We Are Of The Real. And those of you who do not understand what The Real Is, listen! It Is The Truth of the breath you breathe, The Judge of the thoughts you think, The Giver of the life you live, and The Producer of the food you eat. It Is The Creator of the winds on high, The Possessor of the ocean beds, The Developer of planetary terrain, The Displayer of all things, and The Evolver of the heavens and all worlds. It Is The Subtly Aware of the most intricate things, even beyond the microscopic realms of existence, The Balance and The Balancer of life in all creation. It Is The Substantive Substantiater That Substantiates all living forms, The Commander of the Fleets of Angels, The Subduer of Satan who is the avowed enemy of man, The Grantor of respite, and The Forgiver of sins. It Is The Supreme Watcher over all things hidden and manifest, The Hearer of your plans, The Planner of Greater Plans, The Ultimate Cause and Effect of all things seen and unseen, The Ma...
NOTE: Respected readers: These messages are sent through Lord Holy-Apostle-Deen, Messenger Prophet of Ahezaah. Contact The Community of A.H.A.D. at Thirdhousse@yahoo.com