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Showing posts from May, 2016

The Djinn

In The Name of El Ahezaah, The Beneficent, The Merciful, The Holy Supreme Savior, We Recite. Monday, April 4, 2011 Blog # 36 The sly, the slick, the wicked, and the hidden are the djinn. Some are good, most are bad, and despite the financially sustained appearances of those among mankind who wear their shades of makeup better than a professionally paid actor, regarding the wickedness of their hearts and minds which they have built their earthly foundations of life upon, most of them are the meanest and the ugliest people in the world. The outer appearances of the djinn and their worlds are covered with facades they have devised to cover their machinations, and they have mastered the languages of deceit which they use continuously to escape and to manipulate others for the purpose of preserving their ways of life in patriotism to the devil in evil that is made to be seemingly fair to those whom they employ to support them. Throughout their worlds in the communities of mankind, they have...

Jihad, the Thing Made to Be Hated by Muslims

In El’s Name of Ahezaah, The Lord of The Throne, The Beneficent, The Merciful, The Christ El-Aah Who has Come down to Earth in This Hour of The Great and Dreadful Day to Manifest Its’ Ownership and Power in relations to mankind and this world of the physically materialized universes, We Recite. Sunday, April 3, 2011 Blog # 35 Jihad: Holy War…..Holy: complete, perfect, whole, finished, absolute….War: armed battle, conflict; Complete: total, inclusive, full, entire….Perfect: best, ideal, just right, just the thing, principle, supreme, ultimate, and superlative; these are the things that were implied as a basis for the true meaning of Jihad or, as translated, Holy War or Complete War in The Holy Book of El-Aah-Hu that was Given to Muhaamid, the Holy Prophet of El in The Name of Allaah. This Holy War (Jihad) that was devised by The Creator to be a major part of the basis in the activities of Life in this world of evil is a war that was Commanded to be aimed inwardly at one’s personal self ...

Descendants of the Far East Ancients of Religion

In The Name of El, The Lord of The Throne Ruling in The Name of Ahezaah, The Holy Beneficent, The Holy Merciful, The Holy El-Aah Christ Shiva of Heaven, The Holy Eeyaah Christ Shiva of Hell, The Holy Peace in The Balance of Paradise, The Holy Complete in Essence of Being The Holy Eternal Balancer of Life and Death, The Holy Holiest as in Being The Pure Reality of The Truth in all worlds, The Real Holy Supreme Savior Vishnu Who Preserves what it Saves, We Recite. Friday, April 1, 2011 Blog # 34 5,000 years ago Hindu Prophecy that was made concerning This Day of Revelation with regards to the Divine Avatar or the Divinely Enlightened Prophet that would be present With The Almighty Lord is here. Now that They and The Time of The Hour of The Day of Judgment has arrived, the descendants of the Far East ancients of the Hindu religion have allowed the djinn to fancy movie productions about what they themselves have corrupted to no end regarding their Ancient Prophets who were Enlightened in T...