Calls Itself The Holy, El, Amen, Ra, Allaah, Hu Vah Haa The High, The Most High, and Many Other Most High Names. For any Holy Man or Holy Woman to Be Holy, they must Truly Know Holiness. In order for either of them to Truly Know Holiness must either Issue That Of Itself in Holiness to them or It must Draw them Up Into Itself By Its’ Own Law and Orders for the Enlightened Ones Of Holiness to Be/Exist or Not Be/Non Exist in the understanding and/or realization of those that perceive to be aware of their True Self. The True Meaning of Being Holy is Being of The Completeness in The Holy Union With The One True Holy Eternal Being That Descends in a Divine Relationship as a Mercy for Its’ subjects. In other words, The Holy Person’s Experience in life is of his or her Awareness of, in, and through The Perception of life that is Given to them By The Reality of Being In and Through their Awareness and Experience of It. Now in order for any of you to truly know such a person in the sense of you believing that you are aware of their Inner Experience of The Holy Being Of Holiness you must in the least Know or Experience Holiness yourself because Holiness Has Become of them and they have Become True and Truly Of It. Therefore, all of you people that practice running to and fro in life propagating your stories of knowing Jesus and knowing Allaah you should consider what Allaah Says In Its’ Truth through me and What It Has Said In Its’ Truth through every Holy Exalted Law Bearing Messenger Prophet that has come in the histories of man’s kind.
I use to have concern for you receiving the Word of This Covenant. I use to pain over my failed attempts at getting the lot of you to listen and heed Allaah’s Words of Warning, Guidance, and Mercy. And as much as I have pondered thoughts regarding past Divinely Chosen Servants of The Supreme Being I am convinced that they knew the types of frustration and sadness that I have known because of hard-headed slave–minded ignorant fools that were made foolish by Satan and their acceptance of Satan’s worldly forms of seductions. If it was not for The Command of Allaah, I am certain that I wanted to see you as a people in general Saved In The Mercy of The Holy, because of your rebellion in ignorance and your meanest in lacking Faith and True Belief, I would have long before this day abandoned my efforts and gladly stood back to watch the false prophets do their things in taking the lot of you to Hell. Certainly without doubt I have learned that man’s kind in general are mean, merciless, wretched, unholy, and despicable animals that deserve nothing less than to be extinguished from the life of this world in ways much worse than they do against other animals and creatures of less reasoning and creations of the natural order of life called nature; but for The Grace of The Lord Most High I do as I am Commanded and pray that I am not let loose to be a party to what I once was in the life of man’s kind contempt and ignorance.
Verily, many that have heard my Call in Allaah’s Command have fallen in their beliefs that I was calling for my own benefit or that I was calling by the drive of my own ideas. They have believed that my callings have been callings in selfishness and that I would be the one to benefit by their joining with me in The Holy Covenant that I call them to, which they do not believe exists. But I want it to be known that I call you only for Allaah’s Holy Pleasure. My True Benefits that come in the form of Many Blessings are (in my awareness) from Allaah Alone. That which It Gives to me through any of you and through any thing of creation is not confused by me in terms of from Whom and from Where they are Actually Issued From in their originality. Allaah Is The Giver, and your coming unto me in The Divine Covenant that I am Enjoined with for the benefit of man’s kind is a Gift From Allaah and not me; Even if people take to the way of misconduct like they have done in the names of Jesus, Muhaamid, Israel, Moses, Abraham, and others that they often give praise and credit that is really due to Allaah, it is From Allaah Amen the same as the Holy Covenants and Wisdom that Allaah Amen Gave to The Divine Prophets of the past.
O people, I have come as Allaah Commands. I have started at home first and it is at home where I am first rejected. Although my heart many times finds commotion over you whom I realize are victims of your own ignorance and tricks of Satan’s advocates I must tell you that I am not seeking to force or trick any belief upon you. Some of my companions bend my ear concerning you in their belief that I can heal you; but I try to cause them to realize that there is no easy healing for ignorance and the foolishness of rejection of Truth save for the Hellfire of Allaah’s Wrath, that comes in this life through the suffering of pain and loss whether it be received physically, mentally, emotionally, or spiritually, singularly or all at once. Anything less than some form of the Shock of Reality will not help the lot of you; therefore, it is from the lot of you that I have resigned and take up my time in search of the worthy. So you of the ignorant rejecters of The Wisdom, Truth, and Faith, do yourselves and Us of Allaah’s Unified Servants a favor and stay to your way of being in ignorance, but away from Us. Keep to your false prophets and their calling you to the illusions of heaven on Earth, the material freedom, the politics and mayhem. I am in search of those that remember and trust the Promise of The Lord Most High for This Day; those that seek to be of The Holy Covenant for The Universal Religion of Truth. Surely your grandparents and their parents and the parents of the ancient past sought for This Day and The Lord That Cometh, a Day and The Lord respectively of Which and Whom most of man’s kind take for granted now that They Are Both Here for the destruction of an evil in the world.
Seriously and Genuinely from Allaah’s Messenger
Respectfully yours
Lord Holy-Apostle-Deen Saleem, Divine Messenger Prophet of Allaah
c/o Lord Holy-Apostle-Deen Saleem
P.O. Box 8795
Newark, NJ 07103
For you who believe in Allaah and the Unseen, Its’ Books, Its’ Prophets, Its’ Angels, and This Being The Hour of The Last Day that we now live in, as I must be with those among you whom Allaah Choose for me to be patient with, take heart and be patient with Allaah. Verily, maybe before, but most definitely at the end for each of us, The Truth Shall Be Known.
Lord Holy-Apostle-Deen Saleem
Divine Messenger Prophet of Allaah
Monday, October 06, 2003
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