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Showing posts from January, 2017

The Misuse of The Lord’s Names, and Its’ Disassociation from Religion

In The Name of Ahezaah, The Holy El-Aah, The Almighty Lord of The Eternal Throne of Dominion, The All-Knowing Covenanter of Religion, The All-Seeing Eye of Raa, The All-Hearing Responder, The Holy Infinite Mind, The Creator That Creates Mentalities for All Ways of Life, The Christ Executing Judge of the worlds above and below of all worlds, The Holy Pure Being in The Light of Truth, We Recite. Completed Thursday, May 5, 2011 Blog # 56 The War of Armageddon between people of the world over who proclaim being representatives of Peace (which is The Divine Spirit of Allaah or As-Salaam), the representatives of the Father and the Son God (which is The Lord El-Aah, and Prophet Jesus), his alleged religion (the religions of Christianity and Catholicism which Jesus never knew of while he lived upon Earth), and world Democracy (which is what these United States of American State Governments rule under in their realm of Capitalism) on the west side of the world in connection with the Mother Nati...

Destruction in the United States of America

In The Name of El-Aah, The Holy Ahezaah, The Almighty Lord of The Eternal Throne of Dominion, The All-Knowing Protector, The All-Seeing Guide, The All-Hearing Infinite Mind That Creates Mentalities of Life as Circles in The Worlds of things, The Holy Christ Being of The Light of Truth, We Recite. Completed Sunday, May 1, 2011 Blog # 55 It is crazy that people of these United States of America fear the bogeymen but make light of The Christ El-Aah’s Warnings in Prophecy and in Its’ Hidden Presence of This Personal Messenger of Its’ Almighty Being. It is foolish that they make the bogeymen greater in their minds than they make of The Almighty Great El-Aah Who Owns their minds and can easily seize them. Surely, El-Aah-Hu is Real, with Powers over them and the bogeymen among the politicians and the greater members of the powerful men and djinn who are the nearest among the united institution of the anti-Christ servants of Satan throughout the world in what they have set up as bases of power...

Living a Life Aimed Completely at Satisfying One’s Material Obsessions

In The Name of El-Aah, The Holy Ahezaah, The Almighty Lord of The Eternal Throne of Dominion, The All-Knowing Protector, The All-Seeing Guide, The All-Hearing Infinite Mind That Creates Mentalities of Life as Circles in The Worlds of things, The Holy Christ Being of The Light of Truth, We Recite. Completed Friday, April 29, 2011 Blog # 54 The Life of this world of Earth Eden has been Designed by The Creator of mankind to be a living puzzle, a place where labyrinths are created as trials to be overcome and escaped as continuous mental exercises for mankind to overcome tribulations that would beset the minds, hearts, and the emotional beings of people, which might force them down towards being inhumane servants of the opposing forces of The Savior of humanity Who Alone is The Lord of The Throne That Saves mankind in The Best Ways that It Masters. Everything manifested to be known of Life by the senses has The Truth of Life Hidden within and all about them in every way, being illusions of...