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September 22, 2008: From the desk of the Messenger of Ahezaah, at A.H.A.D. Incorporated

Throughout my five months and twenty-nine years to this day of mine in transferring the information of Holiness in guidance from El Ahezaah Allaaha to the multitudes of people with whom I have conversed in conferences concerning El, The Lord Wise of all worlds, I admit that I have been extremely blessed by It through Its’ Protection, Guidance, and Its’ many other Merciful Signs of Being that It Gives Graciously from Its’ Holy Unseen, Immediate, Ubiquitous, Compassionate, and All-Powerful Presence with me. It has Made Itself Known to me in Its’ Being All of The Eternal Lord El, The Creator, The Master, The Allaahu in Essence, The Allaaha Guide, and The Christ Al-Nuur Raa Light of The All El-Aah, Which is The Eternal Aah of The Breath in The Amen of The Infinite Living Mind That Is The Real of The Reality in all things. It has given me great amounts of Its’ Faith, Belief, Trust and Hope by which to live, and It causes me to stay in Light of The True Realization that It Is Alone The One Who Gave me causes and effects for the life of my existence and Made me be successful in arriving at Its’ Center of The Holy Supreme Highness of Mind for the fulfillment of my life, by Means of which I can now relate Its’ Messages to you, as Its’ Messenger.  

Being that I have been spent by The Lord in much time in energy with efforts that I have been Given to be a Sign of The Faith That The Lord El is, I have come to undoubtedly see that most of the people of whom I came to be acquainted with on the path of my duties to Ahezaah did not really desire to come into The Faith of El as much as they aspired to become of their own hope, and stay their course of being more inclined to traveling in trials upon the path of seeking The Faith rather than actually finding The Faith and The Real Source in Reality of The Faith.

Apparently, what most of man’s kind fail to realize is that The Faith of Life is The Real of Life. It is Really a Quality in The Essence of El that is Manifested as a Unitized Part of Its’ Being The Lord, The Amen, The Infinite Living Mind That Is The Almighty Reality of The Throne This Day That Sits in Its’ Commands in the Holy Supreme New Name of Ahezaah, The Lord that is Of, In, Under, and Over all worlds of all things; therewith, nothing being changed in the slightest about Its’ Eternal, Infinite, Ubiquitous Existence; With It Ever Still Being The Reality of The Breath, The Essence, The Guide, and Master Mind of life in all; and Being, in The Reality of The Truth, It Is The Perfect Being of Life in The Light and The Darkness of All That Is All of The All in all of created and non-created things; It Is That Which is Seated As The Supreme Being in sight of Us upon The Throne of Sovereignty in Its’ Holy Supreme Name of Allaah for Its’ Past Days wherein It Made Itself Known for the Mercy of man’s kind, and now in Its’ Name of Ahezaah. 

In this We submit in Our praise and worship of It without fail, for Us Being Continuously Blessed in honoring and knowing It by Its’ Power of Will for Us to Be as We are Of It in Our Created Images and True Knowledge wherein We Live. For We, of the Angels of El are as well Muslims, serving with humans that are Our Lord El’s Most Favored Ones to be among the Foremost [muslim/servants] of El Amen that are created in Images that It Fashions from Its’ Own Desires. We are also Its’ Messengers along with Its’ Most Highly Raised Prophets who have been sent down to Earth Eden throughout all the lifetimes of humanity in your many past species. Even in those of whom your scientists today hold as kinds having been less in mind than you are today were given The Light of El’s Truth in Its’ Breath, Essence, and Guidance for their development which has led up to this time in existence for you. They were given Essence of The Faith That Carried them throughout the undomesticated lands of Earth Eden and their many harsh trials of Life where they were fulfilled in the finding of their timely discoveries of Life; and of many, We Made them know The Lord El in every day and time of humanity; a knowing, about which many of them left their hand-marks written on the walls of stone, wood, and parchment throughout the ages of time to express such; writings that those of Satan’s evil among the men and the djinn of man’s kind has caused generations to see as mere myths; falsifying the meanings of their symbols of The Truth and how the worshipping believers among muslims/servants entered into The Essence of Truth’s Faith [Ahezaah’s Will in Power being Given  in Confidence of Its’ Truth].

Faith, being an Attribute of Ahezaah El Aah Haa Amen, which is Given in Its’ Essence of Hu, is Unitized by El for Its’ servants to whom It Gives in Its’ Power that is known of Its’ Favors. It is in The Favors of El that are given to Its’ Favored servants [Muslims; everything being in submission to It, in all of all creation] that El is Made to be Known to each in relativity to Its’ Actions and Its’ Essence permeating and encompassing each. Ahezaah Is The Reality of Faith, The Source of Faith, The Spirit, Law and Order of Faith that Works within the true meaning, essence, and life of Faith that is applied to the actions and results of the servants that are seeking to be of, or are actually of The True Believer in and of The Reality of Faith; with both, The Reality of The Faith and The True Believer Being The One Creator El Who Manifests in Its’ Many Names of Supreme Being; Names that were either given by It, in True Holiness, or accepted by It with pardon for those that call It by the names of gods that man’s kind invented or misconstrued to be Its’ Names.

As Promised by The Lord of Lords, through Jesus of Nazareth speaking to his disciples about This Day of Revelation, The Lord El now Reveals Its’ New Holy Supreme Name for Its’ Lordship of The Throne, [which is Ahezaah], Revealing through Samuel, the Holy Resurrected Lion-Hearted Prophet of the Hebrew’s past. We have accepted Our hearing the servants of El calling upon It in the Names of El, Allaah, Christ, Amen, Raa, Brahma, Ahura-Mazda, Hunab-Ku, Aleph, Omega, Ea, Aum, Vishnu, Shiva, Yahweh, Jehovah, YHWH or YHVH, and The All in and of The Same All of The Eternal Lord El Amen Raa Hu Allaaha, The Guide of Life That has Given to this Faithful Messenger Prophet of The Faith and Gabriel the unseen Archangel Messenger Its’ New Name to be addressed by you as The Almighty Lord of The Throne of Sovereignty On High of Its’ Heaven in Its’ Perfect Unseen Being That Is Shown by Signs like The Immaculate Lord Wise Seated in Its’ Majestic Image of The Lord of Lords and Master of The Throne of Sovereignty for Its’ Judgment, Lord Seated as King before Its’ Nearest Servants among all kinds of the Heavenly Beasts of El, the Holy Kept Angels of El and the Holy Raised Prophets of El, arranged in ranks.  

The levels of trust and truth in hope and The Faith of Ahezaah are great in disparity. One, The Faith, corresponds with The Heart of El Ahezaah, while the other, hope, corresponds with the heart of man. Unfortunately, most of man’s kind put their belief of securities in their trust and their hold upon The Truth, as they know It, on themselves, thereby making The Impossible One, Our Unitizing Lord of Soul and Material World Attributes, become more manifested for them in Existing as The Unreachable Thing. Ahezaah Allaah Amen, The Eternal El, The Lord of Truth Which is Al-Haqq/The-Truth, Manifests as The Real Master Perfecting in The Essence of Its’ Holy Light of Christ Nuur Raa, Being The True Savior of all the worlds and The One Impossible Thing That Is The One Solitary Existence Which Makes all things created of possibilities possible; However, El, In Its’ Unitized Holy Mind, Makes Itself Possible in Being Experienced As Life and Amen, The Known Supreme Being of Mind, as a Favor for those of whom It Chooses; Made Possible to Be Realized as a Sign of Mercy in the raised awareness of Its’ servants, and Possible to Be Reached as The Ultimate One Being of Reality Which is to Be Joined as The Reality above the illusions of mind that are created as the ever escaping things in the elusive trials of life for all man’s kind. 

Hope can be useful but, even when it is used towards The Good of El, one can fall short or err from the Path of the Way of The Good by an overuse of it because it is a thing that is grounded in the being of expectations, anticipation, eagerness, zeal and passion. It is never as strong and dependable as The True Faith of El. By The Wisdom of El, The Lord Wise of all things, humanity is ever being instructed to seek safety in securing themselves from error by staying away from these things on the Path of the Way to It. It is best that seekers of Ahezaah, The Good of all worlds, seek to be of The Patient in It and to put not their hopes in things that are not Promised to come into being for them by It. These things can be illusive and can lead to great, greater, and the greatest states of one chasing the elusive in their infatuation for a thing. Being of expectations, anticipation, eagerness, zeal and passion can easily bring disturbances in one’s mind, heart, and solar center of emotions because of what they might bring into themselves regarding their sense of dissatisfaction, disappointment, and overindulgence. Ahezaah Calls man’s kind to come unto It in the Way of Its’ Wisdom [Holy Guidance], come unto It in the Way of Its’ Faith [Its’ heartfelt assurance], and to tolerate [abide] It in what It Does about you in the trials of Life by coming into being of Its’ Patience [Its’ Confidence without worry concerning time and situations]. Although the Hope of humanity is useful, The Faith of El Ahezaah is Ever Greater.  


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