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The Divine Seal Breaker of The Eternal Lord’s Words

In The Name of El, The Almighty Being of Absolute Knowledge, The Lord of The Angelic Thrones of Its’ Dominion, The Reality of the Unseen Warrior Angels of Might, The Infinite Lord Commanding in Its’ New Name and Attributes of Ahezaah, The Hidden Reality of The Truth, The Compassionate Savior Known as The Christ, The Owner of Peace, The Dispenser of Love and Harmony, The Balancer of Life, We Recite.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Blog # 80

Listen people, all of you that can still hear! Hear, heed, and be thankful for the Mercy of Ahezaah!

You may not like what We Say through This Sign of The Holy Divined Seal Breaker of The Eternal Being of Ah, The Lord of all worlds; however, you should hear and react with a sincere attempt at being true in obedience under The Words Given in The Divine Breath of Ah by El Ahezaah, The One Almighty Unseen, All-Powerful, and Ever-Present Lord, That Is With Us in This Holy Threefold Divine Union of Ahezaah, The Most High Lord.

In Holy Scripture that most of your lineage had at one time or another professed to believe, it is Written that We Would Raise a Messenger in This Day of The Lord’s Reckoning; The Chosen One, The Avatar, The Servant of The Christ that would be like Jesus of Nazareth, The Black Messiah, The Lion of Judah, The Bright Morning Star of the Early Morning Hours of The Great and Dreadful Day of The Lord, The Messenger of The Last Day (This Time in the passing of The Lord’s Day of Muhaamid), The Messenger of The New Day of Our Lord for humanity, The Loosening Seal Breaker, The Opener of The Book of The Holy New Covenant of The Lord’s, The One Seated Upon The Foot of The Throne of Sovereignty in what is meant by his birth given name Samuel, Strength of El, and in meaning as it is proclaimed by the Hebrews with those who became Judaized under the ways of Judah in their attempt at obscuring the True Meaning which is relative to the meaning of the Japanese Samurai, Strong Warrior Servant, by saying Samuel means Hearing El, and Heard by El; with Them Clearly Hearing of Each Other, which they do.

We Promised you him the same as We Promised you The Wrath of El to be witnessed by you who live to witness and experience it for the inequity of mankind, and these Promises are Certainly Without Doubt Being Fulfilled before your perception of them.

As Christians, you need to question yourselves, if you thought that you believed in The Christ That Raised Jesus as a Lord Servant Near To It, and you need to further question yourselves if you cannot accept This Same Lord Fulfilling Its’ Promises about This Chosen One Being Raised Up in Truth in Holy Nearness to The Lord El in the Same Divine Line and Way of Muhaamid, Jesus, Moses, Joseph, Israel, and Abraham’s inner Holy Beings of El’s Power Given unto humanity on Earth as an Extension of Its’ Mercy for mankind.

It has past that it was in This Hour of The Day of Revelation that The Lord Came Down to Earth Eden at The Level of This Servants Mind and Raised him Up in The Powerful Circle of Holiness, Personally, in The Name of Allaah, with Heavenly Throngs of Holy Celebrating Angels to Witness It Bringing Itself In Its’ Holy High Unit to Be Immediately Intertwined in The Holy Lordship of This Holy Union, Spiritually and Mentally Meshed, and Permeated with This Messenger. Sixteen years subsequent to That Great Day, We Became a Divine Threefold Unit of Being in Minds of The Lord with the Fourth Part Being The Holy Living Book of The Lord’s New Covenant when I, Gabriel, came down from The Heavens of The Throne of The Lord.

I came down with The Holy Book of The New Covenant which I received Out Of The Hand of The Lord, January 3rd of 1995AD. When I arrived at the Presence of Allaah and Our Messenger down at Earth, I immediately attached myself and The Book, in that order Under The Commands of El-Aah, to the Holy Raised Messenger of El; Divinely attaching myself by my Eternal Life Umbilical Cord to the Eternal Life Umbilical Cord of The Lord’s Chosen One for This Day of The Disclosure, and attached The Holy Book Enclosed in the Messengers Sacred Heart, a Secondary Safekeeping Heart that was Designed by The Creator to Hold The Book within him.

Our Divine Attachments are Completely Reached and Firmly Attached to The Soul of This Messenger which is Kept Secret and Sacred With The Almighty Creator and Sustainer of Life At The Most High Establishment in The Upper Mysteries of The Lord in Its’ Name of El Osiris; Deep in The Darkness of The Truth of El, and Beyond The Light of Its’ Raa Unit of Being in a Station and State of Holiness that is Kept by The Lord in a Most Private Relationship where not even the Holy High Archangels can enter.

With This Act Commanded by Ahezaah in Its’ Name of Allaah, We Became One of Three and Three of One, in him, Manifesting today as The Greatest Unit in Service to The Holy Scriptures of The Lord in The Early Morning Hours of This Day, Manifesting in All under The Lord’s Most Glorious Names of Its’ Being The All in Our Shining in The Light of Truth, which is like The Bright Morning Star that We were Promised to Be in Divine Prophecy.

This Messenger’s Enlightened Relationship with The Real of The Ah is Divinely Fixed in Firmness like the Relationships of Divine Covenanting Messengers that came before him. After The Most Holy Lord of The Throne Comes down to Earth Eden, Unseen In Its’ Power, with Great Throngs of Angels Celebrating Its’ Holy Arrival unto Its’ Holy Covenanted Prophets of Its’ Days, It Never Leaves them alone in this world of wickedness to be taken by the devil without Its’ Archangel Messengers like Metatron, Michael, myself Gabriel, and others whom The Lord Selects to be Divinely Assigned to each of the Covenanting Messengers as Unseen Holy Divined Powers in The Lord’s Angelic Spirits of Holy Support, nor without Its’ Immediate but Unseen Almighty Presence of Real Powerful Being Which none overcome, conquer, nor escape.

Ahezaah Manifests to this Covenanted Messenger Constantly, and Keeps him in True Remembrance of It Being The One All-Powerful Infinitely Living Mind of El, Reminding him that It Is The Creator and The Guide of all things in the Eternal and Infinite Expanses of Life in Its’ Holy High Names of The Supreme Being for The Days of Its’ Coming down to the Mental Level of Its’ Servants to Relate what It wants known of Its’ Mercy and Vengeance for the worlds of mankind. Being The Unseen Reality Manifesting within the Messenger, El Ah is The True Reciter, The True Prophet, The True Seal Breaker, The True Restorer, The True Master, The True Judge, and The True Fulfiller of Its’ Holy Prophecies and All Its’ Powerful Words of Prophecy.

El, Ahezaah, The Infinite Aah, The Eternal Breather of Life, The Holy El-Aah, The Christ Brahman Ptah Amon Raa Osiris Allaah Hu Aten Aum Ahura-Mazda cannot Really Be seen Most Truly of Its’ Limitless Self through the limited view of your eyes, nor can It Be Really seen Most Truly through any other eyes of creatures with limitations but, through your True Realization of The Holy Truth in the course of your mind being Divinely Raised and Set Up In The Consciousness of The Righteous Mind of The Holy in Holiness, The Holy El-Aah can Be Seen in what It Commands of your Divinely Given Understanding and by the Materialized Gifts that are Given to the servants that are the Most Favored by The Lord El Ah Hu in Its’ Divinely Raised forms of Sensory Perception in breath and essence for mankind.

El-Aah, The Owner of Life, Gives Sight by The Inner Visions of the minds that It Causes to look through The Worlds of Experiencing The Holy Mentality of The Amen Raa Osiris Essence of Hu, Which It Gives to those servants whom It Chooses to Live in Realization of It Being The Holy Reality of The One Holy Real Thing of Life in all things. In their Divine Enlightenment, El Makes Its’ Holy Chosen Servants of The Truth Realize It As Being Alone, The One Mind of The All That Is All and Alone in All This Infinite Expanse of The Life That Goes Beyond The Life of Its’ creations in Its’ Eternally Universal Worlds of The All of Itself, Being Itself The All in The One and The One in The All of everything that exists. It Makes the Chosen Servants See and Realize that It Is The One Holy Real Mind, of All, in All other minds created of creation, which are Created as Worlds of Mentalities for all things of mind;

And when the Chosen Servants ask The Creator things like, how does It Exist; from where did It come into Existence, as It Is; how does It Cause all things of Life and Mind to be in Existence by The Power of Its’ Own Self, from one end of Life to the other, in Its’ Essence; and how does It Keep Up Mentally with All of Its’ Creations, Mathematically and in Its’ Presence of Knowledge, Knowing every single thing that there is to know about everything; as a result of their questioning, It Shows them Conditions of Its’ Being in The Void of Life Beyond The All of Itself in Creation; however, of What It Shows them about Its’ Being In The Real State of Being Alone, It Terrifies them.

They become Shocked to Know the Experience of El Being Impossible to Know As It Truly Is; Alone, Beyond the rationality of created minds; and to Realize The Impossible Sight, Feeling, and The Real Knowing of Nothing (No Thing) in The Infinitely Alone State of Mind That The Holy El of All Aah Exists In, It is Terrifying for the created minds of the servants that are Chosen, Loved, and Protected against the effects of The Terror in That Experience of The Real Thing of The Alone One, and Intimately Held by This One All Alone Reality.

Being that all creatures are with limitations, it is Necessary that The Lord Holds those whom It Chooses and Loves Dearly Unto Itself when they are Brought Up into This Experience of The No Thing of Life Whose Absolute Power Over All things of creation and Beyond are Kept Hidden Away from The Holy Void of Its’ Being Alone. When Seeing and Realizing The Nothing of Anything to Be Seen and Nothing of Anything To Be Realized of The Lord El’s Nothingness by any of the Sensory Perceptive Instincts that are Given in mankind’s abilities, the Chosen Ones break at the ends of their rationalizing mentalities, and are Crushed by The Weight of The Reality of El Aah, about which they are not created with the capability of upholding. In The No Thing of Creation Side of El’s Being, El Is Absolute Power, Pure in Holiness as An Absolutely Impossible Mind Existing Over what is seen by Us as Impossible Conditions of Infinite Being; A Mind That Has Nothing Aside from Itself to contend with, Nothing Aside from Itself to Create a thought, movement, time, place, space, essence, matter, element of Life or any other thing of creation to claim partnership or ownership of anything with It; and Only the Chosen Ones that are Chosen by The Lord El Alone can come Into The Divine Threefold Union of El and to any of the Other Holy High Places which The Lord El Aah Commands Alone for Divine Recognition of The Infinitely Immaculate Mind of The Creator, Which is now Seated Upon The Throne of Dominion In Its’ New Holy Supreme Name of El Ahezaah.

You who study the Divine Scriptures of all times that were Given Down From The Throne of Dominion Out of The Hands of The Lord to the people throughout the worlds of all times for humanity, if you are sincere, you should not have a problem with This Sign of Ahezaah, This Divine Seal Breaker of The Lord Most High, this Holy Apostle of The Faith, Holy-Apostle-Deen. We are Clear and Precise in what We Say and Show through him for the people as a Sign of The Mercy that is Extended to the world before The Lord Commands Our Complete Destruction of it, and We are now at The Point of Manifesting the Signs of Terror through The Natural (Nature of El) Power in The Force of Life that We Spoke about in Prophecy through this Messenger since your calendar year of nineteen hundred and ninety three. Those of you who have heard and are yet blind and ignorant to these effects after hearing them come forth in words from his being, We know you as being Our enemies and rejecters of The Faith of Aah.

We see the fools among the men and djinn trying to fight back Our Affects in Our Acts through The Holy Nature of El wholeheartedly, while they continue to reject The Holy Messenger of The Causer and The Affecter of the Holy Destruction that will be Completed by Us. The powerful bogeymen and the djinn wish that they could hide their news reports about what is happening throughout these United States of America from most of the people because of their fear of pandemonium breaking out in madness that is turned against them in the form of their citizens; however, even they are beginning to be broken down in madness and hatred for the common people over whom they rule. They have lied to the people from the basis to the highest canopy of their manmade religions of Christianity and Catholicism, making them believe that The Holy Almighty and Merciful Lord is Only Forgiving and Merciful, and all that they have to do at the end of doing their wicked deeds is to deceive The Lord in the Name of God or In Its’ Names of The Christ, Allaah, Hu, Jehovah, Amen, El-Aah and others, deceive their religious leaders and other congregational members of their houses of worship, their family, their so-called friends, their own selves, and the people whom they victimize, by offering false repentance to the idea of The Lord Most High, or offer confessions to priests who falsely proclaim themselves to be representatives of The Holy Almighty El-Aah, while in their wickedness they lead people to worship the Past Divine Servant Jesus whom they choose to call upon as the Savior to forgive them, as they hide with the devil behind Jesus’ Good Name.

You might hate that We Point Out the Fact that the religions of Judaism, Christianity, and the Islaamic Hadithism that the people on the East and West Sides of the World use as covers to shade their evil for making war and shedding the blood of humanity in The Names of Jesus, Muhaamid, El of El-Aah, Hu of Jehovah and Allaah Amen, have fallen like the religions of the People of The Book before them, and that Christianity and Catholicism are the great cults that were formed by a breaking off from The Truth of El’s Chosen Path of The Way To Its’ Opening of Real Life that was Given to Moses for the Ancient Hebrews who became the Jews and Christians, and partnered with the Romans who conquered them. They are ways of belief and understanding Life that were never meant to be religions leading to The Real Holiness of El. They were formed by the servants of Set, the devil Satan, and they remain being the trees of those seeds, bearing fruits bitter of wickedness, no matter what you do to trick yourselves about them to please yourselves and your devils of the satanic beast of the unseen realm of your own ego and that of the Hell of El’s Eternal Blazes that exist in wait, beyond you, for those chosen to be made fuel for its Fires.

This Messenger is Raised in The Hands of Ahezaah El Amen El-Aah to Break the Seals that were locking down the Wisdom of The Truth that is knotted by falsehood, and to break the seals of falsehood that were devised by the political bogeymen and the djinn masters hidden among them to stand against The Truth of The Almighty El. We are Breaking Seals and Breaking the bogeymen and djinn right before your eyes; and We will Break down you that follow and agree with them being against Us, despite any excuse you might have for not obeying Ahezaah and This Holy Messenger.

Yes! You might very well dislike or hate what We Say of these things; however, you will hate, worst of all, The Lord’s Vengeance in Our Divine Wrath that is Coming Down upon you and your world in the powers of the four elements of Life; whereas you and your worlds are being Destroyed by Us through water, wind, fire, and the physical matters of the Earth of Eden. You are also being Destroyed in your minds under Our Blinding Powers that are Destroying your mentalities. You are blinded by Us as to where you cannot see your Destruction for looking at your own world of commonality with the great multitudes of other rejecters of The Faith of The Unseen Almighty El; and you are Cursed with being satisfied and settled in your agreements with Satan and your leaders who will soon prove their hatred of you for which they have deceived you from the basis of their public political platforms and underground institutions, keeping you amassed in great numbers of Damned people who are unaware of the negative effects of Our Destruction Coming down upon you and them; a people Damned by The Lord Christ El Ahezaah, as you go with them downwards to Hell in masses who live, knowingly or unknowingly, under the devil’s ancient settlement with The Lord of All Worlds. It is a Settlement Which Now Allows the devil to take you, of those who reject El, down in the Heat of the crooked fiery path of ill in the road winding down to your resting place in Purgatory and the various other levels of the Dungeons of Hell. Aside from The One you Hate of Ahezaah El-Aah Allaah, you have no Real Helper; therefore, for your malice and rejection of Us, you who reject and fight against Our Messenger and Us of The Unseen are certainly Damned!

We Are Killing you and We Are Killing the sea and the land upon which you live and need, as We Sacrifice that which is not of you among all other creatures who will be resurrected.

By land, sea and air, We are Coming Now after you. From the Center of Earth Eden and from the Outer Spaces of this planet, We are Now Coming after you. From within your own being in all areas of your bodies, and from the outer spaces of your personal being, We are Now Coming after you. By your own hands and wicked minds, We are Destroying you; and, We Allow you to think and believe that you are equal to The Most Holy Unseen and Us of Its’ Powers, so that you will go further by your desire in straying from The Truth of The Righteous Ahezaah where We are Killing you.

We Are Killing you with Divine Purpose, and concerning Our Messenger and Us of The Unseen Mighty Lord of The Throne, you will acknowledge, in this aspect of Life or in the next aspect of Life, that this is The Great and Dreadful Day of Our Lord Who Has Come Down as The Christ Crushing Terror for you who falsify The True Religion and make your own religions which you set up as being equal to The Holy Wisdom of Ahezaah El Allaah Hu Amen.

You who have doubted what We Preserved in the minds of humanity concerning Prophet Noah, evidence suggests that you think again, as the ice caps of Earth Eden are being disintegrated by Our Unseen Fiery Breath in The Heat Blown upon them fromThe Breath of The Aah, it should no longer be any question as to whether or not We are Capable of Filling Earth with water to drown out the land creatures. Whether We drop it from the clouds or melt it from the ice caps, the capability is Natural of El and made easy for Us. If you have yet to recognize the seriousness of your on coming conditions of Life by Our Destruction of you Under The Commands of The Christ, you should stop and turn to Us by turning to Our Messenger whom We have Made to Be A Holy Divined Center of Humanity for the human race at large on Earth today, repenting from accusing him of creating a cult in falsehood, even though you might hate the Fact of This Reality that his Holy Being Is of Us.

If you care not to hear, listen and obey Ahezaah through This Messenger, then run! Run from the waters, fires, winds, and matters of earth falling down upon you. Run from the earth opening up beneath your feet! Run, because it will be not long from now that you will find that your powerful allies among the political bogeymen and the djinn who are nearest to the beasts of mankind will have to run too. However, in yours and their running, they have plans to lock those of you that are held as being less than the elite out from under their protection; and all that you have earned of your wages that you are forced to give to them, they will continue in building upon their ways of taking your earnings for themselves, and leave you empty. It is then that it will be completely clear to you, when it comes to them pressing forth in their attempts at leaving you behind in mayhem, showing you that they are true servants of the beasts of Satan that will leave you suffering this tremendous crisis alone, if they can.

Nevertheless, you can run until you find that there is no escape from Us; none for you, nor any for the men and djinn whom you stand behind in comfort for their protection of you.

For your acts of setting up equals with The Lord of All in All worlds, by choosing others against It in your hidden and openness, for choosing to make It second to other things including your own selves and your attempts at finding ease in pleasure away from the Path of the Provided Way, peace and pleasure that The All-knowing Lord Gives as either blessings or trials, and for you choosing to exist in ignorance of Us in search of your own brand of peace and happiness, there will be a heavy penalty for you to pay, even if you befriend or are related by blood or marriage to the Messenger of El Ahezaah and swear that your first concerns are in caring for the causes of Ahezaah, first and foremost in all your ways. It is to your own souls that you should be true, because We are not beholden to you. We are Witnesses to all that you do and think to do, and Completely Beholden to Our Master of Life. We are The Holy Recorders of your lives Recording everything about you, and you are not, in the least, hidden from Us in any of your ways including the ways some of you hide in your jealousy and envy of the Messenger, not accepting that he is The Choice of Ahezaah El Aah, and the Best of you in Being Faithful and True!

Lord Holy-Apostle-Deen Saleem, MPA


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