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Showing posts from January, 2016

You with Curses and Bad Intentions for Our Messenger Beware!

In The Name of The Holy El-Aah-Hu Ahezaah, The Christ Amen Shiva Allaah, The All-Powerful Master and Judge of all things, The Giver of blessings, curses, and damnation, The Deliverer of Its’ Words, The Holy Hidden Executioner, We Recite in Holiness as One Unit of Divine Relaters. You with Curses and Bad Intentions for Our Messenger Beware! Many times when the Messenger prepares himself to write, he experiences heavy anxiety with concerns about being correct in his writing, concerns about who it is he is writing to, concerns about the negative reactions of the many disbelieving rejecters of Faith who will hate him, curse him, and manifest or hide their bad intentions for him because of what he is Commanded by Us to write, concerns about plagiarizers who might steal and twist his words to mean something other than what he is conveying, where they will mislead and hurt others for claiming them as though they are the authors, and with other things he has concerns about making it easy for...

The Curses, The Damnation, and The Sign of The Revealer

In The Name of The Holy El-Aah-Hu Ahezaah, The Christ Amen Shiva Allaah, The All-Powerful Master and Judge of all things, The Giver of blessings, curses, and damnation, The Deliverer of Its’ Words, The Holy Hidden Executioner, We Recite in Holiness as One Unit of Divine Relaters. Ahezaah is The Holy Eternal Judge and Executioner of Judgment, The Determiner of fate for all things. The worlds of everything belong to It, and with it all, Ahezaah El Amen does as It wills. Who is there to judge El? Who is there to stop It from doing what It does? Who is there to change El’s Mind, to influence It to be different? Who or what is it in any world that could possibly do these things when El is Holy Alone, The Real, and The Powerful, with no imaginable or unimaginable force of any kind to go against It in Its’ Eternal Being of Endless Space, and Its’ Timeless Life of Infinite Existence; It is Alone, Absolutely without partners or any other independent being that would be impossible to exist with ...

The Event

In The Name of The Christ Amen Shiva Allaah, The Holy El-Aah-Hu Ahezaah, The All-Powerful Master of the Angels of Might, The Giver of Serenity and Wrath, The Deliverer of Its’ Words, The Holy Hidden Master of all worlds, We Recite in Holiness as One Unit of Divine Relaters. The ongoing events of Divine Wrath This Day! Look at them! Get a sense of what is coming your way! Turning your thoughts from concerns of bliss to Our Blistering of your worlds; and disturbing what you established to have of bliss, which is beginning to elude you for your concerns in fear for The Divine Events that are growing in your mind, consuming your attention, and permeating your being with signs of emotional distress as they are growing nearer to thee! You see it! You feel it! And you wonder how long it will be before it’s your turn to taste it! It is in the spirit of the world, boiling in the earth, simmering poisonous fumes, and you can’t smell it; but you know it’s there, evidenced by the birds falling dea...

Capitalism, the Way of Many in the God Religion

In The Name of The Christ Amen Shiva Allaah, The Holy El-Aah-Hu Ahezaah, The All-Powerful Master of the Angels of Might in, both, Serenity and Wrath, The Deliverer of Prophets and Prophecy in actions being fulfilled, The Holy Creator and The Real Master of men and djinn and the gods whom they devise for worship, recite. There are a great many people that wrongfully practice the religion of being Portrayers of God, portraying themselves in heart and mind as such in what they believe about themselves being gods in reflection to their disbelief about The Holy Real Thing of El, which completely Powers them and all of Life. In their erroneous belief about their own minds being supreme over all other beings, they choose neither Set the devil Satan nor El-Aah-Hu The Holy Ahezaah Amen as their masters. They often see the devil Set as an imaginary thing created of mankind’s fantasies along with El, The Holy Amen Who Is The One Power That Is Alone The Infinitely Living Mind Supreme of Real Be...

What Now?

What now oh people? What will you do now that you see what is continuing to happen to Earth Eden in Our effects through what you relate to as natural catastrophes that are affecting the people in all nations of the world? What will you do next oh citizens of these United States of America, you great nation of Christians, Jews, Atheists, and bullying or slick talking Political Gangsters that act much in false claims of ruling in the name God in confusing the masses of your subjugated citizens about this imaginary god of yours maybe being Our Master, The Christ Amen, The One Holy Power That Overtook and Blessed the Divinely Enlightened Holy Mystical Prophets, like Jesus and Moses and others whom the people are fond of, while hiding your true positions whereby most of you are actually against them, in being more about ruling over them and acquiring wealth through them; hiding behind your inspiring speeches incorporating many lies, and using your dress attire and cosmetic makeup to help y...