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Showing posts from April, 2016

Friday The 13th, Is It A Day of Bad Luck?

In The Name of El, The Lord of The Throne Ruling in The Name of Ahezaah, The Holy Beneficent, The Holy Merciful, The Holy El-Aah Christ of Heaven, The Holy Eeyaah Christ of Hell, The Holy Peace in The Balance of Paradise, The Holy Complete in Essence of Being The Holy Eternal Balancer of Life and Death, The Holy Holiest as in Being The Pure Reality of The Truth in all worlds, The Real Holy Supreme Savior, We Recite. Thursday, March 31, 2011 Blog # 33 This is just something to think about. Friday, why fish day? Is it the day of the fisherman? The fisherman, could that be Jesus? Or is Friday really Frigg Day for the mythological goddess of sexual involvement? Is there something to eating shell fish and sexual preparation on Frigg Day Nights? Friday the thirteenth, the next one is May of this year 2011; should we have any concerns about what is to come on that day? Should we prepare for May 13th, 2011 or should we prepare for the Mayan Prophecy of the coming year in January, April, and Ju...

May Their Souls Rest In Peace

In The Name of El, The Lord of The Throne Seated in The Name of Ahezaah, The Beneficent, The Merciful, The Holy El-Aah Christ of Heaven, The Holy Eeyaah Christ of Hell, The Holy Peace in The Balance of Paradise, The Complete in Essence of Being The Eternal Balancer of Life and Death, Holy as The Pure Reality of The Truth, The Holy Supreme, Independent, and Alone, Manager of all souls, We Recite. Monday, March 28, 2011 Blog # 32 It is a practice of mankind’s that people utter, “may their souls rest in peace”, in regard to people passing away from this aspect of Life in the physical realms of being to the aspects of Life where the minds of mankind are contained in spirits without being housed in the flesh of earthen material. However, it would be better or more correct if they said, may their minds rest in The Peace, with understanding that the mind is the thing that needs rest, and THE PEACE is EL in Its’ Essence of Power That Overcomes all in whatever It Wills in Giving Serenity from I...

Life After Death

In The Name of Ahezaah, The Beneficent, The Merciful, The Holy El-Aah Christ of Heaven, The Holy Eeyaah Christ of Hell, The Holy Peace of Paradise, The Complete of Essence, Being The Holy Purifier of Life and Death, We Recite. Sunday, March 27, 2011 Blog # 31 For you who believe in an aspect of Life to come for you after you pass away from this world of Life into the pathways of Death, be mindful of your acts before you unexpectedly be thrust forward to The Throne of Ahezaah El-Aah’s Judgment; and remember, in Death, there you will still live. For you who believe not and refuse to agree in reasoning with Our Lord’s many Divine Messengers who have known of the passing away into the Life Hereafter and related much about their inner realm experiences that The Lord and Master of all worlds gave unto them for greater knowledge and awareness before they met a finality in the physical end to this world in a meeting with the Angel of Death, it matters not what you think or believe. The Ever-Li...

For The Great American Way

In The Name of Ahezaah, The Beneficent, The Merciful, The Christ El-Aah, The Purifier and Replenisher of Life We Recite. Sunday, March 27, 2011 Blog # 30 As far as what We give the Messenger to believe, there is no better place for him to live and work in his service to Ahezaah than where Ahezaah chooses for him. As it is, he lives in New Jersey, in one of the Great United States of North America, in proximity to where he was born and raised. Although he has achieved the Greatest Success for himself and for the members of his family that reap benefits for his success from The Merciful Ahezaah, being that he has completely escaped the claws of Satan in mental and spiritual death to Be Truly Alive Of Ahezaah El-Aah, The Christ Amen, he is a part of the most hated and most dysfunctional people of these United States of America who have a history of being victimized and made to be as dysfunctional as they are by their forefathers' capturers and those capturers' offspring that curre...

The Messenger of El-Aah Is Not Sent For Your Amusement

In The Name of El, The Aah, The Hu, The Raa, The Taa, The Haa, The Aum, The Nuur, The Nuun, The Id of Mind, The Christ of The All-Powerful Amen, The Holy El-Aah-Hu Ahezaah, The Deliverer of Its’ Wrath in Curses and Damnation, The Executioner, The Master and The Judge of every kind of mind in the Life of all worlds, The Knower of all things, We Recite. Saturday, March 26, 2011 Blog # 29 Oh people of the world, nationally and internationally, take heart in what We Say unto you all concerning the things We Speak about through This Messenger of El. He is The Holy Chosen One of Ahezaah, The Most Near Servant to The Holy High El-Aah in his Intimate Union with El This Day. He is a True Divine Voice Piece of The Christ about Whom multitudes of you have proclaimed to be waiting for, a Holy High Instrument of El-Aah, and one Raised by El In Its’ Name of Allaah; Raised beyond all of your gods in the religions of your minds and in your outward life in general, beyond those to whom you have looked ...