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Showing posts from October, 2015

As Prophesied through Jesus,The Stars Are Falling Down to the Earth, and Every Mountain and Island is Being Moved Away

With and In The Names of The Holy Almighty Lord El Ahezaah, The Author and Master of Its’ Divine Prophets and their Prophecy, We recite these Words that are Given in The Lord El Ahezaah’s Directions. The Holy Bible Book of Revelation similes from chapter 6 verse 13 through chapter 6 verse 17; 13: “And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs when she is shaken of a mighty wind. 14: And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places. 15: And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains; 16: And said to the mountains and rocks, fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb: 17: For the great day of his wrath is come, and who shall be able to stand? Verily,...

The Pens of The Lord El, and The Signs Upon Which The Lord El Writes

With and In The Names of Ahezaah, The Author and The Master of all worlds within the unseen realms of inner being and outside the inner worlds in the materially manifested being of Life, We recite these Words of El’s Divine Dictation. Holy are they that are the Children of Truth, Offspring minds of human beings that are Slain by The Christ and Reborn of It, mentally and spiritually in The Righteous Spirit of El, The Christ Amen; Holy are they that inherit The Quality of The Christ that is Given by El through the True Process of Divine Enlightenment; those that are Crushed, Seeded, and Nurtured in The Womb of El’s Most Holy High Unit of The Infinite Soul, wherein Life anew is Given to them in Essence of The Righteous Mind of El That Takes them unto Its’ Being and Manifests Its’ Infinite Existence of Mentalities as Being in Part of The Thing of Which they become; Holy are they that are drawn up into The Power of The Crusher, to suffer The Divine Crushing by The Hand of El-Aah’s Chr...

The Face of Evil

In The Names of El-Ahezaah, The Truth, The Good of all worlds, The Lord in Reality Being The Essence in Power of The Christ That has come down from Heaven to Earth Eden Unseen in Its’ Presence with the Archangel Messenger Gabriel, and Its’ Human Messenger that was raised among you in this Great and Dreadful Day of The Lord, Samuel the Chosen One whom Ahezaah renamed Holy-Apostle-Deen Saleem, the Divinely Resurrected Soul of the past Prophet Samuel, one having been known as the Lion of Judah, We Recite Its’ Words. What is the face of evil? What does it look like? How can one be protected from the approach of those who have it? Are the devils of those faces real or imagined? Are you of those that dismiss the existence of Set, the devil Satan, who lives under many names and disguises and operates from its seat in Hell through its legions of the demon beasts that hide in their establishments in human beings? Are you of those who say they believe in The Lord and Master of all worlds as Bein...

Deceit! …The Fastest Growing Religion In The World Today

In The Holy Raised Divine Spirits of El-Ahezaah, The Creator of all things, We recite these Words. In the previous latest book of El’s Covenant, the Holy Qur’aan of Prophet Muhaamid, the Archangel Gabriel and Allaah The Aah of El-Amen, The Lord Most High sent down these words concerning the deceptions of humanity, as translated into English saying, “Think not that you will not be tried merely because you say that you believe!” in telling the people to be mindful of being watchers and investigators over their personal selves to ensure that they work not to fall down because of their self-deceit.  During the life time of Prophet Muhaamid there were numbers of people proclaiming belief in the Holy Covenant of Allaah in the Qur’aan and The Unseen Ubiquitous Being of The All-Powerful Creator El in Its’ Names of Supreme Being, while they were pretending and not yet thoroughly tried concerning their words regarding the Chosen Way of Life (Religion) and Allaah Amen.   Th...

Understanding That El, The Creator of All Things, Is Seen Alone by Its’ Acts

In The Holy Raised Divine Spirits of El-Ahezaah, The Creator of all things in both Life and Death, We recite these Words. El, The Lord and Master of all worlds of the universes and minds of all creatures, is seen alone by insight which is given by It to whom and what It wills to have it.  There are people who have deluded themselves into a disbelief of El Being The Real Holy Power of Life in Its’ Unseen Reality that Makes all things including them be of a continuous mental existence in mind of Life, Death and the Transitional Movement between the two extreme Centers of Life and Death.   El, The Holy Ahezaah, is The Causer and The Affecter that gives Its’ Power to causes and effects in Life, Death, Activity, Inactivity, Time, Space, and Timelessness that is mathematically measured by El or left alone for it to be seen of The Immeasurable Infinite Being of Eternity, with It Being The True Center of Force Operating Unseen at the center of all things...