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Within These Named Attributes of El Ahezaah Allaah Hu Amen Ra, The Most Holy, The Perfect, The True Avenger, The Real Judge, The Curser, The Deliverer, The Admonisher, The Forgiver, The All Hearing One That Is Ever Merciful, The Power In Love, The Compassionate, The Beginning of all, The End of all, The Initiator of all, The Annihilator of all, The Evolver of all, I submit these Words That Are Given to me By El Ahezaah Allaah Hu Amen Ra.

May you be worthy of El Ahezaah Allaah Hu Amen Ra’s Mercy, Forgiveness, Peace, and Other Holy Blessings, and in that may The Peace and Other Holy Blessings of El Ahezaah Allaah Hu Amen Ra Be upon you.

All Praise is due to The Lord Who Is Ever Most High, The Allaahu Allaaha El Amen Ra, The One That Is Ever To Judge At The Throne of Judgment On High.


Q: When shall the time come when most of man’s kind on earth is of The Righteous Being in The Essence Of The Eternal Being’s True Covenant?

A: When a Day like that of Noah’s Time Comes again and The Lord Almighty of Wrath and Vengeance again depletes the world of the multitudes of the most evil servants of evil. When The Allaahu Rejects the evil ones and Casts them out from this world’s Essence of Life and Throws them down into the Eternal Pit of Hell. So it is Said by Ahezaah Allaah Amen, The Author of life, death, time, and conditions.

Q: And who is it that is most cursed today?

A: Verily, the Divine Cursed ones are of all levels and all people of the varying races and nationalities that are ever intermingling with one another; and within that intermingling, they move about with one over and under another interchanging their positions from time to time, and never maintaining a fixed level or condition in evil. They are without Divine Principles, and the better of them are at times as bad as the worst of them. And today most of the people are Divinely Cursed as to where they are being ripened like the fruit on a tree to either be felled by the Natural Course in the order of their lives where they might rot at the foot of the tree, or they might be plucked and consumed, by a being from a higher order of evil than they for the Greater Hell.

Q: Who are the ones to be Saved in these times?

A: Those whom Ahezaah Allaah Amen Chooses to be Saved. Those that find comfort and harmony in The Holy Covenant of The Divine Book of Recitation that was Sent down to me by Ahezaah Allaah in the Company of the Supreme and Holy Archangel Messenger Gabri’-El, a Divinely Unified Part of my Being that is in The Divine Three-fold Unity of Oneness With The Eternal Reality That Has Told me to call It Father in A Most Personal Manner Within the Matter of Our Personal Relationship, and in my public address of It to you all It Told me to call It Ahezaah Allaah Hu Amen Ra Among Many Other Names That Relate Its’ Attributes.


O people of these United States of America and the world, it is time for you to recognize the Divine Curses of The Lord of Divine Vengeance Who Is Most High and Mighty. It Is The Same One Eternal Being That Represents Itself In The Most High Manifestation Of The Lord of all the worlds That Seats The Most Holy Throne On High of The Highest Heaven that is made known to those of The Supreme Mind That Rules Over The Human Existence of Beings. My Duty is Divinely Charged for me to convey Ahezaah Allaah’s Message in a way that you can fully understand with little effort to do so if you will. It is not Given to me to force any person to agree with me or raise me up as one to be respected for the Message that I convey; but it is my Duty to warn you in The Words of The Almighty Lord.

Rape, murder, gambling, lusting for things in the cause of immorality, deceit, causing war and bloodshed for immoral reasons, sodomy, and all the other things that are great in the eyes of those that live and love being on the dark-side of life are in the cause and effect of The Lord Of Wrath Bringing Its’ Wrath Inside The Hell of Its’ Vengeance down upon man’s kind and the world of things that are involved in the world of man’s kind today. You might take things for granted when it comes to you connecting the happenings of life to Ahezaah Allaah, but We, of Ahezaah Allaah’s Most Intimate Servants, know that Ahezaah Allaah should never be taken for granted; not even in the least of things! The Time of The Hour that has been so widely sought to be known, which is Divinely Written and Preserved in The Holy Bible, The Holy Qur’aan, and Other Ancient Holy Scriptures is now upon us! To you believers who are aware concerning the Devil and those that are really convicted of being in the Religion of Satanism, I announce to you that I am Truly The Chosen One of Ahezaah Allaah who was Prophesied to Come in Ahezaah Allaah's Presence This Day. I am That One who was the helper and advisor of Prophet David, the one that found David in the care of his father Jesse. I am the one called Root of the Prophet David, the so-called Lion of Judah that fought fervently in the Cause of Hu Allaah for the Hebrews against the Philistines whose descendants are now called Palestinians. I am that same one whom Hu Allaah Commanded in The Order of David’s Divine Initiation, the one Promised to be Resurrected for This Day. How many others have there been that made the erroneous announcement of being Jesus to seduce the people further into falsehood before This Time of my Coming in Allaah Hu Amen Ra’s Hidden Presence? How many of them came aware of the fact that Jesus was not to be Resurrected in This Day as opposed to those that followed their own ambitions and claimed to be Jesus because they were not aware that the devils among man’s kind put false words in The Holy Book of Revelation that are mixed in with The True Indications of Ahezaah Allaah Hu Amen’s Words.

Now, I consistently make this call publicly in an impersonal manner, in the way that I have been doing privately within a small group in secluded but public and private places within the more personal social circles of people that I have known to have been more familiar with me. And although I have invited people before now to come and produce a Divine Scripture that they thought would undo What Ahezaah Allaah Hu Amen Ra Has Given me to Proclaim as being a Divinely Commanded Proclamation, I make this call now without setting forth a platform to argue with anyone concerning my position. And of my proclaiming to be the Resurrected Prophet Samuel, The One who was Divinely Promised to be Returned in the flesh of man and who is in fact now Resurrected In Holiness to fulfill my Divinely Given and Approved Duty to Allaahu Amen, I am Supported By Ahezaah Allaah and what It Gave unto the Divinely Exalted Prophets like John of The Book of Revelation, Malachi, Nostradamus (Michel de Notredame), Ghulam Ahmad, Elijah, and Muhaamid of Arabia. I am also Supported In Holiness by Gabri’-El and a Great Host of the Archangels that are now wreaking havoc at this time across the world; havoc that you shall see increased to go along with the mayhem that is brought through the acts of people that have had their minds become overrun with evil and their hearts disconnected from their true ability to be aware of their souls. They are the Cursed ones whom shall bring the effects of Ahezaah Allaah Hu Amen Ra’s Curses into the homes and neighborhoods of their parents and other near of kin, and among the communities of the people that are now being left unprotected by Ahezaah Allaah Hu Amen Ra for their disobedience and rejection. And of the people’s rejection of me, a much greater sight of Ahezaah Allaah’s Curses shall soon fall down upon you all that do that; for Ahezaah Allaah Hu Amen Ra Is Determined to Prove Its’ Being With me and my Being With It as a Sign for you who would take heed.

Today, the common people all over the world are strapped down by the hidden people of the evil jinn that pose their greatest threats against the sanctified things of human beings. They make their assault against the common folk, as they operate from hidden positions of worldly power. They are the ones that use their masterful influence to move people that you might recognize as being powerful or operating in powerful positions under their disguises in their public and private political positions that encompass religious and the legal affairs of social politics. They move powerful people in the evil that they hide right in your view of them; and they gain the power to do that by seducing you into joining them as members in their world parties of the modern civilized organizations that they command. And for the cause of those institutions they convince people to believe that they call civil means Being of The Good in Ahezaah Allaah Hu Amen Ra Whom they refer to as God, when they in fact manipulate the people at large in every way that they can for the causes of the devils on earth that are hidden and manifest in the flesh of man’s kind. Some of you and your most celebrated leaders are aware that the people in general are not truly aware of you being who and what you are nor were they prepared by you to do anything other than reject me when this time came for my Divinely Commanded Announcements to be made by me. But although it is most difficult for them to see beyond the great mountainous heights of the glory that you have claimed for your own selves in this world, and difficult for them to see beyond the great mountains of material success that Ahezaah Allaah Has Tried you with, they shall not be able to go without seeing you and your great mountains of evil destroyed by the Angels of Ahezaah Allaah Unseen. And surely with hatred they shall curse you among the political, religious and other social institutions, that are the chiefs or among the leading cohorts of Satan, for your calling them away from me and what I bring From The Lord Of The Day. But for now, because of them being blind against your socially celebrated status, which is put into affect for a greater cause of evil than yours by the demonic spirited people that are hidden among the men and jinn of evil in every society, they cannot see you through your tricking them. But We Shall Expose you in what is one of your greatest tricks today, which is to hide behind the greatly respected Names of The Lord Most High and Its’ True Servants; The Lord Most High and those that you only pretend to worship as a front for Satan and/or its worldly things in your keeping them confused about That, of Ahezaah Allaah Hu Amen Ra, Which they might truly want to worship. The greatest of those names that you hide behind, and one of the greatest Signs that was Promised to be for This Day is Jesus; for it is used as a shield to hide evil that stretches clear around the world among the people of all religious creeds. It is one of the Great Signs of The Time that indicates This Is The Great Hour of The Day of The Almighty Lord’s Time to Come down to Destroy the world of evil.


Ahezaah Allaah Hu Amen Related to Its’ Prophets of old that the Good Name of Jesus would be a Sure Sign of The Hour that is now at hand, but the doers-of-evil who have made the Holy Bible and other Holy Scriptures, which were Sent down before and during its time in other places of the world, a playing field of their own. They have wrote many things in the Holy Bible with the blood of Saints on their hands like what they say about Jesus was supposed to return to this world in This Hour. They have also tried to make it appear that the Lamb-Hearted Jesus whom they have described as such in their many writings through their many generations, is now the Lion-Hearted Prophet of the Hebrews. I am here to tell you that they have lied, just as I am here to tell you that a great many in the number of your leaders are nothing more or less than false prophets who are joined in the unseen bodies of their beings with the Devil Satan and its dupes who march around the world taking false command of people and destroying the natural order of things. They might make it appear that Ahezaah Allaah Hu Amen Ra, The Lord Who Is Almighty, is in approval of what they do; but It Is Not! And they have mastered gaining your love and trust for them in their false love and false contracts of trusts; therefore, it is a natural inclination for you to close your eyes to them and the evil that they do and hate me for exposing them. Too many of you believe that I am a threat to you and your beliefs about the way to gain True Peace and Happiness when I am only a threat to them in my blocking the ways that they are leading you to Sure and Undeniable Hell in the Life Hereafter. For the meekness of my being, I go through uneasiness at times when I think about Ahezaah Allaah Hu Amen Ra’s Anger Being for certain individuals of my race that a multitude of people love for their being unaware of what they really represent outside of their sight of them. When the people of great power in evil open the pathways of certain types of relegated success for them – and invite my people to join them in those seductions, most of my people welcome the devils in without being aware of who they are and how deep their evil goes. You might not like to hear what I have to say, but I am here to say it anyway because I have to say it:


The Divinely Chosen and Inspired Messenger Prophet Elijah Muhammad (Muhaamid) needs to be remembered in the simplicity of what We Gave unto him by not only the Afrimerican People – but by all people of the world! He brought Allaah’s Message to a darkly held downtrodden people who had given birth to Allaah Hu Amen Ra’s Choice of people who are continuing through Us in The Line of That Same Divine Charge that now includes The Divine Message that Is Carried by Us, Allaah Unseen the Archangel Messenger Gabri’-El, and Lord Holy Apostle Deen, for all people of the world regardless to their race, creed, color, or national origin. Elijah began a Divinely Driven Process that was never meant to fall into the hands of those that came behind him in their false brands of Islaamic leadership that was made to appear right by them. They have both used and/or abused Elijah’s Good Name and Quality of being. In their delightful manners of proclaiming falsely to have Supreme Wit and Divine Wisdom, those culprits were Set Up By Allaah and Tried on the positions of their beliefs and disbeliefs, which the Greatest Trial for them now is Lord Holy Apostle Deen manifested as Samuel Resurrected and Us Unseen in the Holy Presence of The All Aah Hu Amen. Now Since Allaah Has Come down and Formed Us As One of Its’ Divine Unified Signs It Has Made Us Be More than just aware. It Has Made Us Be Most Aware and Most Knowing among men That It Shall Overtake the false prophets as It Is Doing Now, and crush them along with the scholars of their religions and those that continue to uphold and follow them in their ways. They shall be Proven By Allaah to be against The Absolute Being of Allaah Amen Hu In Truth That Spoke to Elijah through the Divinely Exalted Lord Master Fard Muhaamid and then Inspired Our Beloved Servant Elijah throughout the duration of his life. And By Allaah’s Command I Am Here Now in Place of Lord Master Fard and Elijah to be tried by the words of those who so boldly crucified the Divine Personage of Our Servants after they were taken from your public view either by disappearance or death in The Holy Command of Allaah. Surely, after twenty eight years and eight months their evil accusers are well prepared to have the many questions that they posed back then, shortly after Elijah’s passing when they brought on their onslaught of cursing and disgrace and the calling for Lord Fard to explain and make himself accountable for what Allaah Gave unto them as a Divine means to Awaken the Chosen People and get them prepared for This Day of Our Coming with Allaah Hu Amen’s Newly Reformed and Supremely Enhanced Covenant.

Now We wait to see and allow you to see just who it is among you and your leaders that will stand to face Ahezaah Allaah Unseen in the presence of the public and swear an Oath that will call for them to be Cursed By Us, the same as We Have Commanded Lord Holy Apostle Deen, Our Beloved Servant, to swear an Oath that calls for him to be Cursed By Us if he is not Truly Of Ahezaah Allaah, In The Holiness Of Ahezaah Allaah, In The Divine Three-fold Unity of Us Being In The Oneness Of Supreme Enlightenment, With Ahezaah Allaah Unified In Supreme Holiness, Reborn of The Pure Light Of Truth, Being a Son of The Righteous Essence in The Spirit of Ahezaah Allaah Hu Amen Ra, and being of All That he Speaks of Hu, Which like Muhaamid was Given to Say Is Allaah. Elijah, although he was hated and misunderstood by many more people than he was loved, he was of The Divine Charge of Ahezaah Allaah; and what he brought under the Divine Cloak of Darkness shall be brought to its fulfillment for all people, but It Shall Be Brought In The Light OF Ahezaah Allaah Hu Amen Ra’s Purifying Truth with Us. We Shall Continue – and before it is all over – the world of man’s kind shall know that Ahezaah Allaah Hu Amen Ra Is Real, Present, and Full of Wrath to go along with Its’ Vengeance. They, especially those of the false prophets, shall be brought down hard; but none harder than the demon beasts among man’s kind and those that descends in Elijah’s name but do treachery against the name and Most Honorable Memory of Elijah. Oh yeah, We Shall Take them down by The Wrath of Ra! And Wisdom Shall Prevail In The Power Of Truth. And The Book of The Newly Formed Covenant Shall Swallow Up them and all false religions that were broken off from The True Religion of Islaam, Which Came from Heaven with the first of Adam and Eve. None of you shall escape The Curses of Ahezaah Allaah Amen. None of you shall go unpunished for your great evil! And that one (Wallace) who hated his father (Elijah) and hated what Allaah and Its’ Angels Charged Elijah to do is hated; and he shall be hated despite many of your misconceptions concerning him. He is of the Devil Beasts on Earth in direct opposition to Elijah and Us. And We Shall Prove Our Being by Lord Holy Apostle Deen and The Wisdom and Words of The Holy Clarifier that you shall not get under, over, or around; and only those of The Righteous shall get through it.


Lord Holy-Apostle-Deen MMR Saleem, MPA
Lord Holy-Apostle-Deen MMR Saleem, MPA


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