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Showing posts from August, 2016

Holy of El-Aah-Hu-Aum Elohim Allaahumma; Complete in Being of The Breath and Essence of Life First Foremost and Last From Within

In The Name of El, The Holy Ahezaah Amen-Raa, Lord of The Throne of Sovereignty, The Beneficent, The Merciful, and The All-Knowing Supreme Being That is also The All-Aware and The Holy Truth of Reality, We Recite. Wednesday, April 13, 2011 Blog # 42 It’s time for you all to wakeup or be damned to death! It’s time for the false leaders of religion who are respected and believed to be true by the aspirants that sit under them to be called out by Us of The Unseen Almighty El and by you of mankind among humanity that are slaved in servitude, heart, and mind to them and the djinn that hide from you among Satanists in their institutions of the djinn, the anti-Christ, Gog and Magog, the one-eyed dajjaal, and others of agencies and institutions of the wicked that defy The Almighty El. El is now Seated upon the Throne of Power in Its’ New Holy Supreme Name of Authority as Ahezaah. The Holy Is Ahezaah, The All-Knowing, All-Seeing, All-Aware, Ubiquitous Being of The Christ El-Aah. The Lowly Lord ...

Holy Divine Enlightenment From The Lord El

In The Name of El, The Holy Ahezaah Amen-Raa, Lord of The Throne of Sovereignty, The Beneficent, The Merciful, and The All-Knowing Supreme Being That is also The All-Aware and The Holy Truth of Reality, We Recite. Wednesday, April 13, 2011 Blog # 41 Completely Exalted in a Life of a True Awareness of El by El is the meaning of one being of the Holy Divine Enlightenment From The Lord El. Divine Prophecy in the Book of Revelation was foretold by a servant of El who was Exalted in a True Awareness concerning This Day and This Prophet of El. In his words of Ours, he made no mistake in his reference to Samuel the Prophet who was also affectionately known as the Lion of Judah being Divinely Resurrected by The Holy Resurrecting Lord of all worlds to be the Sign of El used as The Tool of El’s to loosen what was sealed of The Words of The Holy Lord’s Truth by the men and djinn of mankind who concocted the orders of Christianity and Catholicism to turn mankind in general away from the Tru...

A Real Means to an End in Gaining The Lord’s Favor

In The Name of El, The Holy Ahezaah Amen-Raa, Lord of The Throne of Sovereignty, The Beneficent, The Merciful, The All-Knowing Supreme Being, The All-Aware, The Truth, We Recite. Tuesday, April 12, 2011 Blog # 40 Begging and praising El for the right things, to improve one’s self is a real means to an end in Gaining The Lord’s Blessed Favors. The Lord Itself Prescribes the best things for you to seek of It, and It Is Ever The Wise Lord and Master of everything in every path of the ways in Life. It is The Original, Real, and Only True Guide of Life for everything created. Many Christians have said, “From a spiritual point of view, prayer is the most powerful thing that exists on Earth,” which to Us is not true! To Us, prayer is an act that comes from someone that is seeking favor or power from a force that is greater than they, in order for them to achieve certain goals of their desire. If they go about their prayers wrongfully, what they gain in their sight as favors might very well be...

Ignorance, A Cause of One of the Greatest Killers of Mankind

In The Name of El, The Holy Ahezaah Amen-Raa, Lord of The Throne of Sovereignty, The Beneficent, The Merciful, The All-Knowing Supreme Being, The All-Aware, The Truth, We Recite. Sunday, April 10, 2011 Blog # 39 One of the greatest causes of death for humanity on Earth Eden is ignorance. It has been a terrible disease for all of mankind to escape and to overcome in its causes and affects; with it being the initial problem for all of mankind since the first people of Adam who were liberated to travel throughout the Garden of Earth Eden that was called Pangaea by some in the communities of humanity. El-Aah, The Holy Master of their beings Whom the children of Adam and Eve were told that It Gave Divine Instructions to their parents as Divine Blessings for all humankind; with them being the first to receive Holy Messages from The Unseen Amen Who Commanded them to not consume the fruit of the tree that was situated at the center of the garden, known as The Tree of Knowledge. The All-...