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Within The Spirit of These Named Attributes of Ahezaah Allaah, The Originator of The Book, The Supreme Clarifier, The Guardian of Truth, The Protector of The Book, The Covenanter, The Supreme Lord of Lords Above in Heaven and Below on Earth, The True Judge, I write.

On Mount Sinai in speaking to The Supreme Being while It manifested Its’ Hidden Presence from within Moses' sight of the Burning Bush it is recorded that Moses said, Ya Hu Wa Haa (meaning, O Essence And Guide) [But In the furtherance of the Supreme Beings' Translation for me Ahezaah Allaah Said Moses' reference was as such]: O Eternal Essence of Life and Supreme Guide. In That same reference I say that I bear witness that all and absolutely all Praise of every kind is due to It from everything and everyone; for It Is Truly The Allaah Hu Aah Haa Amen Ra Alone, The All In The Eternal Breath of Life, The Essence of That Breath, The Guide In The Breath of Eternal Mind, The Eternal Supreme Source of The Pure Light and The Pure Darkness of The Most High Being, The Reality of The Light of Heavens and Fire of Hells, The Source of Life in The Light and Fire of the Angels Above, Below, and of the Worlds In Between among the lower creation, The One That Is Independent of all things in Being Alone As The Reality of It That is called Nothing and looked upon as no present thing by those that are unaware because of them being led astray and having the inability to relate to the Unseen in Its’ Acts upon the open spaces of life. For their disobedience and/or ignorance they are rewarded as seeing Ahezaah Allaah as being Nothing and non-active in things, especially where they see out into the unseen spaces in the emptiness of created things. In that way they are Given much loss and misguidance by The True Master and The Real Judge in The Reality of All Things. Ahezaah Allaah Is Ever True to Its Word in all worlds upon all things, and In The Word of Ahezaah Allaah That were Sent down not only to Muhaamid but to many Messenger Prophets before him, Ahezaah Allaah Said that It Is The Supreme Lord That Is Most Just and Almighty Enough to Affect Its’ Will upon every thing. It still Says that It Is The Master of men and jinn, and It Is The One That Leads to, in, and through Its’ Righteous Path of life for their intentions of serving It in righteousness, and It Leads men astray for their intentions of circumventing Its’ Divine Covenant for the True Religion. Ahezaah Allaah In Its’ Supreme Mystery of Darkness and Light It Manifests, Its’ Power Shows and Conceals whatever It Desires to Reveal or Keep Secret. It Hast Created light so that creatures might see within what had been dark, but by light creatures can be blinded by the white cover of light’s brilliance if they look too close directly into it. On the other side of that manifestation of Its’ Created light is Its’ creation of darkness that appears to be ever steady and non-created, yet being evolved with light for the purpose of keeping order in life and time for the creations of life. The Pure Supreme Eternal Light of Ahezaah Allaah Hu Amen Ra Is Equally not created as is The Eternal and Supreme Darkness; Both Are of In The Way of Being Two Sides of The Pure Essence of The Eternal All Aah Hu (Allaahu) or The Complete Breath and Essence of Eternal Being. Ahezaah Allaah Hu Amen Ra’s Blessings and Curses originates and are Sustained in both, Its’ Darkness and Its’ Light In The Essence of It. In The Pure Light Of Ahezaah Allaah Hu Amen Ra, servants of The Good are Exalted in many ways that includes them being Given Sight Into The Reality of Being, while those of evil are Cast down in Ahezaah Allaah’s Curses, being made blind for their ignorance in selfishness and rejection of Truth and for their foolish trekking towards It in a non-orderly manner seeking to become masters in evil. In The Pure Darkness of Ahezaah Allaah Hu Amen Ra, ultimately the servants of The Evil are Thrown and Snatched down, being felled in the Darkness of Hell’s Cursed strife because of what they are Given of The Real to look upon while they are caught up acting in their existence without Wisdom and humility, while those of The Purity In service of The Good are again further Divinely Exalted Into The Divine Education through Divine Information and Its’ True Knowledge by The Experiences that It Gives Them.


Verily, as I am Commanded, I pray not for the enemies of Ahezaah Allaah Hu Amen Ra unless I am Commanded By The Supreme Being to do so. I am now Called to the Command to put forth this prayerful thought into the realms of energy that might reach the hearts and souls of some that accept it in their minds.

In The Command of Ahezaah Allaah Hu Amen Ra Who Commands from the Darkness of The Unseen and The Mystery That Is Opened in The Light and The Spirit of Its’ Pure Supreme Brilliance, I say unto you:

O believers, may Ahezaah Allaah’s Supreme Peace with others of Its’ Innumerable Blessings be upon you within and about your presence.

O disbelievers, pray that Ahezaah Allaah grant you acceptance for the True Way in belief of It before you are captured in the transitions of death by the Angels of Death in The Parties of Azra’el and Sama’el.

O rejecters of Ahezaah Allaah’s Faith, pray that Ahezaah Allaah causes you to cut off from having life in every part of your being that is rejection to It in this life so that you might be Blessed; for there is no comparison in this life to Ahezaah Allaah’s Hell, a Place that you shall surely go to if you die in rejection of Ahezaah Allaah’s Given Faith.

And may each of you be Blessed to truly remember The Way to Amen Allaah in Divine Remembrance so that The Opening Of Ahezaah Allaah will Be Made for you Upon The Path of The Way.

So be it with The Lord Most High


Ahezaah Allaah Sends down Perfect Guidance to man’s kind in Books That It Manifests through the persons of Its’ many Divine Prophets and Its’ Messengers among Angels and Humans that Speak, Write, and Guides By Its’ Authority and In Its’ Control of them; In that Way, Ahezaah Allaah Is The One True Guide and Master in Command That Is due all the praise that one might give to the Holy Servants that are presented as Messengers and Prophets of Ahezaah Allaah. Ahezaah Allaah Is Merciful in that It MAKES Clear Its’ Messages and Keeps The Balance in Its’ Holy Wisdom for those of Its’ righteous servants so that they can understand Its’ True Covenant (Agreement). Verily, much is Kept Hidden from those of the people that prove their selves to be aware of their living in ways that bring Ahezaah Allaah’s Displeasure; therefore, and by that, they become of those Disfavored by Ahezaah Allaah. By Ahezaah Allaah’s Disfavor Ahezaah Disgraces them and thenceforth does not Open The Way for them to become of The True Realization in The Pure Holy Experience that is called True Knowledge; and in that Way, Ahezaah Allaah Manifests Itself as The One That Leads the disbelievers astray. Ahezaah Allaah allows them to traverse every path of evil leading them further astray from The Good Of It, which millions among the people today now translate as the meaning of the word God that they use for The Creator.

Ahezaah Allaah Is Almighty and Ever Present in a Way that is Eternal and not fully understood by any of Its’ Creatures, although every true servant among all creatures are Given Insight and The True Wisdom of Ahezaah Allaah to accept that Ahezaah Is Absolutely at and in all people, places, things, and the empty spaces of creation that includes invisible things, which are believed by those that are unaware as being of nothingness. Ahezaah Allaah Is The Reality, Force, and Life of the so-called Nothingness wherein the only things of Nothing is created forms that are manifestly absent and not yet Brought to Light in Created forms By Ahezaah Allaah Itself. Therefore, no things of created forms that recognized in the perception of the intellectual creatures by their observation of things are identified and by that they say It (Meaning Allaah Unseen and not recognized for Being Unseen) is nothing there. In Reality Ahezaah Allaah In Its’ Power It Possesses The Means and Puts Forth The Act of Not Showing Its’ intellectual and non-intellectual creatures Itself. It also Has and Manifests The Power In Its’ Acts of Showing Itself through the various means of Its’ creatures' sensory perceptibility. For that, along with those that reveal among Ahezaah Allaah’s Enlightened Servants, Menservants of Ahezaah Allaah have been mocked and killed for their cause in revealing Ahezaah Allaah’s Truth That Is Given to them regarding The Mystery of It.

I am one such person whom Ahezaah Allaah Has Divinely Raised in The Path of Cognizance Into The Mystery of Its’ Deep Darkness and The Mystery of Its’ Pure Light, whereas I have been Divinely Prepared By Ahezaah Allaah In Its’ Command for me to Exist In Its’ Certainty of Truth in Realization of The Eternal Source of The All That Really Is In The Name of Ahezaah Allaah Amen and The Innumerable amounts of The Other Names of The Supreme Existence and all that It Makes me aware of being Created By It. By The Path of Its’ Raising me Up Unto It In The Ways That It Has, I have been Spoken to, Taught, and Shown that The Divine Covenant That Ahezaah Allaah Sends down for man’s kind, which is the Foundation and Framework for The Authentic Universal Religion of Truth that has been thus far called The Path, The Way, The Path of The Way, The Way of The Path, Islaam and other names by man’s kind, is to be lived inwardly as much if not more than the ways man’s kind attempts to live it outwardly. By what Ahezaah Allaah Reveals for me to say unto you, I bear witness that most of man’s kind on Earth are self-victims that victimizes themselves by shunning the inner aspect of submission to The Divine Covenant for their preference in choosing to be of the outer forms that include dress wear, language, etiquette, and social practices. But by their shunning the inner aspects of The Divine Covenant wherein Spirituality and Mentalism plays a great part in leading and getting man to the level of Soul in the Highest Region of man’s Ethereal Body of his or herself, which is Connected With The Supreme Soul of Being for man’s kind and the True Man, they bring to themselves great suffering. Verily, man’s kind should treasure, with equal importance, the inner submission and outer submission, or the hidden secret self that is to be in submission and the openly seen self that is to be in submission, or the higher and lower submissions so that they may be able to gain and be maintained in The Divine Balance of Ahezaah Allaah’s Wisdom and/or Actions that are within and about the being of Its’ Own Eternal Self and all created things within It.

Faith is an Attribute of Ahezaah Allaah Amen’s That Is a Quality of Its’ Existence That Is Of Its’ Essence in Spirit That Is Offered as a Divine Grace in Compassion for Its’ servants. It is a Blessing that is received in the seven bodies of a person so chosen to be of It for them to live by. These seven bodies of being are by names the emotional, the physical, the mental, the spiritual, the astral, the ether, and the ethereal bodies that house the essence in the mind of man. Faith Is one course of the Food of the Supreme Soul that first Feeds the soul being of each individual and establishes the soul in a Fixed Position before the birth of that being. In this Fixed Position of the soul it is established at The Command Center or by The Most Superior Being of Ahezaah Allaah in Command of the body of beings as the Foundation under on one end and the Canopy over on the other end of all that exists in connection with it in the body of each being. From the level of the soul body that is at The Height of Being The Nearest to The Eternal Being in The Beyond of Its’ Most Mysterious Existence Where Ahezaah Allaah Hu Amen Exists Alone In The Eternal Supreme Mind, from soul to flesh each body of the seven bodies of a human being are individually Fed. If any body in part rejects the Food of Faith, or any other Supreme Quality in Ahezaah Allaah Amen’s Provisions for the sustenance of their lives, by the Divine Commands That are Established in the Foundation of the Fixed Soul, the soul will stand and fight against each part of the body that rejects, which shall accumulate in effect by nature in belief of those parts being enemies to its being no matter how great or small. The soul is designed to act and not compromise its quality of nature and position in the Darkness of Ahezaah Allaah Hu Amen Ra’s Mystery concerning man; therefore, the soul will bring you illness, disease, and an opening for bad spirits by its abandonment of you. It will seek to destroy your mind and other things of your being that it registers as tools of war being used against the Commands and Angels in The Command of The Almighty Lord’s Covenant. The soul exists in a state and station of only knowing harmony on one side of it and war against disharmony on the other side. On the periphery of being, the opposite of soul is flesh. But there exists an opposite to soul on every level of man’s being. Soul is for man in general the closest thing about him to the Deep Dark Mystery of The Eternal Being. Soul is Created in the Image of That Darkness Where All The Power of Life Is Initiated; And such as it is that The Light of Supreme Existence and The Power That Brings birth to all creations is Manifested From Within Coming Forth From The Supreme Eternal Darkness, in the image of That, the soul of man is designated to operate. For thousands of years in many generations of the seven thousand year period of evolution for man’s kind on Earth people become lost from True Experience and Way to The True Experience (Knowledge) of the soul being of man. Verily, multitudes today do not have a clue as to what the soul is and what is its function. They have in fact been led to believe by their demon beasts that soul is a thing that can be lost, whereas in The Words Of Truth, the soul cannot be lost, but man’s kind can be lost and/or disconnect from the Path to their own soul and The Bridge of the Ahezaah Allaah Supreme Soul That Connects them Directly With The Eternal Supreme Mind That Calls Itself to me as Being Ahezaah Allaah Amen.

In people being disobedient and acting in ignorance against The Divine Agreement That Ahezaah Allaah Makes for Religion they are the guilty ones that bring The Reality of misguidance to their own selves. Misguidance is an Act of Ahezaah Allaah’s as well as Guidance is and Ahezaah Is The Reality of both sides of that Attribute despite the fact that most of man’s kind who reject Ahezaah Allaah’s Covenant being aware or not ignore that Holy Message; therefore they are the ones that are or become those that are most misguided.

Ahezaah Allaah Says that man’s kind first must believe in Its’ All-Present All-Powerful Unseen Being and Its’ Unseen World of Being in Levels of The Unknown to be elevated in Faith. Faith Is Of The Unseen Being of Ahezaah Allaah Amen Itself; and Ahezaah Allaah Is The Elevator of people in Faith. It does not Give any of man’s kind success in Realization of The Reality by them knowing It before they come to know, realize, accept, and submit in Faith. The name for that act is generally called blind faith by people. The Act of Ahezaah Allaah upon life in all ways is ever being manifested although the unaware people do not realize It as Being Ahezaah Allaah.

For those of the people who reject Faith, Truth Is like a hard large bitter pill to swallow without a watery substance to make the throat and passageway leading into the belly slick.

Ahezaah Allah Is my True Friend and Master Whom I fear and love. And although It Commands me to Address It As Father, I recognize my fear as being great and only favor my love in knowing it as being greater. I do not really know which is the greatest because I am not The Master or Judge of me and I have nothing to do with my being created or sustained in creation. Ahezaah Allaah Says that my love and fear of It are equally Balanced but in Its’ Mercy and Love for me It Magnifies The Supreme Light in Insight for my awareness to be greater concerning my love.

I am but a manservant of The Supreme Existence That Commands me to extend to you these Words of Education and Guidance. Hopefully they are accepted as Gifts that are Mercifully Sent down From The Holy Hand of Ahezaah Allaah and not looked upon as a threat to any of you.

For those of you that seek to be leaders who hold power over other people, I can understand your fear of The Truth Telling Itself through me, Its’ Divinely Exalted manservant Vessel, but as Promised, The Sun Light of Truth Is Rising in the Western Hemisphere By The Command In The Desire of Ahezaah Allaah Amen in what I deliver of Essence in The Wisdom and True Command of The Lord of lords, Words that are Given through my acts of speaking and writing in my Divinely Appointed Duty, it should be easy for you to understand and relate in belief what Ahezaah Allaah Hu Amen Ra is Making Clear so that you can accept it if you are truly a believer in Ahezaah Allaah Being The Unseen Creator and The Supreme and One Master of all worlds. If you believe in the existence of The Unseen Worlds of Ahezaah Allaah that are ever existing within Spiritual Dimensions of the Physical Realms that you relate most to, The Supreme Book That Is Located Beneath The Throne of The Almighty Lord Most High Gives Birth to The Divine Books of the Divine Prophets that are Sent down unto man’s kind, then you should be able to believe and be among those that are the most conscientious to believe in the existence of The Divine Unified Relationship Between The Eternal All Wise Being and Its’ Chosen Divine Prophets being continued in This Day, to believe in the real existence of the Exalted Divine Messengers that are Created and Sent from among Angels and Humans to the people and things of all worlds, to believe in all the Divine Covenants of The Holy Book that are Sent down as Chosen Parts in The Essence of Holiness, to believe in The Essence of Holiness, to believe in the All True Supreme Guidance of these Holy Books and The Perfect One’s Perfection of these Holy Books as they are Given in the Holy Birth of their Authentic Forms for the purpose that The Father of Creation Gives them, and to believe that This is The Time that is noted in Prophecy for the history of man’s kind that is now The Hour of The Last Day that was Prophesied to come By Ahezaah Allaah Hu Amen Ra through Its’ number of Beloved Prophets of yore. So Says The Ahezaah Allaah Hu Amen Ra.

Reply to: A.H.A.D.
c/o Lord Holy-Apostle-Deen Saleem
P.O. Box 8795
Newark, NJ 07103

Read: The Precursor To The Divine Book of Recitation

Lord Holy Apostle Deen, MPA
Lord Holy Apostle Deen M.M.R. Saleem,
Divine Messenger Prophet of Ahezaah Allaah
September 25. 2003


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