(If playing audio, please follow along with blog. The recording seeks to speak contents of the blog verbatim) In The Name of El-Aah, The Holy Ahezaah, The Almighty Lord of The Eternal Throne of Dominion, The All-Knowing Protector, The All-Seeing Guide, The All-Hearing Infinite Mind That Creates Mentalities of Life as Circles in The Worlds of things, inside of The Unseen Realms, and outside of The Materialized Physical Realms, We Recite. Completed Wednesday, April 27, 2011 Blog # 53 Inside and outside of all creatures’ beings including mankind’s, Ahezaah Is The Holy True and The Lone Reality That Is Hidden In Its’ Essence of Power That is manifested as The Forces of Its’ Divine and Common Laws and Orders of the universes that are known by the acts of Nature throughout the worlds. Ahezaah Amen Is The Natural of Nature, The Source of Life in Nature, and The Power That Generates Its’ Being in Attributes for everything of Life; for all things must live with The Nature that owns them...
NOTE: Respected readers: These messages are sent through Lord Holy-Apostle-Deen, Messenger Prophet of Ahezaah. Contact The Community of A.H.A.D. at Thirdhousse@yahoo.com