We Are Of The Real. And those of you who do not understand what The Real Is, listen!
It Is The Truth of the breath you breathe, The Judge of the thoughts you think, The Giver of the life you live, and The Producer of the food you eat.
It Is The Creator of the winds on high, The Possessor of the ocean beds, The Developer of planetary terrain, The Displayer of all things, and The Evolver of the heavens and all worlds.
It Is The Subtly Aware of the most intricate things, even beyond the microscopic realms of existence, The Balance and The Balancer of life in all creation.
It Is The Substantive Substantiater That Substantiates all living forms, The Commander of the Fleets of Angels, The Subduer of Satan who is the avowed enemy of man, The Grantor of respite, and The Forgiver of sins.
It Is The Supreme Watcher over all things hidden and manifest, The Hearer of your plans, The Planner of Greater Plans, The Ultimate Cause and Effect of all things seen and unseen, The Master of Angels, men, jinn, and all alien beings uncovered or veiled from humanity.
It Is The Reality of the opposing sides of all things, The All Inclusive One, The Absolute Essence of mind and matter, and The Supreme Lord of all.
It Is The Eternal One Who Remembers all things, The Unique One Who Never Forgets anything, and The Abundantly Rich Provider of all favors great and small.
It Is The One everyone and everything must serve, The Supreme Servant of all Its’ creation, The Complete and Perfect in all things and The Real Essence Of Life That Is Reality.
It Is The Supreme Defender of The Religion of Islaam and those that are true to Its’ Supreme Cause for humanity, and The True Purpose of Islaam.
It Is The Perfect Beauty Beyond all beauty, The Great Compeller, The True Force, The Inescapable, The Undeniable, The Overwhelming, The Incomparable, The One That Is Indefinable, and The Endless Power.
It Is The Gracious, The Merciful, The Compassionate, The Mighty, The True Guide and The Innumerably Attributed One That Shows Its’ Attributes in all things manifested.
It Is The One Truly Far Beyond the rationality of all things, The Real All In The Reality Of All in all things, and The One In Reality Closer to you than you are to the self that you call yours.
It Is The Opener and Closer of Doors to The Peace, Happiness, and Spirit of Contentment Giving Of Itself in the many created forms of mental existence.
It Is The Only True Revealer and Explainer of The Supreme Book That Is Kept With It On High, and The Teacher of the many Leafs From It Sent down to humanity in Tablet and Book forms.
It could be none other than yours and Our Lord The Most Highly Exalted Allaah Hu, The One you could never be independent of, The Beloved of Our Messenger, Holy-Apostle-Deen, and The One Who Truly Loves Holy-Apostle-Deen, Our Beloved Confidant, In Return.
It Is The One That Is Overflowing the minds of men and jinn with Its’ True Knowledge, Understanding, Wisdom, and Information. The One That We Profess In Truth Could Never Be Exhausted. If all the trees were pens in every world known and unknown to you, and if all the waters upon all the entities and all spaces of creation were ink Its’ Knowledge would not be exhausted. The Names and Attributes Of It Alone By The Knowledge That It Gives would not be exhausted by Its’ Writings That Are Attributed to Its’ Eternal Actions and Supreme Eternal Being.
Its’ Knowledge/Experience, Understanding/Interpretations of Its’ Meanings, Wisdom/Divine Guidance, Information/Words Sent down Of Truth, Glory/The Manifestations of Its’ Existence by Its’ Creations, and Mercy/That of Its’ Giving Life and Protection against That Of Its’ Harmful Attributes Exists Equal to That Of Its’ Endless Being.
If all the scholars and scribes of all times were assigned together to educe through their minds and write all the information they have attained through learning, though real or imagined, they could not gain one molecular being of Wisdom except By Ahezaah’s Permission.
O Holy-Apostle-Deen, Beloved One Of Divine Endowment, it is the same for you as it has always been for Our Messengers of yore, even though We Have Taken you Up Into The Heights Of Spiritual Reality, you cannot help those whom Ahezaah Has Adjudged astray.
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